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Good evening everyone


What a beautiful day it’s been here in the northwest. Most of the morning was spent in the garden, the roses look a lot better now that they are not drooping across the path. They also look a lot better now that they’ve been dead headed too.


After dinner I tidied up my wood off-cut pile in the workshop, so that’s looking a lot tidier too.


After tea I went and jumped in Salford Quays, once again it was very busy as it has been since I started going back there 3 weeks ago, it’s becoming a very popular sport. They’d even run out of wetsuits to hire, but as I gave my own, that didn’t bother me. However, tonight the water was warm enough (21C) to not bother with a wetsuit for the first time this year! It makes it a lot quicker getting changed too, as a result I was able to do 3 laps, the most I’ve done for quite some time. I expect I won’t have too much difficulty in sleeping tonight.


Goodnight all

Edited by BSW01
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Flippant Friday is here.


Day off.

Golf at 1130 - serious game - seniors doubles knockout.


Golf again at 6.30p. Sip it and flip it. A glass of wine on every tee (thankfully only a 9-hole competition) As a non-wine drinker, I will be taking my own vodka and Coke. One of the team is a highly trained athlete (niece with US "soccer" scholarship) who has already asked if she can share my alcohol..........

As she was kind enough to be my delivery mule for some model tr&ins from the US, I can hardly say no.


I may be gone some time Friday.


Have a good one folks.




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It's nothing like the PITA of commuting into a major metropolis, but It's not all tea and crumpets here either. I just launched this by snail mail;


Dear Mr Xxxxx,


Sorry to barge in on your very busy day but I thought you might be interested to hear directly from one of your customers. I’m not sure what your senior executives are telling you about the roll-out of all-digital TV services (although I have my suspicions) but in this area at least it’s been nothing short of a complete shambles.


Apparently there were near riot conditions at our local xxxxx office last week, but that’s not what I’m writing to you about. I am writing to you because I received an email from xxxxx in the middle of May warning me that I would need a cable box to receive xxxxx TV channels. I immediately ordered one, and received a confirmation.


The switch-over took place but the box never showed up. I called xxxxx today and despite the fact that I had a confirmation number for my order xxxxx’s reps said there was no such order in the system! I’m a retired xxx and I know that is complete BS. You might want to have someone look into it.


Sincerely, etc.



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Good morning one and all


I decided to have a haircut yesterday.  My diary does not record when the last one was but combing the barnet had become a two-handed job.  My grandfather used to say “There may be snow on the roof but there is still plenty of thatch” and I was reminded of that as the white clippings fell to the floor.  Before that I had my blood pressure checked.   Whether it was 138/74 or 134/78 I cannot recall but it is back within the desired range and I am even less worried about it than I was.


I spent some time tidying yesterday too.  What a frustrating process that can be but it can have its rewards.  I found a map that had been missing for four years but could not lay my hands on various other things that I did not know were missing.


Tomorrow I have another early start, this time for the S4Soc AGM at Huddersfield.  The M1 is the obvious route and at least there are some places where a full English may still be obtained.  I will probably not post before I set out.


In the absence of other news, continuing warm thoughts to Andyram, Debs, Andy P, Robert and his dad, Tony and Aditi, Simon, Mal, Baz’s friend and all others in distress.



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Morning All,


Heavens above - it is incredibly humid today.  There was some rain in the early hours, and that has made it feel like a rain forest!


There was a thunderstorm with torrential rain in Frankfurt yesterday evening, which caused some damage.  Thankfully, apart from a couple of rumbles of thunder, it didn't reach us.


Have a good day everyone...

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Hot news from Minnesota (we don’t get much apart from “Brit has Apoplexy” etc.):


[Hot News from attachment=1014604:FB_IMG_1514954352367.jpg]



Best, Pete.


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Good morning all,

Greyish start to the day here and it will stay that way for a while but may brighten up later and should remain dry.

Yesterday I spent most the day in and out of the shed putting together the new stainless steel racking. About half way through I realised that it might be a good idea to wear gloves to reduce the risk of blood loss.

It would also have been a good idea to wear a hard hat!  :banghead:

At least I had the foresight to erect a gazebo to store all the stuff that I'd removed from the shed because there were a couple of very heavy showers. 

Today I will be out there again finishing things off.

Have a good one,

Sheds & Lacerations R Us (Sutton branch)

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Bore da !


