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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A book that I ordered a couple of weeks ago just landed on the mat lunchtime, 'The East End in Colour 1960-1980'. Just had a flick through and found plenty of interesting pics with plenty of detail useful for modelling.

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One of my uncle's used to work at the steelworks in Hartlepool. He was an overhead crane driver...thirsty work..

At 9:30pm four pints of Strongarm would be ready on the bar.

The first three never touched the sides...he would then sit down for the 4th and play 5s and 3s till he went home via the chippy. I never managed to keep up with him drinks wise but he did teach me how to play 5s and 3s!



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  • RMweb Gold

I don't drink as much as I used to in my rugby playing days or even Sales Rep days. In the early days of rugby we used to meet at a local pub rather than the clubhouse as it was easier and usually had two or three pints before the game. Afterwards the serious drinking would start about 5.00 and go on into the following morning. It would not be unusual to get home at 5.00am so as you can imagine the amount of pints drunk got into double figures quite easily. After a couple of years it was decided to take the rugby a bit more seriously so we cut out the pub meet and met at the clubhouse.......which of course had a bar. Some of us even decided not to drink before the game. I can remember though on more than one occasion when somebody had a special birthday or anniversary and a tray of booze was brought out at half time instead of oranges!

These days I would struggle to drink that much and 6 to possibly 8 is about my limit and then only on special occasions. Most days I have one or two with the occasional booze free day just to appease the medics. (and my liver)

Time for (another) pint.

Cheers  :drinks:

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  • RMweb Gold

Birthday greetings Warren

My lifetime beer consumption can be measured on the fingers of one hand, never got a tast for the stuff!


Snap - the only disadvantage(?) as a student was always being invited because a lift home was guaranteed … someone did once get some alcohol down me, I was ill for a week, and my wife really put down the next idiot (not aware of the previous incident but knew I did not touch the stuff) who thought it might be funny … just one of the things like coffee and spices that have to be avoided.


Enjoyed the Great Model Railway Challenge.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ties I have maybe 20, all mean something.

RAF uniform


Fireman's strike tie,

OU graduates

Foxhunter radar.

Yeoman class


The opportunities of wearing them are few.. Mostly when I'm kilted up now. I do have the black suit, worn too often these days with the RAF uniform plain black tie.


That modeling programme, humm, not that impressed.. Too staged, too produced, not enough modelling, I will however probably watch the rest..


I've had a busy two days more about that when I've recovered..

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  • RMweb Premium



How did I miss an HB, Warren - sorry.  The comment from the show sounds like Tony Lambert - one of my best friends from 'back home' and a very, very clever man. And an awful p!ss taker....


Beer - there was a time when I drank far too much of it (I was in the Merch don't forget - and am a lapsed CAMRA member) for my well being, but those days are in the past.  Tonight, one bottle of Sharp's Atlantic is sufficient.  In the past, maybe 8 on a Saturday night.  At sea.....lets not talk about that!


Mrs NHN's new motor collected, eventually.  The garage hadn't got it ready despite the file being clearly marked for collection today by the original salesperson.  #sigh#  Spent an hour with the destruction manual getting phones set up etc, who writes these things?  Useless.  Several pages referred to a completely different dashboard layout, with a choice of two, but not the one the car actually has! 

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from a windy and wet corner of the world, though we really do need the rain. However this morning Beth and I put the chain saw and log splitter to good use and about half the log pile has now been converted into a stack of firewood 30" high on a pallet. Both of us have aching shoulders but it was well worthwhile and got finished before the rain came. Then a proper autumn meal of stew and dumplings.


I too have quite a collection of ties, all of which have some meaning or other. Suits are definitely only for the usual occasions however I'm not sure whether we are expected to wear one at the village cenotaph in November. I'll also take at least one on out Ruby wedding cruise next year.


Happy birthday Warren.




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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. I seem to have watched more TV in the last couple of days than I have in the last couple of months. Last night it was TGMRC with Walking Britains Lost Railways following and this evening it was Mr. Holmes followed by a repeat of a house through time, both on BBC2.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all from Estuary-Land. I seem to have watched more TV in the last couple of days than I have in the last couple of months. Last night it was TGMRC with Walking Britains Lost Railways following and this evening it was Mr. Holmes followed by a repeat of a house through time, both on BBC2.

We watched Mr Holmes too. Not at the time it was broadcast. We have just finished seeing it.


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Gab.. rugby..


Started playing as an under 13 in the club 3rd team. My reward? Pint of Carling black label with lime (Two on special occasions!)

At Uni we didn't drink Tuesday or Friday...but made up for that after games on Wednesdays or Saturdays..


