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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Welcome back Debs, luckily I am not one of those trembling in awe of the awl. No hosepipe bans hereabouts at the moment but if this weather continues there may well be. No rain is forecast for the next seven days which is just as well as I'm attending an open air event on Sunday. Got to get going now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium


See, this is one of those delicious rural conspiracy theories that is simply fascinating to hear about and, even better, it comes from deep France. They could serialise this for radio and call it The Archers and.....oh wait....hang on.....


Les paysans se révoltent doesn't have quite the same double-entendre that it has in English but, even so, it's far more entertaining that the rubbish they tend to dole out on the telly these days.

We haven't heard from Ian (Olddudders) lately. :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

The £76 SLW Class 24 turned up a few days ago:



Is very broken!


As I need P4 wheelsets for it, I wonder how easy or difficult it might be to buy replacement parts....


Try contacting Phil or Jaimie direct at SLW - they can be quite helpful.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mornin' awl, and to the wielder of said implement, nice to see you back.


Yesterday took a lot of time to not do very much; packed a couple of items and posted them, photographed some ceramic and glass tankards and mugs, started listing them, shopped, cooked; it all seemed to take forever.


During the evening, alone in the house, I was startled by a loud clattering noise upstairs. The cat was outside.... on investigation I found an empty Really Useful Box had fallen off its, presumably unstable, pile in the loft and through the open loft hatch to end up on the landing, knocking the aluminium ladder askew in the process, hence all the noise. I reckon the pixies were busy up there. I'd probably disturbed it hours earlier while looking for packaging. I needed one for something anyway so I won't put it back.


More selling to get on with, so good wishes and positive vibes to all.



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Try contacting Phil or Jaimie direct at SLW - they can be quite helpful.


The fuel tanks are going to need replacement as all the mounting clips have snapped off.


The bogie frames consist of so many cosmetic parts that it's probably not a surprise that they've fallen off as the glue joints failed. I think I can piece these back together again without too much trouble.


Fortunately the buffer beams have somehow kept all their pipes and hoses in place, and one buffer housing that had come loose was simply pushed back into place; a tight fit that didn't require glue.


First time I've ever seen a model presented in what could double as a biscuit tin.

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Morning all.

Warm here.

Aditi has gone to Brentwood for a haircut and then lunch with a friend. I think I remember what I need to do, something about putting washing out. Main task was contacting Eurotunnel to provide my car registration. Their online system did not identify it. It must have been their problem as every other “enter your registration”system identifies it. Very nice man on their customer service line dealt with it.


Andrew couldn’t work out wihat I had purchased. The remote control for locking and finding in a car park needs a name so mine is called Rory, onomatopoeic and alliterative somewhat. I recall Andrew’s layout modules just fitted into a Freelander. I suspect that they would comfortably fit into the Disco Sport I returned yesterday but not into the Evoque.


Nice. Very nice.


We looked at the Evoque and the Disco sport. Only the latter could hold my current modules. I have to remove the back seats of the Freelander completely to get them to fit. The Disco has just enough length and height.

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  • RMweb Gold

Nice. Very nice.

We looked at the Evoque and the Disco sport. Only the latter could hold my current modules. I have to remove the back seats of the Freelander completely to get them to fit. The Disco has just enough length and height.

I think you could live in the back of a Disco Sport while your building work progresses! I am pleased that the seats in both the Disco and the Evoque are as comfy as my former Freelanders. It was the seats that originally attracted me to the vehicle. We took MiL out to the solicitors last week. She said she liked our new car. I explained it was the loan car. We are taking her to a birthday party on Saturday so I hope she likes the proper one!


