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Early Risers.


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Good morning all,

Very overcast at the moment but another dry warm humid day with sunny spells is forecast. Sounds a bit like yesterday. I started to do some gardening but gave up because it was too hot for me.

I had a good night's sleep but have woken up with the usual aching bits. I'm also suffering from plantar fasciitis in my left foot which is extremely painful for the first hour or so until I've moved around for a while. It is rather obvious that my lack of exercise is causing me problems. I was interested to read these tips:

To reduce the pain of plantar fasciitis, try these self-care tips:

  • Maintain a healthy weight. Lose weight if you're overweight or obese to minimize stress on your plantar fascia.
  • Choose supportive shoes. Avoid high heels. ...
  • Don't wear worn-out athletic shoes. ...
  • Change your sport. ...
  • Apply ice. ...
  • Stretch your arches.


Not sure if I want to throw away my high heels yet! :jester:

Also very much doubt that stopping watching rugby from my armchair will help!


Shopping today and we're going to Lidl's to start with but suspect we'll end up in Sainsbury's as usual. Mind you the latter have gone downhill considerably in the past few months since severely pruning their staff. Also had a change of manager at our local store and not for the better. The old one was always about on the shop floor and if something needed doing he got it done or did it himself.


Tension is mounting as Joe awaits his GCSE results. 24 hours to go.


Have a good one,


good luck to Joe. I hope all his hard work has paid off and he can do what he wants to do next.
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  • RMweb Gold

I saw an interesting manouvre this morning after dropping my other half at the station.


A lowered big exhaust fitted black BMW with fitting capped bloke driving  accelerates very hard in the inside lane (whihc is for left turns onlty) past another car (also moving fast) in the outside lane then cuts across that car and makes an illegal right hand turn where only buses should turn. Could have been a nasty crunch if the car in the outside lane hadnt braked quick enough. Doesnt hep alleviate the usual views of BMW drivers.

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  • RMweb Premium

Our 'no politics' rule discourages me from making further comment, though I do have a genuine question. I was musing to myself yesterday whether the French press ever made puns involving POTUS-45 and the verb tromper?

Unfortunately I can't enlighten you about that.



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  • RMweb Premium

A thoroughly frustrating and wasted afternoon.


The Parcel Farce Saga so far:-

Order placed and with the instruction to leave with a neighbour if no-one home clear and acknowledged;

Order despatched yesterday Priority24 delivery, instruction to leave again acknowledged;

Email received overnight advising it would arrive today;

Text message received advising delivery would be between 12-1pm

I arrive home at 11.38am, there is no delivery, no card and no problem - or so I thought;

I checked the tracking and found an attempt had been made to deliver at 11.51 to an unoccupied address as in no-one living there. It was 11.45 when I checked this;

Nothing delivered by 1.45 so I call Parcel Force who have no explanation and hung up on me;

Called Parcel Force again, checking I was through to the actual despatch depot involved (I was) and was told the driver had found the address to be an empty house. I assured their person that I was home, the home is visibly lived in, no card was left and my delivery instructions were not followed. She said she would message the driver and call back.

No delivery and no call-back by 4.10 so I rang Parcel Force yet again. This person could see case notes confirming the driver had been messaged at 1.45 but had not replied. Another message was sent and another promise to call back made.

At this point I alerted the sender who is also taking this up with Parcel Force and will if necessary re-send the goods.

At 6pm, the latest time they say they deliver, I had still had no parcel and no call back.


Someone somewhere has done something with my parcel. No-one but the driver knows what. No-one can tell me where this item is. No-one at Parcel Force seems to find this remotely unusual. Nor has any apology been offered.


I shall be nasty to them tomorrow.


Meabwhile g’night all.

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  • RMweb Premium

My brother has just sent me a photo of a steam locomotive.


I nearly had a fit of apoplexy...


It had SOUTHERN written on the tender.


I'll now have to go and lick all my pannier tanks to get the bad taste out of my mouth.


Is that a pannier tank painted maroon with LONDON TRANSPORT on the side........?

