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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Poppies are doing well this morning, at least a dozen flowers showing but some are yesterdays blooms and unlikely to last the morning. Getting ready for our exhibition in three weeks time, in a fit of madness I volunteered to man the clubs sales stall so I'm sorting out the rubbish desirable items* for sale. Thats it for now, be back later.

*To get some idea of the sort of thing on offer see the E-bay madness thread.

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I am not really that enthusiastic about football but I can sometimes be persuaded to watch a game. I don't feel the need to criticise other people's fun must because it isn't my great passion . Once the first round is over I suspect Aditi may become enthusiastic about some particular team. Football on all the TV channels doesn't bother me too much. I don't think anything I watch will be displaced. I can always buy another box set of Inspector Montalbano to watch!


I was amused by the photo of England team bus outside the airport short stay parking though!


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1st stop in the morning: the First-Tier Tribunal in Feltham.


Followed by 2nd stop: my client's funeral in Mortlake Crematorium.


Followed by 3rd stop: my client's wake, involving loads of CAMRA members.....


Followed by last stop: home.

Are you sure you'll make it home, though...loads of CAMRA members shurely means loads of good beer?


Agreed - I'm no football fan. To be honest, I am fed up with it already.


Given Germany's performance in the last World Cup, you can imagine how much "in depth analysis" we have already had to put up with!

I'm supporting both England and Germany; after all, I got them both in the family sweepstake, along with Panama and Saudi...

T -10 day’s left of commuting

Just two weeks left, Ian - are you planning a boozy farewell?


Hope Beth's eye problem turns out to be easy to deal with.


Still a bit breezy here, think they're expecting rain later.


Just managed to get a couple of tix to see Johnny Marr (a guitarist in a beat combo, m'lud) at Barrowland, Glasgow in November. We'll have to make a night of it and stay over, I think.


Hope you all have a good Friday



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  • RMweb Premium

Ian that picture of the Founders brings back some memories.  We had a drink or six in there to celebrate the acceptance into service of one of my projects. I got  back to Heathrow for the late flight back to Leeds eventually! Happy days! To miss the soccer (football is played with a ball with pointy ends) we just visit any of the Market Town Taverns as they have never had TVs.


Dick, the table looks a bargain and the roses look very good. Do they have a strong scent?


Moreasons visited, Ram Tam (bottled - a first for Tim Taylors?) purchased, then a walk around Golden Acre Park (complete with an excellent Coffee and part of one of their home made scones) to get us to mid-day. We did spot a pretty plant or two including a Grevillia https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/29/Grevillea_1.jpg&imgrefurl=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grevillea&h=480&w=640&tbnid=rjscZWKl0TMAyM:&q=grevillea&tbnh=150&tbnw=200&usg=__tcFQGAg9GZ9-Nnd9jJ1SGv046r8%3D&vet=12ahUKEwjk7ob8x9XbAhVPFMAKHSeVAcsQ_B0wCnoECAoQCQ..i&docid=uTDGius3oCY1qM&itg=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjk7ob8x9XbAhVPFMAKHSeVAcsQ_B0wCnoECAoQCQ or Spider Flower. 



After waiting since March I now have an appointment for s bit of lasing on my eyes - the day before the England v India ODI at Headingley. The consultant told me I should be OK to see..Once it is sorted I can then get some new glasses. Mind you some of my professional umpiring colleagues could benefit from visiting an optician and hearing aid dispensing company.


Have a good afternoon/morning/night wherever you are.



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Ian, Ram Tam (bottled - a first for Tim Taylors?)

I have vague recollections of seeing it bottled before but I could be dreaming. My favourite was their Porter, used to have it as a guest beer at the Fox & Newt way back when. They don't make it now, which is a shame, although I did notice a different porter on their website.


Greetings all. Elder Lurker has now completed his GCSEs, and I am guessing GDB's grandson Joe will have done so too, unless he is one of the unlucky ones who has an exam or two next week.  Elder Lurker was asked if he would like a special meal tonight and he chose my paella. I must admit I was quite surprised, but I shall make sure I have a quick get away to day so that it can be made so that we eat at a reasonable time. Mrs Lurker has decreed something fizzy to drink....!


It's nice to see Roundhouse's pictures of my neck of the woods. I actually caught a great white worm today from LBG to City Thameslink to go to a meeting. I would normally walk but it has been 4+ years since I caught a train over that stretch of line, and certainly not since it was re-doubled at the junction. It was of course late. The seats were not that comfortable but seem to be designed to induce good posture (ie no slouching). They do zip along at a greater pace than the trains did before but they are not crossing any paths or single tracks. The train on the way back was on time.


Have a good day all

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But can anyone tell me why the England team bus was left in a short stay car park at LHR?

