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Evening all,


Back from the church conference, where naturally the evening sessions were fuelled by alcohol.  Only keg beers and I won't drink keg bitter, so each evening  I had a couple Stellas followed by a Leffe blonde.  The Bishop overestimated the wine this morning, so I assisted in consuming the excess.


Sort of caught up the last couple of days. Keep well all, Bill

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....Back from the church conference, where naturally the evening sessions were fuelled by alcohol.  Only keg beers and I won't drink keg bitter, so each evening  I had a couple Stellas followed by a Leffe blonde.  The Bishop overestimated the wine this morning, so I assisted in consuming the excess....

I thought drink was one of the seven deadly sins?

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've had several friend requests lately on Facebook from complete strangers and a couple of people that I do know have requested that you ignore any friend requests (most of them are Facebook friends already). Apparently its a result of Facebook being hacked, I'm not sure of the exact details but it seems to be via an app.


I thought drink was one of the seven deadly sins?

But you've got to try all seven haven't you?

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Afternoon Awl,

I spent most of the morning on the sofa, only interrupted by lighting the fire for the fire for the first time this year. As I felt very cold even with the heating on.


During the show yesterday, I spoke to a wheel chair user about the height of the layouts. With his input I've decided my exhibition layout will be at about 3ft. So when awake I've sketched out some possible transport carriages/ layout supports.


At around 12:00 while Ben was being taken for his walk I put the trailer away, Ben thinks the tyres are big balls to play with if I move it with him there.

Later on, I, after dinner another hours sleep at the end of which I came to a solution on the layout carriages. Final drawings will be made, then a prototype / first one will be made. 150mm diameter wheeled casters ordered..




Be warned that three foot will do your back in and will also mean that many viewers will be looking straight down on your layout.  Many year's ago, I had a lengthy (and alcoholic) discussion with Brian "Wheels" Stubbles and we agreed that 3ft 4in was a suitable height.  At least I think we did, my recollection of the evening is remarkably hazy.  That four inches has paid dividends to my back.



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  • RMweb Gold

I thought drink was one of the seven deadly sins?

Not an expert but I don’t think it is a deadly sin. Some churches have views on such matters and have abstaining from alcohol as one of their attractions.


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Not an expert but I don’t think it is a deadly sin. Some churches have views on such matters and have abstaining from alcohol as one of their attractions.



And where would they be without the Communion Wine?

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Wasn't happy at arriving late at the game [*] because my journey home was severely delayed with horse boxes, cattle trailers and Sunday drivers (roll on the hour going forward which should see off the Ethel and Bert out for lunch/drive brigade)

[*] Missed the opening goal as the Hawks scored in the first 90 seconds.


2-1 up at end of P1 and looking reasonably in charge, but a 1 goal difference is a very slender margin in this game.


End of P2, still 2-1 and a tight game. Whitley seem to be just managing to not let in more goals.

Their player coach is David Longstaff - ex-GB, 44 and still playing regular shifts on the front line - he knows how to marshal his troops.

Quite a few of the Whitley team are also "old-stagers" and know how to work the game and rules.


P3 - Suddenly, what should be a 100% certain penalty isn't given for the Hawks and less than 20 seconds later as they are less than happy with the decision, Whitley score.

Lesson learned -as with all sports - play to the whistle.

Hawks are rattled and let in another for 2-3.

Finally, as they push for the equaliser, it's 2-4 on a Whitley breakaway.


A bit disappointed at the result, but the Hawks lads gave 100% for the vast majority of the game, just letting it slip on the back of the dodgy decision at 2-1.

If the relatively young and inexperienced squad can keep together, I'm sure that results will go our way in the next season or two.


Next week, the Hawks take on a team with the unenviable average result of 11-1 (against). but can't make it due to a previous commitment that means I will probably be on the M6..... 


Work tomorrow and stuff beckons later in the week.


Have a good one folks.




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Good evening everyone


Thankfully the weather held and I didn’t need to put on a jacket or a long sleeved shirt, by mid afternoon the temperature has risen to double figures, although it did go a little dull. Most of the footings are now in, but unfortunately I ran out of cement about 2 ft from the end, so I’ll have to go and buy some more tomorrow. So I started to add a bit more hardcore around the footings that I’d just put in, but it is not yet packed in properly, that’ll also have to wait until tomorrow when it has all set.


I also like Guinness, it’s usually my drink of choice when the only alternative beer is the big name draught sh!te. I’ve recently got into Robinson’s bottled beers, in particular, Trooper, Dizzy Blonde and Black Unicorn.


Goodnight all

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I dunno what keg beer is. I go in a pub and drink summat wivout any concern from where its coming.

Never drink Stella, in Belgium its nearly always Jupiler like the natives or sampling their bottled beers.

On board ship in the '70's we had Allsopp's lager or as we called it Allslops.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good luck Chris with the Ghan. Hope you are smiling later.


I have logs to split but no real fire. They will be ogimg ot MIL and a fellow modeller who has just had a fireplace installed.


Morning from a dark Surrey. Today will be sorting out a few failed Farish locos. One that was working very weel till yesterday afternoon I reckon needs a new motor but luckily I have a few spares. Some more weathering under the gazeboo also planned then maybe a tidy up in the living room.


I keep thinking that I have a short week but with no commuting to work it isnt really - Friday we are off to Barrow In Furness show by train as it isnt our layout that is going and no room in the friends car. I do have stock to take - now where is that old Triang Jinty that I have had since I was five. I need to take the Romford wheels off and put the originals one back on.

