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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A terrible nights sleep due to the heat, something that seems to be affecting some more than others on here...


I woke with much back pain, i've no idea why, i didnt do much to annoy it yesterday.


This is the second time I've typed this, today and yesterday while typing a message, it changed pages on me. This and this morning the speel chequer has stop working means all words are my own and my dyslexic fingers. So it may seem its all greek to you, but it's actually 60 years of bad english


There has just been a piece on pharmacies closing, we would be in trouble, our chemists is the doctors surgery.


Well i uave some buoy building to do,. But first.


Time too sup my mugacoffee..

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. It didn't rain last night so Arfur Itis was wrong. Weather forecast is that next week is going to be a scorcher in this part of the country. Even then its a lot cooler than Japan, 47C. in the coming week! Got to go now to get to the bus rally when it opens, be back later.

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Watched Kingsman last night. The female in it was like watching Oscar Pistorious on uppers.


Virgin Media customers must be feeling thankful today after losing some of their channels and not having wall to wall repeats.


We had quite heavy rain the night before last but it doesn't seem to have made much difference here.

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Virgin Media customers must be feeling thankful today after losing some of their channels and not having wall to wall repeats.


I'll be asking for a discount not being able to watch those tripe channels, I've one of those new Adenoid TV's if she's 

desperate I can stream it.


Morning Peeps

Forgive me for my rant yesterday thanks for the support nuff said.


Yesterday was extremely unbearable here with the heat and noise of Biggles and his mates if you are thinking of going to

the Farnborough airshow don't waste your money unless you have a picnic in the big field next to the airfield on the northside.

I thought it rained in the night here but mistook the noise from the hot tank warming up, nothing planned today apart from looking

for some earplugs amongst PPE clothing stashed in the garage loft.


                                                                                                                                                                         enjoy your day  S Leepy :biggrin_mini2:


Note of the day - Elon Mask :crazy_mini: and farting unicorns you can't make it up. :sarcastic:

Edited by 81C
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Morning all.

Cloudy and rather warm here.

I collected Aditi and her Mum yesterday and we went to the birthday barbecue near Kettering. The traffic wasn’t heavy and I didn’t do anything stupid that resulted in diversions via Bedford. I have nothing against Bedford but on two previous occasions I have been that way to Kettering when I didn’t plan to.

The lawn at Raj and Emma’s house seemed to be a perfect surface for scooters and bikes so the children were very happy.

I was very pleased with the new (to us) car. MiL sat in the back and said it was very comfortable but she couldn’t see where we we going. The windows in the rear passenger door in an Evoque do seem to be quite high.

When I got home,I found some ants wandering about in the kitchen. I removed those I could see and went out and applied ant powder,to possible entry points. I only found a couple of ants this morning and hope I have dealt with them. If not I shall be venturing out to purchase more anticide. Other than that I don’t intend to,go anywhere. Aditi will be back from “Mum-sitting” this evening assuming her sister’s flight from Switzerland isn’t delayed.


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I told you... I told you.


That'll be Yvette Carte Blanche!

Unfortunately the only Yvette in the village is 92 with scoliosis and she's the current squeeze of the former mayor who is the same age.



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Greetings all, and hello to Jason Isaacs.

Still in quite a lot of pain, unfortunately; the combination of a knackered leg and cracked ribs is not recommended. And last night, shortly after I had made certain requests on here, the dog ate chocolate and had to be rushed to the vet. 

Last night was no fun at all.

As regards the question of Engineering and English: my job title is Senior Quality Engineer - and I have no idea if that clarifies anything or muddies everything still further! I am, however, past caring; save for my (still outstanding) request of one particular ER being met I will cheerfully - delightedly - ecstatically - consider all matters concerning grammar closed. As I said earlier, I will be happy and relieved to abandon all public discussion on the subject. (I have received a number of interesting PMs, though, with various queries that I have been happy to try and answer as best I can. I look forward to such inquiries continuing).

And now, please God, let normal discussion of cricket, boating, golf, la belle France, woodworking implements and even - if we really must - photographs of meat that may or may not be edible resume.

Kind regards falling everywhere*;
Tinkety-tonk, etc.

*Well, nearly.

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Good morning everyone


It was raining (very fine drizzle) first thing this morning, but now seems to have stopped. We had our usual Sunday morning lie-in and I’ve only just sat down with my second muggertea. As the rain has stopped I carry on outside this morning, mainly levelling off t(e garden as it is still a bit uneven. After dinner I plan to spend the afternoon in the workshop.


Back later

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I hope no Land rovers were hurt in the course of that manœuvre :O

Just needs to pull sufficient Gs! :jester:


Mawnin‘ awl. Pulled a night shift and got another one coming up, followed by a day off. I’ll cook me a late lunch in an hour or two to make it last a bit. I’m noting the dog days are imminent and a heatwave is suitably on the forecast. Swell.


