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Mr Rat

You can get planning guides for Disney that tell you how to plan your day to get every possible bit of fun out of the park. It involves showing up at rope drop (!) and sprinting for one of the more popular rides. Last bunch of times we went, we stayed in the campground for a month and took a relaxed approach.

I await comments on the Hogwarts Express.

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  • RMweb Premium

At The moorings Awl, inner temple here,


Running slightly late as I've loaded the landrover for departure tonight.


All except for my £1 reading glasses which I've left on the boat. So I'm glad I did yesterday's report last night, as I peer into the fog on this tablet.

Last nights disco seemed to go well from a distance with sound occasionally mixed by a trad jazz band going past on a broads tours boat.


It's factor 50 time again, as it's a cloudless sky, with a forecast of 1mph wind and 30C at 13:00. What the wind forecast does not take account of is the sea breeze, as the land heats up and heated air rises, the cooler air comes in from the sea and creats a good breeze. It's something we depend on here.


The hover approaches time for boat setting up part 2.....

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Morning all from LBG which is already heating up nicely. The train this morning was full of Chinese students, presumably going to a language school. They didn't cause as much disruption as the ones that AndrewC referred to last week.


Good to read positive news from Simon and I hope that the Unseen University finally finish dealing with the leak today.


It strikes me that although Andyram cannot swim, he can do the thing that many learner swimmers seem to find hardest; float. He just needs to move his legs and arms in a vaguely coordinated manner and he will be doing a kind of back stroke!


Have a good weekend all

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  • RMweb Premium

Bah.  Just deciding which bike to go to the club on, looked out at the garage, and.....it's chuckinitdarn.  Humbug.


So - the i30 or the Picasso!


Just saw the news Allan Downes has passed way.  A great modeler and inspiration, he had several times mentioned his battle with cancer.  RIP Allan, you are a legend.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


The sun is now starting to shine, earlier on it was a little cloudy. I’ve already been out to the butchers for our weekly meat rations and was able to procure myself a pastie for dinner! Very shortly we’ll be heading off to the Trafford Centre to get a few other bits a pieces. Whilst we’re there I’m going to look for a new phone as mine is starting to act up, mind you I’ve had it almost 8 years now and I didn’t pay for it, as it was an ex work phone that got upgraded and they never asked for the old one back!


Enjoy the day, back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Peeps 

I fell out of bed a few minutes ago brain transmission seems to have jammed 

Her has bleated/mooed :nono: are you going to finish the garage, no peace for the wicked.

Better get on.

                                                                                                        enjoy your day    Wellunda D Fumm  :biggrin_mini2:

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

The sun is shining and the temperature is rising. A day in the shade is already planned.

 A great time was had by all yesterday with lunch near St. Paul's at The Centre Page Pub. Our journey was a bit fraught due to signalling problems on Thameslink. Got to the station to find our train was delayed by 20 minutes then after waiting 15 it was cancelled. (Thoughts of Ian (RH) here) The one after that was showing delayed so we decided to grab a bus to Morden and got on the Tube. Managed to arrive only 20 minutes later than scheduled but we'd already phoned the pub so there was no problem with our table reservation. Son Steve couldn't make it because of work problems but Abbie got there OK and luckily the firm are flexible with her lunch break. One pleasant surprise was SiL Steve attending as well (He picked me and The Boss up so we didn't have to walk to the station) and it became a great family day out. After a really nice lunch we ambled across the Millennium Bridge and as it was very hot had a pit stop in The Founders Arms. After a couple of drinks there it was only a short walk to Blackfriars where to our surprise the trains were running on time so we had an easy journey home. Walked back to Nicki's house where, surprise, surprise, it was decreed that some cold drinks were needed.  :yes:

After a relaxing couple of hours we didn't fancy the 20 minute walk home in the heat so we got a cab. All in all a terrific day.


Andy - I agree with He Who Lurks and I wonder if you'd ever thought of getting some swimming lessons. The fun you could have with Amber would be even greater and who knows, in years to come there could be grandchildren who from my own experience love going for a swim with their Grandad!  :yes:  


Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny here this morning but getting a bit sticky. Got to get things ready for the trip tomorrow as its an early start to get to the Southwold show. Fortunately the coast is going to be two or three degrees cooler than inland but still in the mid twenties. Also lined up for next Wednesday is the Family Fun Day at the Essex Fire Museum though I'm a bit dubious about one of the advertised activities, water squirting :scratchhead: Though my friends young son is usually very well behaved he can be a little monkey when he wants to be I might pack a towel just in case. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Bah.  Just deciding which bike to go to the club on, looked out at the garage, and.....it's chuckinitdarn.  Humbug.


So - the i30 or the Picasso!


Just saw the news Allan Downes has passed way.  A great modeler and inspiration, he had several times mentioned his battle with cancer.  RIP Allan, you are a legend.

R.I.P. Allan, great modelling with tremendous detail.
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Lurker's comment about swimming reminded me of how few people in this country seem to have had swimming lessons. For a tiny island surrounded by the sea that seems a bit bizarre. It's been part of the physical education curriculum in most if not all Canadian provinces since the 60s. 





I have heard it said  that most fishermen (the trawler and inshore, etc variety) haven't learned to swim, preferring to drown quickly, rather than thrash about in the sea hoping for rescue.  In the North Sea in winter, survival times for pilots, after ejecting, and not getting into a dinghy, are quoted as about 4 minutes!

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I have heard it said  that most fishermen (the trawler and inshore, etc variety) haven't learned to swim, preferring to drown quickly, rather than thrash about in the sea hoping for rescue.  In the North Sea in winter, survival times for pilots, after ejecting, and not getting into a dinghy, are quoted as about 4 minutes!

About the same survival time as some glacial lakes. I have gone for an unplanned swim in one of these lakes. Bloody cold. Remembering my survival swimming course the consensus then was better to slip into unconsciousness through hypothermia than the panic of drowning and having your lungs fill with water.  


NHN: all donations of rain gratefully received. 31c in the boring borough according to the weather app. 

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  • RMweb Premium

' Afternoon all from red dragon land.

Another overcast day but not to worry, we are having a day indoors.


Morning all from LBG which is already heating up nicely. The train this morning was full of Chinese students, presumably going to a language school. They didn't cause as much disruption as the ones that AndrewC referred to last week.


Good to read positive news from Simon and I hope that the Unseen University finally finish dealing with the leak today.


It strikes me that although Andyram cannot swim, he can do the thing that many learner swimmers seem to find hardest; float. He just needs to move his legs and arms in a vaguely coordinated manner and he will be doing a kind of back stroke!


Have a good weekend all


I could swim but I was scared stiff of floating.   :scared:

Most of my latter day swimming was in a drysuit when we capsized the sailing dinghy, a common activity on the Menai Strait, especially in rough choppy sea or when you sailed from one sea breeze into the other, one coming up from the Caernarfon end, the other coming down from the Beaumaris end.  Just make sure, when sailing downwind, you get the spinnaker down in time!

I stick to watching boats from the safety of West Shore, these days.  Even yachting seems a hard life, now!  Gently cruising round the coast is one thing, being thrown about is quite another, not to mention all the winter maintenance!


But I guess driving tr**ns  round and round just off the beach in strong winds is not for everyone either.   :jester:


Lunch time, now  so I had better go and do something about it.  :D


Back later.  In the meantime, be good.

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