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  • RMweb Premium

Morning ;) ...


I believe it'll take some time to get into another daily rhythm, especially considering getting up from bed :blink: . Would have liked to stay in for another hour or so, but when I did wake up I was too awake already to get back to sleep again.



Yes, congratulations, Dominik. Very good result. Now the real fun starts - deciding how to use it to earn a crust.


Thanks :) . About the second part - don't tell me :unsure: .

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Congratulations Dominick. Are you planning to continue studying at another level or is that it for now?


Weather here is rather pleasant. Clear blue sky, no clouds just distant aircraft.



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Morning All,


It's pretty quiet around here this morning. A bit on the chilly side, broken cloud and showery.


Congratulations Dominik - enjoy your break now, you've earned it!


I know what you mean about cycling being muddy Jam - you should have seen the mess my bike and I were in when I got back yesterday morning! :icon_lol:


Went to Ikea yesterday evening - I was intending to get some cork place mats to cover my baseboard. Unfortunately, they seem to have stopped doing them :icon_mutter: - It looks like I am going to have to use ceiling tiles instead.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks, Tony and Robert :) . It does feel good to have all that tension fall off, of course!



Are you planning to continue studying at another level or is that it for now?



I'll leave it at that for the moment, but I wouldn't rule out having a go at a doctorate at some point in the future. I would need to thoroughly think about a possible topic anyway.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all I think the army have been grabbed by H&S as much as anyone else which is inhibiting their bridge building. As for slectrical installations in educational buildings they are about as much use as the asbestos regulations.

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  • RMweb Gold

It is still pleasant here so I think I'll do a bit of tidying outside. Most of the leaves from nearby trees seem to be piled up against my garage. I'll collect them up and pile them up in the back. Perhaps a hedgehog will come and live in them, though perhaps the presence of a dog would deter them. Before I fitted draught excluder to the bottom of the garage door the garage used to collect most of the leaves in the street.

My wife has decided to go to Upminster to look for new shoes. I am not required for this expedition!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Re: the electrical overload. I'm not sure of the finer details John. There is a huge building program going on at school with some 'blocks' closed off ready for refurb or demolition, many temporary buildings and a whole new buiding going up. I think that in disconnecting some areas and adding others, including supplies for the builders, they got the balance wrong between the three phase supplies. One was drawing 360A but the other two were something like 210A and 90A!! I don't think individual cabling came into it - just bad maths.


Given that they've already cut the phones four times and the water twice, I'm not really surprised.

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Morning all! Well done Dominik! I got a Desmond... I put it down to beer and women... ;)


Had a long lie-in this morning to make up for Thursday's poor night's sleep. Need to pop out and get a couple of bits of shopping but other than that no real plans for the day. Thinking of going up into town (good exercise) but Princes Street doesn't get properly reopened till 5am tomorrow... We shall see...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All (just!), Having been at Warley all last weekend there appears to be a "list" this weekend. Better get on with it as I am pretty low on the Brownie points scale. Already had to scrape the mushed leaves off the drive as they have blocked the drains which means we have a substantial lake outside the front door! I'll have a play with the lawn mower next and hoover up some leaves from the back. Should mean I'm allowed to play with my indoor toys this afternoon.




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Speaking of which ...


Been busy lickin' and stickin' a Wills Craftsman Kit this morning.

Single Engine Shed with Water Tank and Coal Bay.

First Wills kit with which I've been a little disappointed.

No fittings for the water to get into the tank.

Badly designed ventilator.

As large doors each end would be permanently open on a layout, some interior detail will be required but method of build means that's difficult.

One or two other unnecessary difficulties too.


When assembly was finished it looked like a newly built Abbey so I'm now 'aging' it.

Not looking too bad.

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  • RMweb Gold

Not even for the obligatory 'Ooo, those look nice, dear!'? :icon_lol:



Apparently my views on the functionality of shoes are not really appreciated. Words like "sensible" don't seem to be the right thing to say. I believe she may have been successful in her shoe quest and is coming home via the gym/swimming pool with a baguette. This the version of the message Matthew gave me anyway.

I've tidied up the leaves, given the lawns a trim and put some mastic and draught excluder on the rear door of the garage. I think I can safely take the dog for his walk now.



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Apparently my views on the functionality of shoes are not really appreciated. Words like "sensible" don't seem to be the right thing to say.


Difficult isn't it? After all, shoes should be comfortable and sensible.


I used to find that comments like "Oh, they are lovely. They match your eyes" and such like worked quite well.


Except of course when the shoes were red :icon_lol:

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't understand why my other suggestion of buying two pairs of shoes (to save time in future) is treated as "silly". I suspect the new shoes will be black or navy blue rather than red though.



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I don't think individual cabling came into it - just bad maths.


Given that they've already cut the phones four times and the water twice, I'm not really surprised.

Extremely bad maths! Wonder what the supply company had to say about this very unbalanced load? (cosine - now does that mean the '& Co' bit on the sign?)



I got a Desmond... I put it down to beer and women... ;)

I just put my Desmond down to beer and beer and ... well, you get the picture :icon_lol:



Apparently my views on the functionality of shoes are not really appreciated. Words like "sensible" don't seem to be the right thing to say. I believe she may have been successful in her shoe quest and is coming home via the gym/swimming pool with a baguette.

Nothing worse than a soggy baguette :icon_lol:
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  • RMweb Premium

Nothing worse than a soggy baguette :icon_lol:



The chlorine taste's even worse, I would think! :lol:


Funny - after all that "enforced" talking earlier this week I now quite prefer a bit of peace and quiet. Still and all, every now and then I suddenly feel the urge to smile without any immediate reason - having earned a degree certainly is an uplifting experience. I sure hope this feeling will last for a long time! :)

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Enjoy the euphoria! After all the "stress" of the build-up, it's good to just unwind, relax and feel happy.


There will come a time when you ask if that is a dagger you see before you, but then you also have to watch out for the Sword of Damocles.


Savour the moment and make good use of your Atilla!

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having earned a degree certainly is an uplifting experience. I sure hope this feeling will last for a long time! :)


Good for you!


My BEng(Hons) is dated 1995 (I had to look that up) and I can still remember that uplifting feeling. Enjoy it - It'll hang around for a while.

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