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Early Risers.


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It was the driest May on record here ... There has been significant rain yesterday and today.



Driving conditions on Saturday were nasty. Mostly it was the visibility problems. We had a lot of heavy localized downpours - meaning the highway would be awash, with traffic slowing due to poor visibility, with the next moment bright skies (but not necessarily sunny) and water thrown up by vehicles making visibility difficult again.


It was nice to have a weekend of rain. The garden certainly needed it. We had some mountain snow as well.


This weekend in Portland was the culmination of the "Rose Festival" with the big parade on Saturday. It always rains on the Rose Festival parade - normally because it's still frequently rainy this time of year but the meteorologists like to call weather for this weekend the "Rose Festival Low". They were not disappointed, even if it was a frontal system. Totals varied dramatically but one town saw more rain on Saturday an in the last six weeks.


The Rose Festival hosts what in Portland is rather quaintly called "fleet week". A couple of USN vessels show up along with the Coasties and the RCN usually sends something. As I drove south on the far side of the river yesterday, HMCS Regina looked well tied up alongside the festival.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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“On Saturday and Sunday they do no work at all

So ‘twas on a Monday morning that the gasman came to call”


Good morning one and all


I have received an e-mail from British Gas inviting me to book the annual service for my boiler.  The webshite insists on telling me that I must wait until I have been notified that the time is right.  I predict an interesting telephone conversation this morning.  Sometime this morning I must put in my request for additional supplies of chemical warfare.  There will be ironing, which serve me right for doing the laundry.


I spent yesterday quietly after the delayed onset of Polo-lag and half an hour’s weeding.  Lunch was quite late and was a gammon steak.  In the morning my e-friend Harry, who works in the supply chain for Sainsburys, reassured me that he has nothing to do with their meatless meatballs contaminated with meat which hit the headlines at the weekend.  He deals with clothing, apparently.  He has not quite grasped multi-tasking though as he paused our exchange to make breakfast.  I read the honours list and found no-one that I know.   It was not always thus.


Welcome home from their cruise to Tony and Aditi.  Simon, be careful: gardening can be dangerous.  Continuing warm thoughts to Andyram, Debs, Andy P, Robert and his dad, Mal and all others in distress.



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Morning All,


Thankfully, it is set to get a bit cooler today.  The weather over the weekend was incredibly warm (over 30°C).  We had some quite heavy thunderstorms on Saturday evening, but they didn't seem to make that much of a difference (other than increasing the humidity!)


I have a day of testing to look forward to today!


Have a good one everybody...

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

I awoke with a start as the sky outside seems very bright, however a quick check of the watch assured me it was a fraction after 03:00,  a further hours sleep was attained on the sofa.


One cockwomble on the way in, we the line of traffic, decided not to overtake, smart car, as a couple of lorries were approaching, a golf from two cars behind me decided he was too important to wait, he only just found a gap and then found the lead car was braking and indicating...right.. much working of the ABS, I could hear the tyres on the road from a couple of cars back...


Todays work, Measuring a couple of Current transformer units, 2A to 100A, the biggest problem is assembling all the gear to do the job...


Time too, check the companies spam first..

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A bit overcast this morning.


The bus was early I guess due to the earlier bus being nearly 20 late picking up the pasengers for ours. We even made it to the platform to catch the 06.59, if it had been running. However it’s been cancelled since leaving home and th later one a few minutes late. The Vic service is only 4 coaches instead of 12 as the portion form Gatwck has not materialised. Not much good for 5hose at Salford’s and Earlswood having two n a row cancelled. The 07.09 Thameslink is now much busier but do want stop at those two previous stations.


What a great start to the weeks commute.

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Bit grey and overcast again here.


Glad you had a good cruise Tony and Aditi.


Apparently I may have minor housework tasks to do today. I need to collect my prescription from the chemists then do a bit of crust earning.


Busy week ahead includiing a yorkshire schools home game in Derbyshire (!).


Have as good a day as you can, and positive thoughts to those that ail.


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Morning all from our cliff top eyrie in Bournemouth.  Fortunately not too near the subsiding cliff.  It's bright with a calm sea.  Yesterday went well with our friends and an excellent meal was partaken.   Various alcoholic drinks were tasted for quality.  They leave later today after which we will probably just chill and do a little gentle sorting of the back of my car to find out exactly was put in there in the final mad scramble to empty the house on Saturday.  There is at least one bottle of Glenfiddich to discover.  However I do know that there is my remaining helmet from work, and unknown to SWMBO, a Slaters compound kit.   


I've also got some phone calls to make to finish cancelling things.  I couldn't discover a way to read the smart meter so need to contact the company to get their readings.   One amusing fact is that as I was carrying one of the last boxes downstairs I got a call, in a far eastern accent, from Virgin Media.   They were trying to sell me a new package.   My reply was interesting.  They couldn't even send me the box needed to return my router and set top box.  I've had to make my own arrangements via no 1 son who does civils and network work for them.


Anyway the papers have arrived and 'we' are apparently ALL going swimming at 0900.  


Regards to all,



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Anyway the papers have arrived and 'we' are apparently ALL going swimming at 0900.  


Not an issue at the Hippodrome.


I, as always, merely wallow, whilst the Obergrumpenfuhrer, imitates a brick.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Good morning all,

Rather a cloudy start and some showers forecast and then supposed to be brightening up with sunshine.

Glad you had an enjoyable cruise Tony. We are considering booking another one but a final decision has yet to be made.

It would seem that some shopping needs to be done today.

