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 …  and we made a particularly non-US meal I'd spotted from chef Jamie Oliver (Brit), "Brioche Bhaji Burgers" (essentially an Indian onion/squash bhaji on a bun with some extras), all prepared by yours truly (Brit chef for the day).



Are Indian onions what are known here as red onions? I used to get confused as Aditi and her family dont use the description bhaji. They call them pakoras, a regional thing I suspect.


Edited by Tony_S
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The shops continue to be fairly empty, Tesco wasn't too bad but definitely quiet, while the garden centre was nearly deserted presumably due to people not wishing to brave the traffic to get there.  In the latter respect I can't entirely blame them because it certainly seems to be open season for cockwombles including not only the crawling, gawping, variety but the braincell donating parking (sort of) version, and the downright bl**dy loony type who try to cut in at high speed and get most upset when they can't, especially when their lack of luck was confirmed with an appropriate handsignal.

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Back from the CT testing station, it seems like a good result.   There were three faults, a) the high intensity rear lights need swapping from offside(UK) to offside FR), b) the rear numberplate  light bulb has gone and c) a rubber gaiter on the front steering joint needs re attaching.   The car is booked in for next Tuesday at the local garage so I'm very happy with the result.   When I got home Beth had returned from having her hair done and hopefully the prices for the two bits of work will about balance out.



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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. When I returned from shopping at lunchtime I spotted some storm flies (flying ants) getting ready for take off. About an hour later there was a heavy shower lasting for about 15 minutes. Ians post reminded me that I forgot to mention the bin wagons dawn chorus this morning, the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon was in full voice after Englands success in the footie.


Well. . . seeing as  you were in such a hurry to get here,and, you've been here 70 years. . . . . . 


What d'you think of it so far?




Can I go back and start again?

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Yo Peeps 

Back from the quacks my apointment lasted 30 minutes much to their discust tough sh!t on them, all I could see was a brainless Locum 

who wasn't really interested I tried to be patient and polite but it was the big fob off BUT then my secret weapon automatically kick in,

SWMBO :girldevil: was present and the poor cow Locum wished she had not come to work today anyway a complaint will be lodged at the

inept surgery for lack of duty of care says SWMBO who shot the poor woman too pieces.

I came away with a script for a different drug yet another bloody round of try this try they are absolutely clueless and as well as being

embarrassed, at least after her strafing she did have the front to apologies. SWMBO 10 Surgery 0  


                                                                                                                                                       enjoy the rest of the day C.H. Essdoff

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Car and motorhome both fall due for MOT tests on the same day, though registered nine years apart. Took the Berlingo based motorhome in yesterday and it passed, Hooray!!

Today was the turn of the Yaris and we just heard that it failed on a leaking front suspension strut. Booo! It will now be Saturday before we get the car back, assuming nothing else has gone wrong in the meantime. Still warm here. 

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My “new” car is only 6 months old so I was surprised to receive a warranty certificate to cover up to £700 of work,should it fail its first MOT in 2021. It will be going back for few days next week as the salesman noticed a very minor scratch on the bonnet that I certainly couldn’t see. One of my neighbours could see it but he is very observant about motoring stuff.


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Evening fellow ER's. Glad to see Mike (Stationmaster) has beaten me to it with a Clue Castle picture. Generic greetings one and all with good wishes to those in need. Things have been a little busy here so, although I have been loitering, I have not had much chance to post.


 The black dog is, thankfully, back in the kennel after last week's episode and thus far it remains firmly locked away. Earlier in the week I received an email from work asking me to return my laptop before Friday. Apparently they were running low and needed it for the forthcoming transition week where the children spend time in their classes for the next year.

 The laptop was delivered yesterday, although Sarah went into the school whilst I stayed in the car. I could not face going in. Sarah returned fuming at the rudeness of the people in the office. It seems their first response was, not to say thank you, but to open the bag and ask "Where's the charger?" Sarah politely reminded them that I had left it on my desk when I was last in school, something that I had previously told them when they had told me that there was a fault with my school email. They claimed not to know anything about that conversation.

 The staff member (I don't know who) then told Sarah that I needed to post my I'D badge back to them. This is despite the fact I am due to return on the 16th July unless the doc says otherwise. They then said that I could drop it off "the next time I was in". Sarah stated that, after last week's episode, she did not expect me to come back. The response was a curt "that is not what he has told us". At no point did they even ask how I was. Proof that I have made the correct decision to leave.


 Meanwhile I continue to work on my business ideas and things seem to be making progress. 


Take care.


Best wishes



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Today is Tynwald Day - rather like Ian's July 4th, but a day later and more, er,,,,,,drunk as a rule.  Our national day, a bank holiday, and when half the island drinks itself into a stupor while the politicians re-enact olden days.  Whereas, the NHN's had a nice day out in the campervan, didn't drink at all until evening, and had a thoroughly nice tour de isle.


In fact today is the first day since my frankenfoot injury (Feb 17 2017) that I can honestly say I have felt at ease with my health (whoops didn't mean to post then) and not in constant pain.  A true red letter day.  Even my blood pressure is OK!


On the subject of which, interesting to see the figures posed of late - mostly mine average 130/90 which my GP is OK with at 59.


