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Twas on a Monday morning when I beheld my darlin’ [Dashing away with the smoothing iron]


Good morning one and all and welcome back to Debs.


Yesterday was not the best of days, with once again no live human contact.  At breakfast I treated myself to sliced strawberries in plain yogurt with just a dribble of honey and in mid-afternoon lunch was OK except that the fat on the rump steak had somehow transformed itself into gristle.  In between times I did the laundry so have stored up trouble for myself in the form of a batch of ironing.  There was plenty of time to do even more useful things but I felt rather weak and fatigued in mid-afternoon for no obvious reason.  The brain cells got a bit of use in avoiding the football, about which I know nothing and care even less.  The enormous viewing figures claimed for some matches must surely be because there is naff all else on.  Thank heavens for the news channel!  My e-friend, who to my abject horror is one of the footie-viewing millions, is apparently in no rush to read what I sent him on Saturday via Messenger so there seems no point in trying to revive our conversation until he has.


What, you chorus, of the week ahead?  There isn’t much on until Thursday when I am due to spend the day with Poorly Pal.  A nagging fear arises that I have an engagement over the weekend but have not noted what it is.


Rick, you are clearly a man of culture.


Warm thoughts to Debs, Simon, Andyram, Andy P, Robert and his dad, Tony and Aditi, Mal and all others in distress.



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Mooring Awl Inner Temple Here,

I had a reasonable 6.5 5 hours sleep night which was good,


The birds keep getting our cherries, SWMBO is wanting  fruit cages for the two of them....


 Due to the delightful weather I came in on the Motorscooter today, which was recording 16C air temperature at 06:15 this morning.


 I noticed while going up and down the river yesterday how brown the grass was in many gardens, even those by the river just 18 inches above river level had, had their grass burnt. My jungle out by the coast is still green, it shows how much cooler we are out there...


I have no major systems due this week but two due next week so I'll see if I can get one a week early to spread the load out ..


Ben the Border Collie is much happier with his bandage now since I started using duct tape round the outside of it to hold it together, I think is gives it more protection too..


Time to... check the company spam before setting out to negotiate a system..

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Stewart, do you remember Saffron Summerfield? 

I do indeed Chris - she was an occasional at various venues South of the river in the 1970s.  Didn't she also just appear as Saffron sometimes - I think she did.  However, I can't recall much of what she did, or what she was like.  Unlike some of the stalwarts of that era like Miriam, June Tabor, Shirley Collins, who do stick firmly in the memory.

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The comapny spam included a safety bulletin,


 4 items on there, of which two spring to notice,


If I cut I finger I have to report to the first aid room in the lobby of the EW building......... OH goody if I cut my finger, can I get a free air ticket to get there its only about 8000 miles away...


Second bulletin , what to do in an earthquake...

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Morning All


Have not managed to back read the eleven or so pages which have ensued since I last posted, but I did go back to yesterday, and I'm glad I did, as I managed to pick up Debs' post, and like the others here, am so pleased to hear from her - hopefully the stay in hospital will be short and successful.  Generic greetings are, of course, on offer to all who have been celebrating or ailing over the last few days, and hopefully those black dogs are being kept well kennelled.


A hectic few days away, with over 800 miles driven in five days, and that was with one day (and only one) where the car was not used at all.  We had to get as far as Eastbourne, and I have to say, I was amazed by the amount of bad driving we encountered in the South East nowadays.  Mainly (but not exclusively) by those driving German cars.  The worst was when we had to negotiate Guildford as the A248 was closed, and there was a snarl up to join the A3.  I turned right to try to get onto the A25, into a queue leading to the A3 slip road, with just enough space to get round, when I was cut up by a Porche Cayenne who took the space.  The lights changed, and I was left sitting blocking two lanes, which then appeared to be my fault, and resulted in some (well a lot really) of honking, and a few abusive gestures. 


Back tomorrow.

Regards to All


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Good morning all,

Sunshine again and very warm already with the possibility of temperatures reaching 29oC.

Nice to see a brief visit from Debs. It would also be good to hear from Peter(DD) who hasn't posted for quite a long time. (Since March by the look of it)


The flat pack folding table was (eventually) put together but only after 3 attempts. I started off by reading the instructions looking at the miniscule pictures and following the designated order. Each time that didn't work so eventually I threw the 2 scraps of paper away and did it my way. That did work and I now have a designated area for my laptop and other "stuff" that usually "clutters up" the dining room table. 

