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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. I intend to go out on Sunday so I'm checking the weather forecasts. However the BBC forecasters will not tell you whats happening beyond the early hours of Sunday.


Totally agree Mal. Join Travelzoo and get some decent offers.
I'll get my Mum to have a chat with you Chris, she is only 87 but still travelling solo, not in groups.

I've been a subscriber to Travelzoo for at least 10 years. They are in fact a remainder shop for holidays rather than books so the prices are ridiculously cheap in most cases, but you might not find exactly what you want.

Now here's a strange one...............


On answering the door to the postman this morning, I noticed that two breeze blocks has mysteriously arrived and were placed on the drive between the car and the front door.


By nature, I am a suspicious old git, and trawled from the back of my mind, why such a phenomena would happen?


Fortunately some parts of my brain are less feeble than others and I deduced that it was more than likely a 'target marker'.


ie  If the breeze blocks are not moved, then there is no one at home.  You can deduce what would follow during the dark parts of the night.


I would paint a message on them, something like 'Smile your on camera.'

Edit for finger problem.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Wind has abated rather, and the rain is giving it a rest for a while, but is due back big time later. 


Baz, there are many of those so called DCC Ready locos, a complete PIA.  People buy a 'whatever colour box' loco and the same manufacturers branded decoder, and expect it to fit....then phone us to complain it doesn't.  It's all the dealers fault. Harrumph.

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  • RMweb Premium

Go on - you know you want to!



So instead of handing it to the lad at the show tomorrow, I've given it to his dad to hand to him. 

Wrapped up.

Mate: "I wonder what it is. Andy, do you want to give it to him?"

Andy: "Nooo, that's fine, you can do that, I'm not fussed." 



Having retrieved it from the loft it turned out to be a Peco starter set with an oval of track, 2 points and sidings + Peco track plan book.  

Edited by AndyB
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Good afternoon from a windy Lancaster. We wisely caught a train an hour earlier from Euston. Cnection ot Barrow was cancelled due to driver shortage as many trains are around here plus faults on trains and an incident at Morecambe earlier. So a quick pint and a half in Merchants 1688 th n ontbnext service an hour later. Good job we got on before the later connection from Euston / Preston arrive. This two car unit is now wedged.

Two blokes kilcked of the train with bikes despite being on when there was space. Staff not at all friendly or helpful to them. Just shows the state of the railways at the moment. I would be interest d to se latest passenger ignores since May compare to the same time last year.

On to our earlier last minute panic. Mike has had to wait at his mums for doctor to show up that was 10am then suddenly became 2pm so my old layout Appledore is now going under Phatbobs supervision. He’s loaddit in Warrington and on his way to BIF. Just aswell he di wait as he’s just phoned to say she has a severe chest infection but won’t admit her to hospital till Monday.

What a sh1t place we live at the moment.

Welcome to the land of Northern! I think that they are trying to eliminate the north-south divide by being as carp as Southern!

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  • RMweb Premium

Cheers, troops. After another case of Tram One, Car Nil caused by turning right while being oblivious to there being a tram line parallel to the road, my night shift lasted exactly seven minutes, of which just about two minutes were actually driving time. At least no-one was hurt and there‘s a bit of Irish whisky in the cupboard for me to unwind with now!


Be back tomorrow... :bye:

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


We were at the Trafford Centre a lot longer than we’d planned to be, but present buying was achieved and I think we are getting pretty much on top of it. When we finally left it had started to rain, but it was only light rain. But it did mean that by the time we made it to the butchers, they’d sold out of pasties. However, I didn’t go without as I was able to bag the very last chicken, leek and ham pie, which turned out to be a very tasty substitute.


This afternoon the wind picked up and the rain continued, but it never really became heavy at all. Thankfully the wind has died down now, but it’s just started to rain again, having stopped a few hours ago. Despite all that, I think we got off lightly by the sounds of it.


Tomorrow we will be joined by Ava and Evie, who will be spending the day with us and no doubt that at some time during the day, a few episodes of Dr Who will be watched.


