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  • RMweb Gold

It turned out to be a problem I could deal with. Just required the printer being turned on and off again.

Tell Aditi that it required you to change it from Mode 1 to Mode 0 and then back again. That way it sounds like you have great technical expertise.

You could even point out the special switch, marked with the appropriate settings, by which this is done.

I'm sure that Aditi is such a nice person that she would take this advice in the spirit in which it is meant.

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Aren't water diviners good at detecting leaks, or is it just water in general? Simon, hope you're feeling almost back to normal following steroid withdrawal.



I am feeling quite a bit better this evening than I have for the past 2 days. Still tired and slightly tight in the gut, but still better. I had thought that United Utilities might use a diviner, but they didn’t! They seemed to have some listening device, but didn’t try to use it, probably because we don’t know exactly where the pipe runs under the ground. My daughter-in-law works for Anglian Water and she reckons that they use diviners, but as she is in the waste and sewage division, she wasn’t absolutely sure!

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 One has had to withdraw and will not return for her final year.  She failed her second year and also has some urgent family problems therefore she intends to move out.  


Erm, the one who indulged in noisy extra-curriculum activities?



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They have obviously had a similar effect in the case of our branch where instead of the promised w 3 cat unit there was a newly overhauled 2 car unit with one side of a third of one vehicle converted into a bicycle v carriage area - quite what idiot came up that idea I can't really conceive but I doubt he works in Swindon, however the train did have excellent WORKING!!! aircon. 




A delicate subject as I regularly take my bike onto trains.  The best are South West Trains who have a space on their 455s that just fits two bikes with the front wheel fitting into a slot behind the seat.  Bikes are correctly forbidden in the rush hour so the space is available for the SUV sized push chairs that some parents indulge in.  The Electrostars have three transverse seats that can be tipped up for bike storage, fine until you have one prat occupying one of these seats, meaning all the bikes have to be held by their owners, blocking up space and annoying the other punters.  The suburban Networkers have had no facilities for bikes so they are wedged into entrances but this may be just changing .....



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Aren't water diviners good at detecting leaks, or is it just water in general? Simon, hope you're feeling almost back to normal following steroid withdrawal.


Load of complete cobulars I'm afraid. We had to get the ground-penetrating radar guys in to locate our water association mains.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all


Been an overcast day here, still warmish but with a breeze blowing in from the North Sea.

Aren't water diviners good at detecting leaks, or is it just water in general? Simon, hope you're feeling almost back to normal following steroid withdrawal.


Wasn't so long ago when a 1st class ticket almost guaranteed a seat on long distance services (so not Southern or Thameslink, then); last time I travelled on VTEC from KX, 1st was full to York.


Now have to get the bins ready for tmrw morning, which should please Ian Abel. Our local council has just decided to charge £25 to empty garden waste bins next year. Deep joy! You can always opt-out.


Have a good evening




Cannot rate this one, after all who can 'like' having to pay for garden waste, and none of the others apply!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all. Seat taken aboard the Night Riviera. Destination Plymouth on this occasion.


Mike I have enjoyed meals aboard the Pullman though often as not some form of problem has meant no service was available. It is too hit and miss to be relied upon and not having first class privileges the fare “in case” is an expense too far. Were the service more consistent I would use it.


Yesterday’s up HST was not only short-formed with only 7 coaches but three were ovens with no suggestion of functional air conditioning.


Let’s see what the next few days brings. I am already uncertain of reaching and returning from required destinations on the SWR network due to their ongoing speed restrictions. Today has been another complete disaster area.


Night all.

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  • RMweb Premium

We can use the dump RRC (Reuse & Recycling Centre) FOC but since last year have to apply for and display a permit on the vehicle which I haven't done yet.

Very often long queues but they do have a webcam so you can check before going.

As my car is new I won't  put any crap in it at the moment. We're getting rid of some old furniture that normally I'd have broken up and taken down there but this time I'm paying to have it collected.

Bonfires are rather unpopular around here.

Have you thought of disposing of the furniture through a charity? The local hospice charity here will gladly pick up any unwanted furniture donated for free.

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  • RMweb Gold



A delicate subject as I regularly take my bike onto trains.  The best are South West Trains who have a space on their 455s that just fits two bikes with the front wheel fitting into a slot behind the seat.  Bikes are correctly forbidden in the rush hour so the space is available for the SUV sized push chairs that some parents indulge in.  The Electrostars have three transverse seats that can be tipped up for bike storage, fine until you have one prat occupying one of these seats, meaning all the bikes have to be held by their owners, blocking up space and annoying the other punters.  The suburban Networkers have had no facilities for bikes so they are wedged into entrances but this may be just changing .....




On this set Bill I reckon you could fit in about 8 bikes if they were put in vertically or on their wheels alongside each other, the space given over to them was as big as some old DMU brakevan areas!!

