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I got out the old welding tackle and made this.




I said WELDing! (Professional welders better avert their gaze.)


It's a sort of hook thingy that clamps to the loader arms of the tractor. I still need to make a another one. They'll support a two inch receiver that I can use to shunt trailers with the tractor.


The shop's chimney has been swept, and I sliced up the top of a fir in the band-saw to make some coasters. Lorna likes to decorate them.



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Mooring again,

Another hours sleep was obtained before Ben the Border collie, wanted out.

Very red skies with heavy cloud heading this way. At the slightest breath of wind a snowstorm of leaves were falling..


A bowl of not very nice musili has been had, my usual brand not being available..


Shortly I'll drive the landrover down the garden to the muddling shed, to unload assorted purchases and particularly the plywood for layout transport cases.


If the rain hasn't arrived when that is done, I'll dig the spuds from the raised bed. Then probably start work on the first transport case..


But first


Time for a Muggacoffee...

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Morning all from a warm and breezy corner of the Charente. It was nice and warm yesterday. I even spent time in the shed in the evening in T shirt and shorts. I also managed to make an assemblage of different metals move along two pieces of nickel silver. That made me a very happy bunny so some of Jock 67B's favourite tipple was enjoyed and a glass raised.


The seaweed twirlers of Meteo blue or whatever they are called have promised rain later today. As a result I'm not sure what the day will bring. If herself does deign to arise then we may well head for the market but otherwise some emptying of boxes and then more piece to be added to the aforementioned assemblage of various metals.


Regards to all.



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Mawnin' awl. May need another cuppa for firing on all cylinders, but other than that, I seem to be well enough, given the scare of Friday night. Still a very nice Indian summer over here, so we were out for a good long walk yesterday and cooked French Creole pork colombo for dinner.


As similar photos have been in the paper already, here's what happens when a Benz crosses paths with 55 tonnes of tram:





A work mate off duty who was on my tram assisted me with the on-site paperwork, for which I was massively grateful. Similarly, two lasses who observed the incident were so very kind as to provide me with water and cookies, which was probably something I would have expected the least!


Be safe, folks. Later… :bye:

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Heading out shortly to the Canvey bus museum. However in consideration of the rain persisting down I won't be hanging around the rally field for too long. I will probably savoir the delights of riding on some of the vintage buses. My friends young lad hopes to get a ride on a low bridge (sunken side gangway) double decker, something he's only just discovered exists. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Greetings all. Back safe and sound in the boring borough. The past few days have been a mixed bag. The phrase "never again" was heard from both SWMBO and myself several times. The driving on little Italian back roads into the middle of nowhere was fun. The most pleasure I've had from driving in a long time. The actual ceremony was great. The rest, not so much. We've both come to the conclusion that touring or holidaying with others is not our thing. Explains why we used to enjoy camping so much. (I'm not talking about a grassy parking lot filled with families, tuck shops, showers, electricity, tv hookups, etc. I'm talking about bears, trees, moose, rocks, here is the shovel go dig a potty, and not another human within several km)  Maybe we should both become hermits. 


You lot have been busy over the past few days, so apologies for anything I've missed. I'll be spending an hour or so this morning playing catch up. Local business news is a bit sad but not unexpected. Southeast Models has already closed up shop. The website is still up but not sure if it's current or not. 


Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I plan on doing the sum total of b*gger all. 

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It was a single decker coach but sure what make. It was certainly aqn interesting journey with the roads covered in water plus the roads being narrow and twisting it wasnt for the faint hearted this year. POW as good as ever and we made it back to Barrow for the last hour in the Furness Railway being kicked out just after 1am.


Day 2 of the show thne we start making our way home. Lets hope Northern perform better today.

May have been a Leyland National...

Do they still do home made pasties at the Pow?

As we finished at 12 on a Friday you could get the train to Foxfield, have lunch!tea. Drink some beer and then back on the train in time for a night in the Duke/Furness Railway. Happy times!



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Morning all.

I think the wet weather here in Dublin has gone east now.