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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Sorry for not reviewing through from my previous visit but having been surrounded in our bedroom at 08.00 this morning by a three handed ambulance crew then accompanying them to the RBH A&E Dept I'm now going to have a quiet day.  Fortunately the CT scan showed that I still have a brain and the chest X-Ray confirmed that I only have the right bits in my chest although between the two they managed to lose me and return another Mike to Mrs Stationmaster waiting in A&E.  They eventually found me (where they had left me) recovered my notes from the other Mike's trolley (he meanwhile had apparently been rejected by herself as a very poor replacement specimen) and wheeled me back via X-Ray.  Fortunately all the numbers from my various blood tests plus the three lots of blood pressure tests convinced the A&E Advanced Practitioner (basically a sort of paramedic plus a lot more training and a degree course) to advise the A&E Consultant to let me out.  All because I fainted and banged my head.


Have a good day folks

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Nothing to report from yesterday, all quiet on the Minnesota front. :jester:


Today some taxi service in order. Trevor needs to take his car in for service, needs to be ferried back and forth. With only ONE car now, I therefore need to also take the Mrs to her one-day-a-week job so I can do said ferrying of Trevor!


Lovely day excepted here, a pleasant 17 and sunny first thing, expecting high of 27 and enjoyable conditions.


Tally ho...

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Sorry for not reviewing through from my previous visit but having been surrounded in our bedroom at 08.00 this morning by a three handed ambulance crew then accompanying them to the RBH A&E Dept I'm now going to have a quiet day.  Fortunately the CT scan showed that I still have a brain and the chest X-Ray confirmed that I only have the right bits in my chest although between the two they managed to lose me and return another Mike to Mrs Stationmaster waiting in A&E.  They eventually found me (where they had left me) recovered my notes from the other Mike's trolley (he meanwhile had apparently been rejected by herself as a very poor replacement specimen) and wheeled me back via X-Ray.  Fortunately all the numbers from my various blood tests plus the three lots of blood pressure tests convinced the A&E Advanced Practitioner (basically a sort of paramedic plus a lot more training and a degree course) to advise the A&E Consultant to let me out.  All because I fainted and banged my head.


Have a good day folks


What page is it on Mike so I can give that one a miss :jester: please do take care dear boy.


It took a lot of persuasion when shopping this morning to buy one of these not :biggrin_mini2: , It  will save time and effort 

to handcraft an Airfix Pug body onto a Graham Farish 0-6-0 chassis for my Indian Hill Rly, it's absolutely

stunning if I can get some plates made it will be renamed Gunga-din.  :sarcastic:


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Afternoon all,


Thinking of Mike after his accident and trip to A&E. Hope you are feeling OK soon.


Had a phone call from United Utilities contractors today telling us that the next episode of our water leak saga will take place on Friday morning. We await with interest and trepidation!


New washing machine was duly delivered by Currys within their time frame. It has been unpacked, installed and a drum clean cycle run as per instructions. It’s work will start in earnest tomorrow!


The afternoon has been spent cutting back a honeysuckle which has spread and also been invaded by ferns and brambles. Lots more to do, as it hangs down in line with the drive, getting in the way when we get into or out of a car. I rather wish we had never planted the thing in the first place!

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  • RMweb Gold

Greetings all from the borough most boring. Another hot day in the pizza oven we call a house. Last night around 1am the gears on the bedroom fan's oscillator gave up the ghost with a loud crunch. piece-o-crap. 


The saga of the building works continues. Builder finishes his meds tomorrow and intends to be back at work on Thursday. (like Alice I try to believe 6 impossible things before breakfast) In his absence I called the skip hire company to remove the now overflowing yellow tub of crap. It's been slowly filling with rubbish from afar since the building work stopped. They sure don't hire rocket scientists to work in their office. Called on Thursday. (we will confirm the pickup time and date with you) Also told them 3 times during the call they can't pickup before 10:30 as the neighbour works odd shifts and won't be around to move his car before 10. So..... 08:00 on Saturday completely unannounced the poor b*ggger of a driver turns up. D'oh. Another showed up yesterday morning too early as well. Finally third time lucky around 2:30 yesterday afternoon. Of course all this means is the builder is going to have to get another skip in next Monday. Painting the front room has revealed a p1ss poor plaster finish in parts. That will have to be redone. Meh. 


