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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Peeps 

A tad cooler this morning I'm hoping it will rain as the car is filthy

no chores have been given but there is a small painting job in the

hallway to be done before guest arrive in 2 weeks time.


Off to the layout to run some trains.

                                                                                        Enjoy your day Enjin D River

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Morning all


Another fine warm morning; chance of rain at 0400 tmrw is 98% so think it's due to continue for a few hours. And we don't mind.


There's a bit on the scam I was subjected to here: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/07/13/hacker_extortion_scam/ in case anyone's interested. Have to go through all my passwords and ensure they're all different - reminds me of the scene in Trainspotting 2 where they steal a load of extreme Unionist's bank cards and try 1690 as the PIN in each one.


Like Brian BSW01 I'm keen on a Maunsell dining car - but what a niche product - discounters have it at 20%-25% less than the Hornby site. Can't imagine many people will want more than one of them, possibly two. Doubtful they ever made it as far north as Scotland, even though the Arthurs did in WW2; Scottish drivers liked them, too. 


Ooops! Morning, Debs.


Morrisons don't seem to have any problem stocking soda water, just Sains.


Hope you managed to find your cool socks last night



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. It poured down last night on several occasions, and accompanied by thunder and lightening. Yet this morning the roads are bone dry and the only evidence is its a bit more muggy if a tad cooler. The forecast is for the same tonight but even heavier rain but tomorrow should be dry and a bit cooler. Thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Haven't posted since last week as I was away for a couple of days and also I've not been too good due to a minor flare up of an old problem which has been greatly exacerbated by the heat. I've been lurking but not felt like posting any of my normal drivel.

I note that some people on the other side of the world think it's funny that we here are bothered by these temperatures. Simple fact is they are used to it, we're not! I dare say that if this heat becomes the norm we will get used to it. Eventually. 

Still not feeling 100% but hoping to get to Didcot on Sunday. Will have to wait and see what I'm like on the day.

I've seen on another thread mention of the Stirling Singles now being dispatched so that is something else to look forward to.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

The seaweed wranglers used to promise us sunshine because that's what we wanted (and then we complained that we never got it)

Now, they're promising us rain because it's what we want (and now we're complaining that we aren't getting that either)…………..




Just on the verge of becoming too hot today in my soon to be vacated sweat box office

Edited by newbryford
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  • RMweb Gold

We have a yellow warning for rain, flood and hail this afternoon. We didn’t get Phils storm last night. It often happens that storms in Basildon or Southend miss the residents of Castle Point.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Wall to wall sunshine here and not a cloud in sight. Very hot and car thermometer is currently reading 33oC although I realise that that is probably a few degrees high due to re-radiated heat from the driveway surface.

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Hot here in Carshalton-sur-Mer and no sign of rain. In my shed yesterday it was 35ºC and the garden was noticeably hotter.


Yesterday we took #1 son and his new girlfriend out to dinner. She is very nice and seems to be good for him, much more supportive and less selfish than his ex-wife. We sat out in the garden until midnight. My new bottle-opener got some use and received praise for efficiency.



Concerned at the stories of delays on Eurotunnel - up to 5 hours - because the air-con in some carriages can't cope with the heat, and therefore can't be used. Easy to moan, but remember that train has 120 hot cars in it that have just been thrashed down a motorway.


My concern is that we are taking Daisy and Henry out to France next week, and five hours stuck in a car in this heat is a killer. Not many places to play at the Folkestone terminal. Wet towels will be needed.


We're still hoping for rain, but no sign. I've taken to hosing down the patio and sitting in the coolth whilst it evaporates. An idea I pinched from Muslim Spain.


So a good day to all, and if you are working or in distress you have my best wishes.

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….Concerned at the stories of delays on Eurotunnel - up to 5 hours - because the air-con in some carriages can't cope with the heat, and therefore can't be used. Easy to moan, but remember that train has 120 hot cars in it that have just been thrashed down a motorway.


There's also the heat from 120 individual air-conditioning units, because heat exchangers....

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Not as hot here today as yesterday. There were no clouds at all when we set off for our morning walk, but it has now clouded in ahead of some rain being forecast. It is pretty humid, and as I have just been out cutting the grass, I am now very warm!


It was good to see Polly’s photos, including Puffin Island in the background. As a small boy, I remember an outing there by boat from Bangor Pier. While on the island, I must have got too close to some seagull eggs, as I was dive bombed and bashed on the head by a seagull. I remember it was painful! Haven’t been back since!

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  • RMweb Premium

Ten minutes mizzle was all we got here this morning, whilst on my way to the bike club of course.  One other bike there, lots of cars.  Harrumph.  They believed the forecast!  Windy now and not looking so dark, rainfall radar showing Fraggle Rock is dodging the rain that is heading north over central Eire.  Too windy for the garden railway unfortunately, the stock blows over.

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Rats - managed to lose the previous post.


Still hot here and sunny here at LBG and no sign of any storms. It was 30 in our kitchen at half eight last night but had cooled to 28 this morning. I ate my breakfast in the garden where it was a little cooler.


In-laws are on their way to visit for Elder Lurker's birthday. I predict a cold front arriving mid afternoon!!


Best wishes to those who are ailing - hopefully the weather is not exacerbating anything. And I hope Robert's preparations are going smoothly - that cannot be easy, especially from afar.


have a good day all


EDIT; just noticed the East Coast is up the spout due to lightning strikes. FiL was coming from Durham on the train. I guess that the afternoon plans maybe disrupted

Edited by The Lurker
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  • RMweb Gold

FYI I've just checked the weather radar and thre is a storm cloud heading this by late afternoon 

unless it drop its self on the south downs. 


M Fish

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Day off today, to enable a three day weekend getaway.


Jemma arrived here at 0630, after three days of dreadful delays on her flights and re-scheduling due to various weather/maintenance problems meant she ended her trip quite late and had to take the red-eye home. Came here so she can pick up Whitney as we're leaving in an hour or so...


Nothing exciting (or otherwise) yesterday, jaw is a little sore from the dentistry, but hardly what was "possible", given the prescribed me some strong pain-killers "as needed". Frankly, I'm surprised, happy and I suppose lucky that it seems rather benign.


Cold front giving us what looks like a great weekend, only 13 this AM, mostly sunny, and highs in the low 20's predicted all weekend with some rain/thunderstorms possible.


Have a good weekend all, will potentially pop in/post if I get the chance...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from Estuary-Land. It poured down last night on several occasions, and accompanied by thunder and lightening. Yet this morning the roads are bone dry and the only evidence is its a bit more muggy if a tad cooler. The forecast is for the same tonight but even heavier rain but tomorrow should be dry and a bit cooler. Thats it for now, be back later.

No filming today then?

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  • RMweb Premium

Hmm.. Xc weather has pushed back tonight's rain by an hour but made it more solid through to 10:00 tomorrow morning. it's also brought forward sundays rain to during the racing in the afternoon..


Meanwhile 7 hours of today's work is a load of Carp, you don't know the results till the end and the answers are so unlikely as to be useless. I'll have to do it all again in a fortnight..


 I'm off home via tescos to materials to make sandwiches for tomorrow's bring a plate night.


And I'm not coming back to work till the 6th August..

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