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I didn't see your order Tony, sorry - I am tied up with live steam R/C work at the moment (seeing L&B Tanks in my sleep!). The nightmare scenario packing order is a yard of track and a Metcalfe kit! It happens. No easy way to deal with that. The temptation to fold the track into three is enormous! Well, it's flexible...…. :jester:


Stop Press - it rained! Not for long admittedly, but Frazzled Rock needs a drop. Oh it's gone again.

We had a short spell of looking as,it it could rain but didn’t. Then it went sunny again.

I suspect my coaches will arrive tomorrow while we are out. The postman will leave things with neighbours or take it back to the delivery office. Aditi is taking her mother to see a solicitor tomorrow. I offered to drive them. It will be in the loan car. They lent me an almost new Discovery Sport.

Edited by Tony_S
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Good evening everyone


The sun managed to make an appearance, but it wasn’t until after 11:00 and the slight breeze made for a pleasant morning in the garden. So most of the morning was spent under the shade of a large sycamore tree that is in the corner of the school field behind the shed. Roses were dead headed, a few weeds removed and a few other small jobs were done before I removed the last bit of the grass. Whilst I was working I heard a bit of a commotion overhead and found it to be a gull seeing of a buzzard, which I suspect was getting a bit close to the gulls nest. During my digging I unearthed some more coal, some coke, the barrel from a YALE type doorlock, several plastic clothes pegs and a small horse shoe, although given the size, it’s probably off a pony. It must have been in the ground for quite some time, given the amount of corrosion on it. But in honour of my paternal grandfather, who was a farrier, as was his father and grandfather, I’ll give it a good clean and then a coat of paint and will find a place to hang it.


After dinner I retired to the workshop and carried on with the construction of a couple of protoscale gearboxes, they nice pieces of kit and very compact.


Goodnight all

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' Evening all from red dragon land.

Shopping in town this morning.  Youngest is home from Uni so we're getting through provisions a lot quicker than usual.

Not a lot going in the garden as it has been too hot for me.  Instead, I have been working on Camel Quay's replacement.  Mostly researching possibilities, story lines, historical and structural details, kits v scratch building, and so on, to see how viable / convincing the plan is.  The last few days I have been taking stock of measurements to check if the track plan is feasible, in other words, is there enough room to fit everything in, some alterations made already.  Yesterday, I started a mock up of a potential station building with two more sections to build to see if it has the desired look.  This is not a revised CQ as originally planned so it is providing some interesting challenges.


Concentration at the moment is on getting the West Shore loco ready for its naming ceremony on the 21st.  Plan for tomorrow is cleaning under the frame - a juicy cocktail of ash, grease, oil and grass cuttings by the looks of it - and polishing the metal work while Ray installs some signals.




I didn't see your order Tony, sorry - I am tied up with live steam R/C work at the moment (seeing L&B Tanks in my sleep!).  The nightmare scenario packing order is a yard of track and a Metcalfe kit!  It happens. No easy way to deal with that.  The temptation to fold the track into three is enormous!  Well, it's flexible...…. :jester:


Stop Press - it rained!  Not for long admittedly, but Frazzled Rock needs a drop.  Oh it's gone again.


Thanks, that reminded me to water the pot plants before it got dark.  :good:

With clouds adrift, it felt damp out there but I don't think the "R" word is about tonight.

Ah, well.  Look at it this way - my arms are getting a work out everyday using the watering can.  :laugh:  Saves doing this >>>   :training:   :sarcastic: 


' Night all and nos da.

Keep cool.

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Good morning one and all!  It was a pleasant change to wake not bathed in sweat and after a sound, almost continuous kip.


I was grateful yesterday for the cloudier and cooler weather in Stevenage.  In the shed where the layout lives a second pair of eyes was drafted in to spot and help rectify some mistakes which I had made over the months.  How sad that demolition is quicker than construction.  In the evening a quick scorch up the A1 saw me at St Neots Folk Club where not enough people saw Jack Rutter entertain.  For once I already had his CD.


Today a quick fodder run needs to be made before I settle down to catching up on some TV programmes and other unspecified pottering.  Trying to escape all the World Cup hype is futile and if the home team is victorious I expect all sorts of unruly behaviour outside.  I have still to regain some strength before dissipating it once again at the weekend.  I am trying not to worry about a friend who is in a bit of a situation caused by a relationship.  Aren't they all?  As I am even worse at such things than he is I cannot proffer advice and would be told what to do with it if I were to even try but should he wish to unburden himself I have quite absorbent shoulders.  Better not hold my breath though.