Another scorchio day here, although I did see a cloud for a moment.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been getting some sales items ready for the weekend and now my back is telling me its time to stop but it means a bit of a rush tomorrow morning. A member has donated four brand new boxed Bachmann wagons, they will have to be placed so they can be put out of sight when a certain dodgy trader (DD) hoves into view. I was going to take my blood pressure but having just consumed two mugs of tea it would be a waste of time, way over my target of 140/80. Booked the car in for its MOT for next Thursday, ten year service that includes a new cambelt so its going to cost a bit. I'm thinking of getting a new car but I don't think I can afford brand new this time, better check those lottery tickets.

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Evening all,

Much of today has been spent investigating a problem with the washing machine. At the end of a cycle this morning, it didn’t empty out. I drained it down manually then tried a rinse cycle, only for the same problem. All hoses checked and found OK, with no obstructions or anything in the filter. I then unplugged the wires to the drain pump and checked it’s resistance, which seemed about right at 220ohms. The voltage to it was another matter, as it varied between 80 & 150 volts during a spin cycle. From this, I think that the main PCB has a fault. As one of these costs around £100,it isn’t worth bothering for a machine which I think only cost £170 when we bought it 11 years ago. Hence we are now looking for a new one, which will probably be a Zanussi, following a look at the Which best buys.


Tomorrow we expect United Utilities to return for their 3rd visit to try to find and sort our water leak. Third time lucky?

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Evening to most!

The GSAL1st XI got stuck into the old boys bowling...255 for 4 in 30 overs. Old boys lost by 35 runs.lightening quick outfield. We even had about 10 drops of rain.


And then off Headingley for the Yorkshire v Durham T20. Great game but Yorkshire won quite easily.


No cricket tomorrow, mygame on Saturday startsat 1pm,no stopping forsoccer so Ishouldbe home by 8:30.


Next week I have games on monday, wednesday and Thursday up at Ampleforth.



Sleep well when you can



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Small thunderstorm today -- finally arrived. Brief but torrential. Hope it washed the goose traces from the paths by the river.

Visited a small independent bookstore this morning and bought a small book on trolleys of the Ottawa Car Company. The store has a nice raiway section from some small publishers but only one book deep.

We've been having our walks in the mall lately as outside has been far too hot.

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Good morning one and all


I went clothes shopping yesterday.  The reason was simply that I found a £2 voucher valid with my Debenhams credit card and due to expire imminently.  A lemon yellow top with breast pocket for £8, or £6 with the voucher, proved just the job.  There are lots of alarming descriptions attached to clothes in shops.  “Slim fit” is perhaps the most frightening and quite what we are to make of “straight” is a good question.   To fill the time before the bus pass became valid I then ventured into Primark.  They had a wide range of shorts on sale.  Now some folk are designed for shorts and some are not.  I am not happy wearing them because there are blemishes on my legs which are souvenirs of cellulitis.  When it is less humid outside I may visit the outdoor shop to see what they can offer the man about campsite.  As I will be in Sidmouth four weeks hence the mind is beginning to feel concentrated.


Andyram, the individuals – I cannot bring myself to call them people – who dealt with Sarah come across as totally unfeeling and should be ashamed of themselves except that I doubt them capable of shame.  Warm thoughts to you and to Debs, Andy P, Simon, Robert and his dad, Tony and Aditi, Mal and all others in distress.



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Hey up!


Mike...clunk castle ...as seen on Shap...


Off shopping then..catching up with some crust earning related jobs.

Have a great day and strong, positive thoughts to all especially those that ail.


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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

I was lying on My pit by 20:00 avoiding various soaps, I was reading a book.... at 21:15 ish I awoke...I'd read less than a page before falling asleep. So book to one side, glasses off, reading light off out cold again almost instantly.. Then I awoke 02:15 ish... feeling very warm... off down to the sofa, stayed away for about an hour before I fell asleep again, woke at 05:20. So in all a fairly good total.


SWMBO has invited her Weaving group round on Saturday, the the list of must do's for Saturday morning, before they arrive is getting longer. Big hints are being given about removing the Old control panel and stand from the Mobile home, Now it's never going to be used again due to track changes and it's needlessly big to transport for an exhibition layout. It, on it's stand, is too big to get into the Muddling shed, So once the grass is cut I might submit to that one.


On the way in there were reports of grass / corn field fires in several places in Norfolk, it's one thing that has excersised my mind as our house and garden is 3/4 surrounded by wheat this year, the other 1/4 being the road and a thatched house. The muddling shed would be somewhat vunerable to a field fire. I'm seriously considering leveling our gound the field side and replacing the very tatty hedge, with a slabbed path and a wall.. When can I find the time is the problem.


I've already lost a quarter of this week end, next weekend I have a 400mile round trip for my Brothers 50th,  the weekend after is not yet allocated, the weekend after that is the start of regatta week. I have a buoy in the gaurden that needs rebuilding before regatta week, and I'm rebuolding my boat, I need to get the fibreglassing done before the weather turns cold..


Mean time work is getting just as complicated, I now have 4 major systems to do in the next 15 days, each takes 2.5 to 3 days to do, this is without all the small things...


Time to.. go change some relays on a major unit, measure a 100 Mohm resistor then measure 10 10 GOhm resistors...

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