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Morning All,


I am back in the office this morning having been off work for a week.  It was the autumn school holidays, so Thomas was at home and we also renovated our bedroom.


It is quite a bright morning, with scattered cloud.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all from an overcast corner of a foreign field. Rain and thunder last night but no flooding of neighbours. If we flooded the mayor would need a new house. This morning I'm off to the Danglies of St John to see the lady about our local taxes again. Measurements of house and shed have been taken and a 4 page form filled in. I may be some time. Not a lot else so I will send good regards to all and get on with the washing up.




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Good morning all


Nice to hear from Polly; a pal of mine inspects Scottish region lineside for possible tree falls and has them chopped - an arboreal specialist, I think - no he doesn't take everything down as some Network rail pics showed last year.


House on market tmrw; weekend was spent getting the place tidied up and painting our basement walls Magnolia (what else?). Dulux emulsion is very good, excellent coverage (no connection apart from using the stuff). Basement sounds very grand, but we're on the side of Arthur's Seat so the front is higher than the back, which leads onto the back yard. Hope that makes sense. So quite stressed but handling it.


Chris, you'll just have to see Grace Petrie again and take along the cds to be signed properly. It's nice when an artists takes the time to do this. Were staggered last year when Lisa Stansfield signed her new cd for us after her Edinburgh show. A really sweet lass, very chatty.


Glad Dom's fine after the car hit the tram.


Think we have a weather front directly overhead with a line of cloud stretching north to south - so cloudy in the west, sunny to the east of the cloud.


Cutting the lawn today for the last cut of the year - we hope.


Have a good day



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Good morning everyone


Well it’s not raining today, yet! But then none is forecast either, so I’m hoping to spend the best part of the day in the garden, there are quite a lot of leaves that require rounding up and putting in the compost bin. But all that can wait until after Sheila has left for her Zumba class.


Back later.

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Good morning all,

Not raining at the moment but some more forecast. After yesterday's continuous torrential downpours we had a very small leak coming into the lounge from somewhere above where the conservatory roof joins the back of the house. That might be a bit of a problem for me as it means getting onto the roof to investigate. Will also need crawling boards.

Much European Champions Cup Rugby watched over the weekend and English and Scottish clubs didn't do very well (apart from Gloucester ,Saracens and Newcastle)

Some domestic stuff and brief shopping trip scheduled for today,

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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The GWR along the river Teign has a collapsed culvert and this has created a sink hole of sorts under the sleepers. The landowner had informed NR about it but nothing has been done. NR will now empty half a quarry down the hole.


Good to see Portugal back in form yesterday with their 2nd eleven.


Inclement outside again today.

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Ey up!

Not raining here but evidence that it has done overnight.

Some money moving required as our builder starts to repair/refurbish the house in Barrow.


Now, a mugatea is required.


Have a great day!


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. After yesterdays exertions the joints decided to come out together in protest this morning but a couple of paracetamols sorted that. At least its stopped raining and its predicted to be fairly dry for the rest of the week. Not much else to report so C&C's where required, be back later.

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Morning all.

Well I had an exciting night. I started shivering, so much so it was painful. My tinnitus went into full surround sound and I started having to remain very near the lavatory. I shouldn’t have remarked about not needing winter duvets! I had blankets and a hot water bottle until my temperature returned to normal.. This morning it is somewhat better but I think I have the symptoms of something like those who describe hangovers. I probably never drink enough alcohol to get hungover.

Definitely not doing anything today.

Edited by Tony_S
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Had a thought on those layout Carriage cases again, they will need handholds, you can guarentee some venues have steps or raised lumps at the doorways..I'll investigate commercial handholds or whether to just back the hole through the thin  ply case with a carved wooden handhold..

Just a thought Q, try to arrange it so that the carved handhold is on the interior of the box. That will save on storage space and make the boxes pack more easily together in a van/trailer.



Anyway from the Danglies I have returned. It has rained all the way there and back but success has been had. The lady had lost the paperwork from last week, having seen her desk and office I'm not surprised, fortunately I was able to assist. Anyway our local tax called the Fonciere is now sorted and I am also paying several hundred Euros less than I thought I would be. Also the maiden name of the previous occupant, who left in 2015, has been removed from the list of owners and her married name from the address list. As Beth says, at least it no longer looks as if my mistress is living in the shed. I also sorted out a problem over an eye test for Beth whilst I was in St John, by going to the hospital. As a result my stock of brownie points is in temporary ascendency. Coffee has been had and it was suggested that the scones made yesterday needed eating up so as a dutiful husband I have assisted in that task.



Dom, I hope that you are OK after your incident.




Edited by jamie92208
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Morning all,


It is supposed to be raining but currently it isn't although the inter-rainum will no doubt not be too long. However we are now forecast more of the stuff, if only in showery form over most of the coming week, which won't help various tasks involving bags of cement and the output of gravel pits and brickworks, ah well can't be helped.


No other major plans for today although the order of parked motor vehicles in the drive has to be changed in order that laddo's will be second off tomorrow for his return to work after his hydraulic weekend in Liege.


Have a good day one and all.

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Greetings from the boring borough. Finally caught up with ERs and the appropriate clicks on thumbs, hearts, etc made. 
P*ssingdown here at the moment. Meh. Work is meh. The black dog is still wandering about sh*tting all over the place. I really need a proper break. As usual I seem to have contracted the plague from someone on the plane. Now in phase 1 of the lurgy. More meh.  
Today's gripe: Apple. The brainiacs at Apple have updated their Apple Store app so that it no longer runs on older versions of IOS. All well and good but the people most likely to use the damn app are the ones with older hardware looking to upgrade. My poor ancient iPad 2 is still spinning the pizza wheel of death looking for an IOS upgrade that doesn't exist for it. This was triggered by opening the store app. B*stards.  Looks like it will be relegated to running Z21 as a touch screen mimic panel while I look for something less Jurassic for day to day use. My old laptop is also overdue for retirement. The last couple of Win 10 updates seem to have knocked the stuffing out of it. Considering it was state of the art 7 years ago and has been running non stop pretty much the whole time, it has done stellar service. Another layout JMRI server candidate.  
Enough of that. More coffee. Enjoy the day. 