Probably the same reason the pilot of the England team plane was asked to leave the engines running... bada boom :jester:  :jester:  (Sorry couldn't resist!!)


Smiffy - that table and chairs looks like a great deal - I know the Mrs would have scooped them up for our cabin if something similar was available for that price within her field of vision :)


POETS, especially since I'm here on Long Island and need to catch the plane home...

Nothing of substance occurred work-wise yesterday <yawn>


The Mrs is frantically trying to locate a paddle boat for the cabin to augment the pontoon boat, her row boat and canoe - she's always wanted one - see below;



She'd found/ordered one online from one of the sporting goods stores that has a store 8 miles from the cabin, order went through OK, THEN hours later gets an email saying not in stock, cue one VERY UNHAPPY Mrs. She's currently involved checking all the stores between home and the cabin... I may be renting a mid-sized moving truck and taking one from a local store tomorrow <sigh>


Weekend is planned for the cabin, supposed to be mostly relaxing, BUT, if we need to get a moving truck for the paddle boat I MAY be on the hook for also moving her row boat up to the cabin this weekend too. It's been resident in one side of the garage since last fall as she's been doing some minor restoration of the thing. Sounds like a very RELAXING weekend to me :O

Everyone is supposed to come up Fathers Day, hence her desire to have one or more of the boats up there by then...


17 and partly sunny commuting, expected to be 24 and fair weather all day - hopefully meaning the flight home will be on time.


POE if you can, other options available for those no longer gainfully employed ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Not seen a pedal boat like that here on the Norfolk Broads, we do get, https://www.dadsboats.com/,  But I bet the Norfolk boats are more expensive.. Either way that'll cost you  £33:84 in Broads tax a year, to have it on the water here. (rowing boat, / canoe / Paddle board tax rate ) http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/owning-a-boat/tolls/annual-toll

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Here is a question, I have discovered what the two holes are for on the hatch of my boat.



My plate was probably stolen during the 30 years plus it was in hire fleets..


 Now as the boat will be 50 years old this  year, there is no chance of getting a new one from the builders, any ideas how to make a new one?... it's around 5 inches between the screws..


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Afternoon all from a sunny Bournemouth. Good news and excellent service at the hospital. It is apparently a floater. My suggestion that floaters are coloured brown and usually go with a good flush, was not appreciated. However we are safe to get the ferry this evening so the grand plan is still on track. No treatment necessary but it just needs to be watched over the next few weeks and no heavy lifting. It looks like I'll be unpacking the pallets when they arrive.



Now I've only got the last few things to pack in the car so a quiet afternoon is in prospect.



Regards to all.




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  • RMweb Premium

Here is a question, I have discovered what the two holes are for on the hatch of my boat.



My plate was probably stolen during the 30 years plus it was in hire fleets..


 Now as the boat will be 50 years old this  year, there is no chance of getting a new one from the builders, any ideas how to make a new one?... it's around 5 inches between the screws..

It might well be possible to have it done by water jet cutting. I'm not sure how good they are at partial thickness etching. Otherwise it would be time to make a master and go to a brass foundry. It might be worth finding someone locally who does water jet cutting and going to have a natter. Otherwise talk to one of your local boat builders. If you need artwork doing send me a PM.



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  • RMweb Gold

Here is a question, I have discovered what the two holes are for on the hatch of my boat.



My plate was probably stolen during the 30 years plus it was in hire fleets..


 Now as the boat will be 50 years old this  year, there is no chance of getting a new one from the builders, any ideas how to make a new one?... it's around 5 inches between the screws..

You could always nick one off another boat!


There are a number of ways a plate could be made.


CNC milled from a solid lump of brass or bronze.


Cast in brass or bronze.


Laser cut, but it would have to be aluminium or steel as you can't currently laser cut brass, where all the letters are laser cut out separately and then pressed into a thinner plate with corresponding shaped holes cut in to it.  The complete ensemble is then pressed onto into an outer oval ring ring.  the use of two thicknesses of metal gives the necessary relief on the lettering.  I suspect it could also be done in perspex.  However I appreciate the need to have something in keeping with the vintage of your boat.


My preference would be for the casting.


This is our local company:




Others are available throughout the country..

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  • RMweb Premium

You could always nick one off another boat!



This is our local company:




Others are available throughout the country..

I won't be nicking one, but if I can find a boat with one on I'll take a Brass rubbing. There were 2500 Aft cockpit Elysian 27s made by them and about 300 Centre cockpit Elysians like mine. (plus a lot of other boats) Most are still on the Norfolk Broads, So I should be able to find one to copy somewhere. There are a couple owned by members of the sailing club, but I've never seen a makers plate in real life.

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Are you sure you'll make it home, though...loads of CAMRA members shurely means loads of good beer?...

