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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Peeps 

It's sunny here today the sunlight reflected of various surfaces early this morning and woke me up once awake I'm

unable to drop off again unlike Peppa Pig (SWMBO) so I go down and grab a coffee and my first installment of

pain killer for the back, today I have got a touch GDBitus I've pull a muscle in the back as well, yesterday we went to

to garden centre for trees & heathers for the front garden and got stuck in the Royal Ascot traffic (so the red mist

was about) then some busy body poked his nose in and said why wasn't I pushing the trolley around I told him why

he said pull the other one (red mist descends) so I said "if you don't go away"( impolitely) "you will be wearing yours"

that removed the smug smile off his face.

Her said earlier are you going to help me with the garden today yes I said if I feel a bit better later in the week she was

rubbing liniment a the time and I was howling in pain.   :banghead: so it's a day sitting comfortably in the Mancave doing

some modelling  :mail:  :butcher:  :paint:


                                                                                                                                                     enjoy your day Mort Alley-Wounded

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Sun shining and the hour of Sister Drac draws ever nearer.


BT 'dedicated' lines are an absolute con, we had them for the token circuits on the. Central Wales Line after it was converted to NST® operation and all the railway owned comms lines had been removed from the route but after a couple of years we started to get lots of failures.  The S&T Dept duly asked BT for some listing about the actual line connections made when a line was polled by a token machine and the list was amazing as it was immediately apparent then in some cases the signal, which was simply a pulse of volts, had been halfway round Britain to travel about 30 miles.  Several had even been routed via Glasgow and numerous had gone via Birmingham - when BT were challenged their reply was basically 'you get a line which is dedicated to your use but it will use whatever available route there is over our network when you actually use it'; after that things changed considerably in our contract with BT.


Good to hear that ChrisF got some travel insurance, eventually.  Our mortgage protection policy 18 years back was probably one of the craziest examples of how insurance does, or doesn't work as when I was told I would be made redundant I attempted to claim - and was told that the policy did not cover redundancy despite what it said.  So I asked what it did cover and among the few things it really covered was sickness - which I said was daft as I'd been on full pay when I was off sick, 'doesn't matter' came the response.  So having explained that I had been off sick for several months about 6 months previously I was asked to make a claim with relevant medical documentation which included a week in hospital, and I confirmed that I had been on full pay for the whole period.  But still they wanted the claim so in it went and they duly paid out the full cover amount, which amply covered the mortgage payments, plus there was a bit extra for the week in hospital.  Result  - they paid out for a period when I had suffered no loss of earnings but wouldn't pay for a period when I would have lost my earnings, weird sort of protection!!


Have a good day one and all

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We had a tree break in our back garden, and had to get emergency tree surgeons out. Cost £500. If the tree had fallen (it was snapped halfway up and propped up with a ladder) it would have taken out the back of our house and our neighbour's conservatory (at least), probably cost c£50k.


I asked the insurance company if they would pay the £500, they said no, but if we had let it fall they would have paid for the rebuilding without question...

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  • RMweb Premium

Sadly I have other commitments or I'd be there as well..


Strange things memories..

With all this talk of insurance

in the early 1990s  we started paying into loss of wages insurance (through sickness or ill health) this paid out 2/3 of your wages if you became sick, SWMBO did in 1996.. 2018 and it's still paying and will do so until she reaches gets a replacement income.. She gets Her pension in 2026.... it's nice to actually make a profit out of an insurance company... though it would be even better if She were fIt and well..


On Facefart, my bother and wife have just posted the view from a hotel, in the centre of London, near Tower bridge.. I pointed out that 40 years and six months ago I was standing about 200 yards from where he was standing taking the photo.. I was putting out a fire at a warehouse including putting out 2 fire engines (green goddesses). We were sleeping on a TA hall floor, not in a posh hotel...


 While typing that Don't cry for Me Argentina came on the radio ... no I didn't remember 22 over paid men running around.. I remembered being in a hardend concrete building on an RAF base, having a cup of tea, when the Sinking of the Belgrano came on...

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  • RMweb Premium

Thank you for your service, Q.  Lest we forget.


Well the ride to the club went well......not.  As suspected, the BMW battery has now died completely.  So I dragged out the old '76 Honda trail bike - kickickickickicktillblueintheface - nothing, zilch. No fuel!  Not a drop. 


Must have run out as I rode it into the garage a couple of weeks ago. Bum.  So I took the modern one.....faster but less involving.  Good turnout at the club though, lots of rubbish craic talked, breakfasts eaten and sun absorbed.  Now to shop for a BMW battery, credit card to defence stations.

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh joy unbounded! 


Been to Dental Mechanic and abscess found. I told you it hurt. 

Now on antibiotics and further appointment made for next week for start of root canal treatment to be followed at some stage by a crown.   :butcher: Whoopee.


