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Cortinas had clutch cables :O ??? I’m pretty sure mine relied upon timing to crash through the box ;).

Never managed to find a passenger with which to use the expression “Cor Tina” though there were other names involved. :jester:

Smouldering is in progress. The end result might be a pleasureable pastime best not mentioned here!

At least you didn't crack that hoary old chestnut about the Corsaire
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Many, many years ago I was involved in a conversation with an attractive young lady about the difficulties involved if attempting to get intimately acquainted in the Frog-eyed Sprite she owned.

It was, she informed me, only possible if the female half of the equation was able to hook her leg around the steering wheel.

Is this a come-on, I wondered.

"Can you?"  I asked.

"Yes."  She assured me.

It is a come-on, I decided.

I was wrong . . .

Edited by mike morley
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Proper ER tomorrow.


Up at 5.15 for my triathlon - 400m/18km/5km. West Lancs at Edge Hill University.

Definitely not trained enough (but more than Junior who is also doing it).

I haven't set a target time as I have no real idea what I will do it in. Number 1 priority is to finish, although secretly hoping for sub 2 hours. I'm not taking any time-telling devices with me and the first I'll know about it is likely to approaching the finish line.


My swim start is 08.08.30.Junior doesn't start hers until 10.49.30.


Legal painkillers will be taken before and after.


Maybe see you tomorrow,




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Good evening everyone


It’s been quite a pleasant day here in the northwest, despite the early rain. I enjoyed the model boat show at Haydock, but it’s a lot smaller than it used to be, with very few traders. So, I didn’t come away with an awful lot, mind you, I didn’t really have a huge shopping list either.


The evening was rounded off with a nice bottle of red and we sat and caught up on some recorded TV.


Mike M. I hope your treatment goes well, nearly 6 1/2 years ago my score was 90 and my treatment started almost immediately. They usually Taylor the treatment to suit the individual, so everyone’s will be different. But it’s all do able and the end result if caught early can be very good, I’m living proof of that.


Goodnight all

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Mooring Awl, inner Temple here,

A very good nights sleep, of 6.5 hours. Though I've got a slightly sore back this morning.


With the forecast, just a bit of filler work is planned, whether or not the weather, changes to rain decides if I play with the vibrating 22 year old again today afterwards.


I may well get the drawing board out later, as now various boat decisions have been made, I need to work out various pieces dimensions. Particularly for the jib boom, and dangley pole.


There is A very old sail soaking in the bath at the moment, this is part trial of cleaning methods, and partly this "Lark class" jib might be used on the boat in high winds as it's much smaller than kestrel sails roughly 32 square feet instead of 50 square feet.


Eyes eyes eyes..


It's chilly out there, the great fried egg looks very thin and watery through the clouds. The the living room thermometer is showing 19C, the lowest I've seen for some time.


Time to... eat my porridge

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Good morning all,

Rather overcast here and there will be rain and wind later, lots of it apparently. I'm so glad I washed the car yesterday.  :banghead:

Feeling a bit rough at the moment and don't know why but I'm hoping a good hearty fried breakfast will sort that out. (No porridge here today)

One or two supplies have run low so a quick visit to Sainsbury's is needed. After that I've got some paperwork to do and also need to start looking for car insurance because my present firm of crooks are 'aving a larf with the renewal notice they've just sent me.

There will be an interlude later for F1 to be watched which won't go down well with management. This evening I will be using my "skills" for a couple of minutes in the kitchen to deal with some fillet steak

Have a good one,


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Ey up!

Great news NHN! Now she can enjoy her new job.


Great game yesterday. A young lady who plays for the Yorkshire Diamonds bowled very well in the first innings. She ran out of batting partners in the second innings as the team she was playing for were all out in over 44.1 for 171 chasing 174 for a draw.


Youngest Herbert bowled well in his game 15 overs 2 wickets 25 runs. Not bad as the team they were playing scored 300 for 7 in 50 overs.


Today I have a trip up the A1 to help with some repair work on Grantham (the layout).


Have a great day everyone. Positive thoughts to all that ail.



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A couple of things got missed out from my earlier post.  The first is that I paid £5 for an indifferent pint of Sharps Atlantic.  The second is that I had my water bottle confiscated by a security goon.  Neither event added to my enjoyment of the day.




EDIT - how could I forget the boots?!  They performed perfectly, with the laces causing no difficulties.  During the parade I could barely feel them, but by 4 pm they were beginning to weigh heavy on my feet.  I should avoid wearing them when driving though.

Edited by chrisf
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A couple of things got missed out from my earlier post.  The first is that I paid £5 for an indifferent pint of Sharps Atlantic.  The second is that I had my water bottle confiscated by a security goon.  Neither event added to my enjoyment of the day.




EDIT - how could I forget the boots?!  They performed perfectly, with the laces causing no difficulties.  During the parade I could barely feel them, but by 4 pm they were beginning to weigh heavy on my feet.  I should avoid wearing them when driving though.

You should have used your BRAINS regarding the beer.


These security people don't have a clue about what to look for, they are there as wallpaper to make it look better.  If they had been really on the ball, and serious, they should have sniffed your boots (with the appropriate machinery).


Your footwear also dictated you adopt  the army style of driving.


Gas on/gas off. This is why you got home from Cogan in three hours!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Morning all


Middle Day of a three-day weekend. Currently feels cool and the seaweed-wranglers are promising prodigious precipitation. It certainly feels like it in the bits prone to Arfur I. Tiss


Notter lot on the agenda as the supermarket delivery arrived during breakfast and I do not require pressed uniform for the morrow.


Best wishes to all.

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Many, many years ago I was involved in a conversation with an attractive young lady about the difficulties involved if attempting to get intimately acquainted in the Frog-eyed Sprite she owned.

It was, she informed me, only possible if the female half of the equation was able to hook her leg around the steering wheel.

Is this a come-on, I wondered.

"Can you?" I asked.

"Yes." She assured me.

It is a come-on, I decided.

I was wrong . . .

You're not leaving it there are you? We need to know the ins and outs! Edited by lightengine
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Morning all,


It's raining so hopefully my efforts, various, to make room in the water butts will be suitably repaid.  The rain is falling in a steady but not heavy manner which is no doubt 'good for the garden, and the weeds; even the lawn now looks more green than straw coloured although there area couple of stubborn patches so far refusing to green up.


Today's big adventure looks like a trip to Tesco for the 'papers, a bit of shopping and hopefully some prescription meds to collect.


Have a good day one and all

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and also need to start looking for car insurance because my present firm of crooks are 'aving a larf with the renewal notice they've just sent me.



I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one - More than> shoved mine up by £120.00 for no good reason after being with them for 20 years+ and having maximum NCB - I got a quote from Kia Insurance and MT> offered to try to reduce mine - they got told that if I was to stay with them they would need to halve their quote - needless to say that was not possible and they got told (rather severely) that they, and I, would be parting company however it took three phone calls to get them to give me my copy of the No claims confirmation - they have an enormous spiel that you have to listen to wittering at you before they will let you talk to anybody - a right shower of sharks, and I won't be using them for anything else!  The name is obviously because they charge MoreThan> anyone else!

Edited by shortliner
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