Goodnight all.

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You may all recall a few weeks ago I purchased a MESH system for our home WiFi.


Well it’s been running now for 3-4 weeks and I can say that it was relatively easy to set up, but you do need a mobile phone and also need to download an app for this, it it is fairly straight forward. Our WiFi signal has improved and we no longer have any black spots, especially where we used to get them. I can even get a signal in the attic and the workshop, which is at the bottom of the garden, about 40ft away from the main unit. What it hasn’t done is stop the signal drop out which we still suffer from, it I suspect that it is a problem with outside equipment.


I went for a 3 Unit system, (more can be added if required) which cost less than £100.00 (a 2 unit system was under £70.00) and I think has been worth it. If anyone wants details of the make and model, pm me and pass on the details.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening Awl,

Very windy here still, but dry and warm.


Just back from the MRC again, where Dr Beeching is still carrying out much track simplification. In 305mm scale by the end of next week Dr Beeching will have declared 8 turnouts and about 1000ft of track redundant. Having a twin track branch line in areas where the main line was single track does not meet Dr Beechings Economic plans.



I have had a magazine with the same title as this web site drop through the door.

Time to do some reading..


Good night Awl...

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TSR2 XV220.

The scale and angle might have me tricked up but is that a Canberra hiding in the background, or is it something smaller like a Meteor? It has to be a Meteor.


And another beautiful machine as the gate guardian. I was lucky to see one flying at Key West earlier this year.

Lucky yes. There has been an alarming spate of Hunter accidents in the last decade or so - including a couple in the US before the tragic airshow crash at Shoreham.


It's a brave pilot who flies antique jet aircraft.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Good morning one and all


Why am I up at this hour?  It’s better than lying in bed waiting for the alarm to sound but only a bit.


Andy’s funeral was better than I feared.  It was conducted by a lay celebrant and the music was more than half decent, including “Soul and Inspiration” by the Righteous Brothers.  The coffin was decorated with real ale pump clips, of which Andy had a massive collection.  Afterwards we repaired to the Wellington, much beloved of the dear departed, and while some old friends were catching up with 20+ years of doings the locusts made short work of the buffet.  It could have been so much worse.


Many thanks to all who have proffered advice on trips to Prague.  The FT trip was never going to be in the frame, not at that price, and nothing can happen regarding a home-made trip until after I have been to Oz etc and the finances have shown some signs of recovery.  Lightengine, I’m in Travelzoo but so far have paid little attention to what they send me.  This could change.  Baz and Roundhouse, what you say is most encouraging.  I’m not too proud to fly from Luton!  My e-friend has a couple of short city breaks planned soon and I was going to pick his brains anyway when I get half a chance.  He, you will recall, is the man who thinks that flying is fun.  Oh dear.


NH Neil, I was sorry to learn your news.  I’m sure you will give Big Dave a fitting send-off.  I’m afraid there was more bad news yesterday.  The noted photographer Malcolm Ranieri has been found dead at home.  He was a master of his craft and will be very sadly missed.


After going out for breakfast today I will go somewhere out of town.   All I will say for now is that The Tie will not be making an appearance.


Warm thoughts to all in distress and those who are missing.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry and breezy here. The forecast claims it will be warm with sunny spells and the chance of some showers.

Still feeling a bit carp. Doctor was visited yesterday and she's put the headaches down to a sinus infection. Other problems possibly caused by clash of certain meds which apparently is unusual but possible. Trust me to be one of the unusual ones. She then decided to give me a bit of an MOT.  

BP - Excellent.

Weight - 2kg up on last year (I thought it was more but I'll go with her figures) (Actually her figure is excellent, see below*)

Smoking?  Not for 11 years now so that rated a well done.

Alcohol?    Yes please, what have you got?  That actually got a smile before we had a discussion about the present guidelines. 

