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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Getting ready to start printing and the indicator said 'paper low' so I went to fill the tray. Problem is the printer sits about three inches from the floor and the tray is at the bottom. As I bent down it felt as if a dozen knives had been pushed into my back. I did manage to fill the tray and fingers crossed I have sufficient paper in the tray. Now for a couple of co-codomols and the same number of mugs of tea and a lie down.

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The 330/12; the 360 is beautiful, too. Pleased that I got a good deal on this; don't know if USA-made guitars will be part of any possible trade war which could hit Gibsons, Fenders and Martins to name drop just three.


There's a pic of it in post 175079 on page 7004.




Just had a butcher's at the Ricky, it's gorgeous, well bought Mal! I still bitterly regret selling my Vox Starstream MkXII a few years ago, even more so than some of the great cars I've had and let go in the past. A few days ago a photo of Alex wotsisname from the Arctic Monkeys appeared on my news feed page playing an identical one, for a minute I thought it was actually mine until I compared to the damaged lacquer marks on the headstock with old photos I took before I parted with it. I sold it to roadie who worked for The Brian Jonestown Massacre and I've seen photos of it being played at gigs in the last year. Jason Pierce and Pete Kember of Spiritualised / Spacemen 3 / Spectrum both have one each and have used them extensively on their recordings...






Once everything is sorted out regarding my car situation I'll look for another Vox, either another Teardrop MkXII or maybe a Phantom MkXII, failing that it'll be a 360/12.


Edited to add this recently found shot of Ian Curtis' Vox Phantom MkVI…





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Here in La France Profonde  the power company complain to the mayor who comes and tells you to lop your trees.   Fortunately none of our are anywhere near a power line.



Keeping the lines clear is a full time job for the electric co-op here. Fir trees grow like weeds and sprout up all over the place. They grow at least a foot every year. I've noticed that Roundup doesn't seem to affect the seedlings.

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  • RMweb Gold

Dentist visited earlier and after nearly one and a half hours in the chair stage 1 of root canal completed. Stage 2 will be in 2 weeks time. Surprisingly no injections needed and quite painless at the time but it is aching a bit now. I may apply some liquid analgesic shortly.  (Just as a precaution you understand?)   :yes:


P. Intpride

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Power lines in much of the US, especially in older suburbs are overhead and generally run down the back property lines between rows of houses, 

I had an electrical easement with overhead wiring along my back fence while I lived in the Chicago suburbs. Having said that there's plenty of power lines in neighbourhood streets in the US too - I think that might be more common.


The places I've lived in the last 20 years are new enough to have underground distribution which is, of course, vastly superior in terms of immunity to lightning strikes, immunity to wind damage from trees moving falling or breaking, immunity to vehicles crashing into poles, relative immunity to casual vandalism (like people shooting at transformers) etc, etc.Then there are the safety aspects like no live wires arcing on the ground and no aerial acrobatics for line workers.  It's a shame that it is so relatively expensive to retrofit once poles are in place.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Afternoon all


Started off overcast and fresh but gradually burnt off to give a sunny, bright and warm afternoon. Not nearly as hot as you lot on the western side, though.


The Bookfest ticket office opened yesterday and because the venues are so small it's always worthwhile getting in early. Usually have to hang on the phone for around an hour, though. Not yesterday, though. Gabe - who dialled 5 seconds after me but on her phone - got through straightaway at 8.30am and was first in line. I continued dialling for another 30 minutes but never managed to get in the queue. You can only buy a maximum of 4 tickets per event on the first day and Gabe needed 5 for some of her bookclub pals.


I managed to get tix to see Gordon Brown (who he?), Ali Smith with Nicola Sturgeon, Yanis Varoufakis with Jeremy Corbyn, Susie Orbach, and cartoonist Martin Rowson. Yes, there is a lack of Conservative and UKIP writers - does that say something about writing, about Scotland, or about the bookfest itself? I'll leave it up to you.


Have a good evening



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening.  Slightly more in control today.


Still mad busy, but a lot more caught up.  Big project in mid flow!


My usual best wishes to those in need, some concerns about just at the moment, but others showing improvement, long may it last.


28c today in Peel, Fraggle Rock, Irish Sea.  This is unheard of.  Still 26 now in sunny Andreas, the house (modern, well insulated) is failing to cool in the slightest.  Once hot, stays hot.


AndrewC - are you living in the house while all that goes on?  We did similar 25 years ago in our last house...oh oh 30 years ago....and lived in one upstairs room for 6 weeks - it was hell.

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Evening all,


Herself has poured herself a G&T in order that herself can rub it in that I'm on call in the morning so am unable to match herself's drinking habits. Damn and blast, what. Oh well, no drinkies for me then, might as well dive into the b&w Diana Rigg box set of 'The Avengers' I've been meaning to catch up on. ''Mrs.peel, we're needed''  ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

!!! For a root canal? !!!  :O

Colour me shocked.


Took me by surprise too as last time I had it done by my previous dentist I was given a local but I can assure you that I didn't have any and am only now feeling a slight throbbing. It is the infection/abscess that causes the pain and that had been reduced with anitbiotics. He did say that he'd give me something if it hurt but didn't think it would be necessary and he was right.

Apparently there are 3 canals and he had trouble finding one but got there eventually. Cleaned them all out and put something in the infected one to disinfect and now all sealed with a temporary filling. Got to go back in 2 weeks to have it done again and to make sure all the infection has gone then after a period of time will have to get a crown.