Boxing day game.. sherry before the game..bottle of newkie brown at half time ( and/or whenever a try was scored)... happy daze...



Sleep well all!


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Had my first pub beer at 15 with schoolpals. "How old are you?" barkeep asked us all. "Eighteen," we replied. How easy it all was then - today you need a card to prove you're over 25. Didn't like beer then but found a taste for cider. By 19 I had found a taste for Guinness and cider (poor man's black velvet), then grew to like beer. Only really drink more than a couple when I'm watching the Six Nations with pals.


Last night's viewing did not include either r*ilw*y progs; after C4 news wanted stuff to make us laugh so went for Have I Got News For You, Mrs Brown's Boys (yes, really!), Mock the Week and Graham Norton. Should have gone to bed after MTW.


Today roofer roofed but needs more stuff and will finish Monday; weather sunny intervals, rain expected tmrw. Roof should now be secure - will see.


Have a good night



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However, if I actually managed to put away 6 or more pints now, I would probably have a monster hangover lasting about 2 days.



I think you'd have better results with Belgian beer....

A hangover lasting 3 days?

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Good evening everyone


Well the weather remained dodgy for most of the morning, sunny one minute, then grey skies that looked like it would rain at any time. But I continued working throughout, so far, I’ve put down all of the hardcore, with the exception of the small section that will butt up to the footings, which I’ll hopefully get started on tomorrow. I packed up early as we had Mike and Sarah coming round for tea. Ironically, the sun came out just as I was locking the shed up, fecking typical!


When Mike and Sarah arrived they gave us the news they plan to wed next year, which was a very nice surprise.


I didn’t go to uni either, but I did used to drink beer, lots of it. My record in one sitting was 18 pints, but that was a one off and far from the norm, which was usually around 6-7, it was thirsty work, working in the steel industry. Now, spirits that was a completely different ballgame! My preferred tipple was either vodka or tequila, usually separately, but occasionally together (but not in the same glass), I regularly used to drink a full bottle of tequila in an evening, couldn’t do it now though!


For a while I used to have to wear a tie for work, so I wore LOUD ones, but I’ve only got a couple now, the only one I seem to wear now, is the black one, the rest are never worn.


Goodnight all

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Strangest thing that anyone had ever seen occurred when the score was 3-6 at the beginning of P3.

Solihull thought they had scored - it certainly hit the metalwork of the goal - but it wasn't given by the goal judge and play carried on.

About 90 seconds later, Blackburn score - and their goalie was objecting to being fouled. The scoreboard now shows 4-6.

Quite a discussion between the ref and two linesman ensues.

Blackburn's goal is disallowed and Solihull's goal is given....... WTF? How can a goal be awarded after play has been going on for so long after the event?

Scoreboard changes to 3-7 and the clock is wound back 90 seconds.


I didn't see this when you first posted it, Mick.


That's the proper way to handle it, according to ice hockey rules. Don't stop the game to discuss a call, but wait for the next natural stoppage in play, then discuss what happened. It does look very unusual when the next stoppage is for a clear goal, though.


Think of another possible outcome here. What if the result of the discussion had been that the Solihull goal wasn't a good goal, but the Blackburn goal was? Following the procedure as the refs and linesmen did, Blackburn would have got their goal. But if play had been stopped immediately to discuss whether or not Solihull's goal was a good one, Blackburn would not have had the chance to score that goal.

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It would appear that Lidl do trains now:




Warschauer Strasse in Berlin. (There is actually a Lidl supermarket in what used to be a tram depot, in the basement of this car barn.The picture is taken from the platform of the U-bahn station.) 


Warschauer Strasse is the last station on this U-bahn line. The division between East and West Berlin was the River Spree, immediately south of the station. When the Berlin Wall was built, over a Saturday night, all the rolling stock for this particular U-bahn line was isolated in this car barn. 


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' Evening all from red dragon land.

Sunny most of the day but cold northerly wind down at West Shore.  Not many people down by the beach or playground but we abandoned the long queue in the cafe (Ah! That is where they were!) and made a brew in the club hut instead.  We left early so I could tabulate which, and how many, parts I need for the building to hide the new layout fiddleyard.  From low res images on the web, the prototype building looks as though it has granite facing blocks but my own (not very picturesque) photos of 2018 shows the "granite" areas are brick like the rest of it..  That makes things easier - in that respect, anyway, as my photos have also shown up some more interesting detailing possibilities.   Sad(?) thing is, I have just uncovered plans to develop the whole factory site, primarily for housing, so I am more determined to do the best for my little bit of it. Fingers crossed...again.


Time for bed now as we have an early start tomorrow.


' Night all and nos da.

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