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Afternoon all


Another warm and sunny day here; had a couple of lengthy showers overnight which kept the air cool as it blew through the open windows.


Think I ate something dodgy yesterday evening, maybe homous/hummus, maybe some organic salad. Resulted in stomach pains all night, not much sleep, and a lot of wind. Feel knackered as a result!


Onwards and upwards, as they say.


Glad to hear you got a good deal on a car, shortliner, and that you didn't have to spend ages searching for it.


Have a warm evening all and hope your evenings allow you to cool off.



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Glad to hear you got a good deal on a car, shortliner, and that you didn't have to spend ages searching for it.




TBH Mal, we had some fun for a start off as the Computer was playing up (don't they always?) and then they had to get the car back from one of the staff, who'd had a puncture in his own car  the night before. We took it for a run, and never even looked at anything else - it fulfilled our requirements exactly -  came back and said "Thank you very much".  I didn't even have to leave a deposit, as a previous customer - I've heard of people doing a handshake deal, but this is my first ever!  Classic firm to do business with.

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Scampton has been mostly abandoned for years, The've spent millions on Moving some unit's in, only to move them out again. The Red arrows are only there because their training routines get in the way of other unit's flying. They moved the Red arrows out before..

 There only about 600 working there now anyway..


In England's second largest county, the loss of 'only' 600 jobs is a nightmare ! 


Let's hope they remember to dig up the remains of Guy Gibson's dog before the houses are built !  His name was ****** but we can't say that now !!

Edited by RhBBob
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Are you sure it's not a grandfather's skeleton and a clock in the cupboard?...

I checked the property yesterday. There are loads of (empty) presentation boxes that used to contain beer or wine..... No clocks in the cupboard, but I found a Dyson bagless upright under the stairs - wonder if it still works?



There was a workshop manual in the kitchen covering the Triumph TR4/4a and 5 - that might be worth something for the Estate. Then again, maybe not.

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Greetings all, and hello to Jason Isaacs.

(On a not-unrelated note, Mark Kermode's Secrets of Cinema is on BBC4 at 9 tonight. If you're a cinephile, it's really very good. I don't particularly do 'appointment TV' but for this I make an exception).

S'hot up here in the Scottish north-east. At least it's slightly cooler than yesterday, which came with the Met Office warning "Officially too hot for Gavin". The only thing to do was open the windows, crack open a couple of cold ones, and kill the evening with a movie double bill: Whisky Galore! (the original one) followed by The Wicker Man (also the original one). Everything anyone ever needs to know about Scottish island life. 

With kind regards raining from on high everywhere but the Low Countries;
Tinkety-tonk, etc.

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Last night's training was cancelled because Woolwich Common was alight. Ha-Ha Road was closed so access to the A&E at QEMIL could have been "interesting".


Sweltered today and have done s0d all except watch the Tour de France. Prom tomorrow, so slow cycle to the RAH in shorts and t-shirt not going over the handlebars!


20 - 20 at Lord's on Thursday, now that could be interesting!


Keep well and keep hydrated,




PS: - we can be as rude as we like to each other, but please, no insults.

Edited by bbishop
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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.

Quite warm tonight.

In the morning I will need to visit a food emporium to buy the items I didn’t get today even though they were on the shopping list. Then I have a visit to the opticians. I think either the frame , such as it is , needs tweaking or my nose and ears do. Probably new glasses, the nice optician will advise.

Aditi will be packing her case tomorrow ready to return to Enfield while her sister is away in Glastonbury. I assured her that she doesn’t need to stuff the freezer with food for me, I am still quite capable of feeding myself.


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Warmer here today than yesterday, but nowhere near the high figures seen further east and south.


It was a fairly quiet day until this evening when no 2 son phoned to say that he was lying on a cricket pitch where he had been at a cricket practice having either broken or sprained his ankle. He had trodden on a ball, and the wait for an ambulance could be up to 2 hours. Fortunately he texted again to say that he was at Leeds General Infirmary within the hour or so. From then on the news isn’t so good. Ankle X-rayed, but inconclusive so now awaiting a CT scan. In the last few seconds, another text says that it is an unusual dislocation, and he will be put to sleep while they set it. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will all be OK.

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  • RMweb Gold

The red arrows flew over our house on Sunday - they'd been at Farnborough and had swung round and were heading towards Biggin Hill parallel to the Cray Valley (ie flying more or less westwards)


….and they did a show at Folkestone at around 5:00pm



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Good evening fellow ER's. Generic greetings to each and everyone of you. I sincerely hope today finds you well. You may, or may not, have noticed that I have been missing from these pages for a while so apologies for anything I have missed. Things have got very busy here all of a sudden as I tidy up the loose teaching ends. The remaining items have been returned to the current (soon to be previous school) and the latest sick note has been delivered by Sarah to a slightly more human welcome. The school still require me to provide sick forms up until the end of my employment on August 31st. My current one expires on the 8th and I will need a doctor's review around that time.


 That particular school breaks up for the summer tomorrow. Amber finished last Friday. Our holiday is booked for this coming Friday - a week in Norfolk, staying in an apartment in Old Hunstanton. I am very much looking forward to it, but the run up to it has been non-stop. Sadly Sarah's Aunt succumbed to cancer a couple of weeks ago. The funeral is tomorrow in Littlehampton on the South Coast. Sarah, her mum and step dad have departed this evening - and will return on Thursday. In the meantime, I have Amber to look after, our four cats and the inlaws' feline pet too. Two of ours were at the vets this morning. One for a booster, the other for his mouth issues. The last injection did not ease his pain and he has lost 1kg in weight over three weeks through not eating. His injection today is a stop gap until we return from Norfolk when he will be booked in for the removal of some teeth. So far the latest jab seems to have eased the pain enough for him to regain some appetite - something that did not happen last time.


