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  • RMweb Premium

Evening Awl, considering I have been doing practically nothing, I have a lot of aches and pains..

Tomorrow I have something to do, Mum mentioned that they were going to get someone in to rehang the back gate, so they can get Dad's wheelchair out easier ( he can still walk but not Far). That'll be about 20 screws to move, we are going to The big orange shed tomorrow, so I'll get new. Luckily Dad's screwdriver set and power tools are still available which will make the job easier..


There was a heavy banging on the front door which Dad answered as he was near the door and so did Ben, with several large woofs. When Dad opened the door two men were seen leaving rapidly from the row of houses. I suspect they were not entirely legitimate and Ben did well...


I'm now on the bed, straightening my back,


Good night Awl.

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Jamie's mention of the ships turning really brought back a memory for me. When only on my second trip to sea we were on 'anchor watch' in the engineroom (totally manual ship) with the main engine on 5 minutes notice.  IIRC this was in Busan, Korea.  The second engineer, who I was on watch with, decided the officers bar offered better entertainment and left me to it, as nothing would happen.  But it did of course the wind and tide changed, the ship swung about her anchor, but she went the other way to a ship anchored very close to us....eeek! 


Quick phone call from the bridge, I had her ready to move in 2 minutes, running about like the veritable blue bottomed..….and got a slow ahead manoeuvre right away and off we went.  The second came piling down the ladders to see the engine running and me chasing the donkeyman around to get the coolers on line etc.  Just as well I managed, he was slaughtered.....  It certainly gave me some early experience in charge, but didn't do my heart rate any good.


Engine identical to this one, from a ship of the same design:




Mad, aren't they - opposed piston Doxford engine. Around 10,000hp  that one.


In this....








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The towels were required to replace some worn out ones. ....


Are you setting up an online shop? You've got more grey towels than you know what to do with, ...

Errm...did the towels start off grey? Or were they white to begin with?

Edited by Horsetan
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  • RMweb Premium

I do in fact have such a savings account and am just after shoving the excess cash in there pending the repair work.  Some hope.

I know where there are sufficient parts and wheels (but no motor or gears) to build a 4mm scale princess...far better use of money....


This walkabout is tiring..so...night all!



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My wifes daughter told her 3 boys (8, 10 & 12)that they needed to get up 15 minutes earlier at 6.45 the next day. Their Dad was away and she had to get them all to schools.

The alarm went, so they got up and got dressed ready for school, went downstairs and Mum wasn't in the shower like she said she would be.

Looking at the clock it was 1 am. 2 got their pyjamas back on and the 3rd went back to bed fully clothed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just returned from a most enjoyable talk by Jim Connor. The talk was about the early years of Railway enthusiasm and model railways. He illustrated a program from the 1953 exhibition at the Central hall. I was surprised to see the price of the program was -/9d (3.5p) and this was on top of the entry fee of 2/6d (12.5p) adult and 1/6d (7.5p) child. This looks like a lot of money compared to todays entry fees compared to average earnings.


Et...did the towels start off grey? Or were they white to begin with?

They were grey to begin with.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


When I got back from completing the Sainsbury’s Grand Prix and all the shopping had been put away, I made a start on the cheesecake for tomorrow when we have our usual Wednesday afternoon guests. Then it was off outside to carry on working on the patio, where a little more progress has been done, but rain stopped play, so I decamped to the workshop to keep dry and whilst there did a bit of tidying up. After dinner the rain had stopped so I did a bit more on the patio.


Goodnight all

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No work today.

Dizzy spell last night felt like I was always trying to turn to the left whilst walking.

It continued into this morning. Not good to drive to work (first sick day in just under 20 years)

A call to 111 and visit to GP resulted.

Likely to be an inner ear infection.

Anti-diziness pills prescribed. 

Back to bed at 10.45 and sleep until after 2.30pm.


Feel much more balanced tonight.

Even managed a trip to the MRC (as a passenger) and some mudelling when I got home.


