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  • RMweb Gold

FYI I've just checked the weather radar and thre is a storm cloud heading this by late afternoon 

unless it drop its self on the south downs. 


M Fish


It arrived bang on time we had 5 minute of light rain then stair rods for 5 minutes then it eased now it's hissing down 

hopefully the car won't need a wash all the bird doo has gone from it's roof.


K Kinsella  :biggrin_mini2:

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  • RMweb Premium

Roads melting

Tesco Shopped

SWMBO complained, of price of filling.

I'm melting,

Wheat cut, by farmer

Straw baled, by farmer

Bales being removed, by farmer

Fire risk, removed,by farmer.

Much relieved,

Dinner being made,

Land Rover to be loaded with gear for next week,

SWMBO still complaining on price.

MRC to be attended to night.

Tomorrow the regatta.

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  • RMweb Gold

We've had a  brief 5 minute shower and three or four rumbles of thunder ( so far). What is far more interesting is that I've had an email advising me that my Stirling Single has been dispatched and should be here Monday!  :yes:  :imsohappy:


A few more spots of rain are falling and it is now beer o'clock.  :drinks:

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  • RMweb Premium

Dafter noon all


After a hot night when the temperature apparently fell to a mere 22C today began warm. Cloud was just thick enough to ameliorate (there’s a good word which is under-used) the effects of the sun. Storms have built and have affected many areas though not directly any where I have been.


There is thunder in the air however and intermittent heavy bursts of rain which amount, so far, to nothing of consequnce. Much more is promised.


Currently I am out on the Terrace enjoying Wine o’Clock Friday and a light, noticeably cooler breeze. Having sat outside until long after a reasonable bed-time last night I can at least not be concerned by an early alarm call tomorrow!


There are no firm plans for the weekend. Tomorrow our guards are once again taking part in that oxymoron of “Industrial Action” meaning that many will not be acting as guards at all. A “do not travel” warning is in place. Sunday is now forecast to be very wet. It is also the annual “Ride London” event which causes massive disruption with widespread road closures extending well into Surrey for the benefit of those who enjoy two-wheeled self-propulsion. That nominally includes me but I do object to the extent of the closures which create islands from which one cannot exit except by train and there is little account taken of the needs of the many who may wish to attend church, go shopping or visit hospitals or leisure facilities.


When younger and fitter I took part in the annual London - Brighton bike ride. We managed that with more riders that any single Ride London event expects and with no road closures other than a few rural lanes and the (narrow) road over Ditchling Beacon in Sussex.


I need my glass topped up. I probably need my grumpoids removed too otherwise they might explode come Sunday. At least the not-broken toe is better and is, in fact, not broken. The joints now move normally and the swelling is almost gone.


Have the rest of a safe Friday. Stay away from floodwaters and beware of fast-moving people asking “Anymorefaresplease??” They are lightning conductors. Coat - hat - got. Door made use of.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Currently showing 28:5 degrees in the house at the moment, thats with the fan going 19 to the dozen.  Had a heavy shower a couple of hours ago now its grey and overcast with more heavy rain/thunder predicted overnight. At least by all accounts tomorrow will be mainly dry.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening.

I have returned from a week of umpiring U14 cricket at Ampleforth plus a day at York umpiring u17s county girls cricket.

Until yesterday it has been warm and dry.

In York yesterday we had a thunderandlightning visit coupled with a dose of very heavy chuckinitdarn.


Today started wet, then got wetter but we started our matches (rearranged as T20s) at 12:30. It was very Maggie but hey ho, cricket has been umpired, the lads have enjoyed a week away playing cricket and...the odd pint or two of Black Sheep may have been drunk.


Tomorrow I have a league match to umpire, Owens premier cricket at Cottingham on Sunday the a girls Under 11s match on Monday.


Hope you have all been as well behaved as expected and that those that ail are feeling a bit better. Has Debs escaped from hospital yet? Should we be organising an escape committee for her???



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  • RMweb Gold

I have to report that 'Mama Mia Here We Go Again' was as good as the original and immensely enjoyable for those of us who like that sort of thing and Lily James is very good as the younger Donna - a must see if you like Abba music and a film with a bit of fun in it plus the Benny and Bjorn cameo roles.


We emerged to an 'it's easy to count the raindrops' shower but the café we frequent was only just up the road so no problem.  However when we emerged it was raining steadily, but not heavily, so the Good Doctor was duly called upon to come and taxi us home. the rain has now stopped and we are forecast no more for this evening but a reasonable chance of showers over much of tomorrow followed by a couple of hours of heavy rain on Sunday.


