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I think it's a beech tree.


Afternoon from Estuary-Land. Simon, AndyID could well be right in his identification as a Beech tree. I'm pretty sure that if you sent a bit of it to Kew they would identify it for you (I'm sure Rick will be able to fill you in on where to send it and any fees that have to be paid). If it is a Beech tree it could be well worth keeping.


It's a triffid.




As Rick says, identification by picture alone is difficult.


It's certainly not Crack Willow, one of which I was helping to dismantle earlier this evening.



 I'm minded towards suggesting it is an English Elm due to the colour and shape of the leaves as well as the serrations along their edges.

Thanks all for the suggestions. I don’t think that it is a beech, as the leaves are a lighter colour than beech.


I hope that it is a triffid, so I can plant it at the back of the garden where it will help block out nosey neighbours!!


I will check out elm leaves to see if they are the same.

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Simon, does it have 10 leaflets per branchtype thingy? Online shrub finding pages list different identifications, like whether the leaves have serrated edges, whether they have curved veins etc etc.

Hornbeam seems to be another possibility.

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  • RMweb Gold

Simon, does it have 10 leaflets per branchtype thingy? Online shrub finding pages list different identifications, like whether the leaves have serrated edges, whether they have curved veins etc etc.

Hornbeam seems to be another possibility.

I wondered at first if it might be an elder. But the leaves look too pale.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


It finally stopped raining around dinner time, but by then I’d finished packing away all my recent purchases, so didn’t bother doing anything else.


After dinner we sat in the living room, Sheila read one of her books on her kindle, whilst I read the copy of Model Boats that I picked up from WHS’s on Friday, from cover to cover. This was followed by a spot of eyelid inspection.


Tonight for tea we had steak and ale pie, mmmmmmmm.


Jamie. I would still be very careful with an AVO, it’s just a large analogue multimeter and may not have fused leads!


Goodnight all

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We've had two instances of check engine light on the motorhome.

The first had to do with the downstream something detector -- exhaust after the converter. Turned out the wires were resting on the exhaust pipe somewhere and had melted.

Second was a hole in the petrol filler pipe. I had noticed a bit of liquid and thought it was related to precipitation or melted snow. Then I saw drips as I was filling up.


We had a nice concert tonight. The "World Youth Symphony Orchestra" did Dvorak violin rhapsody, Brahms fourth, and a modern piece. These are high school students at a summer music camp.

The words that send chills down the concert-goer's spine: "We are pleased to have the composer of our next piece in the audience tonight."

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Morning All,


I didn't get much done over the weekend - it was far too hot!


We did have a couple of showers, but they were only of short duration and served to drive the humidity up to rainforest levels.


As far as I am concerned - roll on Autumn!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


It seems that I need to clarify the situation regarding my aunt in Bristol.  She is neither computerate nor, I hope, gifted with the second sight.  Out of courtesy I normally make a point of calling on her when I am either in Bristol or, as will be the case on Thursday, passing the end of the road on my way somewhere.  The manner in which my trip two weeks ago to Bristol Pride evolved and the speed at which it did made it impossible for me to call on her.  I am happy for her to know now – proud, even - but I need to explain it carefully lest wrong ends of sticks be grasped.  Remember that taking part in the event was a big step for me in terms of plucking up courage!


Yesterday saw a wet ride through the Cotswolds to Newport where the NAGNAG event was not as well attended as might have been the case.  On the way back the M4 was extremely wet but dried up once I crossed back into England.  Today the car is due its oil change and inspection ahead of being loaded before Wednesday evening.  There is still stuff to be rounded up: where, for instance, did I put the pump for the airbed?


Warm thoughts to all in distress or missing.



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Last week, we drove through, and stopped for a coffee break in, Grand Forks BC. We had last been there in mid-April, just before there was serious flooding in the town:



The town has been devastated. The main street - seen from about 0:05 to 0:17 in that video - is still almost completely closed up. The waitress in the coffee shop we stopped at told us that several of the main street businesses now have sinkholes under them, or have moved off their foundations. The owners were operating on cashflow only, with no savings for repairs of the order that would be needed, and didn't have (couldn't get?) flood insurance.


People are not sure what happens next.


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  • RMweb Premium

At the Moorings Awl, inner temple here.

Went to bed not feeling happy, checked all 24 2volt battery cells, all read around 2.07 volts. So they seemed OK. D*m, controller failed.


Woke up in the middle of the night thinking you p******, that's off load and you have for wacking great solar panels on the roof trying to charge!!!


So this morning I had the standard technicians problem.. One hand each holding a probe, how do you gently adjust the throttle... Answer use your head.. As it just above it. It took 4 attempts to get the required gently ness.


At very low speed, I can hear and feel a slight thrust, ( only because it's flat calm here at the moment) increasing throttle, voltage drops to low 30vdc and it trips out. Confirmed battery failure but which ones I don't know..

I have decided to take the lot to be serviced and they can test each properly.

Next problem his to lift 24 tightly packed batteries out of their 3 boxes.

Solution make a bracket that fits across the bolt on terminals get extra long bolts and screw in. The bracket will have to be strong and non metallic have a rope attached so I can lower them into a dory. Measurements to be taken thoughts To be gathered on design

This has been typed in large text on the tablet, due to leaving glasses on the boat I'll read and review all you contributions to ER tonight if I remember to bring the glasses across.

