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  • RMweb Premium

Great day at the cricket..


Mike take it easy please

GDB stay away from Sharp objects.

Odd spots of rain today so none available to pass on.


Off to talk with our guests.

Nurse Drac to see in the morning so I will check in later tomorrow


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Had the 2 year check up today following my lung op. All good and despite frequent aches and pains, everything is clear. Feel better knowing that.


Strange choices in the Fifa team.


Edited by lightengine
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In truth, he's just adding salt to the meat every time he handles it.....


Indeed. But is it the right kind of salt??


As long as he washes them after handling his meat!


As long as two veg are not involved he might be OK!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. I did a little shopping at Tesco's today, one item on my shopping list was tomatoes. First thing I look for is the sell by date as it can sometimes take me a week to use a pack. Search as I might I couldn't see a sell by date so I asked an assistant. Apparently Tesco and other supermarkets are no longer putting sell by dates on some of their products, the reason I was told was that it was to cut out waste.

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Slightly toasty today. High of 37C (99 in old money). It's down to 33C now at 4:30. The good news is the Sun goes down quite a bit earlier than it did a month ago. The dogs will be walked when it cools off a bit more. There's no cloud cover at all so it should cool quite rapidly.

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  • RMweb Premium

We have managed a day without turning the A/C on. I've threatened to put the furnace on for the night.

Chased after a battery for 92yo cousin's camera. The clock has stopped after 5 or so years. We took her to big box store and I looked at two or three racks but didn't find a cr1220; I saw one in another store a few days ago. Did you know that the camera may have a little battery as well as the pair that expire every 25 photos?

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Good morning one and all, with thanks to Debs for the wave on Facebook and best wishes to Mike Stationmaster after yesterday’s little wobble.


I may deserve a bravery award today.  This being the third Wednesday in July, the Chilterns Area Group quarterly lunch takes place in Harpenden.   Until the strictures of my mileage budget became apparent, I would think nothing of driving there and back, confronting everything that the M1 could chuck at me.  Now I don’t think much of that idea.  Far better, in many ways, that I take the train.  In value for money terms it makes perfect sense.  My bus pass is good as a railcard as far south as Elstree and gives me 50% discount compared with 33% with the senior railcard.  The great unknown, of course, is what Thameslink will do to me.  In theory there are four trains per hour from Bedford, but in practice?  Wish me luck.


I’m easily baffled at the best of times but when it comes to Facebook the scope for bafflement is infinite.  On Monday I posted something about marching at Bristol Pride last Saturday.  I know that some FB friends have seen it for they have responded with ‘likes’.  One, though, had not seen it, though he tells me that he can see it if he looks for it in my profile but has not yet responded to the far from subtle hint that I would like him to like it.  I’ll get him to explain it to me.  Maybe.  Did I ever tell you that I hate technology? 


Warm thoughts to Andyram, Andy P, Robert, Simon, Debs, Tony and Aditi, Mal and all who are in distress or missing.



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Morning All,


I am slightly later on parade this morning, but it is a nice sunny morning and not too hot at the moment.  Having said that, we are in for another 30°C day, so I expect that to change later.


There isn't a lot else to report, so have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Is your colleagues phone an iPhone by any chance? If it is Android I have no idea but mysterious texts while roaming and thinking you are using data even if it is WiFi with an iPhone can occur. I was reading about this when I was trying to make my iPad with a sim only connect to data by 3 or 4g when I want it to.

It is an Android phone. I havent asked him if he sent the texts etc.


Morning all.


Another pleasant night of sleep after a few more beers with other half when she got off the worm at our station. Its only the second time since the new timetable commenced back in May that it has run.


Off to mums today to take her to that big Swedish store. WIll be the first time there for many years.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Another fitful night's sleep because of the heat although it is slightly cooler. Another dry hot sunny day forecast.

Today we will be wending our way to the Shire of Hamp. Not sure if I will get to pick any watercress on this visit but will try.  :yes:

Nothing  else to report at the moment so farewell for now and....

...have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here.


A good nights sleep, helped by definately lower temperatures, only 22C in the living room at dawn..


The Council Has now fitted lots of cameras to two of the four NDR roundabouts I use, also one of the four is to have a 30 mph limit and be single laned for 3 weeks while they do repairs to the damage caused by just 3 months of use.


Maybe with the cameras they'll notice that 3 lanes  into one, in just 1 car length exiting a roundabout, is not a good idea..


 All the peas in the area have now been harvested, a small branches litter the roads taken off by the huge machinery they use to harvest with.

 Pigeons are also littering the streets, after stuffing themselves with corn and rape seed, they can't get off the road quick enough to get away from the cars..


Meantime I'm on the rundown to regatta week, just 10 days to go, I need to find my action camera, hat to keep the rain off, summer bouyancy aid, waterproofs, and various other Items that at the moment, come out just once a year.


I've just realised I've double booked myself, this afternoon is the free company barbeque from 15:00 till 19:00, (food from 16:00) while I'm supposed to be picking up the second lot of rubble from SWMBO's weaving group. I think I'll stay for the food then bail out early and head for the rubble...


Time to... take the next 1Gohm Measurement of the 5 1Gohm resistors I'm measuring today, while in the background there is a 5 Hour semi automatic run of an ACV programme 1mV to 1000V, 10 Hz to 1Mhz.

Edited by TheQ
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