Work is a steaming pile of yak excrement at the moment. Let's just say out of 38 people in our practice, we've lost 7 in the past 6 weeks. 2 of those were senior consultants, and a third is on long term stress leave. That leaves just 3 of us for every project on the books. I've been juggling 4 projects over the past 2 weeks. Throw in the stress of the building works and I'm about ready for the man with the nice white coat and long sleeves to take me to the rubber room. 


Hi Debs.  See, no train content. 


Meant to say this before: Hi Gavin. 


Bas: no rain here. Please send some. SWMBO has emptied all the water buts trying to keep her garden from looking like the surface of Venus. 


Tony: I haven't worked out what model of LR you bought. We came close to a Disco Sport last year but decided to keep the Freelander for one more year. It's 16 now and ready for retirement. 


Stewart: Why can I picture you camped out with a tent in front of your fridge freezer, Simpson's style, trying to keep cool. 


That's about it from me. More coffee awaits.


Enjoy the day.


Bl00dy builders. That’s why I am now a non tax payer (and no benefits claimant either) for now. It’s a carp industry. Had a few beers with ex work colleague although he couldn’t have beer. Tried to solve his mobile data issue. Turns out he had a lot of roaming texts rather than data. Still not sure who he was texting.


Got to Guildford station but no toilets on the platform so waited for the GWR train. Only toilet is disabled. Luckily my next pub of call is a very short walk from Shalford station.


Will make sure that I have made use of the facilities here before catching next train.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from a Hill of Strawberries and High Drama.


I departed for work at 06.08. At 07.14 the driver of the 07.00 up service from Shepperton reported a fire on our level crossing. An hour or so earlier ther had been nothing amiss but smoke rising was clearly not right. It has transpired that a carelessly discarded cigarette ignited the tinder-dry leaf litter beneath the cattle grid. Apparently the triangular-section lengths of wood intended to discourage trespass are still referred to as the cattle grid.


Result: trains at a standstill for a couple of hours and resultant disruption across the suburban network.


Upon arrival home there was new woodwork being installed by the gentlemen of Notwork Rail and a pile of burned timbers awaiting removal.


The person responsible is cordially invited to identify themselves; many thousands of travellers were severely delayed and would like to offer their thanks to the perpetrator for this thoughtless act.


Tooth Doctor visited. Temporary crown fitted.


Mike - please stop playing the GDB card. We sincerely hope all is well.

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  • RMweb Gold

Bl00dy builders. That’s why I am now a non tax payer (and no benefits claimant either) for now. It’s a carp industry. Had a few beers with ex work colleague although he couldn’t have beer. Tried to solve his mobile data issue. Turns out he had a lot of roaming texts rather than data. Still not sure who he was texting.

Got to Guildford station but no toilets on the platform so waited for the GWR train. Only toilet is disabled. Luckily my next pub of call is a very short walk from Shalford station.

Will make sure that I have made use of the facilities here before catching next train.

Is your colleagues phone an iPhone by any chance? If it is Android I have no idea but mysterious texts while roaming and thinking you are using data even if it is WiFi with an iPhone can occur. I was reading about this when I was trying to make my iPad with a sim only connect to data by 3 or 4g when I want it to.

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Someone bought a little holiday house along the road from us. The house was pretty awful but it's a prime lake-front location. They demolished the house and now they are rearranging the landscape of the entire lot with a big excavator. For four days there has been a non-stop procession of big dumptrucks passing our house as they cart dirt away from the site. I estimate they must have removed forty loads already, probably about 600 tons, and they are still going.

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  • RMweb Gold

Paying a brief visit and thanks for the thanks etc.  I am aching over much of my upper body and having started with what seemed like a pulled muscle in my back I do wonder if my collision with the floor and bathroom cupboard might have added to that?  Anyway having had everything done in duplicate with the first go from the ambulance crew then the second lot from the A&E triage section plus some then added to make it triplicate by A&E themselves.  I don't seem to have anything worse apart from a GDB style bruise on my forehead and a slightly grazed knee plus lots of warnings about possible brain bleeds (the CT scan was ok).