Must go I'm in the way of the cleaner and I need to load the bouys

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Greetings all, and hello to Jason Isaacs.

Good news! It looks like another fairly dull week at work. Although the weather appears to be improving again, now that the lunar eclipse has been and gone...typical, eh?

Good wishes to all,
Tinkety-tonk, etc.

Edited because, as Heraclitus observed, the world is in a constant state of flux and things that may once have been true may not be true any more. And what's that hoving into view? Why, it may very well be the end of my tether...

Edited by Black Marlin
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It looks very damp out in the garden. It looks as if it could rain soon.

Today’s excitement will be having our central heating boiler checked. It is one of those 12 to 6pm appointments but they claim to try and be more precise on the day.

Aditi is still staying with MiL. They will be busy looking for an earring MiL has lost. Aditi was coming home tonight but she has no idea when her sister returns so she will stay until tomorrow morning. I have assured her that I have plenty of food.


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Ok, here goes!





It is about 2 feet high at present. Every tree/plant identifier I have tried has so far failed, so let’s see if ERs are better than the “experts”!


Still persisting down here, and showing no sign of stopping.

My nifty plant identifier app thinks it is a fraxinus excelsior or common ash with 72% confidence. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It’s been raining overnight but isn’t currently, but, according to the weather app on my phone, we may get further showers during the day. Sheila is just getting ready to leave for her Zumba class, once she’s gone I’ve got a cake to finish making, then it’s in the oven for 90 minutes to bake. It’s sooooooo much easier when I’ve got the kitchen to myself. It’ll just potter about inside until it’s done then, weather permitting I’ll be out in the garden again.


Back later.

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Hey up!


My match today starts at 12 noon...raoin scheduled from 11am until 2pm. Pah!!


Managed to do a bit of gluing couplings on yesterday in between domestic duties. Nice glass of malbec with our tea last night. Now finishing as late morning mugatea.

Have a good day everyone! Positive thoughts to all who ail or are missing in dispatches.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all, 

Rather a dull start here. It may have been raining earlier but that was before I surfaced.

As you will have seen earlier I received an emergency call from Bob whilst I was en route to Blackbushe Airport where I was meeting him for breakfast before Didcot so diverted to his abode to pick him up. He very kindly treated me to the meal so that made it even more enjoyable!  :yes:

A great day was had and nice to see Mike as usual and meet Polly & Ray for the first time. As Mike stated there was much aching of limbs after a few hours walking about. Journey home was a nightmare. Not too bad going back to Bob's but after that it was stop-start most of the way. Took me about and hour and a half from his house, a journey that would normally take 40-45 minutes. Multiple wombles on the road which meant that the atmosphere in my car was somewhat blue.

After getting home I had a quick shower and change and got a cab to Nicki's where The Boss had spent her day and by 20.00hrs started to wrap myself around several bottles of liquid painkiller.

Had a pretty good night's sleep but am aching all over, particularly in knee and hip.

The good news for today is that I've had an email advising delivery of a certain wheeled article from Shildon which should land here between 10.09 and 12.09.

Time for breakfast so I will report back later.

Have a good one,


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Mal. According to what I’ve read, both the new restaurant coaches are built to different diagram numbers.


The SR one was diagram 2656

The BR one was diagram 2651


I gave both of them a good look on Friday, I couldn’t see any difference in them at all. So I looked in one of my reference books and found that the only difference is down to the type of stove used in the kitchen, externally, they were identical.

There is a slight difference, Brian - check out the window by the double doors - the BR one is narrower. Rivets? Counter? Moi? Quelle horreur!


As far as I am concerned - roll on Autumn!


I really have to argue with autumn rolling on, Robert. I want more summer! I want it here and I want it now!


Edited because, as Heraclitus observed, the world is in a constant state of flux and things that may once have been true may not be true any more. And what's that hoving into view? Why, it may very well be the end of my tether...

Think you'll find that when you think you've found the end of your tether it mysteriously grows longer. Thought I'd found mine last week, too, but no...



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  • RMweb Gold

My nifty plant identifier app thinks it is a fraxinus excelsior or common ash with 72% confidence.


I recall reading recently about ash tree diseases but I never realised they suffered from lack of confidence.


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Good morning all


Bright and sunny here but a lot fresher. Windows closed for the night.


A few admin jobs to do here such as ordering packing boxes for possible house move later this year - we need them for storage of stuff. Luckily our neighbour is letting us use his cellar which saves on costs - obviousy we'll recompense him with wine etc.


Need to find car where Gabe left it last night when she returned from work and park closer to house.


So, a rather mundane sort of day, but determined to enjoy it!


Hope you all enjoy yours



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Woke up this morning full of aches and pains, mainly the results of Saturdays exertions brought on by this mornings dampness. Fortunately a pair of paracetamols seems to have eased it somewhat. I'll take another look at the car this morning while its cold to see if theres any petrol leaks but I suspect its a loose connection. I did have a fuel problem on another car many years ago, the fuel consumption shot up, it turned out to be the return pipe was split, any excess fuel from the pump instead of being returned to the tank was going straight onto the road. A leak was suspected but it took a bit of finding and then only when fuel drips were spotted beneath the car. Muggatee awaits, be back later.

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