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  • RMweb Premium

I understand what you say about the Whelkmen.


I heard screams of despair from the local pub (120 metres away) as I was in the workshop fiddling with my Cobalts.

Do we need an EA here. Sounds painful.



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  • RMweb Gold

Do we need an EA here. Sounds painful.



They are big and blue..............and there are six of them!


Courtesy of Trackshack: Ordered yesterday and delivered first thing this morning! (Excellent service ............pity they don't do more 7mm stuff)


There were no oily fingermarks nor nautical graffitti on the box, so NHN was definitely not involved in the transaction.


He was too busy playing with his transmitter and pair of servos.

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It's all gone quiet on the estate, so I checked the result. Oh well. I'm glad I couldn't watch it (Martyn utterly hates sport, especially football; I'm not letting him dictate what's on, just respecting his feelings....and my ears; also I tend to doze off when watching football on TV). No dancing on buses tonight I hope. From the sound of it I think the Poles next door were rooting for Croatia.


On Monday's shopping run to Eastleigh I saw some good candidates for photography at the station, two shiny clean GBrf class 66's and a short rake of OCA and OBA spoil wagons, each in different, heavily weathered, liveries. Took a camera today and zilch, nada, zip, apart from a different 66 that I've snapped before.  


Welcome aboard to Natalie; good wishes to all,



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Welcome aboard Natalie.


Welcome back Me.


Greetings and best wishes to all as I have had no chance (nor do I expect to have that chance) to catch up across the past several days.


In other news the Dragon-in-Law still resides in our lounge though has threatened to retreat back to Australia on Monday next. SWMBO has a very very important date indeed tomorrow about which I am forbidden to say more until after it has happened.


I shall not be watching any sporting event tonight which has been (arguably) unlawful in England since the 14th Century.


I shall instead be sampling the delights of some French Sauvignon blanc.

Mrs Trump visiting Kew? Fish, water, out of! Edited by lightengine
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  • RMweb Premium

 I was in the workshop fiddling with my Cobalts.



Do we need an EA here. Sounds painful.




I know what he means..............




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  • RMweb Premium

Who would want that particular brain anyway?

Why not, it’s not been used has it!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.


Welcome Natalie.


Busy day, two matches umpired, visited the club on my return. Somme cleaning of 009 paintwork undertaken.


Now need some sleep....


Night all!



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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


The weather has been a lot cooler than of late and fairly cloudy, it almost looked like it would rain at any minute, but none was forthcoming. However, it has been very refreshing none the less. No real big tasks were done today other than laying a small temporary paved area in front of the decked area of the workshop. This has been laid with the idea of making it easier and safer to walk around the garden and move about with the wheel barrow until the new path has been installed.


After dinner I had a quick read of the latest issue of Hornby magazine before making a start on tonight’s tea, Kashmiri chicken. Whilst I was cooking this Ava, Evie, Max and Sheila watched a couple of episodes of Dr Who. We dropped the kids off at home around 7:00, then Sheila and I went to Costco to stock up on some stuff, it was almost empty! Once we’d done there it was home, put the shopping away and water the plants and have a look to see how things are doing in this heat. Luckily we’ve not lost anything, but our evergreen hydrangea had just started to open when the heatwave started, they’ve all shrivelled up and dried so they will be dead headed tomorrow. Once done it was back inside and a sit done with a bottle of trooper.


Wellcome to the madhouse Natalie.


Goodnight all

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Work done.

Lots of testing of a new project completed. Catching up on the minor backlog of customer stuff is now underway.


Having said that:

Two days off with Seniors League golf Thursday against our nearest rivals (their course is less than a mile from ours). Double knockout Friday morning and a "fun" golfer plus novice competition on Friday evening. The golfer (me) plays to the green and then the non-golfer putts out.

My partner for Friday night has never played golf before and when I mentioned "fun" and "competition" in the same sentence he was mortified. One of his previous employments was as head mechanic to British Cycling's Olympic team............. to say he is competitive is an understatement.


He has already been practising his putting...............


Have a good post-hump/end of the week folks




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  • RMweb Premium

' Evening all from red dragon land.


Signals successfully installed at West Shore (wiring to do later).  However, since youngest came with us and did some of the work, I was surplus to requirements until after lunch so spent the time chatting to other members sitting/standing around.