Overall I have to say I pretty impressed by the quality of the attention I received - the worst bits were the waiting once in A&E and when I was 'lost' in the scanning suite plus what continues to be a pretty bump ride in the emergency ambulance - they really need some sort of air suspension but the NHS can't afford it of course and I'm glad I refused to lie down while riding in the thing.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,


Sorry for not reviewing through from my previous visit but having been surrounded in our bedroom at 08.00 this morning by a three handed ambulance crew then accompanying them to the RBH A&E Dept I'm now going to have a quiet day.  Fortunately the CT scan showed that I still have a brain and the chest X-Ray confirmed that I only have the right bits in my chest although between the two they managed to lose me and return another Mike to Mrs Stationmaster waiting in A&E.  They eventually found me (where they had left me) recovered my notes from the other Mike's trolley (he meanwhile had apparently been rejected by herself as a very poor replacement specimen) and wheeled me back via X-Ray.  Fortunately all the numbers from my various blood tests plus the three lots of blood pressure tests convinced the A&E Advanced Practitioner (basically a sort of paramedic plus a lot more training and a degree course) to advise the A&E Consultant to let me out.  All because I fainted and banged my head.


Have a good day folks


I wasn't sure how to rate that one Mike, I was going to rate it funny, but thought I better not.   I'm glad that you are OK.



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  • RMweb Gold

Glad to see you are not too worse for wear Mike do take things easy for the next few days you never know

you might get tea in bed tomorrow morning.  ;)

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Mike, I am very glad to hear that you are up and about after your scare.


... plus lots of warnings about possible brain bleeds (the CT scan was ok).

Very proper warnings they are too. Might be worth a follow up with a physician and get an opinion on how this should be monitored over time.


I do not wish to cause undue alarm but feel compelled to share some recent experiences.


I've lately heard of two personally connected incidences of minor head trauma in a fall resulting in a delayed subdural haematoma (bleeding in the cranial cavity) some months later. One was my 80-something aunt. She fell while recovering from knee replacement surgery. At the time everyone (including the hospital where she was in post-op recovery) thought she was fine. Months later her speech suddenly became garbled and she and her family went through a harrowing and prolonged emergency drill. I'll spare you the frightening details.  Happily she is now fully recovered.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Gold

Mike, take it easy mate and be careful!


In other news I haven't fallen over and banged my head this week but earlier today I managed to stub my little toe on a bed castor wheel. (Nothing on my feet at the time.) Blood was spilt and the toe is now purple. The Boss will not believe that it's dislocated, broken and hanging on by a thread. Just another small traumatic episode in the life of Dangerous Bob!  :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Turns out one of my late clients has a skeleton in his cupboard. I'd never have guessed just reading the Will as it is.....

Has anyone noticed that all Ivan's clientele are deceased? Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Once I’d finished the cheesecake this morning, I went and completed the Sainsbury’s Grand Prix. This is a change from the norm as I would usually do this on Tuesday evening, but as I mentioned earlier, we have the grandkids round for tea and by the time they’ve gone home and we’ve cleaned up, it would be getting a wee bit late. Anyway, the whole experience was over and done in about 40 minutes, so not too bad really. So once I’d put away all the shopping I made myself a muggertea, retired to the living room with the latest copy of RM, which I’d picked up there and had a bit of a read until dinner time.


No work was done in the workshop after dinner, but I did gather all the bits we normally take with us to Tatton, folding chairs and trucks etc from the shed. I gave everything a quick clean and then loaded them into the boot of the car. I also made the sandwiches and put them in the fridge ready for packing tomorrow. I’ll get the cool bags out in the morning and pack all food and drinks etc, whilst Sheila is getting herself ready. Time for a nice chilled glass of rosé.


Mike. I’m glad to read that all is ok after your visit to A&E, take it easy for a few days.


GDB. Ouch, unfortunately I know how it feels, thankfully it’s nothing recent.

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