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The weekend activities generally went smoothly, with the exception of a rather curious and confusing attempt to return the rental truck to the location "addressed" near us. Turned out to be NO rental truck OR any other sort of establishment at the stated address. Found the real location about 8 miles away, very strange :(


I'll not provide a lengthy treatise on the weekend, but instead say it was 99% enjoyable, and offer a few pictures for your consideration;


Julie and me on the maiden voyage of her now beloved paddle boat


Boat works a treat, manoeuvers well and moves pretty quickly even with modest "power" - happy Mrs...


After a much enjoyed excursion by various family crew in this and the canoe, we enjoyed some outdoor, Bocce, and then when it rained, indoor games.

BBQ was great and I had to do NOTHING :) :) except eat and drink.


Just prior to departure I decided to;

i) Cut up the large cardboard box that contained the bathroom vanity, to take home for recycle.

ii) Emulate GDB, slicing my finger with the knife whilst cutting up the box. :O  :jester:

Keeping pressure on it with a bandage for the drive home was "fine" but as soon as that was taken off, it proceeded to again vent red stuff.


9:30PM trip to the Emergency Room, determination that whilst I'd not cut any tendon or other major sh!t like nerves, I WOULD need stitches.

To add insult to injury (literally), needs to stay in a splint for a few days so I can't be tempted to flex it and mess up the stitches,


Et viola, ici Le PRAT CELEBRE...



Quite hot and humid all weekend giving rise to a spectacular thunderstorm cell Saturday night.

Weather now, 24 and overcast, expecting some rain/stormy weather and a high of 28 


Have a great start to the weekend, who's next up on the GDB relay? I've got the baton ready :jester:





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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The poppies are giving an even better display than yesterday, only problem is that as the blooms only last about 24 hours and most have flowered the display will soon be over for another year. Sorry to hear the news about your colleague Rick, condolences to his family. On this evenings news, three young men have been found dead on the tracks at Brixton, they are thought to be grafitti 'artists', they are also thought to have been hit by a train and spray cans were found with the bodies.

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Stayed away from knives angle grinders and chainsaws the last few days but did use the garden loppers  without any GDB incidents over the weekend.


We have mum staying with us for the week. Shes not good with tech so today she answered the phone when I called but then left the phone 'off the hook' all day. She then manged to set the alarm off when she went out but luckily I can switch it off from my mobile.


This evening on a our delayed journey home I managed to get her on her mobile to tell her the landline phone was still engaged but she cut us off form her mobile so called back on the lanline which she then anwered but cut us off so gave up till we got home.


We didnt need our keys to get in as she had left the newly cut keys in the front door!


She had tried using the TV but took me some time to get it working again.


I just hope that I am still as much 'with it' when (if) I reach 86!!


Anyway just incase any of you are missing our commuting woes then luckily this morning the earlier train was only 13 minutes late and didnt get diverted over the Hills especially today after the three people were found dead trackside at Loughborough Junction. Also we didn't new a new ticket today as Redhill ticket office was closed on the busiest morning of the week.


This evening journey was delayed as the 17.21 off LBG is still withdrawn but they have introduced a stop on the 17.33 Eastbourne service at Redhill, so at least we can get on that rather than try to catch the 17.30 worm (Thameslink unit) thats wedged at LBG. However despite the Eastbourne service reaching Stoats nest Junction first, we stopped there for around for 5 - 10 minutes (blocking the down fast ) to let the slower worm crawl past then follow it at a snails pace whilst it called at Coulsdon South and then Merstham.


Only 8.5 more commuting days left.

Edited by roundhouse
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In the spirit of the weekend disappearing, Sunday evening finds me back in a hotel room on the road in the south east corner of the San Francisco Bay..


Lucky you :)


"Do you know the way to ..............la, la la-la la"

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Tony and Aditi - belated best wishes for your anniversary.



Who is this accident prone GDB person?  :scratchhead:


Oven Repair Man came and replaced the main oven fan but has had to order a replacement for the cooling fan. Funnily enough at one stage I was going to try and fix it myself but after assisting him to lift the thing out of the housing I'm glad I didn't. I could probably lift it on my own but I don't think my back would have approved. I also noticed that OR Man only had four and a bit fingers on his right hand and wondered (to myself) if he'd ever dropped an oven on it.  :whistle:

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Speaking of which I remember Dionne Warwick getting pretty stroppy on Top of the Pops when they tried to tell her her name was pronounced 'warick'.


War-wick / Worrick

Tomar-to / Tomay-to

Car-sell / Cassle

And I get asked for a place called Wind-sore almost daily.

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' Evening all from red dragon land.


Tale of a self mutilation attempt this afternoon.

Youngest was due over so I decided to try out another sibling's recommended fruit bars.

Bother - I forgot I had finished off the Morello cherries and mixed peel (must get some more).

OK, loads of apples so I took one of those, grated apple being an option in the recipe.

Picked up the grater, nearly dropped it, but managed to grab it before it hit the floor...

and sliced off the tip of one little finger and acquired a paper type cut on the other little finger.

Fortunately, minimal blood loss, if still a bit saw sore.

I managed to chop the dates, get the cake in and out of the oven, and cut into bars without further incident.


As to the fruit bar, it was nice though I really think it could do with those cherries and mixed peel.   :yes:

Another 9 bars left to devour between us.  


' Night all and nos da.

Keep safe.

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Good evening everyone


Well I’ve managed to get a bit more in the garden waste bin. Then just as I was starting to dig some more weeds, the handle came off my shovel. It’s got a plastic ‘D’ type handle riveted on and the rivet sheared, so it was off to the workshop to sort it out. A quick look in the shed and I found a suitable piece of steel that I could use as a rivet and hey presto I’d fixed it. By then it was almost dinner so I packed up.


After dinner I went to the workshop to continue work on Max’s engine, a few more bits have been added and more work has been done on the chassis. The wheels are still occasionally binding when the loco top is fitted, so more investigation work is needed there to find the cause.


Goodnight all

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Morning All,


We have a nice bright morning in this part of the world.


There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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