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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon orl


Not a lot of note here. Just another Cheeseday at the House of Fun. Lad upstairs who was responsible (directly and, through his rather loud and obnoxious friends) for most of the nocturnal disturbances is moving out. Stuff is being taken to a car. I met his replacement very briefly a while back. Let’s see what next term brings.


Meanwhile London carries on as though nothing happened in the way that London always does. Please don’t bring your arguments and antics here. They are not wanted and will change nothing.


Best wishes one and all

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon orl


Not a lot of note here. Just another Cheeseday at the House of Fun. Lad upstairs who was responsible (directly and, through his rather loud and obnoxious friends) for most of the nocturnal disturbances is moving out. Stuff is being taken to a car. I met his replacement very briefly a while back. Let’s see what next term brings.



Perhaps you should send GDB around after one of his more spectacular incidents, and say to your new neighbour:


'This is wot the bloke downstairs did to me, and I only whispered at him. Best you keep the noise down!'

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  • RMweb Gold

I have attended the lovely Natasha today - one of the Good Count's blood gathering devotees.  While waiting to be called in for sampling a middle aged woman entered helping a much older woman, maybe her mother?, and looked around.  Seeing the sign on the door I am waiting to be called to she says to the older woman 'we'll sit over there, it's much closer to the place we want - lobotomy' 

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I have attended the lovely Natasha today - one of the Good Count's blood gathering devotees.  While waiting to be called in for sampling a middle aged woman entered helping a much older woman, maybe her mother?, and looked around.  Seeing the sign on the door I am waiting to be called to she says to the older woman 'we'll sit over there, it's much closer to the place we want - lobotomy' 


Does this count as 'mindless humour'?

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  • RMweb Premium

I have attended the lovely Natasha today - one of the Good Count's blood gathering devotees.  While waiting to be called in for sampling a middle aged woman entered helping a much older woman, maybe her mother?, and looked around.  Seeing the sign on the door I am waiting to be called to she says to the older woman 'we'll sit over there, it's much closer to the place we want - lobotomy' 



Does this count as 'mindless humour'?

Must be post-op.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think that if a rat runs up your trouser leg looking for something to eat, having to surrender a single chip is absolutely the best possible outcome!

I read the original story quite a few times before realising the rat ran up the outside of the trousers!

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  • RMweb Gold

Perhaps you should send GDB around after one of his more spectacular incidents, and say to your new neighbour:


'This is wot the bloke downstairs did to me, and I only whispered at him. Best you keep the noise down!'

Back when I was teaching I went in one Monday morning and my class, mainly 16 to 18 year old Romfordians noticed my very damaged knuckles. When I responded to their concern by explaining I had walked into a door frame they were very impressed!
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  • RMweb Gold

It reminds me of an old 'Catskills' joke:


"The food here is terrible."

"Yes, and the portions are so small."

Not just Catskills! Some of the North London relations would refer to such food as “English Portions”.
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I can't get my head around the tragic Genoese bridge collapse today. Few things would be more terrifying than having a bridge collapse under you.


Thankfully such total structural failure is uncommon, though of course it does happen from time to time and on major highways. (Today's incident reminded me of the 2007, I35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis.)

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon awl, I arrived home to find no less than Ten cars in the garden, and I'm told some had already left. The weavers group meeting seems to have gone well. Many blackberrys have departed and a few cooking apples , but some cucumbers have arrived. One girl of 12 who arrived with her mother, towered over SWMBO.


One of the male members of the weavers is also an enthusiast for knowing about current and old pub sites, he was happy when I confirmed our house is on the site of the Royal Sovereign.

Well dinner is about to arrive and the news about disasters should be on shortly


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  • RMweb Gold

Perhaps you should send GDB around after one of his more spectacular incidents, and say to your new neighbour:


'This is wot the bloke downstairs did to me, and I only whispered at him. Best you keep the noise down!'


It is quite amusing that the two or three fairly minor incidents (in the great scheme of things) that have befallen me have been blown up into this reputation I now have for suffering disasters of catastrophic proportions.  :blackeye:  :banghead:

I grazed my wrist earlier but thankfully did not need an ambulance or a blood transfusion.  :no:

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Evening all


CT scan today so a bit nervous of the outcome; appointment with new oncologist Thursday next week.


Scottish and Southern have just put my mum's electricity up to £94 (yes, £94) a month for a small two bedroom sheltered flat. She has a tv, fridge, water heater, radiators, lights, microwave, electric kettle. I called SSEB who told me to speak with their helpline. Their helpline has no one there, it's all menus and webpages. How many 93-year olds have computers to access said webpages? Yes, I know I have and will do it all for her, but so much easier talking to someone.


Yep, my GP surgery sends the repeat prescriptions to our nearby Boots. All very easy. Course you can't guarantee that your surgery will send both pages of prescription to your pharmacy, Chris, but may be worth a go.


Have a good evening.



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  • RMweb Premium

after 6 hours of cricket Yorkshire had scored 198 all out of 74.2 overs. Lancs are 66-2 off 36. 


Frazzled though as this umpiring lark is hard work!


Sleep well!



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Mal, you are clearly a learned man and I salute you.  Being described as a beacon is an intriguing concept …

Chris, I wrote that with all sincerity. We've all read about your turmoil on these pages over the years gradually revealing more of yourself month by month. From the way you've been writing there's clearly been some stress. In my opinion you're a guiding light to others in the same situation. Life's a long journey.


Now play one of those new cds!



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.


I didn't see your order Rick - but that would be because I don't know your name!  LOL.  Hopefully it will arrive on time, strawberrywards. 


The email says it was mailed today. There’s no great rush. How many Ricks (as opposed to Richard, Mr. R. or other version) are on the customer database, I wonder.
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Chris, I wrote that with all sincerity. We've all read about your turmoil on these pages over the years gradually revealing more of yourself month by month. From the way you've been writing there's clearly been some stress. In my opinion you're a guiding light to others in the same situation. Life's a long journey.


Now play one of those new cds!






Thank you!  The road ahead is going to be interesting ...



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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Like yesterday, today has been a funny old day, dull, grey and cloudy for the most part with a few light showers thrown in for good measure! Thankfully, they only a couple of minutes, so didn’t really stop my gardening activities. But after dinner as I was tidying up and back filling the area where I’d been working, it started to rain again, so at that point I gave up, cleaned and packed away all my tools and then decamped to the workshop, where I continued working on Max’s brake van. A start has now been made on the body work, all moulded hand rails have been removed and holes drilled for metal ones have been drilled. I’ve also re-scored some of the planking lines lost during the hand rail removal.


Just as we were finishing of our tea, the bl00dy sun came out!


The bins are now out and no doubt we’ll be woken by the dawn chorus of the bin lorries first thing tomorrow.


Goodnight all

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