After a few more questions we were done (* I would have stayed longer as she is extremely nice and also very easy on the eye) and the upshot was that another med was prescribed, one changed and repeats of others obtained. As a parting gesture she gave me a flu jab. A trip to the chemist resulted in a carrier bag full of stuff to be carted home.

Second mugatea now being drunk and some pills to be popped. I'm hoping that I will OK for Aldershot a bit later.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from Barrow In Furness.


Our train arrive over 10 late which isn’t bad considering that’s quite normal for us Southerners but the delay was caused by overcrowding. No ticket checks either but there are barriers at BIF which delay d people getting off the platform even more. The rain was heav so we ordered a taxi to take us to the show venue, taxi very prompt that arrived within 5 minutes rather than the 15 that we were advised.


Good to see Appledore again and a couple of wiring issues, one in the power box that wasn’t built by me and one to the controller that is now around 30 years old so no surprise a couple of broken wires but it’s all up and working ready for today and my old Jinty did get a run in the fiddleyard by won’t go through my handbuilt turnouts which was anticipated. I might have to buy a Buleid light Pacific to run on the layout otherwise non of my rolling stock will be there this weekend.


Plenty of pints supped last night getting back to 5e hotel after midnight but a lay in for me.


Tonight we head to Foxfield on the bus as no trans today due to the strike action.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Caught up with the weather report this morning, today hereabouts its going to be dry and sunny if a bit breezy, much the same as yesterday. Tomorrow however is going to be rather damp until mid afternoon. I will be popping down to Canvey bus museum for their open day tomorrow with my friend and his young son who is bus mad. Now bath to be run, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a sun filled sitting room. A long but good day was had yesterday with out trip to see two of Beth's school pals. Good conversation , good food and a lovely walk in the woods in the afternoon. We got back about 10pm. On the way there the in car satnav didn't do very well and forgot to tell us to turn right at one point and we had a little detour down some lovely country roads and ended up behind a flock of sheep that were being herded. They were being kept in order by a border collie and a man on a quad. It quite enlivened the drive. Today has been declared a day of rest. My plan is to do a bit of admin then some more box emptying in the shed then hopefully a bit of muddling.


Chrisf, glad that you mate got a good send off and Neil, that doesn't sound too good about your mate. Baz, sorry to hear about your problems with tenants. We had a house on our hands for a few years that we rented out and it caused us a lot of headaches.



Regards to all.




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Is the bus a PD2, an Atlantean or a Leyland National??

POW ..one of favourite pubs...


There will be a selection of buses, operating a frequent service from the museum to the rally field and South Benfleet station.

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here.

A reasonable nights sleep although I woke with a headache and stiff neck... Little pink pill taken.

The magazine with the same name as this site has 2 pages on the that model railway programme, nothing in it though that has not been revealed in the thread on the subject.


It's still warm and windy out there, Ben the border collie was very happy with his morning patrol in daylight.


Plans for today, the final on boat work for the year early on, then mow the grass and access to the potatoes. Digging out the spuds is programmed for later today or tomorrow.


Time for.. A Muggacoffee..

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On old jets etc.

My all time favourite airplane, the F-14 Tomcat is considered such nowadays. I can remember running strategic simulations back in the nineties when I could protect whole US Carrier fleets from everything the Russians could  fling at them through the air with just 16 F-14's  providing 24 hours of CAP.


Their's a lot of talk  now about Russian and Chinese ultra fast missiles - the F14 could carry (at a pinch) 6 AiM 54 Phoenix air to air weapons that travelled at over 5K mph. It was even possible to use them against the much vaunted (yet never proved in action), Soviet "ShipWreck" ASW, if the worst came to the worst.


As to flying them now I don't believe any survivors are airworthy (if anyone knows better please let me know). That's the best thing about simulations - fly them safely; A new simulation will shortly be available promising exactly identical cockpit hardware that is all usable - whilst the flight characteristics (including typical F-14 behavior) will be as closely modelled as possible.


Two adverts (the second is better, both on the same loop):



Best, Pete.

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