The Boss is happy with this arrangement and so am I. (Even if it does feel as though I've been made to stand sit in the corner!   :whistle: )

Today some more furniture rearranging is scheduled  and also a trip into the local High Street but I may veto that one on the grounds that it is not really essential and it will be too hot.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning everyone


Once again the sun is shining, (surely it can’t last) so I’m off outside to see if I’m happy with where I put the pots around that I moved yesterday, some may get planted permanently, some may have to wait. Then I may well do a bit move levelling of the garden.


Whatever you’ve got planned for the day, have a good one!


Back later

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Morning Peeps 

Up early with the dawn chorus a bright sunny day which will be spent the garage with the layout, this week I'm experimenting

with one of the drugs I take for a dicky ticker which I don't have I 'm going to stop taking it to see if I feel better as I ticked all the

side effect symptoms in the information sheet, year by year I've had a battle with Doctor Quack to reduce the amount of drugs I'm 

throwing down my throat he tells me it's the health authority recommendations he appears to be clueless and just follows their

guidelines not what is best of the patient. :rtfm:

Her informs me she is going to BandQ for garden supplies enjoy yourself I retorted. :tomato:

GDB it's a pity M.F.I. went bust you wouldn't have had any problems putting their stuff together and I see her Bossness has

put you in your place so to speak.  :whistle:   :tongue2:  


                                                                                                                                                                                                      I'm off to play trains Phil Taker  :biggrin_mini2:

Edited by 81C
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Lovely morning here.

We will be going to Basildon briefly to return the drafts of our new wills to the solicitor. Then I suspect returning via a supermarket. We still haven't got round to doing anything other than buying stuff as required from small local shops (or garage food shops!) for a while now. Tea, coffee and loo rolls are top of the list! I read that items requiring carbon dioxide are likely to be affected by a seasonal shortage. Not something I expected to read.

I hope everyone has a good day


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A hectic few days away, with over 800 miles driven in five days, and that was with one day (and only one) where the car was not used at all.  We had to get as far as Eastbourne, and I have to say, I was amazed by the amount of bad driving we encountered in the South East nowadays.  Mainly (but not exclusively) by those driving German cars.  The worst was when we had to negotiate Guildford as the A248 was closed, and there was a snarl up to join the A3.  I turned right to try to get onto the A25, into a queue leading to the A3 slip road, with just enough space to get round, when I was cut up by a Porche Cayenne who took the space.  The lights changed, and I was left sitting blocking two lanes, which then appeared to be my fault, and resulted in some (well a lot really) of honking, and a few abusive gestures. 


Back tomorrow.

Regards to All


One of the reasons i only drive well used cars, (and they look it as well,) is so if a twonklet does try to do something stupid and carve me up, I am not afraid to offer them my old wreck in part exchange for their shiny new one.

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Good morning all,


The Boss is happy with this arrangement and so am I. (Even if it does feel as though I've been made to stand sit in the corner!   :whistle: )



Are you sure that she hasn't got a pointed hat with a big letter D on it tucked away somewhere to complete the picture.



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I too managed to avoid 22 men kicking a bladder of air about  yesterday. I went to Tesco's yesterday while it was on and the place was almost empty! There wasn't even the usual scrum around the reduced to clear shelves, unlike a few weeks ago where I witnessed several shelves empty in seconds almost as soon as the assistant had filled them. Other sports news that seems to have been ignored, Englands cricketers whitewashed the Australians (the champions) in the one day test and Hammy won the French GP.


One of the reasons i only drive well used cars, (and they look it as well,) is so if a twonklet does try to do something stupid and carve me up, I am not afraid to offer them my old wreck in part exchange for their shiny new one.

That is why I had a string of old bangers for the commute to work, many of them ended up more battered than when I bought them.

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Good morning fellow ER's from a warm corner of Derbyshire. Supportive thoughts to ChrisF, I hope the week ahead is a good one for you. It was pleasing to hear from Debs, although it is worrying to hear that she has been back in hospital. I hope to hear positive news from her soon. I also want to send supportive thoughts to Tony and Aditi. 


 Thank you to those people who have take time to send supportive thoughts in my direction. The black dog remains in the kennel although last night it did make an attempt to get out with quite a few unsettled thoughts entering my head. 


