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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl,

just back from the Neatishead J50 group show, not as good as before, a couple of layouts pulled out at last minute, one was replaced by three tiny n gauge layouts that please children. They aleady had a "children's layout" that's rather too many in a tiny show.

However the second hand purchases went extremely well, 5 BR mk1s in maroon, a couple of pipe / log carriers, and a few assorted wagons all in N for Tiree. Then a couple of wagon in 00 for Ludgershall, All at very good prices.


SWMBO has just returned from taking Ben the Border Collie out, shortly we are off to a local fete and dog show.


An email from one of my sisters, which roughly said.

Mums back in hospital as of very late last night, nothing deadly serious, but enough to keep her in. We await a consultants review today.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning everyone

Thank you for all the birthday wishes, all my cards and presents have now been opened, I’ve mostly had modelling tokens, which will no doubt be spent at the EM EPO in Partington next month.

Muggertea No 2 has just been finished, so I’m off to spend the day in the workshop.

Back later

Happy Birthday. Enjoy!
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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi is pleased. Her cousin’s (one of the West London lot) daughter did well in her A levels and will be going to study geography at university. Matthew used to be rather pleased that his cousin Natasha who was clever enough to choose any subject wanted to study geography, and especially human geography as he did.it always irritated him that various family members only counted medicine or maths as acceptable subjects. Amusingly at one time MiL felt that Aditi wasn’t bright enough to be married off to a doctor in an arranged marriage so was considering accountants or lawyers! When she was about 18 often a family friend “Auntie”would drag some unfortunate chap stuffed into his best suit round for tea. Aditi wasn’t amused that they really wanted to get her married off so they could get down to serious discussions about introductions for her more eligible (studying medicine) younger sister . None of MiL’s children married Indians. She has got over the disappointment though!

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For those who have expressed concern about Debs, she is not great with typing just now, but she has asked me to reassure you that the awl is still very sharp and any misdemeanours are being noted for future action.


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  • RMweb Premium

Good to hear of Debs even if indirectly.  Good to have Sgt Rat back among us too.  Not good to have black dogs running amok - sorry to hear that Andyram and likewise dutifully concerned by GDB's news.  


Sister is struggling back from St. Ives to Sussex and reports the roads are at a complete standstill due, it seems, to sheer volume of traffic.  It has taken her five hours to cover the 50 miles or so from St. Ives to Bodmin Moor.  On a good day she would have made it home in that time.  We are still heading down to visit her tomorrow though have taken note of her comments about being "road-lagged".  This might well be the final time we get to see the late parents' house before it goes to market.  Which will be a rather saddening occasion as they had lived there for over 40 years and both sister and myself had called it home - albeit very briefly in my case - in earlier times.


Smouldering iron obtained.  My skills have proven significantly lacking as has always been the case before.  Managed to melt plastic more than bond metals.  Some very modest progress has been made however.


Tonight will be Curry Night chez-nous.  Chicken tikka masala, sag aloo, pilau rice, breads and pickles.  With some very Cornish ales to wash it down!  


Best wishes to all.  

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Not too sure how I'd feel about sailing/cruising in this one ! It has been cut in half, and then stretched 99 feet - I just hope it doesn't turn out to be the maritime version of the Genoa bridge!https://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=4627a8984ac8

The Italians did the same to the old Pride of Kent ferry, the Heralds sister ship. It came back from the Italian yard with a new midships section. To save time the Italians had not bolted toilets down properly and the resulting leaks found a way through the deck into the deckhead of the commercial drivers restaurant and passenger restaurant which were one deck below. P&O eventually found other faults but many of the wc bolts were only superglued in place.

Edited by lightengine
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  • RMweb Premium

If done properly there shouldn't be a problem, as modern ships are built that way in sections, however there is another reason I'd not go on her...


And I quote from wiki what's it.



There have been several outbreaks of norovirus ("the vomiting bug", unpleasant but not dangerous) on the vessel, in 2009, 2010, May 2015, and May 2016.[6]

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Happy birthday, Brian.  


A lot of water has passed under the ER bridge recently, so generic greetings are on offer to all who are ailing or celebrating.


Good to hear something more aout Debs. 


Not a great deal to report here today.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Not too sure how I'd feel about sailing/cruising in this one ! It has been cut in half, and then stretched 99 feet - I just hope it doesn't turn out to be the maritime version of the Genoa bridge!



I believe that Cammell Laird did something similar at Birkenhead a few years ago without any significant problems.



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  • RMweb Premium

Novovirus is indeed very unpleasant. “Not dangerous” might be a little shy of full truth. Any condition which renders one incapable of maintaining normal alimentary functions over several days is potentially dangerous. Debydration, diminished nutrition and a consequent lowering of bodily resistance to further infection, plus reduced strength to recover, make it a very nasty little bug indeed.


