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I decided go to the cellar and I raise everything up so that it was at least 12” above floor level.

Perhaps that should be a permanent condition? (To save you the anxiety and effort next time.) Is there a sump pump in the cellar?

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  • RMweb Premium

Phil, have a good day on the Bluebell.


No thunder storms here, only a bit of the wet stuff after lunch and a blanket of cloud hiding the blood moon this evening.


' Night all and nos da.


Keep safe and dry.



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Good morning one and all


The appointment with Sister Syringe yesterday did not go according to plan.  For a start, the good Sister was on leave and despite my having made the appointment with her in person there was no record of it at Checkpoint Charlie – sorry, reception.  Fortunately Nurse Kerry was available, wielded the syringe and all was well.  When it came to making the next appointment for a date 12 weeks hence it was found that any date after mid September just did not exist on The System.  A pragmatic but cumbersome solution was devised.  I have been issued with a chitty which I must take to Checkpoint Charlie on my return from holiday and enter into extreme diplomacy to secure my appointment.  Since the beginning of July my practice has joined with two others for the greater good but if this is an example of the improvements we may expect I am less than impressed.


After all that, I spent ages traipsing round the clothes shops to find a pair of shorts that both fit me and look good.  Difficult.  With any luck I now have everything that I need for my holiday.  Famous last words?  Oh, and the clouds disgorged some rain but did not part to reveal the eclipse.


I think I’m in hot water with my e-friend Harry for viewing his Facebook pages.  What has he to hide?  He knows as well as I do that if you want to keep something quiet you don’t post about it!  He claims not to recall one particularly interesting one from 2010: why would he have ‘hit the airwaves’ on his 19th birthday?  We may never know.


Warm thoughts to Andyram, Rick, Andy P, Robert, Grandad Bob, Simon, Simon’s son, Debs, Tony and Aditi, Mal and all who are in distress or missing.



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About an hours more sleep was had, I strolled down to the mobile home to pick my kilt for the week, Ben the border collie came for his patrol, but refused and returned to the house when he realised wet stuff was falling from above. It's still 26C in here with the windows partly open.

The forecast for the first two days of the regatta, does not look good, dry for the racing on Saturday, but very windy, wet and windy on Sunday.


Time for breakfast, and then load the rest of the stuff into the Land Rover..

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Some thunder and lightning last night although it was quiet but raining steadily when I went to bed at midnight. Slept like a log for the first time in ages and this morning it is cooler, cloudy and quite breezy although the sun has made a brief appearance. Scattered showers and sunny spells are forecast.

Feeling a bit better than of late but still not firing on all cylinders. Fingers crossed for the Didcot visit tomorrow.

Nothing specific planned for today so as suggested by The Eagles I will try to do this:  



Just watching Joe Walsh cheers me up, let alone his playing.


Not sure about the number of women on my mind, that's another story!   :jester:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Been chuckinitdarn here for the last few hours. Scheduled to last today and tomorrow so cricket may be replaced by some resting...


Enjoy your day and best wishes to all who ail.


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Chris F, I didn't know that FB users can see who has looked on their page. This common belief was just bunkum. Has FB moved the goal posts (its raining, so no stumps to move) recently?


Screenshot from FB help this morning.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Peeps 

I woke feeling lousy earlier and still feel under the weather I'm going back to bed shortly. :lazy:

I too hope the rain holds off for the Didcot event. :locomotive:


Good night.


                                                                                                                                      enjoy your day K.N.Ackered   :biggrin_mini2:

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Been chuckinitdarn here for the last few hours. Scheduled to last today and tomorrow so cricket may be replaced by some resting...

Enjoy your day and best wishes to all who ail.


That is a pity, as no 2 son was hoping to get out to watch his cricket team in Leeds playing today, now that he can’t play. He may decide to spend some time back up here in the next week or so, so I may have to clear out my railway room/his old bedroom, as well as having to go and collect him, as he can’t drive with his leg in plaster.


Been very wet here today so far, but clearing up somewhat now, so we might get out later

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It rained enough yesterday to dilute the tree sap on the car, but it's going to need a hell of a lot more to get fields and gardens looking green again.


The breeze is nice enough. I shall stick the battery back in the CX if it has managed to hold the full charge. Now, where did I put those two multimeters....?

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Chris F, I didn't know that FB users can see who has looked on their page. This common belief was just bunkum. Has FB moved the goal posts (its raining, so no stumps to move) recently?


As far as I know it is still bunkum.  The conversation went something like this. Me: Which airwaves did you hit on your 19th birthday?  Harry: Airwaves?  Me: I'm assuming some sort of radio or TV. Check your facebook for [date].  Harry: How did you find a post of mine from [date]? Me: Quite easily.  Harry: Why were you looking? Me: Idle curiosity.   


