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Good morning everyone


It’s looking a wee bit dodgy here in the northwest, sunny one minute, dull the next. Hopefully I’ll be able to get some work done in the garden, if not, there’s always the workshop.


Back later

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Morning all,


Our GP's surgery believes in very manual prostate checks, accompanied by apologies for cold hands (but no apologies for anything else.  However as I said to the GP on one occasion of one of his female practice partners who had carried out the process on me looking on the bright side you'd probably have to pay a 'lady' of dubious reputation in the west end of London a large sum of money for such a 'service'.


And outside the rain has fallen and is still making desultory attempts to fall a bit more, I hope the room I made in the water butts yesterday evening by filling various watering cans has been reoccupied by free water.   The house opposite continues to receive the attention of heating engineers, apparently the gas pipe from the main was too small to allow a sufficient volume of gas to feed all the various things using the supply meaning the boiler could only produce a little over half of its rated output - first time I've heard that one.


Have a good day one and all.

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Morning fellow ER's. Generic congrats and commiserations as appropriate. 


Chrisf - I hope you get your arrangements sorted for the various pride marches and that you have an enjoyable time.

Mick NB - Enjoy the golf and good luck.

Mike -  Good luck with the prostate test.


Black dog continues to prowl outside of the kennel at the moment. I would love to say that my wife is supporting me through the latest battle. Sadly, I would say that she has probably been the one to let it out of its abode.


Best wishes



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Andyram, if it's any consolation I had a bad day last week when something that I had reluctantly accepted four months ago really got to me.  Remarkably, the person who caused the trouble in the first place says that he is saddened.  Fine, so that's two of us.  It's one of those things that seems trivial to nearly everybody else but not to me.  I'd say, if you can, keep busy - easier said than done, I know.  I'm marching at Pride Cymru on Saturday but right now I don't feel very proud.  That could be interesting ...


Chin up mate



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. The rain predicted for earlier this morning has only just started about half an hour ago, I only hope that it finishes on time. I'll have to look in again on the diesels on Pendon thread but I'll have to resist the temptation to pour petrol diesel oil on the flames. Nothing planned for the bank holiday, my friend and his lad are away visiting family over the holiday and I don't fancy driving anywhere on bank holidays anyway. Muggatee awaits so its be back later time.

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Re Prostate DRE tests I much prefer lady doctors of the female persuasion doing this as their digits are normally smaller.


The rain has rained considerably but it is brightening up and joy and happiness abound in GDB Towers and associated abodes.

The reason(s):

Joe's hospital tests are fine and he's coping well with the diabetes.


His GCSE results are great. He's managed two 8s (A*) two 7s (A) four 6s ( B) and one 4 ( C standard pass) and is over the moon. 

Grades in brackets are the equivalent under the old system:




We're now all looking forward to a great night out.

Well done Joe.

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I have been posting little this past few days as Mrs NHN has been in hozzy for a few days having a large dodgy looking lump removed from the side of her hip. All went well, we just now await histology to confirm it was benign. It was 'thought' to be, but until we know for sure we're a little subdued.


The weather is also crepe, so there has been hardly any bike action to distract us, MGP Practice week to be re-named Rain Week.


My friend's trip to Bonneville didn't go well due to handling problems with the bike over 160 mph, eventually weaving so badly he ran off the course when he tried to 'ride through' the weave.  Time to stop…..  Several other very experienced competitors offered advice and help but the bike could not be persuaded to behave despite many alterations and adjustments, a shame as the engine ran well and produced 'ample' power to go well over 200mph. (edit- its only a 500cc)  One of the other guys took three records in single cylinder 350cc pushrod classes, this is a good team!  Investigations will commence in detail when the bike gets back home. 


Fingers crossed for those awaiting exam results.  I still recall the stress 43 years later.


Edit - posts crossed with those above!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Andyram. Hang in there.


GDB. A big well done to Joe


Neil. Fingers crossed for Mrs NHN.

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Morning or in my case afternoon all. A bit late posting as things have been quite busy now that or friends have arrived. Fortunately their daughter seems to have settled in well and already sees her room as a "safe" place.



Yesterday we also had our winter logs delivered. 3 Stears of them. Apparently it's an old pre revolutionary measurement of approx. a cubic metre. However it's well enough recognised to appear on the energy efficiency certificate for the house. Ours is classed as 4/5 per year. Ours are cope a trois which means that we get 4 pieces about 400mm long from each log. That's an extra 5 euro per stear than if we had them coupe a deux. Our friends arrived about 5.15 and Hannah took a while to settle but we all got a good nights sleep.


This morning after breakfast Adrian and I went out as I had the horrible job of seeing the fair Laetitia to sort out an insurance matter. Adrian had the hard job of sitting on the sofa while did the business. Then a trip to the DIY store for some light bulbs before meeting the ladies for coffee in another village. I got a haircut and we have now got home. Todays activity will involve re arranging the owl shed so that we can stack the wood neatly inside but still be able to get at the existing wood piles.



Chrisf I hope that the arrangements for the march and the march itself go well.


Andyram, best wishes keeping the do in the kennel. I did wonder how much real support you would get for your new venture once the hours needed to be put in.


Neil (NHN) I hope that the results are good.


GDB please pass on congratulations to Joe.


To all and sundry, Bon Chance et bon Sante.



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Rather amusingly, Raab C Brexit just used the phrase "Deal or no deal" in his speech.


We finally seem to have arrived at the pinnacle of procedings - The "Noel Edmonds Brexit"


I'd not heard "Raab C Brexit" before.  Very, very clever!