One of our upstairs neighbours suffered earlier in the year. She was so weak after a day vomiting that she collapsed in the bathroom. Had she been alone she might have then choked on her vomit. She was blue-lighted to hospital but not before the ambulance crew had checked to see if they would admit her. It is a potentially very contagious germ and hospitals will isolate patients in the earlier stages for everyone’s protection.


So in she went, and home she came a few days later only to worsen again and be returned under the blue lights once more. This time they kept her a bit longer to be absolutely sure she was fit enough to leave.


Luckily no-one else around her suffered. Several of us had been in very close contact. But on this occasion we were spared cross-infection.

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  • RMweb Premium

' Evening all from red dragon land.


Happy birthday Brian and best wishes to Debs.  Take care.


Opted out of driving today, the wind was stronger than I was comfortable with.  As it was, it knocked me off balance a few times before steaming up.

I left it to others to do battle.


Blackcurrant bars tasty.   :nyam:   That means I can make another batch tomorrow.  :yes:

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  • RMweb Gold

I went to get some Euro today. The amount I wanted was subject to money laundering regulations and so I should have taken photo ID. So I asked for £999.99 instead, ie one penny less.

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I went to get some Euro today. The amount I wanted was subject to money laundering regulations and so I should have taken photo ID. So I asked for £999.99 instead, ie one penny less.


I  buy my Euros in euros not sterling, i.e. I want €300. That way, I get the amount I want and lose the small change in sterling rather than being rounded to the nearest amount to, in your case, £999.99. I'd buy €1100 and pay about £990 for them! Main reason for this is that only paper money is sold or available at the ATM so I leave the small change to the donor bank account!

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  • RMweb Gold

I went to get some Euro today. The amount I wanted was subject to money laundering regulations and so I should have taken photo ID. So I asked for £999.99 instead, ie one penny less.

Some people complain about all these regulations.

I have read that book Nineteen Eighty-four and, to be honest, things were much worse back then.

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  • RMweb Gold

I  buy my Euros in euros not sterling, i.e. I want €300. That way, I get the amount I want and lose the small change in sterling rather than being rounded to the nearest amount to, in your case, £999.99. I'd buy €1100 and pay about £990 for them! Main reason for this is that only paper money is sold or available at the ATM so I leave the small change to the donor bank account!

For a nice round amount of Euro it was a few £ and pence short of £999.99 but I wasn’t that bothered really! Some of my cards are transaction fee free so hopefully they can be used.

The month ahead weather forecast for our destination looks as if it will be warm and thundery. I am sure we won’t be bored though!


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  • RMweb Premium

When the NB clan went a-cruising earlier this year, there was crew member that insisted that you applied sanitiser to your hands before you were allowed near the buffet.

I had no problem with that if it stops any nasty bugs.



The last few hours have been spent in bike cleaning/maintenance in readiness for next Sunday's efforts.

After the two road bikes (mine and Junior's) were sorted, I set to on my mountain bike, which hasn't had a deep clean for a couple of months.  I also took the opportunity to find out why the freewheel was making the odd clicking noise on my mountain bike. 


Typically in amongst the greasiest, oiliest bits of the transmission - I dismantled the freehub to find a collapsed bearing. It took a bit of ingenuity to remove the outer casing as it wasn't easily accessible to extract with normal methods. 

Replacement bearings have been ordered (I may as well replace the parallel bearing to it at the same time) and evrything is now oil and grease free for a hopefully painless re-assembly when they arrive. I've even laid all the bits out in order.




Have a good Sunday folks - work for me - three days of emails/post/parcels to catch up.









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  • RMweb Gold

When the NB clan went a-cruising earlier this year, there was crew member that insisted that you applied sanitiser to your hands before you were allowed near the buffet.

I had no problem with that if it stops any nasty bugs.




It was the same on the cruises we have been on too. Of course there were a few people who seemed to resent being given hygiene advice. Generally not young people!

One female crew members task on our deck seemed to be wiping down every hand rail with sanitiser. She went round a few times every day. Ours wasn’t one of those stretched ships though. MiL went on that one a few years ago.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a great day at the Bishops Stortford exhibition. Spent a few modelling tokens but still have a few left. Catering was a mobile burger bar outside the venue where lunchtime I partook of a very good bacon butty and a portion of equally good chips, well more like half a portion as my friends young lad took the instruction to help himself to a few chips rather too literally and I had to grab some while I could. Glad to hear that Debs is OK even if temporarily out of contact though some here must be trembling in awe of the awl.

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