 Tomorrow just so happens to our 8th wedding anniversary. Unfortunately we will only chat via the phone. It is unavoidable and we have promised ourselves a nice meal out together at a later date.


 Best wishes



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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


It’s been a funny old day today, right from first thing it’s looked as though it would chuck it down at any minute. It finally started to rain just as we sat down for dinner, but thankfully it had stopped by the time we went to pick up the grandkids from school.


As a result, of being asked to pick up the grandkids from school, there was then a slight change of plan today, as we were picking up the grandkids from school we suggested that they could stop for tea tonight instead of tomorrow night. Vickie agreed that is was a good idea and so, as a result no work was undertaken in either the garden or workshop. But I did manage to sort out a bit of a plan for the garden, as the marking out I did the other day wasn’t what Sheila had in mind. I drew a plan of the garden boundaries, on it I also drew things like the patio, the workshop and decking the shed and the hard standing in front of the shed. Printed off half a dozen copies and asked Sheila to draw on one of them what she wanted and where she wanted it. I did the same on another copy and after discussing the two, we came up with a compromise with which we were both happy with. Hopefully over the next few days, once the last of the unwanted plants have been removed, as well as the old path, things can move on a bit as regards marking out of the new path etc, then I can get ordering the materials that are need for the for hard landscaping etc.


This afternoon, Sheila had an appointment for her 6 monthly diabetic revue, so once we’d picked up the grandkids from school I dropped here of at the surgery. The results she got were very good news, she was told that if she was being tested now for the first time, that she wouldn't be classed as type 2 diabetic. Considering she's managed her condition for 16 years, without any medication and has got to this point by using diet only, it's quite remarkable. During that time she has lost over 3 stones and her fitness levels have improved, partly due to the weight loss and partly to her exercise regime. She’ll still be monitored for this condition, but for now, no further action is currently needed.


After tea Vickie came straight here from work and Ian turned up about 20 minutes later, which saved me the job of taking them all home.


Simon. I hope No 2 sons ankle is soon sorted out and that he will soon be on the mend


Andyram. Happy anniversary for tomorrow.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Since we started our holiday two weeks ago, gas prices have gone down from $3.09 a gallon to $2.869. Today they all popped back up to 3.09. Except for a couple of stations. I topped off my tank (4 gallons) at the lower price while the station right next door was selling for 33 cents more. Saw the same situation a couple of miles down the road.


Can't determine if this has anything to do with the impending war with Iran.

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Good morning one and all


I am not fond of booking event tickets on line but needs must.   It is a great pity that the tickets for an event for which I have just booked are in the tender care of Eventbrite, for something in their system prompts you to start again when the eight minutes allowed for completing the purchase is about to elapse.  When you find that you have two tickets instead of one you then have to contact the event organiser and expect to wait for up to four business days for a response.  As this will be the first time of attending the event in question I’m not too impressed.


Today I need to do the fodder run, visit the bank and locate some slip-on footwear for the campsite.  In theory I have a week to get everything ready but something is bound to go wrong at the last minute.


Warm thoughts to Rick, Andyram, Andy P, Robert, Simon, Simon’s son, Debs, Tony and Aditi, Mal and all who are in distress or missing.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. An attempt will be made shortly to return to work although a signal failure at Waterloo (already!!!) does not bode well.


Good to see andyram back among us.


Stay safe in the Big Heat.

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Morning All,


Well, it's official - it's too hot.  It was 37°C on the way back from work yesterday afternoon, and I have given up on shirt and tie and come to work with shorts and T-shirt!


We are in the middle of testing some software this week, so at least I get to spend some time in the air-conditioned labs!  I am also in the process of planning Dad's funeral - which my Mum has left up to me.  She is holding up very well, but has enough on her plate.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I have ventured out across the crunchy lawn to put our bin bag out. I think it got warmer in the few minutes I was outside.

Have a good day all.


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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner temple Here.

A better nights sleep as it was a bit cooler overnight, When I awoke at 03:30 ish there was a heavy mist /fog outside. This had lifted by the time I took Ben the Border Collie on patrol, he was much happier this morning as well. 


Andy, welcome to you, Amber and Sarah to Norfolk, for Friday... Norfolk Day, Norfolk is celebrating all things Norfolk on that Day for the first time. What they are doing at Sunny Hunny for the event I don't know. Sadly that's also the day we are promised rain for the First time in ages although they do promise it will be overnight.


Should you decide to visit across to the Broads, From the Monday to Friday, then I recommend sitting on the Green by the Swan Pub at Horning, pint in hand watching all the lunatics drifting up and down the river in our Regatta. Competitors from 8 to 100+, boats from 8 ft to 40ft.  You Could visit the Sailing club, club house for Cheap tea and coffee as it's an open event. Though I won't be there to welcome you unless it's lunch time, because I'll be out in the rescue boat spending most of my time trying to stop tourists running over the competitors... ( At lunch time just the big Sailing cruisers are out, they can look after themselves...). I'm sure you know where  all the railway attractions are in Norfolk.. Many of them in nearby Hoveton (Not Wroxham), Amber may like Bewilderwood as well, very close to Horning.


The combines are out.. Just not near my house yet. Many fields on the way in have been cut and a rape seed combine is cutting a field near the Cremated Swan pub. I noticed on Ben's patrol this morning that my main Hazel nut tree is loosing it's leaves, I think a dribbling hose might be in order for it, it's one tree I don't wish to lose.


Time too... Carry on with the major systems...

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