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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Alcatraz, yes we still have a marvellous view of the exercise yard with it's closed swimming pools. Yesterday I made some progress with the errant lens and did manage to get it extended. However a broken piece fell out. I therefore went onto Ebay and bought another. However the seller is only allowed to post it to my registered address. Guess who hasn't got around to changing their address. It's therefore going to head there, be re-directed to our daughters then either get brought or sent over here. Once I know it's arrived safely in South Leeds I will do the necessary address changes. A good afternoon was had on the beach then a meal out. Today has turned out sunny though cloud and rain are forecast for this evening.


There must be something in the cheese here. For some obscure reason I've been spending a period of wakefulness in the early hours trying to sort out how t build a model of the Listowel and Ballybunnion in 7mm.


Regards to all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Suffering a bit. Yesterday I purchased a metal casserole dish and lid that can be used on the hob and in the oven. I am used to pans with glass lids and plastic handles. Do you want to see a photo of the blistered fingers?

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  • RMweb Premium

A quiet morning here on ERs.

Belated HB to Mrs GDB and Mrs O.


Work to be worked - but - the Ryder Cup will be on the radio and the GP may be at the side of my workbench on my phone as well.

Ice hockey later - promises to be a tough match against Solihull.


Have a good Sunday folks.

Catch up later.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a sunny Plzen to Prague first class compartment. This is an older coach with no air con but the great bit is that you can drop the top half of the window to take photos.


Booked the ticket online this morning and saved the pdf ticket to phone. I also printed a hard copy in the hotel just incase but the electronic version was scanned by the train conductor successfully so that’s now going to be our preferred method of buying tickets as long as we keep free data roaming after next March.upon Brexit.


Hopefully we will be up close to a steam special when we get off at Praha Smicov station.


More beer this afternoon before our late evening flight home.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

Yesterday’s visit was very pleasant. Aditi and her Mum arrived at lunchtime after a successful shopping expedition at Lakeside (shopping centre in Thurrock near the Dartford Crossing, apparently there are other Lakesides) . Aditi didn’t notice that I had bought a new television until she noticed the old one I had put upstairs! Aditi’s Mumsitting duties are scheduled to end on Wednesday morning. Aditi’s sister returns on Tuesday evening.

I will be going out for lunch today. Our next door neighbours invited me .


ChrisF’s mention of witch hazel reminded me of how it always seemed to be in medicine cupboards when I was young. I Googled it and Superdrug claim to stock it and there are lots of online sources including Amazon.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


I believe one of our medicines cupboards still has witch hazel in stock but I'm not sure where herself bought it.  We currently have sunshine, a very recent arrival, but it is allegedly not going to last according to the fabled seaweed of Exeter.


The G word has yet to be mentioned but probably will be.  Yesterday's big adventure was the dismantling of the runner beans following their far from successful performance this year - we've only had two, far from bountiful, pickings mainly due to the weather and possibly probably the site chosen for them this year by the Head Gardener (Mrs Stationmaster), I'm innocent (for once).  Meanwhile however the last of the picked tomatoes are still ripening indoors and we have several pounds (kgs if you prefer) of them in the fridge, so much so that we had tomato pasta for dinner yet again yesterday evening.


Enjoy your day everybody.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning but threatened with the odd shower by the seaweed wranglers. As I mentioned my friends young son acquired a complete and working Tracey Island yesterday. It was out on the carpet as soon as we got home yesterday afternoon. Also present was big sisters boyfriend who was soon on the carpet 'helping' with it. I suspect he is now on the carpet but with a different meaning. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Mawnin‘ awl. Just finished eyelid inspection which I had commenced some time around 0500. One more shift today and one tomorrow, after which I got another week of holiday coming up.


Now going to have lunch for breakfast, if you will. :jester: Sunny outside, but apparently that is expected to end by tomorrow. Well, it is autumn, after all.


Later... :bye:

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


Just finished my second muggertea, whilst polishing some jewelry for Sheila, that will earn a few brownie points. Now I'm off to the workshop for a couple of hours, that'll use up some of them.


Back later

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Due to other activities taking place next week I was detailed to help "tidy up" Pah!  Now catching up with other bits and bats (Cricket umpires panel Chairmans' notes and one or two other time consuming little jobs).


Off out for tea later on to celebrate her indoors' birthday. 


but first a bit of lunch!



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Late up today - switched off the alarm - next thing I know it was a couple of hours later.


The intended lawn cutting is off - raining - and electric mowers don't go in that.


So reducing a load of gifted apples to pulp and then freezing them. Now on second coffee of the day.


Dogs will be walked later, but noticing that knee which was on the side of the car impact last week is not behaving - some more to claim for the personal injury stuff.


Modelling stuff is being consolidated. More boxes bought - and finding out what I've misplaced.

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Plans disrupted due to weather not doing what we wanted it to!


Went out to see a bike run go by, the 'Distinguished Gentleman's' run - supposed to be old bikes and all dressed in period riding gear.  Which was about a third of the bikes!  As it is the same day as a Vintage Motorcycle Club event here it was bad planning, and it is rather breezy and showery.  I'm also not sure I would ride without protective clothing in this day and age.


Gardening frenzy yesterday is causing some aches today, and day 2 of the same is much delayed due to said showers now, and it really is getting rather windy.  Think I'll be excused.


Which releases garage time, where no doubt I will sit and look at my layout trying to work out what to do with a new version - I know I want southern region, 3rd rail with some steam too, but just can't get a workable plan in my head.  I want about twice what I have space for - this is perhaps our usual conundrum.  I can't handle N gauge as I have a slight tremor so it has to be OO. I just need to see a photo that inspires a 'look' and I am sure it will come together. Maybe. In the meantime procrastination rules.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just one word to Neil (NHN) - Wokingham. (But might not be the right sort of EMUs although the steam selection would be considerable depending on period modelled.) 


Off to Google....


Nah sorry Mike, not doing it for me!  Interesting footbridge though.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Premium

So, we won the golf thing. One of the batters won 4+5, woteva that means.

In other news it's been quite pleasant here today.


5 and 4...…


5 holes up with only 4 to play.


I'll still watch the highlights later.




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Cheers Mick,

Bradley Walsh always explains the rules of The Chase but golf commentators just reel it out.


Now to football. Running "channels" and into "pockets"? What in gods name does Glenn Hoddle talk about? In my day you got the ball and walloped it to someone else.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well one lot are jumping up and down while the other lot aren't happy, and some idiot shouts get in the hole with the first strike of the stick the hole being 500 yards away..

Meanwhile even more highly paid people are driving in ever smaller circles, well the time taken is getting Less so it must be smaller.


Ben is hiding in his cage, for what reason I don't know, he did enjoy walking on the fifth of forth river bank between the site of things we can't talk about and the river. Boroughstouness council are building some very nice foot paths along there much of which is finished..


Ben has left his cage.. He is getting interested, mum is about to produce a full roast Sunday dinner.


And so am I bye.,

Edited by TheQ
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My apologies to anyone if I have spoilt their viewing later.

Not for me. I listened to it on the radio so want to see the TV. Sounded like th e GP was boring so won't be watching that.

Currently just watching a solid 2-0 lead disintegrate into 2-2 against the run of play.



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