It is a sad fact that having proclaimed to all and sundry "Hitting the airwaves tomorrow!", almost eight years later he can recall nothing of it.  Most of us, surely, would remember a radio or TV appearance.  I remember most of mine.



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Morning all


No moon here, either - after days of clear skies this had to be the one which clouds over. A little rain last night but not as much as promised. Tmrw is supposed to be wet all day.


Joe Walsh - remember getting into him with the James Gang, then his solo LP The Player You Get. Thought he'd taken a wrong step when he teamed up with the Eagles but how wrong I was!


Have a great holiday AndyRam, hope the weather stays dry and not unduly hot.


Woken by a baby crying this morning - probably unable to deal with the humidity (it's not usually too muggy here because of the sea breeze) - reminiscent of that kind of cry. It was doing it yesterday, too.


I know that a lot of you are keen DIYers. So is our next door neighbour. For the last seven months, drilling, banging in the morning in the room next door to ours, early in the morning, late in the evening, in the afternoon. And they had the temerity to complain about our kitchen refit which took 2 days! Am a tad pee'd off this morning, the drill is a very dental vibration. It's one reason why we're hoping to move. Not the main reason. Rant over.


How is the Maunsell restaurant car, Brian? Any chance of a pic?


Hope your Saturdays go well, with rain for the garden tonight.



Edited by Purley Oaks
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All.


Refreshing breeze blowing through this morning after a night of intermittent rain and no eclipses. Currently sunny though significantly cooler than of late. Yesterday I passed by a bulding in Wandsworth, as I do most days, which displays a clock toggling with temperature to the area around. I have long suspected their settings were awry or that the temperature shown was that of the steel roof not the surrounding air. It showed 40C at 11.20 yesterday morning. Clearly several degrees too much.


Supermarket delivery booked for 07.30 - 08.30 arrived at 07.24 precisely one minute before my alarm was due. Poor delivery chap got a bleary-eyed Rick desperately trying to climb into clothing while fumbling for the door key. Early arrival was booked when I had expected to be on house-cleaning duties. That was cancelled late yesterday as sister is a bit unwell and trains, various, are also not at their best.


Speaking of unwell a good friend of very many years finds herself inspecting the walls inside Southmead Hospital for the next six weeks. After a minor stroke they detected an infection of the heart valves which apparently requires an antibiotic drip and hourly supervision for the duration. At least she gets value for money from the NHS. And of course my very best wishes.


With a clear agenda so far it looks as though some fiddling with small wheeled objects may be possible. I have a custom-built piece of pointwork due next week which will mean progress can be made.


Avagood weekend. Warm thoughts to those suffering with sickness of any kind.

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Good morning everyone


I’m just finishing off my second muggertea then I’m off to do a bit of work in the garden. If I hadn’t seen the rain last night I’d swear we hadn’t had any. It’s a bit dull and breezy this morning so hopefully it’ll be a bit more comfortable when I’m working outside.


Mal. The coaches are great, I’ll post a photo later on today


Back later

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I got very wet on the bike yesterday!  Twice!!  Firstly between Lord's and Trafalgar Square, and then an the Mall en route to the Prom.


Quiet day today (Tour de France in the background), then Lord's tomorrow for a tri 20-20 competition.  Train and bike there and back, as I have to open the church first thing.  I need to dodge the bike race in London.


Keep well and keep hydrated.



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Was pleasantly woken by the sound of falling rain htis mrnong, accompanied by a very welcome breeze coming thorugh the open toplight. Our two moggies seem to like the change in the weather too. Might need my jacket at work tonight!


I spent (wasted) too much time yesterday searching the house high and low for a Mini restoration book which I bought almost thirty years ago, 'must be here somewhere' thought I, 'I saw it a few months ago'. Not a sign of it anywhere so I've ordered another s/hand copy from Amazon for the princely sum of £1.85, I've decided this is the only way to make the original copy re-appear, as soon as the parcel arrives the original one is sure to reveal its presence!

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.

It rained during the night and this morning. The bedroom window ledges are nice and clean after I wiped them down.

I am now in Enfield after a quiet drive round the M25 this morning.


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Yo Peeps 

I had another hours sleep and I now feel better but my ears are ringing big time I think 

my tiredness is staying up late to watch Dicte, what a load of carp that was previous ones

were excellent  :nea:

Her made me lunch, a New York pizza the size of a saucer I'm still hungry perhaps

a snack late in the afternoon. :mad: 

I wandered out to Horrorsons for a news paper and some cash for tomorrow the shelves were 

empty as was the store I've never see it in disarray before clearly the feckless manager :crazy_mini: must be

asleep in his office.


I'm off to start my day.

                                                                                                                   enjoy it all Lostin Space   :biggrin_mini2:

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