Have a good one,


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Good morning everyone


The sun is shining and the garden is looking sparkly due to last nights rain catching the sun. Not a lot planned for today, my leg seems to be back to normal (normal moi?, who am I trying to kid?), but I’m still taking it easy. The biggest task I’ve set myself for today, is a run to the tip as I’ve got quite a collection of waste together, once gone it will clear a bit of floor space in the cellar. Then it’s back to the workshop to continue work on Max’s engine.


Tony and Aditi. Glad you enjoyed you cruise.


Jamie. Enjoy your swim.


Back later

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A good night’s sleep last night, so now feel like I have more energy than yesterday. Time to tackle the grass cutting! Chrisf, thanks for the warning. At this time of the year, my hands are often a complete mess from all the nettle stings, prickles and other hazards I encounter. It then gets worse when the gooseberries are ripe, as the thorns on those are lethal!

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Morning Peeps 

Up early to watch the Grand Prix recording, another naff race apart for a first lap crash fast forwarded x120 so not much time was wasted.

No further advancement on the pooch I have to visit the local RSPCA animal center which is closed today so I will go for a hair cut once I've

showered SWMBO  :spruceup: is pampering Herself at the moment so I 've been waiting the past hour, after my hair do it's off to B&Q for BBQ

gas, the family came round for a BBQ yesterday Leo my Cuban SiL got a visual link to his friends in Cuban and we all chatted for a while

with them we have been told we must visit next May Pah more expense (best time to go) , Oh hark :girldevil:  it's finished I must go.


                                                                                                                                                                                 enjoy your day U.N. Derdogg   

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Morning All


It's yet another grand day here, and I am fully caught up. 


Again, no Debs - hope all is well there.  But also, of course, the usual generic greetings are on offer where needed or deserved.


Visit to GP duly completed, and it seems that I was probably worrying over nothing much, and that the swelling on my umbilicus is not any great issue.  I must say, though, that I was very taken with one of our newer doctors, who as well as being young, is also a very nice lady indeed.


Possibly back later.


Regards to All


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Morning fellow ER's. Firstly I am pleased to hear that Tony and Aditi enjoyed their cruise. I am looking forward to the sharing of any holiday photos! Jamie - I hope the move goes well. I have caught snippets of your plans and I am beginning to catch up on where you are heading. Good luck. I am interested to read your comments about Virgin Media. We had a TV and internet package with them when we first moved into our current house. They were the only people able to provide an internet service at the time. When we changed to Sky a year or so ago they also promised to send packaging to return the set top box and router. None arrived so the router remains in our garage and the set top box remains connected to the TV in our kitchen, allowing access to Freeview channels.


 Here the warm weather continues although rain is forecast for later. I took Amber into school this morning before heading over to the shops to pick up some hay fever medication. Sarah is really suffering at the moment. Fortunately, after a difficult black dog week last week, things seem to be picking up for me. I certainly felt better over the weekend and so far today the general mood is a positive one. Perhaps, just perhaps, things are on the turn. Admittedly the mood was helped by an email from the council rep this morning regarding the sick pay situation. It could not have been any more brief - a simple two word message to say "all sorted". I take this to mean that my full sick pay entitlement has been extended. However it does not say until when. That is a weight off my mind, and I have emailed back to ask when the full sick pay will now run out. I admit to hoping it will cover the rest of the summer term and the summer break so that I can take that time to get myself back on an even keel ready for the new academic year.


 The week ahead looks a busy one. Today there is a visit to view the model railway collection of a deceased gentleman with a view to purchasing to add to my website stock. Later there will Avon to deliver for Sarah and tomorrow I will be back at the church coffee morning for the same reason. The support from the church has been very welcome and I do feel that I benefit from visiting so I will look forward to that. On Wednesday there is another business appointment and on Friday I plan to visit the GC show. 


Have a good day.



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. The poppies are doing well, those that flowered a day or two ago have shed their petals but have been replaced by even more new flowers. Theres a lot more than last year so next year should give an even bigger crop. Muggatee awaits so be back later.

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Of course the stupid BBC did not appear to acknowledge the death of Danny Kirwan at 68, late of Fleetwood Mac - it was headline news over the North American TV.

RIP Danny.



They did however mention that Vince effing Vaughn was arrested for drunk driving.....


Best, Pete.

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Of course the stupid BBC did not appear to acknowledge the death of Danny Kirwan at 68, late of Fleetwood Mac - it was headline news over the North American TV.

RIP Danny.



They did however mention that Vince effing Vaughn was arrested for drunk driving.....


Best, Pete.



A tortured soul. . . I hope he's found his  Sunny Side Of Heaven.




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Of course the stupid BBC did not appear to acknowledge the death of Danny Kirwan at 68, late of Fleetwood Mac - it was headline news over the North American TV.

RIP Danny.



They did however mention that Vince effing Vaughn was arrested for drunk driving.....


Best, Pete.


I saw his death reported on the BBC news Yesterday...

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Aft’noon all. Moan-day greetings from a beatifully warm and sunny Hill of Strawberries. And welcome back, too, to Tony and Aditi - I hope the cruise helped the healing process somewhat.


New neighbours have been briefly encountered. We were thanked for our welcome card.


New word for the vocabulary too. Based upon her name “Normacy” is the act of wantonly wasting the time, patience and energy of another on trivial matters which did not, after all, require the other party’s attendance but ruined their day regardless.


Rumour has it the kettle has boiled. I’d best go in search of a tea-bag.

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