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Good morning one and all


I spent most of yesterday trying to finish my Christmas message.  Before you get the wrong idea, it is my pretentious name for the round robin letter that goes in with my Christmas cards.  Normally what needs to be said can be confined to two sides of A4, making life easy for the copy bureau.  Not this time!   As you may imagine, quite a lot has occurred this year that needs to be explained and not all of it is easily described.  I think that the end is finally in sight and I do hope so, for other tasks are piling up.  In addition to an indeterminate number of captions for the editor, there is the little matter of the next instalment of the Class 116 saga which is taking more unravelling than I had expected.  It follows, possibly, that the ironing did not get done yesterday.  Perhaps today?  Perhaps not.


I have discovered that I did something silly on Thursday night.  Some of the CDs I bought from Grace Petrie had shrink wrapping and others did not.  Only when I got home did I find that I had not removed the shrink wrapping from one of the CDs before Grace signed it.  I now have to use the skill and judgment of a modeller to bond the signed bit of shrink wrap to the card sleeve invisibly.  Good luck with that, do I hear?


Welcome back from Ireland, Tony and Aditi.  Warm thoughts to all in distress and those who are missing.



Try double sided tape......


And don't get bent out of shape re 'explaining'.......nothing needs explaining really.


Just say......at long last.....I've discovered who I am and as a result I'm enjoying life to the and full ;)

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I know who I am, it's written in the back of the lab coat, It's also written on the name tag /door card I have to wear (got ears bent Friday for still having it in my pocket..)


Thanks Jamie, I had thought of that, with the tightness of fitting the layout in the trailer I'm making sure there are no external excrescences on the body of the cases.

I think I have all the parts on order, Having perused the web there are no true flush handles they all stick out a little bit. So I'll have to make my own internal ones. This will also mean I'll have to make the internal framing hold the internally carried  layout board, away from the sides, so you can get you fingers in..

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Still no rain here (the seaweed wanglers have screwed that up again!)


Off to listen to Jeff Lynn's ELO tonight. Decision has been made we will eat out in town before the concert..maybe I even get to have a beer???





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Can't say 'Like' because snow to me means cold and I don't like cold. Hope the work on the rent goes well.

Peter - trust me I understand, and no problem with the lack of "likes" from anyone :)

I'm the daft buqqer that decided to live here so I take full responsibility for the lunacy that it entails.

It DOES make for some entertaining discourse a la "The Four Yorkshiremen" though, even with friends and colleagues in the US. Few that live a distance from here, such as those I visit regularly in New York, actually realize the extremes we get here and are generally/usually amazed that the place is actually inhabited BY CHOICE! :jester:


The pump removal went as expected, only issues were colder hands than typical as it was about 10F cooler than usual, hovering around 2-3C. Not the sort of temps you want to be outside with hands in or getting covered with cold water. We had a couple of additional chorse to deal with so we didn't make it a record this year, I think we estimated we were about 45 minutes dealing with items. Pump now secured in our basement for the duration.


We actually had SNOW time we got back home, it stayed south so wasn't at the cabin, so there was a dusting to 1/2 inch on everything time we got back. With much of the ground still retains some warmth, it quickly disappeared and was gone by late afternoon.


Start of the work week, Mrs has book club tonight so I will join my buddy while the ladies are off at book club and put the world to rights over some comestibles, sorted.


-1 and partly cloudy as I briskly retrieved the paper this morning :O supposed to make it to a high of about 6-7 - whoopee. :jester:


Stay warm, "I" intend to, :O and have a good start to your week everyone.

Edited by Ian Abel
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Afternoon All


Posts read and rated - generic greetings are all I can offer again today.


Session at the charity shop using the PAT machine. 


Not a lot else to report.


Back tomorrow

Regards to All


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 Having perused the web there are no true flush handles they all stick out a little bit. So I'll have to make my own internal ones. This will also mean I'll have to make the internal framing hold the internally carried  layout board, away from the sides, so you can get you fingers in..


There are some handles that are only a couple of mm proud - or is that too much?

Try "flush lifting handle" on ebay.

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I know who I am, it's written in the back of the lab coat, It's also written on the name tag /door card I have to wear (got ears bent Friday for still having it in my pocket..)


Thanks Jamie, I had thought of that, with the tightness of fitting the layout in the trailer I'm making sure there are no external excrescences on the body of the cases.

I think I have all the parts on order, Having perused the web there are no true flush handles they all stick out a little bit. So I'll have to make my own internal ones. This will also mean I'll have to make the internal framing hold the internally carried  layout board, away from the sides, so you can get you fingers in..

We are opting for a reinforcing plate on the inside of the carry case and rope handles.


For a nautical fellow such as yourself, it would then look like a seaman's chest!!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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And washing up bottles that had the word FAIRY covered up.

And cereal packets always had a big K on them......

Though I believe Barry Bucknell was the king of Fablon sticky back plastic. Take Grandma’s Victorian doors, panel with hardboard and slap on sticky backed plastic. My Dad didn’t watch much television but we used to worry that he might explode watching Barry. Favourite episode that I recall, live probably , was when Barry inserted a milk bottle into a waste disposal unit. Edited by Tony_S
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