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John, hope the hospital visit "goes well". Last (and only) time I had similar abdominal pain, I was relieved of my appendix fairly soon after arriving at the US equivalent of A&E, the "ER"!


HUMP day for all, perhaps?


Nothing exciting out this part of the world, reports, reports, reports... <yawn>

Florence current tracking expects it to make landfall Thursday night into Friday somewhere along the Carolinas coast. Whilst WAY south of here, given the path, I'm still expecting some disruption (none announced yet!) to my travel since under normal conditions the plane I take starts out here at JFK, heads down the coast to Tampa, and then back up. They're predicting tropical storm force winds along the coastal areas as early as Thursday AM, so anything flying that area will be re-routed way inland!. Doubtless by tomorrow, there'll be some changes/cancellations to routes along the coast, so who knows how it'll affect my travel??


Weather here 22 and foggy this AM, VERY FOGGY, resulting in slower than usual traffic even on streets with good visibility! Forecast 26 for the high and some rain.


Hop on over the hump towards the weekend...

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Now cross-eyed after looking at energy deals on Compare The Confused Meerkats at U-Switch Money Supermarkets.Com   :crazy:

Most deals seem to want about £20 plus a month more than I'm currently paying but I've found some that are close so will sleep on it and make a decision tomorrow. Possibly. Maybe.   :scratchhead:


No decoder has arrived yet which is frustrating. 


STOP PRESS: Decoder has just arrived!  :yes:  :imsohappy:

Edited by grandadbob
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Chrisf I think we really need to have a picture of the hessian bag.  I strongly suspect that it has Tardis like properties, in that it contains far more than it appears to be capable of doing.  I hope that your day goes well.




I love technology.  The pic has been rotated but insists on lying down.



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Cricket has been watched. Both the umpires and scorers are having a very bad day at the office. Hope I umpire alright on Saturday.


Time for tea!


John hope the time spent in hospital is not long...i find them to be, like doctors surgeries full of people who seem less well than I am!



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Evening All


John - hope your stay in hospital is short, and that you are fighting fit soon.


And the usual generic greetings to all ERs who are ailing or celebrating. 


As usual, there is not a lot to report here other than a trip to the bank (and finally managed to get a statement printout) and took Lily to see the nurse at the vet's as she had a few knots on her undercarriage, and also one of her nails was curling round - and the nurse is better equipped (muzzle, table etc) so for £19 it was well worth it. 


Fodder run tomorrow.


Regards to All


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Cricket has been watched. Both the umpires and scorers are having ... like doctors surgeries full of people who seem less well than I am!



Thanks to,all the medication I don’t look that ill. People make assumptions.

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Evening All


John - hope your stay in hospital is short, and that you are fighting fit soon.


And the usual generic greetings to all ERs who are ailing or celebrating.


As usual, there is not a lot to report here other than a trip to the bank (and finally managed to get a statement printout) and took Lily to see the nurse at the vet's as she had a few knots on her undercarriage, and also one of her nails was curling round - and the nurse is better equipped (muzzle, table etc) so for £19 it was well worth it.


Fodder run tomorrow.


Regards to All


It was easier to cut knotted matted fur out of Robbie. He would take a brush or comb out of my hand and run off with it. Anyone listening over the fence would have thought I was crazy explaining to him that I was using a puppy brush and there was no way it could hurt. He never had his claws trimmed but if he had I think I would have taken him to the vets and let the nurse do it. He liked the nurses. He put his front leg up nicely for blood tests. Edited by Tony_S
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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Bill, I carry a couple of spare keys at all times, also a couple of neighbours hold spare keys. Have you ever thought of a key safe? in some circumstances it could be a good idea though as in my case there is nowhere to put one without it being obvious from the street.

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Good evening everyone


Whilst working in the area of the patio I uncovered more of the original coal bunker and going off what I uncovered so far, it measured around 6ft square and stains on the wall make it about 6ft 7in at its highest point, so it is a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Mind you, when our house was built it had a lot of stuff that burned coal. There’s a fireplace in each in the 4 bedrooms, a fireplace in the living room, another in the dining room, a fireplace in the cellar and there was also a coal fired copper in there too. There was also a huge coal fired range in the kitchen, which measured about 6ft across, so maybe it’s not so surprising. It’s definitely not an outside toilet, as when our house had both a bathroom and an inside toilet when built in 1897.


After we’d both experienced a few more dropouts from our WiFi today, I ordered my mesh system and I should have it a few days time. So once I’ve installed that I’m hoping we won’t get anymore dropouts like we’re experiencing at the moment. It’s been getting so bad recently that I’ve been rebooting the modem/router every couple of days, it’s really starting to p!ss me off.


Time for bed, goodnight all

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Brian, I will be interested to know if the mesh system works.