So should be OK for work tomorrow. New product testing to be done that I was quite looking forward to today.


Have a good day after Tuesday/day before Thursday folks.




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Just enough time to say we had an interesting start to the NWMES winter evening talks, this evening, by our boiler inspector on the history of the Penmaenmawr quarries (currently operated by Hanson) including the showing of the video, below.




and also to say ' night all and nos da.

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I'm afraid the CX takes priority. I'll get it fixed and then see what's left in the kitty for Princess Two.

An Austin princess...now that would be buying a bundle of trouble :)


Back to 5hours sleep, but I can't go downstairs yet for disturbing dog, parents, SWMBO.

I'm running out of things to look at on the net...

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I had hoped to go back to sleep, But 04:00 Ben the border collie decided he needed outside,, I'm now lying on my parents sofa.. It's not as comfortable as mine...

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An Austin Princess...now that would be buying a bundle of trouble



Ah, but a transport of delight indeed :)


Actually, it wasn't such a bad looking car and it probably still has dedicated followers. Somebody probably wrote a book about what happened to the car industry in the UK. I've got a pretty good first-hand sense of events in Hillington but I better not open that can of worms.

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Good morning one and all


Further to yesterday’s announcement by Bill, I had been thinking of wearing a T shirt, which of course does not go with a tie.  I am prepared to change my plans and wear a conventional shirt instead, which will enable me to wear a tie, even though such things are no longer fashionable.  What care I for fashion?  The tie that Bill has in mind is a bit special so I’ll wear it, just for him.  That is my last word on the matter until 10th November.  Some of you have a strange sense of humour BTW.


I have a report to write today, of a good talk last night about 150 years of the Midland London Extension.  Far more important is the return of culture to Bedford, in the form of the 41st Bedford Beer Festival, which opens its doors at 4 pm.  Whether you will get any sense out of me for the rest of the week is debatable.  No change there then …


Get well soon, Mick Newbryford.  Warm thoughts to all in distress and those who are missing.



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So much for our normal quiet Yultide. Daughters (plus assorted husbands and grandchildren) from New Jersey and California have just announced they will be here between Christmas and New Year. Exactly where they are all going to be sleeping is something of a mystery but it looks like I'll have to put up some decorations for a change. Would an animated Santa avec reindeer on the shed roof be too much?  Or how about an animated Elvis, with music? "Shakin' all over"


But, after that, we (or me anyway) will be skiing in Aspen! I bought a ski pass that's valid there (and a lot of other places) each for two days. MrsID's knees are not up for skiing, but she wants to take a look at Aspen. The trick will be finding accommodation that's not outrageously expensive, otherwise I'll be piste off.

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  • RMweb Gold

Some of you have a strange sense of humour BTW.



Sorry if offence was given.

None was intended.


It seems that this is not the place for light banter that it once was.

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  • RMweb Premium

It seems that this is not the place for light banter that it once was.

When in doubt..have a giggle! The world is a better place for It!


Good morning all! Time to be out and about. But...cupstea and breakfast required pronto!

Enjoy the day and Mick..careful with that ear infection.



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Morning all


A but grey here and overcast.


Thanks for the video of Penmaenmawr, Polly. Interesting stuff but where on earth did Pathé get their commentators from? Sounds almost upper class than RP.


David(BR60103), I'm surprised the insurance company waived the $300 excess - being a long-standing claim-free insurance customer in the UK counts for zilch, certainly when it comes to renewal.


Old Austins; my fil bought a brand new Austin Maxi in the early '70s and had it shipped to Singapore where he was working. The main crankshaft snapped not long after and Austin refused any fault, insisting that he pay in full for a new one. He didn't buy Austin after that. Perhaps that's another thing that was wrong with the industry then, lack of customer care?



They were grey to begin with.

Now look what I've started - please accept my apologies, Phil, it was meant as light-hearted banter.


Have a good day



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