After lunch, I managed to get the society loco onto the rather heavy trolley, out of the shed and, with a couple of members who had by now turned up, onto one of the turntable roads.

Then the fun started.  Youngest got the steam cleaner set up, Ray sprayed Gunk along one side before I took over and did the other.   Then out with the steam cleaner.  It took far longer than I expected.  Gee, it was filthy!  Getting to the inside of the wheels was tricky and just as time consuming but we were finished and gone by 3pm.  Then a well earned coffee in Llanfairfechan.  More work to do on it on Saturday.  


Shortly before we left, a chap told is we would have to move the car from the car park or it would get blocked in.  Done immediately, and film crew vehicles turned up.  Yes, I did say "film crew."  They will be there for 10 days, clearing out the day before our Grand Opening.  We guessed something was going on because the skip (far right in photo) turned up earlier  "...er...what's the skip for?..." 






Watched the last set of the Nadal match, exciting stuff though Wimbledon seems to have passed me by, this year.


Warm welcome to Natalie.


' Night all and nos da.

Stay cool.



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Add to that the morons (all in German branded cars) who obviously are allowed to disregard any limits and drive up to about 100mph. 



'twas not always so. We used to get a giggle driving on the Autobahns in my dad's Cresta in the 60's. He drove at a fairly steady speed, even on the hilly bits. The VWs would shoot past us on the downhills then we zoomed past them again on the uphills. My '55 Bug was lucky to do 70 on the level :)


I took the travel trailer (caravan) for a bit of a spin today. I was interested to see how well my truck would be able to pull it. I also needed to take the trailer to the dump station, but that's probably a bit too much information.


The truck did OK. Not quite as lively as the old truck but considering its engine has only about half the displacement, that's to be expected. The good news is it looks like it will do at least 17 MPG (US gallons) with the trailer on a longish journey.

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And down at Hamble Point yesterday lunchtime three Spitfires and two Hurricanes flew overhead, turned, and flew around again, probably just for us strollers. Wonderful to hear those engines.


I saw a Dakota in the air today! (On the approach to Bellingham airport in Washington State, over the field where we were waiting to play our first game in a soccer tournament.)

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I understand what you say about the Whelkmen.


I heard screams of despair from the local pub (120 metres away) as I was in the workshop fiddling with my Cobalts.

That is a new one for me- and I have heard lots having worked in A & E and a male prison.

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Evenin' all,


Add to that the morons (all in German branded cars) who obviously are allowed to disregard any limits and drive up to 100 mph

Reminds me of the first time that I drove in that far off continent. I was 19 and we had a chalet booked at Centre Parcs' De Eemhoff. You were eased in gently into the joys of Dutch roads as soon as you drove off the overnight ferry at Hoek van Holland. However within an hour or so whilst driving along the motorway I suddenly found myself slap bang in the middle of the Rotterdam morning rush hour traffic. What had been a fairy straightforward 3 lane motorway-albeit being on the wrong side of the road- without warning became a 10 lane carriageway with other motorways merging and interchanging alongside on both sides and what felt like above and below too. Worst of all my lane suddenly became part of a different motorway with the lane I needed about 8 lanes away through the path of multitudes of german high performance cars. To cap it all off in order to keep up with the traffic flow I was tanking it along at a ton of mph. The speed limit was actually 100kmph but you would never have guessed- it appeared to be advisory rather than mandatory. Yet still I got bibbed and flashed at by germans in a black bmw or mercedes right up my a*se to get out of their way..


Absolute maniacs.


The next time I went to Holland I filled a priv box in as well as an International one for NS and paid £2.50 each way port tax. That was a whole more civilised way of doing things than joining a Grand Prix with German drivers on the roads of Holland.


Right then, eyelids are drooping which means that either I'm having a TIA or CVA or it is time for sleep. What a waste of the dark and outside silence.


Night owl,

Edited by Natalie
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We made it to our campground and are set up. Camp wifi is working but slowly. Will get local chip tomorrow. Could not log on last night.


Stopped at big outlet centre today. Found washrooms; next to washrooms is labelled Fragrance Outlet.


Very little football coverage in US papers -- but a big article about singing.

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