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Well it was definitely a scorcher, apparently we had a temperature of 30C, so it was bl00dy hot. But that didn’t stop finishing the path between the shed and workshop. I even had enough ready mix left to make a slight ramp into the garden, which will make getting the wheelbarrow in a lot easier.


After dinner I spent the afternoon in the workshop, continuing work on Max’s engine. One side is now complete and a start has been made on the other side. But it was very warm in there, I even had to resort to taking off my tee shirt! Tomorrow I intend to take it easy as we have Ava, Evie and Max round for tea and Max has asked for paella, so there will be a quite a lot of vegetables to prepare.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Gold

Tell Aditi that it required you to change it from Mode 1 to Mode 0 and then back again. That way it sounds like you have great technical expertise.

You could even point out the special switch, marked with the appropriate settings, by which this is done.

I'm sure that Aditi is such a nice person that she would take this advice in the spirit in which it is meant.

She usually does ask me to show her what I did so that she can do it herself next time.


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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl Inner Temple Here

A reasonable night's sleep, about 5 hours, I'm hoping for a little more before I rise from the sofa.


Our garden waste bin charge would be £45.50 a year, if we had one. With and acre a half of jungle, we'd need a squadron of bins. So instead we have various piles in odd corners. The bonfire pile is getting bigger, but with the current weather and being surrounded by a rapidly yellowing cornfield I won't be lighting that.


A part of the compost heap was recently cleared and buried in the base of the raised beds. When further raised beds are built more will be disposed of in the same way.


We have got forecast cloud and mist today, when I drove home yesterday, from 5 miles away, I could see the threatening clouds lining the coast, as it curves round our area.


Time for a little more dozing....

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Good morning one and all, with apologies for lateness caused by flaky broadband, ultimately cured by restarting the laptop.  It takes a while to work that out first thing in the morning.


As my garden is relatively cool until mid-morning I decided to spray some more Roundup as a subtle hint to the triffids that they are no longer welcome.  Roundup comes in plastic canisters with a pump action spray which works fine until it runs out and the time comes for a refill.  The pump is unscrewed, the fresh supply of chemical added, the pump replaced and – zilch. This is not the first time that this has happened, nor the first time that I have been annoyed.  £24 is a lot to pay for a disposable pump.  Today would be a good time to have another go at it, not least because Mrs Electric-Chair’s gardener is coming to cut down the overhanging ivy that I did not do myself last weekend and may be able to advise.  How he will get the clippings into my green bin should be interesting.


The new Radio Times is one of those editions which is not worth the paper it is printed on.  In addition to the seemingly eternal World Cup, where none but Mystic Meg can predict who will be playing whom and when, Wimbledon starts on Monday and much the same will apply.  Those who follow soaps, as I admit I do, are on a hiding to nothing, this before the BBC reacts knee-jerkingly to the reappearance of Andy Murray and put all his matches on BBC1, as if nine hours a day on BBC2 was not enough.  Why don’t I go on holiday in July?


I did something yesterday afternoon which some would consider unmannerly.  Some silly girl rang pretending to be the Microsoft help desk.  I told her to **** off and blocked the number.  Ah, the power …


Simon, I’m glad the CT is now accomplished and hope that the time does not drag between now and August.  What you said about a water leak had me confused for a moment.  Andyram, sorry about the setback.  Warm thoughts [how seasonal!] to you both and to Debs, Andy P, Robert and his dad, Tony and Aditi, Mal and all others in distress.



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  • RMweb Premium

Fatchy pog here!

I am scoring today as they have two umpires already...this is strange so i may just do a bit of off field assessment as practice.


Had to get everything ready so as I said earlier I had a long hot day yesterday.

Jamie, we were on the pitch that had been a lake. Lunch was sausages, yorkshire puddings, potatoes mixed veg and brocolli. Not ideal for such a warm day.

On my return i attended an umpires meeting. Which, if I was a new umpire would have put me off the game forever. Some of the attendees have their heads stuck in the sand but...hey ho it only matters when they stand in matches with me!

Have as good a day as you can!




Glad you were on Top pitch Baz, I spent many happy hours in the scorebox there.  Prior to that we used to have to sit on the grass among the rocks below the chapel.  The main entertainment was watching the swifts and their amazing aerobatics.  Enjoy Jesmond.



Edited by jamie92208
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The forecast of fatch pog or matchy pists  was incorrect for us, as was the radio womble insisting on the way in to work, of a north easterly, as it is definately south easterly at the moment.,


I too will shortly be deploying chemical warfart on the garden, roundup for me comes in Highly concentrated 5 litre bottles, of which a capfull is decanted into a 10 litre back pack sprayer. I used to have a 20ltre back pack but when that died, I replaced it with a the smaller one as 20Litre was getting too heavy.. I really miss the availability of  sodium Chlorate weed killer, that did the job much better than glycophosphate.

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