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In the spirit of the newspaper 'infographic', were I to have at my disposal an army of Googlebots and a suite of deep machine learning, artificial intelligence software, I would love to apply them to RMWebbers' views on sharing the road, illuminated by such threads as 'driving standards' and the current cycling etiquette thread.


Perhaps the results might look something like the following.



Of course if we added other classes like horse riders, towed vehicles (such as trailers, farm equipment, Grocklewaggons, etc), motorcyclists and then overlaid refined subsets such as mobile telephone and satnav operators to each class of road/path user, we would see even more patterns emerge. 


A further analysis of pejorative stereotypes (such as the "lycra clad, clip in cyclist" or ER's beloved "cock/henwomble") might also be quite fascinating.



While I retire to the front porch to admonish the neighbourhood urchins to stay off my front lawn*, do please note that this is humoursly intended, and is not the resutl of any actual data-based analysis.


* Actually I have neither a porch nor a lawn, though there is a kerbside grass strip that dogs who can't make it to the paddock 100' distant occasionally use to relieve themselves. (My neighbours all use artificial turf and the dogs seem to prefer a natural surface.) 


May I bid a good weekend to one and all. I am looking forward to a family barbecue on Sunday. Even if that means I will have much housework tomorrow.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Premium

In the spirit of the newspaper 'infographic', were I to have at my disposal an army of Googlebots and a suite of deep machine learning, artificial intelligence software, I would love to apply them to RMWebbers' views on sharing the road, illuminated by such threads as 'driving standards' and the current cycling etiquette thread.


Perhaps the results might look something like the following.





So worst case is walking a dog whilst riding a rented scooter and wearing roller blades..........

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Evening.  Quite a day....one way and another.


Debs got the job, which was great news.  It's in the Freedom of Information office of our version of the NHS.


The day then got a bit worse and she ended up back in hospital, long story but things are OK now, some post-operative issues.  Eventually got back in at 8pm, we're both shattered, but happy!

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So worst case is walking a dog whilst riding a rented scooter and wearing roller blades..........


A menace to society :)


What's interesting is just how many instructional videos there were for doing this.


EDIT: Of course this is Florida. Walking small dogs in Florida can lead to being eaten by alligators. (It actually has happened twice in the last year or so, most recently at a golf resort in South Carolina, very close to a course that hosts an annual PGA tour event.)

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've finally gone and done it, I've suggested on the Diesels on Pendon thread that they run Thomas the Tank Engine next. Now that I've lit the blue touch paper I shall retire to a safe distance to watch the fireworks.

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Just back from the MRC, where we had an exceptional turn out, more members than we had a couple of years ago. I failed as slartybartfast since I forgot the polystyrene, I failed as a ganger since I forgot the dremel to cut the track and drill track pin holes.

I did lay some track underlay and add a huge amount of backscene board.. 8 inches... All this to the accompaniment of heavy rain on the roof.


I now intend to find out how much I will fail to sleep...



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Good evening everyone


Well it’s rained on and off nearly all day, so I would have got very little if anything done in the garden at all today.


The pies we had for tea tonight went down very well, so well in fact that they have been requested again for tea next week, but this time everyone wants steak and ale pie, I must admit, it’s a good choice! So I’ll place an order during the week.


I won’t be looking in tomorrow morning, as I’m heading to Haydock Park to visit the model boat convention. I’ve not been for a number of years, so I’m really looking forward to it.


Goodnight all.

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' Evening all from red dragon land.


Simon, it looks as though you are having a good time in our part of the world.  Enjoy the rest of it.



I tried to take it easy today - 3 days on the rails at West Shore coming up.  Up early tomorrow so we can get there before any tr**ns get put on the track.  New instructions to impart re modifications to the traverser.  Hoping the showers will keep at bay so we can have a good start to the weekend.


' Night all and nos da.

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Got the results of my prostate test yesterday.

"Normal" score is, apparently, 4.5

My father, who died of prostate cancer, had a score of eight.

My score is 52.


I woke up at 3am and knew the moment I opened my eyes that I'd had all the sleep I was going to get.

Very sorry to hear that Mike. Hopefully it has been caught in time.

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Morning all from a still quiet and somewhat cool house.


Firstly thoughts towards Mike (M) above and hope that things have been caught early and that treatment is swift and effective. Also thoughts towards Mrs(NHN) I hope that things are on the mend and that the new job goes well.


Here as mentioned above everyone else is still in bed so I have peace and quiet. I made a start on a little project yesterday. The 'storeroom' in the shed has one rather small lightbulb in it. This is a room 3.3m by 4.5m by 3.5m high with no windows. I found a box of small fluorescent tubes that used to be the lighting rig on Long Preston. Yesterday I made a start by fixing 6 of them to two pieces of 2 x 1 and testing them all. Today hopefully they will be hung from the ceiling on some lengths of chain and then connected into the light socket. I think that this is a good piece of recycling. Apart from that little task I have no idea what the day will bring though there is a threat of some liquid sunshine.