Warm thoughts to Andyram, Debs, Andy P, Simon, Robert and his dad, Tony and Aditi, Mal and all others in distress.



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Change of plan..her indoors was up very early as she is off to see her aunt. So...if she is up and about no chance of me sleeping.

Have a good day, hope all is well with Robert as he AWOL, as is Dd.

Positive thoughts to those that ail.



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Mooring Awl Inner Temple Here,

A better night's sleep, although it's still hot enough For Ben the Border Collie to be at the bottom of the stairs, not in his bed.


Again the merest hint of drizzle this morning, not enough to need to use the wipers on the 25 mile drive in. Except when I went under the spray where a farmer was watering his spuds, As I am watering ours at home, along with the rubbarb and Yacon. SWMBO is watering Her cherry trees and the apple tree by our dogs graves. We can stop watering the gooseberry bushes, as there is a huge bowl of them in the kitchen picked yesterday. I suspect various puddings involving gooseberries will arrive over the next few weeks... 

Many trees are showing signs of distress on the way in particularly the chestnut trees, their leaves are going brown and begining to fall..


Coming in this morning there were stop / go boards on Wroxham Hoveton river bridge. One of the brick parapets was not quite where it should be, something must have hit it overnight. I suspect going home  another way will be in order this afternoon..


 Got my ears bent for not wearing my ID tag, it's not acceptable to have it in your pocket, but is acceptable to wear it clipped to the lab coat tucked inside for safety reasons..

This morning I arrived without a ID tag... it was still on the lab coat.., this did mean I walked past the LAB AC unit, where I noticed it's clogged up, the gardeners are in they are cutting the grass and anything ewlse that might think to grow..


 The network here was running very slow yesterday and we've lost several drives this morning, the internet is not always there. so I could be typing this for nothing... Luckily what I'm working on at the moment is on a drive I do have access to...

 I have a queue of equipment needing calibration all needing the same piece of test Equipment..I'm waiting for it to finish it's overnight run so I can use it on this weeks major system.


The Bright yellow hire bicycles are being withdrawn from Norwich, I think most of them spent all there time cluttering up the footpaths. I never actually saw one in use.. People forget Norwich is effectively a market Town City, a great proportion of the day time population comes in for work or shopping. Once you are in the shopping area or at work, you don't need a bike..


Drat.. moved the needed test equipment to the major system, started it running, and a battery pack on another bit of test equipment, used at the same time, tripped out after 10 minutes, it had been on charge all night, so the batteries must be *******. Borrowed another pack, it's now running again..


Now it's all running,


Time to... go out with a broom and clean the AC grill..

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Good morning all,

Rather a dull start but should brighten up later and will be warm again.

I got the car washed early yesterday before the sun was on it so that was a plus. Managed to see many specks in the distance at 1.00pm but even with full telephoto deployed pictures are carp. (It was about 9 miles as the crow flies from here)

Last night's BBQ was a success and a good time was had by all.

Today we're off to visit my little sister in Ewhurst for lunch. Haven't seen her for over a year although we do chat on the phone.

Tonight I will watch the round ball game in Moscow Town.

Have a good one,


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Morning all,


It is rather cool here so far today, so I might actually put on more than a tee shirt for some gardening work this morning.


My water services saga had yet another twist yesterday. While mowing the grass, I noticed that some was much greener than the rest. Although it was well away from where the water pipe is supposed to be, I investigated it. On removal of a drain inspection cover, it was clear that our drains are at least partially blocked. As the drain then goes under next door’s front lawn, I asked our neighbour if I could lift the inspection cover in their drive to check it. I also noticed a long narrow patch of very green grass directly between the two inspection covers, showing that the blockage must be somewhere on their property.


I then checked with my daughter-in-law, who works for Anglian Water, and any shared drain line has been the responsibility of the water company since 2011. Yet another call to United Utilities will take place just after 9am! I suspect that they will just need to water jet the drain to clear it.

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Good morning everyone


The sun is shining brightly as has been the norm for the last few weeks. My first task this morning is to ice the carrot cake I made on Monday. Once that’s done it will be spending the morning in the garden and then a start will be made after dinner on tonight’s chicken curry as requested by Ava. She, Evie and Max are all round for tea tonight so no doubt by the time they’ve gone home, we’ll be worn to a frazzle.