Rather tired this morning but the walk to the bus stop isn’t too strenuous! The Aircoach service to Dublin Airport is going to be our method of getting there.

We don’t have to set off until after lunch.

We did have a short wander about after arriving in Dublin after our couple of days in Maynooth . Alongside the river and then went to look at the exhibition in the GPO.


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May have been a Leyland National...

Do they still do home made pasties at the Pow?

As we finished at 12 on a Friday you could get the train to Foxfield, have lunch!tea. Drink some beer and then back on the train in time for a night in the Duke/Furness Railway. Happy times!


Yes, they still have their home made pasties, and they remain about the best I have had in years. One large pasty, along with some peas and gravy, is enough to satisfy my appetite, and that is saying something!

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I can confirm to those in the west, the rain has moved east, there aren't many places as east as me...

Landrover unloaded, a bucket full of spuds dug before rain stopped digging.

A coffee is being drunk before heading for the shed, oh I found another sheep in there..

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I can confirm to those in the west, the rain has moved east, there aren't many places as east as me...

Landrover unloaded, a bucket full of spuds dug before rain stopped digging.

A coffee is being drunk before heading for the shed, oh I found another sheep in there..

When we were in Kerry a couple,of years ago we found a notice on a lavatory door requesting visitors to shut the door as otherwise the sheep ate the toilet paper .
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The wind yesterday eve at 6pm was pretty warmish here. Today its not too windy just the falling damp stuff. Haven't ventured out yet but I may go out at low water to see what damage has been inflicted on Brunels wall.

I think that after watching episode 2 of the railway modelling twaddle (railway twaddling), I will get some paint out next week instead.

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Morning all,



Yes, it's raining here too.  So at least the wandering forecast (from wet, to not wet, then back again) from the seaweed twirlers of Exeter seems to have been spot on when it actually matters.  But I shall have to venture out to Tesco for the 'papers and to drop off a prescription for herself although taht should be the extent of today's exposure to the elements.  Alas it is forecast to continue to rain tomorrow so planned mixing of concrete will have to be deferred to Tuesday,


Havea good day one and all and i hope Tony & Aditi's flight home is not too bumpy as it descends through any remaining clouds.

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Morning all,


Grey, damp and decidedly dismal hereabouts this morning, but I am being thoroughly entertained by the thirteen beautiful Magpies currently dancing around on the lawn, all in search of delicious grubs no doubt, they really are lovely creatures to look at. There are also two very handsome looking Crows joining in, bless 'em.

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Morning all,


I got back from Southwark Bridge last night but was too wacked to post.  The penicillin is doing its job on the tooth, I'm aware of it but just have to avoid hot and cold.  But make or break appointment (for the tooth) on Monday.


Decided not to cycle to church this morning.  Right decision, it was pissing down when I came out.


Dom, that looks nasty.  But why didn't you swerve?



Edited by bbishop
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Good morning everyone


It’s raining here too, but not heavily and t(e temp has dropped a wee bit, but it is still in double figures, just! So, as a consequence of the weather, there will be now work done in the garden today. So, once I’ve finished my muggertea, I’m off to the workshop.


Back later

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Morning all,



Havea good day one and all and i hope Tony & Aditi's flight home is not too bumpy as it descends through any remaining clouds.

It looks as if we will catch up with the back of the cloud somewhere en route and descend as it crosses Essex. Sunny here in Dublin though.


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Good afternoon all,


Late on parade today after a very hectic and tiring time yesterday.

As others have remarked the show and company were good. I only made 2 small purchases and one of those was from Bob.

Rugby was watched in the afternoon with more to come today.

Last night we went to a birthday party above a pub in Smiffy's Whelking Capital. (The Woodman) Not been there for a few years but glad to report a good time was had by all with only a minor headache this morning which has now gone with the aid of coffee and pills.

The Boss is watching recorded dancing at the moment and then when that is finished there will be 3 rugby matches to watch. (By me, not her)

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Chuckinitdarn here all day so far.


Winter and summer clothes exchanged - we use vacuum bags to store clothes - it means we don't need as much space.


After a busy morning doing notalot now time for lunch apparently.





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