This young man only took over the practice about 18 months ago when my old dentist for the last 20 odd years retired and he does things rather differently. He keeps telling me dentistry has moved on since the old days and so far I'm very impressed with him. Time will tell.



Quote from Google: 


When people are told that they need a root canal treatment, they usually think about pain. However, the pain they feel is caused by an infection in the tooth, not by root canal treatment. ... The root canal procedure itself is painless. A local anesthetic numbs the tooth and the surrounding area.


This wasn't needed!

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Took me by surprise too as last time I had it done by my previous dentist I was given a local but I can assure you that I didn't have any and am only now feeling a slight throbbing. It is the infection/abscess that causes the pain and that had been reduced with anitbiotics. He did say that he'd give me something if it hurt but didn't think it would be necessary and he was right.

Apparently there are 3 canals and he had trouble finding one but got there eventually. Cleaned them all out and put something in the infected one to disinfect and now all sealed with a temporary filling. Got to go back in 2 weeks to have it done again and to make sure all the infection has gone then after a period of time will have to get a crown.

This young man only took over the practice about 18 months ago when my old dentist for the last 20odd years retired and he does things rather differently. He keeps telling me dentistry has moved on since the old days and so far I'm very impressed with him. Time will tell.



Quote from Google: 


When people are told that they need a root canal treatment, they usually think about pain. However, the pain they feel is caused by an infection in the tooth, not by root canal treatment. ... The root canal procedure itself is painless. A local anesthetic numbs the tooth and the surrounding area.


This wasn't needed!


Some three years ago I went for assessment prior to an operation to fit artificial heart valve. One question asked was "Have you seen a dentist in the last year?" I had to say no, and the reply was "Wrong answer!"

I visited a nearby dental practice and entered the dreaded chair. I had told the dentist that I had not been before for religious reasons, "I'm a devout coward" I told her.

She extracted the remains of two broken teeth and filled another. I can honestly say I didn't feel a thing, the modern needle is of a much smaller dimension, which really helps.

I have been back twice now for annual check ups and the only thing that causes me pain, so far, is the cost!

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Quote from Google: 


When people are told that they need a root canal treatment, they usually think about pain. However, the pain they feel is caused by an infection in the tooth, not by root canal treatment. ... The root canal procedure itself is painless. A local anesthetic numbs the tooth and the surrounding area.


This wasn't needed!

Yes, the root canal procedure itself is not painful, so long as there is no inflammation. Getting everything opened up to perform the root canal is where the pain occurs. I am grateful that I have not needed a root canal in more than 20 years.


Perhaps you have developed a high pain threshold?

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, the root canal procedure itself is not painful, so long as there is no inflammation. Getting everything opened up to perform the root canal is where the pain occurs. I am grateful that I have not needed a root canal in more than 20 years.


Perhaps you have developed a high pain threshold?


Reasonably high but nearly always have injections when having fillings. I usually ask the dentist if he thinks I need it and if he says "this may hurt" then I will quite happily accept the proffered needle.

When I've had knee operations the doctors and  nurses seemed quite surprised that I didn't ask for much pain relief but there are times I hurt like hell and have to resort to something, even Tramadol on occasions. I'm not too proud to ask and won't suffer unnecessarily.  :no:

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  • RMweb Premium

Talking about pain, Ben the Border Collie doesn't seem to have pain from his damaged dew claw. But it doesn't seem to be getting any better, so an appointment with the vet has been decided on. I don't know who Will feel the most pain Ben or my pocket...


Meanwhile I to have to see the vet err vampire err phlebotomist, for my routine 6 monthly on Monday.. now I will be working on the boat outside in the sun all weekend, will I get accusing looks from the vet reading the results if I require a few ciders...

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Reasonably high but nearly always have injections when having fillings. I usually ask the dentist if he thinks I need it and if he says "this may hurt" then I will quite happily accept the proffered needle.

When I've had knee operations the doctors and  nurses seemed quite surprised that I didn't ask for much pain relief but there are times I hurt like hell and have to resort to something, even Tramadol on occasions. I'm not too proud to ask and won't suffer unnecessarily.  :no:

Yep, I always have injections for fillings; had one for a root canal in January, too. Our young dentist took over the practice a couple of years ago and you're right, things have really changed. He's very gentle.


Odd thing about pain relief and hospitals - when I was in Basingstoke Hospital in February the nursing team seemed concerned that I wasn't dosing myself up on their opiate of choice - fentanyl - and didn't seem to get that I didn't need or want it most of the time.


Have a painless night



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  • RMweb Gold

Nicki and her pals are currently flying over the Bay of Biscay and about to cross the coast near La Rochelle which I believe is not far from one of our esteemed colleagues. 


Edit. Correction - a bit further north nearer Saint-Nazaire

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Having proudly submitted the first batch of programs I was informed that they were wrong. I had suspected that might have been the case but it was not of my doing but a corrupted file. The exhibition manager has now given me a USB containing the program, it was checked on his lap-top before he handed it too me and everything looked OK. However when I inserted the USB into my computer the same problems manifested themselves. It is obvious something on my computer is corrupting the file.

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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi went out to her French group. Thus meant I watched the T20 cricket rather than football. I also tidied the house. We are having visitors tomorrow. I will have to be up early to go to the shops. Some of the items for lunch tomorrow were not available from the garage Aditi went to on her way home this evening!

I had an email about my car. All is still well for the purchase to be completed on Saturday so I will ring up and sort out insurance tomorrow. I have a provisional quote. For some reason my present insurer have declined to cover the new car but AA Insurance have lots of companies. They will move me back to one I was with before.


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