Back later

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Morning all from a rather warm and sunny Charente. Not a good nights sleep due to the heat and mozzies that bit us both. We'd experimented by closing the shutters and leaving the window open. Both of us were bitten badly and at 3am were wandering around the room swatting mozzies. There are now quite a few blood spots on the wall where they met their doom. In the early part of the night there were quite a few car and tractor horns celebrating the winning of a game.


Anyway life carries on. Yesterday I got my car serviced and the CT failure points attended to. It's booked in for it's free retest at 5pm today. I'm just off to the shed to finish some more wiring as an exited 5 yr old is coming to drive trains on the layout this afternoon. Hopefully a good day will be had.



Regards to all.




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Footballs coming home being played on ....... Classic FM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can't escape it anywhere AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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 Got my ears bent for not wearing my ID tag, it's not acceptable to have it in your pocket, but is acceptable to wear it clipped to the lab coat tucked inside for safety reasons..

This morning I arrived without a ID tag... it was still on the lab coat.., this did mean I walked past the LAB AC unit, where I noticed it's clogged up, the gardeners are in they are cutting the grass and anything ewlse that might think to grow..



Bad Q.

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Greetings all, and hello to Jason Isaacs.

It is cool and comfortable here in Doric-land. I myself am at least cool; comfortable is a word reserved for those whose ribs work properly. 

A few folk are wearing waistcoats in the office today; apparently the CEO suggested a 'waistcoat Wednesday'. I maintain my 'jeans-and-shirt-everyday' policy, which requires less effort and is a damn sight more comfortable to work in. (There was a brief, torturous period in which a more formal businesswear policy was enforced. When asked about it, I explained that I knew how to correct a comma splice before the dress code was implemented; all that had resulted was that I was now doing the exact same work but less happily, with a concomitant effect on morale and hence efficiency. The dress code was actively curtailing the business's ability to make money, at least in my case, so I was pretty swiftly permitted to return to my more comfortable ways. The dress code relaxed company-wide a few weeks later.)

Happy hump-day, everyone; and kind regards fired vertically from the undergrowth up the trousers of the unwary.
Tinkety-tonk, etc.

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Morning Peeps 

I woke about 3am with the sensation of being strangled my neck has swollen up this new drug has been OK for a couple of days 

and now this there are other things it's doing to me but I was prepared to let those go so it's time to do battle with the #@';"!£"%~g

surgery again.

Nothing is planned today unless Biggles and his mates start flying airshow (Farnborough) junk around we will go out for a drive, I'm at a loss

why the Yanks have an antique in their line up the same old Eagle has pitched up for several years perhaps they are still trying to sell it after all this

time, it will be mayhem on the roads round next week here as the traffic cops prefer to stand at the main roundabouts with their hands up their @rse

of Sooty & Sweet glove puppets all rather sad really.

Today I will attempt some modelling, watch some tennis, and maybe some football, I got told off last night effing and blinding at TV watching

last nights game, that French Mbappe fellow will sought after by all the big teams what a player.


The garage beckons again for more scenic work on the layout. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                  enjoy your day D.R.Uggedup

Edited by 81C
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Enjoying the cooler weather while it lasts, the weekend is forecast to be a scorcher even if not as much as last weekend. The last of the poppies are flowering, both of them. The first to flower are now distributing their seeds, most of which are going down the cracks in the soil. Club night tonight but there will be no exhibition post mortem as it is the exhibition managers wedding anniversary. Very bad planning on his part what with the World cup semi-final as well. C & C's to those that require them, be back later.

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Brain donor of the week award must go to the 'yoof' on a small donor cycle who just rode past Muddy Hollow (Forward) wearing a crash helmet, a vest, shorts and flipflops.


With that PPE combo, it would appear that actually his brain is the one portion of his anatomy you might not receive...

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Brain donor of the week award must go to the 'yoof' on a small donor cycle who just rode past Muddy Hollow (Forward) wearing a crash helmet, a vest, shorts and flipflops.



With that PPE combo, it would appear that actually his brain is the one portion of his anatomy you might not receive...

Who would want that particular brain anyway?

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....The Bright yellow hire bicycles are being withdrawn from Norwich, I think most of them spent all there time cluttering up the footpaths. I never actually saw one in use.. ...

These dockless hire bikes should really be withdrawn throughout. All they do is encourage users to be uncaring about where they are parked when finished, and untidy. They were a bit of a menace here in Ealing, being dumped on traffic islands or in the middle of pavements.

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