Like GDB I too have received an email, in my case advising me of a delivery no later than 16.00 on Monday.


Enjoy the rest of the day and may any visits from rainclouds be worthwhile.

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  • RMweb Gold

I was supposed,to book tickets to see the new Mamma Mia film. But a good job I didn’t as all sorts of other appointments,have arisen.

The gas boiler man comes on Monday, we see our solicitor on Tuesday, medical appointment on Wednesday and then head to Norfolk on Thursday.

The thunder forecast earlier has finally arrived. The rain has necessitated shutting the patio doors too.

I think we may have had a very brief power cut this afternoon. Our microwave is very sensitive to power outs and the clock reset. I think the broadband router went off too and rebooted itself. I was outside so didn’t hear various beeps but my iPad did switch to 4G for a while. I suspect I know why now.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

On and off thundery showers here for the last couple of hours. It did brighten up briefly but now clouded over and raining again so not sure if we will see the bloody red moon. Camera is ready just in case.

Edited by grandadbob
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Rain!  Hoying it down now, 23c so humidity is horrid.


It hasn’t spread over the Irish Sea yet, but the black clouds are gathering!


In a moment of idleness this afternoon, I googled water divining, and found that it is easy to make your own water dowsing rods. Two suitable pieces of metal were duly found in the garage, and rods were made. I then walked across the front garden, and found that the rods actually appeared to turn and indicate something. I then thought that I was possibly subconsciously affecting the, by holding them, so I placed the handles inside copper pipe, so I wasn’t touching them. They still moved when crossing the garden. Interestingly, my rods suggested that United Utilities have been digging holes in the wrong place, but very close. Assuming that they do arrive on Tuesday, it will be fascinating to see if my rods have correctly located the water pipe.

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  • RMweb Premium

since coming home I now have another 6 days of cricket next week..3 days of Umpire Assessments ...That will be 3 weeks less 1 day with another week at Ampleforth coming up...keep the rain away please?



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  • RMweb Premium

Ooh, it just arrived, thunder lightning and it's hissing down. The thermometer in the bedroom is showing 27.8C

Timing perfect as I'd just got in from the MRC, so I didn't get soggy loading and unloading the tool box etc.

. Hopefully the storm will clear the air, I was sweating heavily building 2mm scale fencing!!!

The last bit of fencing has now been installed, next time I go it will be with a board to swap, as I move along the layout rebuilding.


Was that it? It's all moved off into the north sea, just 10 Minutes worth,

Time to finish my choccy, then sleep. A long day regattaring tomorrow..

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not much chance of seeing the 'Blood Moon' as there's now heavy overcast. Early start tomorrow for the trip to the Bluebell so got to get a few bits ready tonight.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not much chance of seeing the 'Blood Moon' as there's now heavy overcast.

It's not visible here at all. That's OK since we had a total solar eclipse last summer, which is way more spectacular.


I'm trying to get my most evident work assignments done before I can permit myself to go home for the weekend.


I am procrastinating. At least there are no more meetings on my calendar. Today is slightly cooler at around 32°C and very sunny so it looks nice out the window. My car is in the shade. (The price of that has been fir resin drops splattered over it, particularly through the spring.)


The Oregon Brewers' Festival beckons for Sunday. I plan to go with my son, but not for very long. Sunday should reach 36°C. Even with marquee tents and spray misters it will be hot and dusty and crowded.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


It’s been quite a good day today! This morning whilst out at the Trafford Centre we managed to get everything we’d got on our shopping list, now that rarely happens. Then when I got to the butchers I managed to bag the very last pastie! After dinner I set off to Arcadia in Shaw to pick up the 2 new coaches that I’d reserved earlier and met very little traffic going there AND coming back. The round trip taking just over 90 minutes and that included a good look round at what else took my fancy, which in this case, wasn’t much, just a packet of 0.8mm brass rod.


Tonight’s tea was some soup that I’d made a few weeks ago and froze what was left over, so that was a very quick preparation time. We’d had a weather forecast of heavy rain, with the possibility of 12” falling in an hour. So, as we’ve been in that position before where the cellar had flooded, due to unusually heavy rain, I decided go to the cellar and I raise everything up so that it was at least 12” above floor level. Once that was done, I then opened a bottle of merlot and relaxed!


We did get some rain, but not the heavy downpour predicted and lasted about 30 minutes, but the clouds did prevent us seeing tonight’s blood moon.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Premium

Moon not spotted due to cloud.

Or the ISS which was due about 2308.


Up reasonably early (for me) for a 0758 FORE!


Have a good Saturday folks. I will try to do so.




Edited by newbryford
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