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  • RMweb Gold

Morning frm a late running Thameslink worm.

Been to doctors to renew prescription and check up on Mum after her first night in New home.

Back home after negotiating 4 schools before 9 am then no bus to station for done time so a pleasant walk. Over 40 minutes wait for next train to LBG and wedged so sitting in first class. If the ticket checkers come by once in a blue moon today then I wilm pay the upgrade as its my penultimate morning commute.

Tomorrow will be my last day at work in London. Really looking forward to tomorrow evening after yesterday's fiasco.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Peeps 

Her is on the war path with Horrorsons :wild: we live in earshot of the store and some d!ckhead with a petrol hedge trimmer

has been cutting away at nothing on their hedges for the past 3 day as usual the manager has no balls to call here back

she is now ripping into some poor sod at their HQ :ireful:  he is really getting it in the neck.  :lol:


Yesterday went well I managed to get some work done in the heat  :heat:


The copse is finished as is the road way just the fence to go round it then I can move on to the bay platform I'm just

waiting for a roll of ready made grass to turn up from Kernow to do the slope down to the platform,there is still a massive

amount of work to do so I'm hoping it will be here today.


                                                                                                                                                                                                 Enjoy your day J Constable  :biggrin_mini2:



***News Flash*** D!ckhead has stopped the hedge trimmer.   :yahoo:  :yahoo:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Slept like a log last night, probably due to the two co-codomols before I went to bed last night. The reason for taking them, my back is still a bit sore but if I'm careful it shouldn't be too much of a problem. The bin lorry dawn chorus is in full swing including the one in need of a good oiling. Doing a display of some of my collection of old maps tonight, though some are not so old being reprints, I hope they enjoy it. C & C's to those ailing or otherwise, be back later. 

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Nothing yet from our German correspondents.


I've looked at my Spur Null website.  Deathly quiet there as well.


Harold Wilson reckoned that Geoff Hurst won him the 1966 election.  Will Russia 2018 be the end of Mutti?



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Does anyone here have, or have experience of the Sutton Loco Works Class 24?


Only reason for asking is because I think I am importing a cut-price (some way under £100) one from the United States. It will need rewheeling to P4, obviously.


Nothing yet from our German correspondents.


I've looked at my Spur Null website....

Shouldn't that be Zwei Null now?

Edited by Horsetan
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  • RMweb Premium

Well that’s my stint in the kitchen done, I’m off to the workshop, I may be some time!

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One of my work tasks today was to find out why one of our products was failing with a customer. It is a DC powered item with a few electronic components and it was frying over a few hours use.

It didn't take much detective work to find out why...........



So if you have a Hammant & Morgan "Victor" unit, either sell/give it to a museum, weigh it in for scrap (they are quite heavy) or send it to landfill.



Thanks for the info Mick, my H & M Clipper will be going to the recycling centre on my next visit






p.s. It's kept in the original box with the price pencilled on it - 39/6, that's £1.97 to you youngsters.

Edited by Danemouth
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Greetings all.


The German contingent in our office are quiet today. When they were nervously watching yesterday's debacle I commented that they at least now knew how we normally feel.


They're replacing the gas main pipes in our street. Mostly they are digging up the pavement and threading pipes from thereon in. Apparently our house is one of about 3 that they will have to dig the drive up. However they haven't spoken to us about it. The idea is that they replace the drive as closely as possible but I can foresee that looking a right mess and a bill of several thousand quid for me to have it put right. Or about £300 from some geezers who have a load of surplus tar from the council of course....!


Our brown bins cost about £35 in the Boring Borough - fortnightly collection, so leafy Sutton is still winning. I do pay for the bin because it is much more convenient than schlepping down the tip in Foots Cray with bags full of leaves throughout the autumn.


Best wishes to those who are suffering

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Faux Friday ran early today and that seemingly brought its just rewards, and hazards.  The just rewards were not only a few more trains to see because we visited the trainspotting branch but the real prize was the sight that greeted me approaching the bridge under the railway in Pangbourne enroute to Waitrose - a green steamy thing pulling a diseasal and some muddy pink coloured coaches (the official description is, I believe, 'maroon'.  The only thing wrong with the green steamy thing was its odd number of cylinders but I have long had a liking for those streamlined things from the dry side so I was not too upset and it was steamy. 


The hazards arose in Waitrose as it seems that the earlier part of Thursday morning is wrinkly time and by golly not only were they out in force but several of them had clearly been brain cell donors in their earlier lives.  as Mrs Stationmasters objectively pointed out the most worrying thing was that some of them were probably younger than us!


We progressed, through a remarkably traffic free road network, from there to Tesco for certain items where its products better those available in Waitrose.  Our arrival was also accompanied by a passing train  which went by about 30 feet in front of me as I parked the car.  This shop was not infested by wrinkly cockwombles or indeed cockwombles of any sort and the relevant shopping was duly obtained in reasonable peace, quiet, and lack of bumbling idiots (of any age).


Finally having now arrived on page 7013 we need to celebrate one of the most significant advances ever in the post war history of British model railways, the appearance of this -




Have a good day one and all.


Edit to correct trypo

Edited by The Stationmaster
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BIN day - ta da... I was on duty to get the BINs out last evening for the parade of trucks to collect the various components this AM.


All required tasks executed yesterday, dispatch Mrs to lake, take Jemma to airport, Whitney and me relaxing after dinner ;)


Today about to depart - IF Whitney bothers to wake up soon :jester: to head to the lake for a short day finishing bathroom vanity project/tasks.


Starting to heat up here, 22 and sunny already this AM, expecting 32. Glad we'll be back form the cabin later <phew>


Enjoy the day.

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

Back for a quick check in - again all posts have been read and rated.


Still not a lot to report here, though - pork chops for dinner - should have been with Jersey Royal potatoes, but the warm weather has put paid to that as they all went mushy.


We now appear to be discussing wills and funerals - wow, what a wonderful subject.  Only because one of our executors has decided he no longer wants to act due to his advancing years - and also many of our bequests are no longer valid.  We have had various quotes from £150 - £400 from local solicitors, and when we dug the copies of our old wills out, we found that in 1990 we paid £35 inc VAT for the two!

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I see that J D Wetherspoon have stopped serving John Smith's because of the CO2 shortage. 

I've just wandered past our local early morning noise generating plant which opens across weekends at 9.00 pm and closes about 5 am and they have just taken delivery of six CO2 bottles. Now if some "ner-do-well" was to steal them, I may get a quite nights sleep. Then again there's still the woman I left home for. :friends:

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….We now appear to be discussing wills and funerals - wow, what a wonderful subject.  Only because one of our executors has decided he no longer wants to act due to his advancing years - and also many of our bequests are no longer valid.  We have had various quotes from £150 - £400 from local solicitors....

We would be at the low end of that scale (plus VAT).


At least your Executor has let you know of his withdrawal. Sometimes they have the temerity to predecease you.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon from Estuary-Land. All this talk of wills has reminded me that mine is so out of date that it is practically irrelevent. Also in view of what has been said two executors will be better than one. I will have to shop around for a solicitor to prepare my will, after I get the agreement of my intended second executor.

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