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Rather amusingly, Raab C Brexit just used the phrase "Deal or no deal" in his speech.


We finally seem to have arrived at the pinnacle of procedings - The "Noel Edmonds Brexit"


Isn't that the one where throughout everyone behaves as though some tremendously clever strategy is being played out when it's all essentially just the product of unforeseeable interactions?

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Well done to Joe: GDB had said he put a lot of work in, and clearly it has paid off.


I have previously said Elder Lurker hadn't done nearly enough work. That too has reaped its "rewards". He hasn't done nearly enough to stay where he is and do A levels there, but we do think he has done enough to scrape into his reserve school. He will have to go tomorrow to enroll, and that's when he will know for sure. He is devastated to say the least. I think he got one 6, a sprinkling of 5s (including maths and English language) and the rest 4s. Mrs Lurker has had the hard task of talking him through it.


On the positive side, this may be the wake up call he needs to actually put a bit more effort in going forward; ie do they work properly and not as quickly as possible so that he could get back to FIFA 17 or whatever.


I will be positive when I get home. His weakest subject was maths but he did loads of work (involving me!) so he can do it!

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Morning fellow ER's. Generic congrats and commiserations as appropriate. 


Chrisf - I hope you get your arrangements sorted for the various pride marches and that you have an enjoyable time.

Mick NB - Enjoy the golf and good luck.

Mike -  Good luck with the prostate test.


Black dog continues to prowl outside of the kennel at the moment. I would love to say that my wife is supporting me through the latest battle. Sadly, I would say that she has probably been the one to let it out of its abode.


Best wishes



One of the hardest things in a relationship where stress and depression strike is that they often have a negative effect on the other half, and on the relationship itself; at least this was the case in my own personal experience. I hope for your sakes that you can work through things

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BIN day here... already placed at their appointed spot last evening.


Uneventful yesterday, then an evening walk and stop in at a local eatery for some refreshments ;)


The local "official end-of-summer" event, the Minnesota State Fair starts today (well, started already, gates opened at 6AM).

The event runs through Labor day and pretty much signals the end of summer here, as everything "summer" starts to wind down following the Labor day holiday. Kids back to school, summer cabins and lakes deserted and thoughts of closing them for the season! Winter can surely only be moments away!  :O  :jester:


Weather helping with the illusion with 15 this AM, expecting 26 for the high. Only a respite though as forecasts suggest 30's over the weekend, last blast of the year probably.


Hope you're enjoying the waning days of summer :sungum:

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Faux Friday so we ventured to the trainspotting branch of Waitrose.  Incorrect route selection for return home as it appears the pestival goers are definitely a different market sector from earlier times and now arrive enmasse in personal motorised transport; maybe the regulars just grew up and got richer?  Thus major, and I mean really major, gridlock on both of the principal routes from the south (M4) side of Reading to the pestival site although oddly a somewhat congested trip round the IDR (Inner Distribution Road) took us to a far emptier route towards the field although we in any case peeled off that to cross the river via the other bridge.


This year's principal female fashion would appear to be short shorts (in some cases very short shorts, a distinct traffic hazard)  although it doesn't appear to be as widely established as some of the past female fashion favourites were in their particular year.  No pairs of wellies in evidence either so it looks like they have believed the Met Office rather than the 'monsoon rain, howling tempest, and freezing temperatures' predictions of the Daily Wail.

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The "Noel Edmonds Brexit"

Please spare us the pink and yellow interruptions of Mr. Blobby. On second thoughts could he do a better job?


Good Thirst-day all.


I have been fierce with Parcel Farce which has produced one of two missing items though it has arrived damaged in a manner suggesting its contents were unlawfully investigated. The other item has mysteriously vanished from the face of the Earth. Possibly into the hands of who ever was poking about inside the cardboard. The sender has been most helpful in arranging to re-send the items and of opening a claim against Parcel Farce.


I have been fierce with the local tool shop who sold me a smouldeting iron on Saturday which promptly ceased to smoulder after ten minutes and just a few bonds. I have a replacement.


I have been gentle with the yoof bound for Reading Festival. Not too many of them on my watch but some required gentle reminders that smoking (of anything ;) ) is not allowed on our railway. Many more were gently asked to move down to the wider part of the platform rather than congregate, packs, tents and kitchen sinks, in the narrow bit by the coffee shop. One or two were gently helped up from semi-horizontal positions having learned that sitting while attached to a backpack does not imply an ability to get back to ones’ feet. And all were very gently, stridently and firmly reminded that their baggage was not to occupy seats nor to obstruct doors and gangways.


It’s been a few years since I “did” a major festival. The uniform, it seems, has not changed. The largest pack, multiple carrier bags, a tent and sleeping bag plus the smallest amount of clothing in which one can remain decent. The latter probably becomes optional once in the site; we had a hired boat on the Thames some years ago and found ourselves having to slow and avoid a multitude of naked bathers of both sexes near the Reading Festival site!


Things crossed for those undergoing medical procedures, various, that the outcomes are satisfactory.


I now have to go and gently make a muggertea with some fiercely boiling water. See you soon.

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Forgot to mention that Joe's success will cause his Uncle Steve a slight financial problem. When Abbie took her exams he rewarded her with a set amount for each pass, the higher the grade, the bigger the reward and it cost him a few quid.

Joe has done a bit better than Abbie. Last I heard from Steve he seems to have mislaid his cheque book!   :whistle:  :yes:

Edited by grandadbob
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