They are almost all CAMRA members here. I'm surrounded by beer bellies. I've got to get out of here whilst I'm sh..sh...shtill conshush.... hehehe

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  • RMweb Gold

I won't be nicking one, but if I can find a boat with one on I'll take a Brass rubbing. There were 2500 Aft cockpit Elysian 27s made by them and about 300 Centre cockpit Elysians like mine. (plus a lot of other boats) Most are still on the Norfolk Broads, So I should be able to find one to copy somewhere. There are a couple owned by members of the sailing club, but I've never seen a makers plate in real life.

If you could borrow a decent one you could probably use as a master for a lost wax brass casting.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


And before I forget - bon voyage Jamie and Beth.   So to Tilehurst we have been and while herself was at the dentist I went train spotting and actually saw a real one (i.e. a freight train pulled by a separate diseasal thing) but far more rewarding was a visit to the filling station where I secured a fill up of just short of 30 litres of diesel at £1.27.7/litre which was 2.2p/litre cheaper than the nearest Shell station, virtually the same as Tesco's offering, 4.2p per litre less than the filling station this side of the river in Caversham and 7.2p/litre cheaper than it is here.  Quite why prices can vary to that extent in about 8 miles remains one of life's mysteries?  Even the Waitrose visit went reasonably well for once with some decently in date meat and mushrooms for once and, as a bonus. a well organised couple ahead of us in the checkout queue who placed their shopping on the conveyor in the correct order for packing and then got on and packed it as it was checked out  - a distinct improvement on many we come across.  Then home using a country lane part of the way to avoid the traffic delays at a major bit of hole digging near Tesco.  


Such has been our exciting day so far - now comes the greater excitement of RMweb where I have already dropped a pebble in one pond by pointing out out that someone who has an upcoming article in an associated magazine was once upon a time a member of my staff (I omitted mentioning that on one occasion I threatened to remove him from his job unless he quickly changed his ways and started doing it properly) - it could turn out to be an interesting read.


Enjoy the rest of your day especially those recovering from wakes or POEing and of course with positive thoughts for the ailing and recovering.

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Just two weeks left, Ian - are you planning a boozy farewell?


Yes certainly planning a boozy weekend even if work collegues dont partake on the last day. many just dont drink after work.


However that Friday night we are heading to Derby, then on Saturday to Matlock, maybe Chesterfield aswell.


Sunday Nottingham and Leicester before heading back to the smoke  where we stay the night avoiding Thameslink to try and get us home so more boozers in London. On the Monday my other half can stroll to work whilst I go hunting freight, then meet her in the evening to head home.



Did have a swift pint this afternoon when POETs took place also due to trains being cancelled and very late so wasnt worth standing on a platform till I needed to (see my post in the GTR timetable thread).


My other half is hopefully on a bus from Coulsdon due to (what should be our normal trains home but rarely run) our white worms home either withdrawn or cancelled tonight

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  • RMweb Premium

Q.. you could ask Procast if they have done one..http://www.procast-shop.com/index.htm.


Lurker..even Tim Taylor don't realise they sell bottled Ram Tam. Tried a swift half of Poulters Porter..if you get back to Leeds Town Hall Tavern on the Headrow (past the Courts) has it and several other Time Taylors beers on hand pump. https://www.timothytaylor.co.uk/beer/bottled-range/


Watching the England Women trying hard to win their ODi but the pitch may be their outdoing.


Ivan,, hope the wake had plenty of food..finger rolls with tinned smoked salmon, finger rolls with cheese and tomato, finger rolls with egg mayo.......pickles and lots of cakes....



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  • RMweb Gold

Greetings all. Elder Lurker has now completed his GCSEs, and I am guessing GDB's grandson Joe will have done so too, unless he is one of the unlucky ones who has an exam or two next week.  


Yep, he had his last one today., Physics, which was apparently "quite difficult."  Overall though he seems quite relaxed about all the exams and is happy with his efforts. I really hope he's done well as he has put in a huge amount of work on revision over the past few months. He has been accepted for 6th form provided he gets the right grades.

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...hope the wake had plenty of food..finger rolls with tinned smoked salmon, finger rolls with cheese and tomato, finger rolls with egg mayo.......pickles and lots of cakes....

Nothing so traditional. It was Italian - loads of surprisingly delicate pizzas. Not your average chain pizza or ready-made - these were done from scratch in the restaurant next door to the pub (the landlord and her partner run both). Seems the pizzas have won awards.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. I failed to mention that Mr. Slug was showing signs of his return over the last few days. This morning I found him asleep in the laundry basket so I wrapped him in a piece of kitchen paper with a good dose of salt which mummified him and now he has been binned. Q, if you have a replica of the makers plate made why not have several made? undoubtedly a few other vessels have lost their plates and the owners would like a replacement.

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