F.E. Dup of Sutton.

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh joy unbounded! 


Been to Dental Mechanic and abscess found. I told you it hurt. 

Now on antibiotics and further appointment made for next week for start of root canal treatment to be followed at some stage by a crown.   :butcher: Whoopee.


F.E. Dup of Sutton.


It's all those cooked breakfast's that cause them.  :nono:                 :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

Oh my Sainted Aunt - the huge deep discharge habitation battery for the camper van was cheaper!  All for 30Ah.  I hope Mrs H appreciates (its her bike really) the danger caused by my credit card needing CO2  smothering firefighting after paying for it!


Off to boil my head.

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  • RMweb Gold

All? All? I wish. I (normally) only have one a week, at best.


Count yourself lucky - that makes about 50ish cooked breakfasts a year.  So far this year, as we are on Week 25 you are likely to have had over 20 cooked breakfasts; I have had 9 (one on each of the 7 mornings we were on the ship, 1 in the hotel on the day we joined the ship, and one when the lad treated me for Father's Day - one week early).


So I reckon t'other Bob was on the money with his comment  :angel:  :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

hey up 7000 pages of Ers....nuff said..


Warm and sunny here today, another parcel made up and posted, ODI tickets collected for England v India.


now time for a drink.....



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Chemo now finished for the foreseeable future, I am most glad to report. Next steps are another CT scan in 3-4 weeks, followed by. Consultant appointment to review progress, and also I will be getting a maintenance injection of rituximab every 8 weeks or so, which is designed to continue to sort out the lymphoma. The hospital staff at the West Cumberland Hospital have all been fantastic and help make the chemo ward a much cheerier place than I had expected.


Like others on here, I will have to start looking at insurance cover, as we plan to start going abroad again if the Consultant agrees at the next appointment. Chrisf, I was amazed at your eventual rate, so will send you a PM about that.


After a day and a half of treatment, I now feel pretty tired, and the appetite has gone as it always does. I have managed a short stroll in the sun this afternoon. This weekend will be a quiet one as far as I am concerned, so I might actually decide to watch some overpaid primadonnas running round after a football in Russia for part of the time. No 2 son has come to visit, so he and Mrs G are out for a longer walk just now. I don’t think he will object to the football part of the weekend!

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Chemo now finished for the foreseeable future, I am most glad to report. Next steps are another CT scan in 3-4 weeks, followed by. Consultant appointment to review progress, and also I will be getting a maintenance injection of rituximab every 8 weeks or so, which is designed to continue to sort out the lymphoma. The hospital staff at the West Cumberland Hospital have all been fantastic and help make the chemo ward a much cheerier place than I had expected.


Like others on here, I will have to start looking at insurance cover, as we plan to start going abroad again if the Consultant agrees at the next appointment. Chrisf, I was amazed at your eventual rate, so will send you a PM about that.



Great to hear that the treatment has come to an end, Simon.


Good luck with the travel insurance quote, do let us know how you get on. It's always worth remembering the EHIC card for European travel; yes, some health schemes are better in some countries than others, but it's for emergency treatment rather than ongoing healthcare. And you may have to pay something, too. Some ERs will have had the misfortune to use their cards, I imagine, with varying degrees of success. But it's better than nothing imo.


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  • RMweb Premium

E‘ning, comrades. Preparing for the next night shift. Quite a bit cooler today, with the weekend forecast to be similarly cool but more rainy. Should be nice not to be working all sweaty, though!


Simon, sounds like welcome news re your chemo. Certainly hoping that no more of it will be required.


Later, I hope... :bye:

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  • RMweb Gold

Yo Peeps 

I took a hammer to the test track controller today a cheapo Hornby job I tried to replace the contol pot on the top but I broke the printed circuit board 

taking it apart another fleebay purchase required thats about £50 this week on bit to repair things, one good thing that has happened Her has left me

alone to do my own thing I will creep down stair and inquire if I'm allowed a cooked dinner or will I have to ding something.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Yours B.L.Oodyungry 

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Some of you have noticed that I'm winding up some straight laced gentlemen on the wright write's thread. Thank you for the support.


As we hit three score plus ten times ten our news seems to be good. Long may it remain.



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So tomorrow I'm providing first aid at the Eton - Harrow game.  I must remember that I'm representing St John Ambulance!  No politics!!


Then on Sunday informal first aid to the Lewisham interfaith walk. Religion and food will be happily shared.



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  • RMweb Gold

  Count yourself lucky - that makes about 50ish cooked breakfasts a year.  So far this year, as we are on Week 25 you are likely to have had over 20 cooked breakfasts;


Actually over 30 now as I had one all seven mornings of our cruise.   :yes: :imsohappy:

Edited by grandadbob
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