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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Unfortunately I've fallen behind again and catching up is too much for me, apologies if I've missed anything and the usual thoughts to all who need them.


Time seems to come and go these days, and before I know it, another day has gone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Have you thought of disposing of the furniture through a charity? The local hospice charity here will gladly pick up any unwanted furniture donated for free.


 I had but the last time I did it a few years ago the people involved were very picky and downright rude. There was a council run organisation that dealt with this sort of thing but they appear to have gone out of business but then again they only took stuff in very good condition.This particular furniture is old and in poor condition and only fit for the dump.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It’s looking like it’s another beautiful sunny day, I hope it’s not as hot as it was not too far away from here, where it reached 30.7C!


I’ve been advised to work in the workshop this morning and not both doing any work in the garden, I might just do that!


Back later

Edited by BSW01
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It's been a while but greetings from the boring borough. I've been sprinkling the usual mix of likes and supportive emojis but far too much to catch up on properly. 


Instead, I'll bore you with my "exploits". 


We are now into week 16 of the 10 week house renovation. The budget has been blown to h3ll and back. There is light at the end of the tunnel though. Another 3 weeks and it will finally be done. Since the labour for the quoted work is fixed price with milestone payments, the builder is taking a bit of a hit but a lot of that is down to how slowly they are getting things done. For example they had 1 day in their quote for opening up the wall between front room and old kitchen to form a through lounge. It has taken 2 with another to do the re-plastering. To compensate a bit we've been adding a few nice to haves. We've also agreed that the massive amount of drywall installation to replace the beyond repair plaster would be an additional cost. (6 layers of heavily painted over wallpaper hid a multitude of sins. The upside is we now have all the wiring for the stereo built in, the Sky cable run under the flooring, new wiring and conduit to the shed, and all the plumbing + waste pre-fit under the stairs so we can get them to install a small WC once our bank balance recovers. It has also meant we've managed to get the whole house rewired for less than 1/3 the cost quoted by another electrician. Swings and roundabouts as they say. 


If you are keeping score and haven't scrolled on by this missive, when its completed... Repaired roof with replacement guttering, new wiring, new boiler, all new plumbing, new radiators, kitchen moved, new patio doors & old back door blocked and changed to a window, chimney breasts removed, back wall reattached to the house and pinned, 4 large steel beams to support the works, 6 steel brackets to underpin the back wall, new ceiling + rafters + insulation in spare room, new bathroom/laundry room, all doors and architrave replaced, through lounge, all walls & ceilings either repaired or drywall + plaster, engineered oak flooring throughout except tiled floors in kitchen and bathroom, front room fireplace restored. Phew. 


The 16 year old Landy had an oops moment on Friday when the front right brake caliper seized. (new calipers, pads, discs for the front) £480 later.... Shame as the plan was to replace it finally in August. Hopefully it will pass the MoT in 9 weeks and keep on going for a few more months. A replacement is now out of budget for a bit longer. 


MiL has been with us for 3 1/2 weeks now. All is good. She's happy to putter about and is currently painting the spare room/office. SWMBO and her are off to Hampton Court flower show next Tuesday. That reminds me, I need to schlep to the orange box for more 


Work is work. The current project is winding down. Its been one of better ones, so a bit sad to see it end. Corporate wise not so good. Another annual reorg. Another rearranged group of deck chairs on a large ocean liner. I now answer to a Del Boy type who only cares about the numbers from the sale and not actually providing the services that were sold. He answers to a chap in Finland who wants the whole bunch of us to go on a jolly to Madrid in August. (cost per person is more than what our annual bonus was this year, so there are a load of p1ssed off people at the moment) I've said it before but this time for sure, time to start seriously looking at moving on after 8 1/2 years. (the longest I've ever stayed with one employer). 


Modelling is non-existent still. However, the nice people at PWRS are shipping a pair of SW1200RS locos to me. With luck they will arrive in time for my birthday next week. Woot!!!, or not as the case may be. 


Phil, charities have had to become fairly ruthless when it comes to accepting furniture these days. People were using them as free disposal services for utter crap. the Emmaus near us will pick up for free but will inspect first and if its not resalable they can't/won't take it. Our old pantry units were gratefully received. The old sofa is now in the builder's skip as it was too badly worn to be of use. 


Enough of the wittering on for now. Enjoy the day. 

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Have you thought of disposing of the furniture through a charity? The local hospice charity here will gladly pick up any unwanted furniture donated for free.

You could try Emmaüs in Wallington. That said, I had little success when I tried it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Like Chris I've used the pump up containers of Roundup but having purchased the refills I found that the caps on the pump container impossible to remove, the instructions for doing so are as about as much use as a chocolate teapot. Preparations are in hand for our exhibition the weekend after next and I've got some programs to print off so I'll be back later.

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Our local green waste charge is £35 it runs Sept to Sept. We will have to become members this year. The old bin is still with us and rammed full, as it has been for nigh on 2 years. We also have 2 large bags full and an overflowing compost heap that is surmounted by uncompostable growth.

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  • RMweb Premium

The charities round home area won't pick up furniature unless it has all the fire safety certificates on it. Some refuse all electrical items, others accept them if they have a tame PAT tester to check them over....


Couldn't find my work glasses this morning, so dug out the reserve pair,, just now I've pushed them up to find I have already got a pair on my head... At some point I've picked up the missing pair from somewhere but from where I have no idea...