It's POETS day here in the Principality.


Preparing for "Ronnie & Reggies" 8th. Birthday bash tomorrow; I hope "Ronnie" enjoys his Mk.1 sleeper in maroon, and "Reggie" his Godzilla model.


Grandsons with ASD have an ability to view an image and immediately identify which Godzilla appeared in which film, how tall that Godzilla was, and which year said film was released !


For those with less experience of ASD - don't think "Rain Man"


"Reggie" may recognise every dinosaur yet discovered, and every Godzilla and "Ronnie" will pick out every variety of Mk.1 coaching stock,


Reading, writing and 'rithmetic are a big problem; compounded by education cuts !


Regards to all


Brian R

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple  Here.


A reasonable amount of sleep was had even if it was in about 4 bits...


My drive along the NDR is becoming increasingly pretty, Nature has done it's course and the embankments are a riot of colour, some areas poppies, some giant daisies, a varietly of vellow flowers through the lot, and the odd patch of purple..

I've finally remembered to put the fuel can in the car, so fuel will be bought on the way home for the mower, the grass is getting very long. I also need to get the hedge trimmer out as a couple of the dividing hedges (Berberis thunbergii - 'Atropurpurea' (Barberry). will be stopping me getting to the edge of the mowed area.


I see they are blaming the fall of the House of Frazer on the internet. But I don't think the House of Frazer had the market that is mostly being eaten by the internet. Saying that I've only been in one branch about three times and that was a short cut from  the car park at Meadow Hall (Sheffield).


Other companies are blaming business rates, I think they should drop business rates and put it on VAT for the items sold, that way The Amazons of this world can't hide their profits. You would have to extend it by adding the tax but not the VAT to fast food places and other none vat rated items but that should not be a problem today.



Time to... Go measure a load of shunts...

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Bit cloudy here..as it has been most mornings this week. Hopefully it will, like other days, turn into a warm and sunny day.


Shopping at Moreasons to be undertaken, mugatea to be drunk, household duties to be undertaken.


Buying clothes off the internet seems the done deal now. Of course when it doesn't fit/ wrong colour/wrong shape you go and clog up the post office with your free return. Even youngest Herbert has gone back to buying clothes and shoes from shops..


Have as good a day as you can, no news from my mate. He has removed himself from Farcebook and his phone is switched off so no news.



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. On the news this morning Farcebook are apologising for screwing up their share options. If you selected 'friends only' it still distributed your share far and wide. I did spot the change and if there was anything I'd prefer the world not to know I put on my own timeline but there was very little of that. The first poppy flowered yesterday afternoon, they are not the common red variety more of a purple/pink colour, almost certainly garden escapees. Muggatee awaits, be back later.

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Morning All


From a cloudy/sunny village to the East of Lancaster.


As usual, greetings of the generic variety are on offer to those who are ailing/celebrating, with a specific hope that Debs is still recovering, and that no news is good news. 


Fodder run in prospect this morning, then picking up 30747 from work.  She had a win on the Ernies yesterday, but a shame that it was not a little more - first win in 25 years,


Back tomorrow


Regards to All


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I see that, for those with interest in trams and / or the Leeds area that a section of the old Leeds tramwork has been revealed by a "sinkhole" (aka a hole caused by a leaking water main)


https://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news/headingley-sinkhole-reveals-forgotten-tramway-beneath-otley-road-1-9198460 refers

Yes the rails still run up Otley Road to the Lawnswood cemetery terminus. Jamie's horse drawn tram would run on it as well as any of the Leeds trams now imprisoned at Crich (these would need a big battery fitting as a power source though)




edited to get the name of the Cemetery correct...spulckicker changed it for me!

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Good morning everyone


It’s a bit duller than of late, but it’s still 14C outside according to the app on my phone. We will shortly be off to the Trafford Centre to get a few bits and pieces. Hopefully, we’ll be home before the kids who aren’t in school get there.


Back later.

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See the separate thread on Australia.


Thing is, if the fella lived and worked in India, this would not be news.

Is that because in India nobody gives a 5hit about almost anything? Especially rape!
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Is that because in India nobody gives a 5hit about almost anything? Especially rape!


Open defecation is still a problem in India, and I suppose that sort of pervades some of the things that we've had from India in the past, e.g. the (Reva) G-swiz, the Sh***yRover, etc.

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