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....It's good to have some input from La Sarthe though I am looking forward to the latest episode in the saga of the local expat divorcee.


We're all looking forward to the next instalment. This is better than any current drama or soap opera / feuilleton!

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Is it a Lima loco ?

Worse. Much worse.


Thing is, all I was doing was reviewing the available list of options as a dry run for something else. Didn't realise until too late (i.e. presented with a bill) that what I'd actually done was commission the thing. I'll have to honour it, but there's no way it's going into public domain. Fortunately it's nothing to do with old cars, and only a very very tenuous link with horses, though thankfully not an actual horse.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Not much to report of late, those who spotted my other thread will see I've made a decision on sharing my photos - or more precisely how to share them.

The scanning is continuing with nearly 2200 negs now scanned, my import routine to take the data from Excel and populate my database is working very well and so I've also been importing more recent information - finally making it fully searchable so I can find "I've got a photo of that somewhere" when required.


The high pollen count eventually got me over the weekend and my chest developed it's distinctive death rattle (not literally but best description for it!) which is just about passing now as the count drops again.


Sitting here working and scanning I have the window open, it's time for the young blue tits to fledge and they land on the handle, sit there for a while and then suddenly realise there's a big monster a couple of feet away and fly off. They are cute at the moment, fluffy and tinged with yellow and there's a lot of them which is good. Other young birds are around but only the blue tits seem to find the window.


Back to scanning - just scanned a lot of 76s and other locos around Guide Bridge and now scanning Rock Ferry - Hooton during the preparations for resignalling (semaphores with X-rated colour lights in front)

and only a very very tenuous link with horses, though thankfully not an actual horse.


Is it one of those limited edition horses - with black and white stripes ?

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  • RMweb Premium


We're all looking forward to the next instalment. This is better than any current drama or soap opera / feuilleton!


I could of course start my own sage of the expats in the eastern Charente Maritime.  There is the lady who has her furniture stored in 'The Shed'. She's divorced with a trainee ballerina daughter, tells lies for England and her husband left her for one of the daughters of the neighbour across the road.   I am currently in the process of evicting her and her 60 cubic metres of carp as she hasn't paid the rent and seems to expect to stay for free with the said neighbours.  It could get messy on Monday as she has been told to get it all out of the shed before our pallets arrive the following Monday.





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Chewsday - <yawn>


Whilst the pane to NY was on-time, it's still a challenge getting into the hotel after 1AM and attempting (successfully again I might add) to get to the client premises by 7:30AM!


Little to report from yesterday and today will be interesting as I've already been informed there are "a few" new reports needed...


17 and sunny here on Long Island, expected to reach 23 and maybe some afternoon clouds rolling in.


Carry on...

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  • RMweb Gold

By popular request I have concluded I could compile a bit of Sarthois stuff. Not much of it is smut, much of it involves a farm, and there are a few giggles as well as some rather more serious stuff.


Let’s begin with the case of the disappearing keys. The keys used to live in the ignition of François’s Citroen C15 van. I would call it a camionette, but on another thread I was told it was a fourgonette and I should write it out 100 times. Yeah, right. Anyway, the key-thief obviously thought that the owner would have a spare set, and it would be a minor nuisance. It appears he did not. So the C15 sat for months until they stumped up the funds to get a new ignition lock installed. Then they realised the locking petrol-cap key was also on the bunch.....


I’m not sure whether I have previously mentioned Valentin. He is nudging 18, and what used to be called ESN - Educationally Sub-Normal. You might regard that definition as unfair and based upon hearsay, but two of his former teachers concur he is somewhere on the spectrum, dangerous and manipulative. He is also cheap to employ ‘on the black’ so seeing him at the wheel of a very big 4-wd tractor, one of several owned by François, on public roads and with a fully loaded trailer in tow, despite not having any sort of licence, was unsurprising but worrying. Apparently, though, this is quite legal - provided he is a fully-inscribed employee of the farm, and thus covered by its insurance. He is not. He has also on several occasions driven another piece of farm-kit - a front-bucket Manitou, a sort of poor man’s JCB. That is not covered under those regs. Last Autumn he drove the thing directly at Alison’s car, being stopped only by the chap riding with him. He strongly resents Alison’s relationship with François, and is probably gay, according to that farmer. He also spends a lot of time with Pierre and Gilles, thoroughly decent mature gay neighbours of Alison’s.


François is currently under the cosh by wife Isabelle, due to his affair with Alison. So Alison seldom sees him for more than a couple of minutes, when he behaves like a rabbit in the headlights, terrified Isabelle will see them together. So a few weeks back, while meeting her sons off the skool bus, which stops right by his farm, Alison was pleased to note François and Valentin working in the field opposite, and went to have a few words. As she stood in the corner of the field trying to make sense of François’s guarded words, she became aware that Valentin had started the Manitou and was driving it directly at her - she had to jump out of the way. He then careered out onto the road, and headed directly for her car - actually it was my car, as I was in England - containing her sons, but veered off at the last moment into another field, where his tracks undid some of the seeding work he and François had been doing!