Regards to all.





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Mooring awl, inner Temple here,

A surprisingly good nights sleep,

Though I've awoken with a headache and sore throat. A minor problem compared to others.


The automatic furry thermometer is in his bed, so it's definitely cooler in here.



stay where I am till brown eyes decides otherwise, then after breakfast,

get the sander out, and sharp blades. Cut back and sand.

Bandage boat then leave till Sunday morning to set really hard.

See what times left, if enough get mower out..


Brown eyes is up and moving, I expect the stare shortly.




Eyes eyes eyes...

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Morning All


Sorry I've been AWOL for a few days, but I have been a-lurking, and have read and rated all posts since my last visit to ERs.  Generic greetings are, of course, sent to all who are ailing or celebrating, or suffering a visit from the black dog, or who are attending Pride marches.


We have a house guest staying at the mo - 30747's niece who arrived yesterday for a short Bank Holiday stay with is, much to Lily's delight.


Also had a bit of a domestic disaster the other day (narrowly averted) when 30747 noticed that the coving above the fireplace appeared to be coming away a bit.  So gets the steps out, goes up there, and the whole thing (about 8 feet of it) came away, and only just missed landing on the mantlepiece which has a number of ornaments thereon,  Of course, we had no suitable adhesive, so it's now nailed firmly into place.  However, we did find that it managed to hit the stove, and has cracked the glass, which we only discovered last night - so a new one is now on order from an internet based company - much cheaper that from Hunter, or some of the local suppliers who have websites.


Anyhow, we're all off to Lancaster for a mooch round the shops - WOW!!!


Regards to All


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Good morning all,

Sunshine here but it's a bit cooler and there may be some showers later.

Yesterday evening's "showers" became a torrential downpour for a while but at least it will do the garden some good. That's looking a bit tidier after my efforts but my back and hip are complaining today. At least I had a good night's sleep.

Nicki & Co arrived in Malaga safely and their apartment is "lovely" so that's good. I expect to see a multitude of photos on Instagram over the next week.

No firm plans for today but the car needs a wash. That will probably speed up the arrival of rain. (if I do it)

Time for some breakfast.

Have a good one,


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Morning all,


Mike M - hoping they quickly get on with treatment and it goes well.


Mrs Stationmaster's pestivalweatherometer has thus far been spot on with the weather.  Like GDB our forecast occasional light showers yesterday evening turned into torrential rain - just as herself said it would.  She remains wary about what the weather will do today (Exeter seaweed says 'sunny'/'occasional sunshine') but she wholeheartedly agrees with Exeter that tomorrow afternoon will indeed produce a local monsoon climate.  Welly sales in reading will no doubt be soaring.


My labourer has not turned up today although as he hadn't rung that was not unexpected and fortunately, or not, materials are not to hand as they won't be here until Wednesday so next Saturday could well be busy (if the weather allows).  I might pop down to the town or I might noyt, thus far I have decided to be indecisive.


Have a good day one and all and hoping Chris will enjoy a good day in Caerdydd.

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Morning fellow ER's. A nice sunny day here in Derbyshire thus far. 

Just read Mike's post. I would like to offer my best wishes and hope that the treatment will be a success.

There really is nothing more to say.


Best wishes



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Morning all.


Retired early last night feeling a little under the weather and did not sleep well. The planned 5am start today for a trip to Swanage was cancelled when I was awake with a thumping head at 4am. Things improved and I now have a clear head and a spare day.


The Parcel Farce continues. The missing item has apparently turned up in Coventry. Not bad considering it was mailed from Cornwall to what most folk here still call Middlesex. It is not coming to me however but is, according to Parcel Farce’s customer service person on its way back to sender. They assured me, once again, that my address is unoccupied.


So how, then, has a replacement package sent yesterday arrived here safely within the past hour? I now not only have a complete order but several additional items and a lovely card from the sender by way of compensation. This was not their fault in any way. Full marks, then, to St. Austell brewery for the best customer service I have encountered in a long time.


SWMBO intends to study today. I had previously agreed she would have the day to herself. I shall sit outside and play with my replacement smouldering iron.


Richard (the modelling hippo) - it blows when the vacuum no longer sucks.

Mike - welcome to the madhouse and I am sorry to hear of your result. Father and brother-in-law both suffered but BiL was dealt with in good time. Father was done too but as we now know his demise was hastened by a bowel cancer the two might have been linked. Please be assured of our support and friendship here and I wish you the very best.


It is muggertea time. Yorkshire’s finest although SWMBO has the decaffeinised version on medical grounds. The kettle’s on if anyone is close enough to pop round.

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