 Sleep remains an issue. On Saturday night it arrived at the wrong time. Feeling tired after the day at the Hope Festival, I settled down in front of the television with a glass of wine. The next thing I knew I awoke from a deep sleep at 1am, the Sky channel had gone off air, Sarah had gone to bed, leaving all of the lights on and one of the cats still out in the garden. After sorting out the pets I dragged myself into bed at 1.30am and struggled to sleep. Yesterday I felt jaded all day and went to bed early and slept until about 5am but still feel tired this morning.


 Today's plans involve sorting out bank and business paper work. The back lawn needs cutting, but I may wait until the sun has moved around and is not beating directly on the back garden. A very warm day beckons.


Best wishes



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We will be driving to Warley show this year as we will have a layout in the back. Taking 'Dobris'  our Czech layout.


We'll be travelling in a van with New Bryford. Stand A36.




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Golf went well yesterday - my best round of the year so far. Although not as good as the winners, it has earned me a handicap reduction for the first time in three years, so quietly pleased.


3 days at work, then another Seniors League on Thursday - forecast is a bit on the warm side. Much fluid will be carried in the golf bag.


I have a "working away" day on Saturday at the very informal Wrecrail event in Little Bowden, Market Harborough.


Come along and say hello if you can.




Edited by newbryford
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Morning all


Bright and sunny again. Any water shortages yet, or is that tempting fate too much? This is our best spring/summer here in Edinburgh for donkey's.


The strawberries in our front yard are just ripening now, in time for Wimbledon!


Really enjoyed the England match yesterday, the goal scoring will have boosted the players' confidence and infected the whole team. Shame that Panama resorted to pulling people over in the penalty area - is that a new thing for this World Cup? Thought that Panama played as though they'd been picked from the back-chatters in 4B; I'd have given some of the constant arguers a yellow card, the ref has a hard enough job as it is.


Checked the website of the shop where I purchased the Rickenbacker - looks like the price was increased by £400 on Sunday, so got a good deal. Glad they took my drumkit and gave a good part-ex value for it, too - we have more space in the house at last.


Brian (BSW1), meant to say a few days ago that I hope that your scan goes well.


Hope you all have a wonderful day




Which Ricky did you buy Mal...? Always had a soft spot for the 360/12 model.

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Has anyone had problems with tree sap raining down constantly onto their cars? I've had to run the car through a car wash three times in a week because of it. Outer London boroughs seem to like lime trees, and these are surely the worst for sap. Can't believe how it gets everywhere - sticky enough to smear windscreens and bodywork, yet solid enough to prevent its removal from surfaces unless you wash them down.



.....Much fluid will be carried....


That's what I've been doing; Royal Free Hospital insisted that I do a 24-hour urine collection by giving me a sizeable plastic carton, of the type often seen containing assorted chemicals. This means I have spent an entire day taking the p*ss, and will be giving them the, er, product after work today.....

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Which Ricky did you buy Mal...? Always had a soft spot for the 360/12 model.

The 330/12; the 360 is beautiful, too. Pleased that I got a good deal on this; don't know if USA-made guitars will be part of any possible trade war which could hit Gibsons, Fenders and Martins to name drop just three.


There's a pic of it in post 175079 on page 7004.



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Has anyone had problems with tree sap raining down constantly onto their cars? I've had to run the car through a car wash three times in a week because of it. Outer London boroughs seem to like lime trees, and these are surely the worst for sap. Can't believe how it gets everywhere - sticky enough to smear windscreens and bodywork, yet solid enough to prevent its removal from surfaces unless you wash them down.



Oh yes. It's dreadful, and has cost us window winder mechanisms, wiper blades and much money in washing. And Lime trees have deep roots and cause subsidence...  Our council was petitioned to replace the trees, and to be fair to them they put it out to consultation. Not just to the people affected by the trees, but everyone who could see them. People from several miles away like the green skyline, apparently, so we were over-ruled. And it isn't just the sap. The sap attracts small insects which leads to black deposits firmly glued to every surface, not just the cars, but the sticky pavements, bins and even the front of the house. I hate them.

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Oh yes. It's dreadful, and has cost us window winder mechanisms, wiper blades and much money in washing. And Lime trees have deep roots and cause subsidence...  Our council was petitioned to replace the trees, and to be fair to them they put it out to consultation. Not just to the people affected by the trees, but everyone who could see them. People from several miles away like the green skyline, apparently, so we were over-ruled. And it isn't just the sap. The sap attracts small insects which leads to black deposits firmly glued to every surface, not just the cars, but the sticky pavements, bins and even the front of the house. I hate them.


http://msgboard.snopes.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=39;t=000969;p=0 may be a solution...………….




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