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  • RMweb Premium

E‘ning, lads‘n‘lasses. Apologies for my absence. It’s not that anything extraordinary had happened. However, having a growing little gal at home sure does change how you spend your day!


Hope you’ve been well, or improving at least if that shouldn’t have been the case. Night shift coming up within the hour, so wish me strength...


Later... :bye:

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  • RMweb Gold

Another grammar school for me - and a royal one at that.... Clitheroe Royal GS


Just scraped English Language O level and failed English Lit.


I would have liked to have done woodwork , but because I was doing physics, chemistry and geography amongst others, the matrix of subjects wouldn't allow it.


If you've seen my baseboards, it's quite clear that I didn't do woodwork……




I did study and passed O level woodwork. My theory, design and history of furniture sections must have been quite good. The practical exam piece was terrible. The joint was supposed to be made so the examiner could pull it apart with slight pressure. I stuffed the gap with sawdust and glue.
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  • RMweb Premium

My baseboards resemble Mick's!


Now I think about that engineering drawing, I got the joint highest mark in that final too - it was a trick question one, a lot did the projections wrong.  Still didn't get a prize, but they (with electrotech) were my two distinctions in finals.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening Awl, 402 miles later...

Yes another one visiting Scotland, a remarkably good journey considering they closed the A66 so we took the A68, which for our return journey they are closing.. It looks like M74 M6 M180 on the way back.

I did have to endure an hour of "are you sure you've got everything" before we started.


Ben the Border Collie was very good for the entire journey he was spoilt by the nice lady in the burger van at the English Scottish border view Point on the A68 he got a free sausage...

We discovered earlier that he doesn't like Burger King chips, and he normally loves chips ..we agree with him.. . We noticed that all our normal stopping points had changed food suppliers not for the better...


As you can see from above I didn't go to a grammar school,

first secondary was Tidworth Down Secondary Modern boys School which only did CSEs,

Second Secondary Was Eochar Sgoil in the Hebrides which didn't award any certificates,

the Third Secondary was Inverness High School, a comprehensive, however my English education didn't match the Scottish system, I ended up doing some subjects sat in the back of a different level class teaching myself from books with just course interim exams set by teachers..


Depending whether you count Ds and Es as passes I got 6 or 8 O grades and 3 or 4 highers mostly because of being in the prison camp they called Drummond Park boys hostel, 2 or 3 hours 5nights a week in a classroom in silent study/home work. Whether or not the school set any...


If you live In the wilds of Scotland they don't necessarily have secondary schools nearby, so they had hostels in Stornoway Oban Inverness paid for by the council where you stayed for school term or just the week if you lived close enough..

Good preparation for being in the military!!!!


Well I'm knackered and the roads are still passing time for some sleep...

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. I passed my O levels in Maths, English, Geometry and Geography with quite high ratings in all but English which I only just scraped through. For some reason everybody who took their O levels had to take English. In fact I have never even seen my GCE certificates as we moved address soon after I left school and they were sent to the old address and never in the 54 years since have I been asked to show them. Least said about my woodworking efforts the better though the woodwork master did say I made the best firewood. Had a good day at the toy fair today, spent a few modelling tokens, in fact I spent a lot of them. My friend and his young son came with me and the lad insisted his pa purchase a complete Tracey Island, I don't think his dad who is/was a Thunderbirds fan needed much persuading. My purchases were mostly of the diecast variety but I did find half a dozen O scale tinplate enamel advertising signs for a tenner. They might be pre-war as they all have holes for pinning them to wooden buildings.

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  • RMweb Premium

Not to mention Watney's Red Barrel which could never be confused with actual beer.





Or as they say in Belgium, (although its a lager) Stella Artois. I haven't seen anyone there order one yet.

Or SKOL lager, the only liquid that could pass through the human body completely unaltered.

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  • RMweb Premium

There weren’t any specific woodwork classes at school in my time aside from such content within arts classes! Such practically oriented subjects may have been taught much further in the past. Cooking at least was when my mum was a teenager.

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  • RMweb Gold

It wasn't true draught beer - it was keg, and it's very difficult to serve real draught beer on a train, due to the sediment in the barrel - I believe that the KWVR tried decanting real ale into special casks so that the sediment was not present, then serving this in their buffet. 



Regards to All



You could do it with bright bitter (assuming you can get it) as you can tap that and serve immediately as it doesn't have all the sediment in it.  We used to get it in the pub I worked in if we ran out of draught beer and there was somebody in at the brewery across the road - we did sometimes run out of bitter on the Saturday afternoon of regatta week so it was across to the brewery and they'd get someone to roll a firkin of bright over the road.  Just put it up and tap it and draw off (usually) a bit less than a pint to make sure it was ok and then start serving it.


And I agree with Baz - draught fizz beer (keg) was tried on HSTs (I've an idea that Watneys Red Barrel also got a look in as well on that) and there were various other attempts over the years.

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Evening all. I hope today finds you all well. Thanks to those who sent good wishes.


The stomach upset was not helped yesterday by the visiting cat. Whilst my wife and daughter are away with the in-laws, I have the in-laws cat staying with me. Last night he decided to have. a bought of diarrhoea himself! Just what I needed. At least he kept it in the litter tray. Thankfully I felt much better today, although I was not at my best so I know I did the right thing by missing the show. I was very disappointed, and hope it went well. Fingers crossed I will be ok for next weekend when I am due to be at the Sheffield show with my layout.


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


As I mentioned yesterday, we were out early this morning to pick up Ava and Evie then we spent the morning at the Trafford Centre. The girls helped to choose their birthday and Christmas presents, not knowing that we’d already bought a few things on Friday. They also wanted to go into the bookshop, where they both got a book each, something we don’t mind buying for them. It’s a lot better than video games as far as I’m concerned.


I wasn’t particularly academically minded, but I was quite good at the technical stuff, including maths. I came first in metalwork, but got an ‘E’, the comment on my report said “capable of doing very good work, but seldom does any”. That’s because I was always far too busy cutting up sheets of stainless steel and making bracelets, rings and other stuff I could sell! My only ‘O’ level was in geometric and technical drawing.


Goodnight folks

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  • RMweb Premium

 Small children now are having creativity stifled by having to include grammatical forms such as fronted adverbials when they write.

I had to look that up. I don't think we were taught that as anything special.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, SWMBO snoring to the side of me, dog snoring by the doorway, so I can't escape.

Quite windy outside across the fifth of forth..


Plans for the day, nothing, except walk the Ben the Border Collie, back arms and other painful bits are having a rest this week...


Being awake at stupid o'clock brought to mind a solution for a particular problem / required modification needed on a layout, simple to make, unusual in real life, but genuine for a particular place, may produce a talking point if exhibited...


First secondary school did woodwork, metalwork, technical drawing, rural studies, none of which were taught at the Scottish schools I attended. So more differences between my English and Scottish education.


Time too.. See if I can join in the snoring...

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning to most! (Others may respond to good night).


Her indoors made and delivered a mugatea as she had woken with a raging thirst. When she is awake everyone has to be awake.


A bit of layout moving took place yesterday. No injuries sustained but I have a sore shoulder ..a bit of exercise required..so time for my mugatea.


Have a great day and hope all who ail or are missing have a good day too.



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