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

The charities round home area won't pick up furniature unless it has all the fire safety certificates on it. Some refuse all electrical items, others accept them if they have a tame PAT tester to check them over....

Around here getting rid of electrical items is not a problem, just leave them out for the metal faries.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Morning all,

Another beautiful day here, and I am feeling better than yesterday. Had a good nights sleep, so now less tired, and the gut is less tight. I have been out in the garden early to erect supports to two rows of pea plants, and made a start on picking some blackcurrants before the birds get them. With all the sun recently, they are ripening nicely. Just a pity they are hard work to pick and then top and tail. I normally do the picking as Mrs G always gets bitten by insects, but I have already had one bite this morning.


One of ways that I have disposed of some old unwanted furniture is to chop it up, use the wooden bits on the woodburner, and put the rest in the bin. It is easier than taking it to the tip, or arranging for a charity to collect.

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  • RMweb Premium

Around here getting rid of electical items is not a problem, just leave them out for the metal faries.

We only get a metal fariey round here once a year, he tours the area knocking on doors..

Being on a dead end to the coast, the light fingered tend not to come this way, and the holiday makers don't want to cart stuff all the way home..

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I must admit to sharing Chris' thoughts when I picked up the latest 'Radio Time' yesterday - after a very brief look which confirmed the contents were as irrelevant to me as the cover picture I had a look at the synopsis of 'The Archers' for the coming week and placed said magazine under the version currently in use.


We have a visitor today - our regular voyaging companion on the 'Patricia' - so it's a pub lunch, a visit to the bank, and possibly a look into WHS for a couple of mags d so I can study ChrisF's caption.  I must however take care with comments about captions for that publisher as I too have one to write for them and part of the research is currently very much at a dead end due to lack of info.


Have a good day one and all and may the ailing and recovering make some positive progress.

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  • RMweb Gold

Metal fairies tour our local roads 3 or 4 times a day. Anything in sight is fair game for them. On rare occasions they knock and ask but not often. I believe I've mentioned before that somebody was having some work done on the kitchen and left their nearly new cooker in the side alleyway. That went!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Peeps

Up late today I did arise for things at 05:30 then went back to bed it was a long day yesterday as I/we :friends: trimmed

a shrub back in the front garden after dinner as Her :girldevil:  is not strong enough to use the Loppers so she says :aggressive_mini: 

then we watched the Penguin's Munchers play the Nigerians on iPlayer in UHD  a very entertaining game the only

bad bit was Maradona disgracing himself in the stand I would have liked Nigeria to have won that match. 

Today the layout beckons, landscaping was done yesterday with some of the roadways glued down they

will get the finished surface on them today kiln dried sand sifted on with a fine tea strainer on top of a thick coating

of PVA and left to dry. :butcher:


                                                                                                                                                                        enjoy your day I.M.Gluedupp  :biggrin_mini2:

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Morning fellow ER’s. After a cloudy start another warm day is developing. My good wishes to each and everyone of you, with supportive thoughts to those in need. I am sorry to report a huge set back today. After last night’s panic attack I felt tired and had a head ache. Sleep did not manage to disperse either feeling and I felt the same when I awoke this morning. Sarah got up to make breakfast and a side order of paracetamol was requested. I went to make Amber’s bed and sort out her room. For some reason this resulted in the second panic attack, but a more serious one. I felt very dizzy and light headed. I have no recollection of walking back across the landing until my forehead came in contact with our bedroom door frame - clearly I briefly blacked out. Sarah helped me to the bathroom and plied me with water as I felt sick and was sweating profusely. It has been a while since I have had one that bad. Feel very delicate now. A day of doing nothing definitely beckons.


Take care


Best wishes



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Greetings all, and hello to Jason Isaacs. 

Payday! Which means bills day. But also e-transfer of modelling vouchers day! Orders placed, ready for delivery at work (coz I'm not a mug); I look forward to further modelling. I sat for an hour last night, looking at the baseboard; I did nothing with it at all, as I just couldn't think straight. 

The howls of protest I alluded to in my last missive have been put on hold: the likely howler-in-chief is on his holidays. This means the howls have been kicked two weeks down the road. Those who report in to him feel as thought they are on holiday too. 

'Tis a suspiciously quiet end-of-month so far. I suspect that this means everything I have to deal with before Friday will arrive on my desk on Thursday and there will then be a mad panicky scramble to work through it. When I first started work here 5 years ago I was a member of a 5-person team; now I am that team, and there is absolutely nothing I can do to alleviate the bottlenecking that inevitably results. Still, at least the aircon is working for once.

Kind wishes for them as wants them. Tinkety-tonk, etc.

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  • RMweb Premium



Lots of noise outside this AM as the local utility company appointed contractors are trimming the trees back from the power lines - regular/routine operation to ensure the lines are clear. Good news is that we don't have to pay to have it done - of course I'm SURE that's all figured in to our electric bill :O

Power lines in much of the US, especially in older suburbs are overhead and generally run down the back property lines between rows of houses, so there are a team of folks with chainsaws and various assorted utility items walking along the back between the properties methodically removing anything they deem likely to mess with their lines.


:O  :O


Carry on <insert preferred/required activity here>...


Here in La France Profonde  the power company complain to the mayor who comes and tells you to lop your trees.   Fortunately none of our are anywhere near a power line.



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