Alison was in a state of shock, but within a couple of days had reported the event to the gendarmerie. Little has been done. V is under 18, and François has told her that should he be required to answer questions, he will say he saw nothing. It does not help that V’s mother works at the Mairie. Such is life in rural France.


Sarthe is currently ultra-soggy, after heavy rain and thunderstorms. Up to 25% of this year’s crops have been ruined. And I can attest that trying to run a layout, outdoors but under cover, when it is chucking it down and very humid, is a waste of time, especially when it is HOm, so small wheels on Code 75 track hardly find much electrical contact. Sigh.

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....Is it one of those limited edition horses - with black and white stripes ?


No. But I will concede that it is sort of furry.


I could of course start my own sage of the expats in the eastern Charente Maritime.  There is the lady who has her furniture stored in 'The Shed'. She's divorced with a trainee ballerina daughter, tells lies for England and her husband left her for one of the daughters of the neighbour across the road.   I am currently in the process of evicting her and her 60 cubic metres of carp as she hasn't paid the rent and seems to expect to stay for free with the said neighbours.  It could get messy on Monday as she has been told to get it all out of the shed before our pallets arrive the following Monday.

Excellent. So we have a second soap opera?

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  • RMweb Premium

I feel pounds lighter!  Haircut completed and a walk to/from the Barbers included a coffee with her indoors.


Now for some muddling!


Ian, seems that you could concoct a soap for TV with the local goings on in Sarthe.  Running anything electrical outdoors after the rain you have had looks a bit interesting..just don't dangle the mains lead in the rainwater!


back later



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  • RMweb Premium

Todays cockwomble of the day award goes to a  woman in her 20s  who...


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....I’m not sure whether I have previously mentioned Valentin.....


You have. A homicidal maniac in the making. Mad, bad, and dangerous to know  :jester:


....Ian, seems that you could concoct a soap for TV with the local goings on in Sarthe. ...


I think he should! It would make a great telenovela for Spanish-speaking countries too.

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By popular request I have concluded I could compile a bit of Sarthois stuff. Not much of it is smut, much of it involves a farm, and there are a few giggles as well as some rather more serious stuff.


One of the most rewarding lunchtimes I have enjoyed recently occurred earlier today when I simply entered 'Sarthe' into the search function at the top of the page.


For an even more focussed reading experience, search for 'Alison'!

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  • RMweb Gold

Are we back to La Sarthe saga again? (Miaow!)

You would know all about that.  :spiteful:   :tomato:



No. But I will concede that it is sort of furry.




Excellent. So we have a second soap opera?

A merkin.  :mosking:


Good evening Peeps 

Not felt my best today so fell out of bed late this AM, I decided to take thing easy for the rest of the day so got behind with everything even Her

she is a right grumpy old bat cos I haven't done any chores I said "there is the rest of the week untouched" the stare I got could have cut me in two.


                                                                                                                                                                         enjoy the rest of the day Lazee Boggar  :biggrin_mini2:


Btw Beware of the :girldevil:  "Wrath of the Awl" :girldevil: you get a pins and needles feeling, mind you I wouldn't mind a good whipping instead.  :sarcastic:


Oh and just for good measure.



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  • RMweb Gold

I see GDB is now realising the problem of having a black car - they are extremely good at showing the dirt, felicitations are offered and the exercise of cleaning it will no doubt be good for you (so it is said).



Not just now realising it Mike, I have known this for many years as my first car was black and a couple of others have been as well including the one before this. Also had a couple of dark blue cars which presented the same problem. I happen to like them when they are clean and gleaming so put up with it.

And yes, the exercise is good for me. I wonder how long it will be before the novelty wears off and I pay the very nice Eastern European lads (and laddesses) around the corner to do the job for me.  :scratchhead:

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Evening all


So quite a lot going on in France, then, having just read the last few pages.


Travelled to see a pal in Warrington today for a blether, lunch, and a few beers. Southbound Pendolino very comfortable, but also empty enough to give some room. He took me to see Hattons new, er, shop, for want of a better word. Quite disappointed by it, very limited stock on display. I'd gone expecting to spend some cash but left without a thing. Everything must be in the back warehouse.


Had a call from mum's careline at 3am this morning, saying that the emergency line had been activated and an ambulance called, but as we were getting changed to travel there another call told us that it was all a false alarm - thank heavens.


Quite warm here and in Warrington today, and light until 10.30 to 11pm. Great.


Have a pleasant evening



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Not just now realising it Mike, I have known this for many years as my first car was black and a couple of others have been as well ....

The other thing about a black car is that it absorbs and retains the heat of summer. My parents had a black Vento - highly unpleasant to sit in from June to August.

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  • RMweb Premium

Black cars - yup, I should know better too, but this is my third!  Its a sort of metallic black when seen at close quarters in bright light, looks very smart when...sigh...clean.  The last black one was a Renault 18, so that shows how long ago that was!


Ivan - there isn't a button to describe that!

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