My neighbour has just replaced BT as his broadband and phone supplier with another company usually associated with satellite TV. They can’t get his router (supplied by them)to communicate with the satellite box (supplied by them). The WiFi signal isn’t strong enough allegedly. Strangely enough it is detectable in my house which is on the other side of the road. Apparently the solution is a faster broadband package. I am not sure how a 60Mb/s broadband has better WiFi than a 30Mb/s service, especially as it is the same router.


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We had router problems and the eventual solution involved tightening the earth connection on the coax, somewhere. Then the tech insisted on leaving a new router which, after a weekend of not working, I replaced at the provder's local outlet.


The pet shop had bags with 10% of price donated to charity. The price turned out to be $1.49.  I added the change to their charity box.


Attended local pipe band performance/rehearsal tonight. Their Grade 5 band had a good summer, came in first, and was promoted to Grade 4.  The grade 3 band only placed second over the summer.

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Morning All,


It is still too dark to make a really informed statement on the weather (a sure sign that Autumn is approaching).  However, it looks cloudy and there may be some rain later.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


Leveret were excellent – sublime, even - in concert last night and I would have been most surprised if it were otherwise.  What did surprise me was the sparse attendance.  I doubt the auditorium was more than half full.  What will not surprise you is that I bought two CDs.  Whilst at The Stables I booked for two more concerts and treated myself to a tub of salted caramel ice cream as a change from my normal honey and stem ginger.  Oh, such decadence.  Today, I hope, will not be too strenuous, for I have a song to learn.  I want to sing it in public, emboldened - for once - by my modest contribution to the singaround at London Folk Festival.  The tune of “Be The Man” is a bit of a switchback.  When I played it in the car on Tuesday, for Poorly Pal’s benefit, I realised that the live performance at Hatfield House did not have the extra instrumentation on the record, which for me makes it even more powerful.  This might be why there were floods of tears the first time I played it.


AndrewC, thanks for the tip about baking soda.  If the surface receiving the deluge had been wood and polished this would have been most useful.  As it was, the flux soaked into the MDF pretty quickly.  I used kitchen towel, of which there is a massive roll in the shed, to blot the worst of the spillage.  More handier household hints in ERs, please!  Tony S, thank you for reorientating the photograph of the hessian bag.  Tuition would be much appreciated.


There is a fine line between envy and petty jealousy and I am about to cross it.  I observed recently that I am the complete opposite of a certain young friend.  He has no shortage of places to go nor people to go with, the latter mostly school or uni friends.  Yours truly has no shortage of places to go either but an almost complete absence of companions.  It is only the CD player in the car that helps me retain a vestige of sanity on those long solo trips.  I can’t help wondering whether a large friend base is a generational thing.  I hope it is, for if it is not that’s something else that is not easily fixed.


Warm thoughts to JohnDMJ and best wishes to all in distress or missing.



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Morning all. A quick check in before I attempt to drag myself out of bed. I am struggling to wake up with a clear head this morning,, something that has been a common occurrence this week and alcohol is not involved.

The marking has gone crazy this week. The college has lost a couple of assessers and so their case load is being shared around. I am not going to complain because it will help to boost the earnings, providing the assignments pass of course.. In the ten days I have been employed I have passed 103 assignments (but failed over 50 others). It has meant spending long hours in front of the laptop. Hopefully things will settle down soon.


I am pleased to hear more positive news on Debs but concerned about John’s hospital stay. My good wishes to them both and to others in need.


Best wishes



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Mooring awl, Inner Temple here,

 A terrible nights sleep, of maybe 4 hours in several pieces.

The problem was Before falling asleep I was thinking on how I would have built the boat now I have 20/20 hindsight. One of the things would be a single cockpit rather than a double cockpit. since I'm going from a genuine two seater down to a single with possibility of two. Well after an hours sleep, I woke thinking, well why can't I make it a single seater?


 So for another hour and a half it was going round and round my head till it hurt. After that I gave up went down stairs, took a couple of Ibuprofen and retired to the sofa, another hour or so, I finally drifted off, to awake another hour later bor for having my final section of sleep...


A beautiful dawn this morning on my way in a cloudless sky, but decidedly chilly, I need to swap my summer coat back into the cupboard, and find a warmer one. Also find some gloves, that landrover steering wheel was B*******y freezing,


So anyway I now have my drawing pad in front of me and have started sketching out possible solutions.. It looks like She will have a single cockpit of 48 inches length, instead of two 30 inches long. This means that:

The lost length will be behind the sitting position, pushing my considerable weight closer to the centre of balance of the boat.

The control ropes will be much shorter, not having to wind their way around the forward cockpit, saving  cost of rope and turning blocks.


I Need to remove part of two ring frames, so I'm working out where the replacement strength will be put in, one position is obvious, it will form the back of the seating position, the forward position is not so obvious, but I will have to replace the control panel I put in a couple of weeks ago...


 Excuse me, I'm off to look at some videos of similar boats (again) to see how they are laid out...


Oh but first...


Time to ... set up the next Current shunt to measure...

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