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Morning all from across La Manche. Breakfast has been consumed and the coffee will be made shortly. I got a lot of logs sawn up yesterday and can now get at the rubbish that was under the pile and dispose of it. Mike,thanks for your warning. The splitting will be done this week hopefully. In the afternoon I started to sort the contents of various crates of muddling items and managed 7 out of 13 before finding three more t sort elsewhere in the shed. All sorts of treasures emerged blinking into the light of day. After a nice meal Beth and I had a walk round the village to collect conkers. Apparently a conker in each corner of the room can keep spiders away. The conker walk in the village when I was a kid, had been the archery range in the era when all males had to practice after church on a Sunday morning.


I will be off shortly to do battle with the local tax office. They have sent us a new bill for the tax Fonciere and it's doubled since I last paid it. Looking closely they seem to think that the shed is a house and needs taxing separately. They also addressed it to the previous owner and then detailed her, but under her maiden name, and my goodself as the payers of the tax.



Chrisf, I wish you bon chance.


Andrew C, I wish you luck in keeping the beast in it's kennel.



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Ey up!

As it happens I need to go to Barrow in Furness this week to discuss house renovations. I may be allowed to call into a very friendly shop while there...

Now it is cupatea time then..breakfast.


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Morning All


Sorry I've been AWOL for a few days, but I have been lurking, and have not managed to quite get to the end so I can post, but I have at last got there.


Belated condolences to Chrisf on losing a friend, and belated happy birthday to Warren.  AndrewC - don't suffer in silence, the black dog appears to be a fairly frequent visitor hereabouts, and for some, sharing it with the cyber-friends on ERs can give some relief.  Oh, and generic greetings are on offer to all other fellow ERs  who are ailing or celebrating.


I now only own about three or four ties - one (of course) being black.  In my last job at BT, smart casual was the order of the day, so no ties there.


And, real ale versus craft beers - I had a similar experience to Andrew.  I was a VERY early CAMRA member, as I was recruited bt Michael Hardman himself, in the days when it was still called The Campaign for the Revitalisation of Ale, and in the days when in London there were about Six Fullers pubs still selling hand pulled beer, quite a few Charringtons, but diminishing, and the rest was Youngs, Courage (but very very seldom Directors), and the very occasional Shepherd Neame - I think there was also one pub selling McMullens in Islington.  As things improved, I joined the Sutton branch, and one night I was in a local pub where I decided not to sup my usual, which in there was Courage Best, but instead to splash out on a bottle of proper, imported Lowenbrau which cost about twice as much as a pint.  Sitting in the corner was the chairman of the branch, who broke off from his conversation with his cronies, and came over to me, and out of the corner of his mouth, hissed "Bl**dy traitor" at me.  I resigned my membership the following day.  I really think that back then the avid CAMRA members would drink hand pulled diesel oil, even if there was the nectar of the gods in a bottle, or from a keg or top pressure.  I now drink a small qualntity of what I like - cider, craft beets, real ale, and prefer quality and a bit of strength over quantity.  A case in point is Sixpoint Bengali, which weighs in at about 6.6% and one 355 ml can is enough.


Got to go to see Sister Diabetes this morning, to get my annual roasting for a high HBa1c then I'm doing a stint at a new charity shop, where they need a vounteer who can do PAT work. 


Back later/tomorrow


Regards to All


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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

Yes back to normal boring routine, there is a system doing it's zero cal behind me, I've already zero'ed the equipment to test it with.

I had a reasonable nights sleep, I awoke early but that's because I fell asleep early, not reading much before lights went out..


Later I'll dig out my graph paper book for more layout transport carriage drawings. But this first set of tests is a bit too manual with short time periods between test to start that.


I had to come to a rapid halt on the way in, on the second road on the way, three red deer ambling down the road. I've seen them at this point before, there is a reported herd of 20 plus in the area. I had noticed that some of our juniper trees had been nibbled while we were away, we had the put chicken wire down the bottom to protect them from the Muntjacs as they killed one of our junipers. But of course the Reds are much taller..


First reading Taken, a little high, but within limits.


I must go collect some conkers, I normally leave loads round the inside of the motor boat to reduce the numbers of spiders taking up residence..


We don't need to cut logs this year as the trailer came full of them. however I do need to cut some fallen trees up, once the nettles die down a bit.


Next reading taken..almost spot on predicted..


Never been one for beer much, just the can of Cider when I've been heavy duty working. Spirits have always been my thing, though I won't go near vodka and coke after a very long session one night, many years ago..I still don't know how I got from town back to my barrack room..

These days it's Malt whisky..  sitting comfortably, whisky in one hand, book in the other, some music on, Ben the Border Collie asleep at my feet.....I could do with a Highland Park...


Third reading taken..


Time to do some more

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Good morning everyone


The weather is a little like yesterday, slightly overcast, but warmer, currently 12C. Once Sheila has left for her Zumba class, I’m off to the big orange DIY shed for a few supplies which will enable me to complete the footings for the patio. Not a lot else to report.


Back later.

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Like Jamie, we've been getting ready for winter. We split a lot of wood last year but we had nowhere to put it to keep it dry over the winter. Conveniently a neighbor was disposing of some metal siding and roofing, so I knocked up this 'ere wood-shed. It's tacked on to the back of the storage shed my son and I built over twenty years ago. There is still a lot more wood to store but I don't think it's all going to fit into the wood shed.

Anybody else think that this is a pretty good representation of a Western Class 52?

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