Best wishes to everyone as appropriate... :bye:

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Morning all,

 I was pleased to read that Jamie has got his OS maps shelved and organised in the new abode but surely the products of Monsieur Michelin would be more useful 'over there'? 




Never fear Mike, the IGN maps (French OS) are in the house so that they are more accessible for when I go off on my pushbike exploring the old railway lines, which I am gradually marking on them.



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Tablet computers...

You may have noticed that first my Tesco hudl committed suicide, then SWMBO lost hers, I bought a base model in the assumption that it would be better than a 5 year old hudl .... It wasn't.. So when she lost hers I bought her the top of the range model not wanting to risk her disappointment...today her new tablet arrived, I had just charged it, set up emails and passwords, and her fingerprints when...




Yep you've guessed it, she found her old one....


So now that's on charge, and I've got a shiny new top of the range tablet computer, and the not so good one is going into reserve..

Edited by TheQ
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Aft’noon all.


Very successful and busy day yesterday at the Twickenham MRC open day. I took numerous commissions and the quality of weathering was remarked upon by many club members and visitors. I came away with an invitation to give a westhering workshop in November.


As I was putting everything away last night I stubbed my starboard index toe very hard against a very immovable piece of furniture. That almost thrned into disaster as I was carrying the viaduct scene which unbalanced and almost crashed to a certain death on the floor. Only the lightning-fast reflex of a mid-air catch saved it. Mid-air catches of 25kgs of model are not easily accomplished.


The less good news is that the toe became badly swollen, purple, painful and suffered a loss of feeling. I gave it a good look and opted to sleep and see how it went rather than spend the night in A&E.


This morning it was no better but with rest has eased somewhat through the day with reduced swelling and a return of near-normal feeling. It won’t be enough to prevent me working tomorrow but was more than enough to have me abandon any hope of the planned bike ride today.


After 61 years I have still never officially broken anything. Unofficially, however, this is at least the third suspected crack to this toe and its opposite number has suffered likewise twice.


Those of a nervous disposition need not look further. Please accept my best wishes to one and all.



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Just been notified the kettle needs to go on....


That's what they said at Hellifield the other day before putting 48151 on the front of The Fellsman...……………………




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Ouch RIck - that does look painful, and as one who has also broken a number of toes without being diagnosed as having so, I can fully sympathise.  I managed to trip on the level crossing at Whyteleafe and sprained my ankle so badly that I had to go to A&E - and the X Ray showed up that I had broken my big toe twice in the past.  So yes, I know just how it will be feeling right now.


Q you did say that this would happen, ISTR, and of course it has, and it's always the way that you find the "missing" item just after you've bought a replacement, but at least you now get a new tablet out of the deal - whether you needed it or not.


Having now consumed rump steak with red wine and shallot sauce, mashed spuds, and a veg pot, I can come back to finish what I was trying to say - but I did want to get a few images of Mike's most marvellous railway posted here.


Back tomorrow at some stage

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Well, the day went a bit weird.

First, the buoy had it's final coat of glass fibre with plenty of resin to ensure waterproofing. The signs were varnished.

Second, an area was cleared for the new to me trailer.


During which I felt really exhausted.


When I went in for further ibuprofen, I discovered something, the new packets of ibuprofen are a small white round tablet (old ones were red) in a silver foil packet. The Metformin which used to be a oblong white tablet, is now a small round white tablet in a silver foil packet... And I didn't have my glasses on... I had double dose of metformin, which must have pushed my sugar levels way down... .


A can of cider was on the menu due to the heat, this with a sandwich plus a 40 minute nap led to a recovery..


The cleared jungle undergrowth was taken to the bonfire. Then while SWMBO took Ben the Border Collie for his big walk, Further work was carried out on the buoy, I went in the railway shed for some screws, and the thermometer displayed just over 30c but outside in the heat trap between the shed and mobile home it was much hotter. A further can of cider from the fridge, freezer compartment was called for.


Since then, a loong soak in the bath, followed by relaxing on the sofa while, getting this tablet under control..

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had a good day today at the Essex bus rally. Most of my purchases were books and magazines but including the remains of a plastic bus kit for £1 and a bag of card building kit spares for 50p. Also a couple of 'building plant' diecast models from the 'World of Stobart' series. My friend snapped up a display case for £15 that would normally cost twice as much. Very dry and dusty at the event but better than pouring rain.

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Hi Guys,


Congratulations and commiserations as needed.


Mixed blessing after a week plus with no computer access so unable to work through rather a large number of pages but hope both Mike and Rick get better soon - pity Mike missed a SPAD but I like the railchair!


Somewhat frustrating but 30 plus (model) people eventually had some paint applied to them and I actually got round to reading a book.


Funnily enough I had never been to Stoke Mandeville until this year and at RAILEX but since then I have been a few times as a guest at the Aylesbury Concert Band practice evenings - very welcoming and very enjoyable but has shown that I need practice to regain a standard.


Hope to get back into the swing of things soon



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