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a pleasant evening at the club tonight, mostly spent outside the clubhouse as it was to warm inside. The clubhouse is situated in a park and as dusk fell bats were observed flying over the clubhouse. I'm not sure of what breed of bat but they were quite large and I can only assume they roost in some of the many trees that surround the clubhouse.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up!

Long,but enjoyable game today. Norfolk beat Yorkshire U14b by7 wickets chasing down 268 runs in 47 overs.

Now totally worn to a frazzle.

One of the players parents had been at my match on Saturday. He reckoned I umpired well but had complained about the players attitude to the Club chairman.


Tomorrow is a shorter match. Having emailed Honda about the car service they rang today to ask if I was still turning up tomorrow. Doh!


Sleep well!


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  • RMweb Premium


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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up! Q that key board needs a tap with a hammer, keyboard adjusting.


Weather should be ok for the match today. This is my last mid week cricket match for the outdoor season I think. Wonder who will be playing for the MCC?

Have as good a day as you can


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Confirmed, on other forums the space bar works,  but not RMWEB...unless the computer is reset, Most odd...


Anyway Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,.

According the the seaweed inspectors we should have rain, not a drop so far...


Our driveway gate has piles of little bits of straw at the bottom, it's twenty feet back from the road, but the bailed straw was being taken away yesterday.

On the way in I saw a potato picker driving our way, and later on a big artic emblazoned with "Local potatos for Kettle Crisps" heading their way.


Meanwhile the last shoe mass maker in Norwich has succumbed, all manufacture will move abroad, the remaining design and organisational staff  (80 people) will remain, but moved to a much smaller building somewhere in Norwich.


The minimum Setting temperature for the resin I'm using is 15C, forecast during working hours, Friday top temp 18C, Saturday 17C, Sunday 13C, Monday 20C. There is also rain forecast for Sunday. So it looks like I'm coming to the end of this years boat building season. I can do sanding and preparation work. There are also 4 hatch covers that need a refinishing and a 5th that needs reconstructing as it's now 28 inches too long.


I'd really like to get a push on and get the outside bandage on the boat this weekend..


The hatch covers are permanent covers that prevent rain getting in when moored, although there will be a canvas /plastic cover overall, only two would left in place during sailing..


Time to take some measurements..

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Another dull start here and rain forecast but hopefully brightening up this afternoon.

All digits firmly crossed for those awaiting GCSE results today. Joe has been told he has to be at school at 10.30 to get his. Before that he's got a hospital appointment for one of his regular diabetic check ups. Not sure the tension will do his blood sugar levels any good.

Whatever the results we have a table booked at a curry house in Cheam Village tonight so looking forward to that. We'll probably have a pit stop at a local pub before that so I can get a decent pint or two of proper beer before the meal.

First task today though is to visit Sainsbury's to get the stuff we couldn't or wouldn't buy whilst Lidling yesterday.

Have a good one,


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Greetings all, and hello to Jason Isaacs.

Last day of the working (I use the word advisedly) week here - joy is, of course, unconfined. I am on my second mug of coffee and have been admiring a few of the bunfights available for my perusal. Diesels at Pendon as the last event of a series marking the evolution of finescale modelling - clearly, this heralds the collapse of civilisation as we know it: the sun will turn to ash, blood (and, for some reason, fish) will rain from the heavens and the earth - yea, even the Vale Scene - shall crack asunder. Or, to put it another way, some vociferous defenders of what they know to be the True Faith of the Toy Train have seen a dangerous heresy arise whereby the Wrong Toy Trains despoil the Sacred Ground. Clearly, these blasphemers must be burned at the stake - in, naturally, a flame war - and only then will the True Faith of the Toy Train consider its sacred duty done and its virtue upheld.

Good grief!

I'm off to find something less contentious to discuss. Abortion, maybe? Capital punishment? Gun control in America? Brexit?

Kind regards to all fellow members of the People's Front of Judea (and absolutely not on offer to the Judean People's Front, the Judean Popular People's Front, or the People's Front);
Tinkety-tonk, etc.

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  • RMweb Premium

Off for a prostate test this morning.  Now there's something to look forward too!

Been there, done that, got the tee shirt.


It’s not so bad really, a small amount of discomfort, but probably more so in the mind.


Good luck

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