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Early Risers.


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Good evening and generic good wishes to all ER's with particular thoughts to those who are battling ailments of any kind.


Today has been a mixed day after another sleepless night. With Sarah at work, the day started with a spell of household chores before the required phonecall to the doctor's. The result was another extension to the medical certificate. Work were quite human when I phoned, but my resignation was not mentioned - nor have I heard anything in response. That is certainly not helping things at present. Also on the "cause of stress" list is the situation with the council. They have now received the required email to prove I have no gap in service, but I have received no response to inform how long my sick entitlement will run for. This is definitely causing a large black cloud to linger overhead. Another email has been sent to the person dealing with the case. Hopefully I will hear something tomorrow.


Best wishes



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Morning All,


It is indeed Thursday - it is also rather warm despite the early hour.


There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning from a delayed white worm. Broken down engineers train between Gatwick and Horley messing up the Brighton mainline. The 06.29 worm came in at 07.15 and being an 8 car it was rather busy so wsit d for our one which is only 13 late. GTR making the most of blaming something other than themselves as no ‘operational incident’ announcements so far.


After today T- 16 working days left.


Shed planning continuing. At present considering screw in piles which can be done manually and saves the need to cart concrete through the house.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A good night sleep of about 6.5 hours though in two separate sections.

The TV requested another retune this morning, as they are still reorgansing the channels.


Midday yesterday all the computers here started operating slowly as the next batch of updates started arriving. Worryingly my desk computer said this morning defender was turned off, while the hard drive was doing it's nut. I suspect that this is the latest BIG Windows 10 update from MS, that is reported on forums to be knocking out displays on computers, especially laptops. Could be interesting, as much of the management have laptops so they can "work from home".


My  garden desperately needs a big mow again, I must remember to bring in the empty fuel cans though I use about a gallon for the full mow, as for triming hedges, I try to trim one tree per year, from 40 ft down to 3 ft, before the darn things reach full height of over 100ft, the previous owners let all the hedges grow into trees.. Getting Firewood for the multi burner is not a problem.



Driving through Effin clown town and the village south of the bridge, I collected a long liine of traffic behind me in the landrover, I was doing a genuine 30mph not indicated. The odd car coming the other way kept them behind, me, especially the Black Audi several cars behind that kept weaving in and out but never finding a gap to over take anything. With the head start I had at the 60mph limit, though it passed other cars, it never got past me by the time I got to the NDR.



Time to...turn the switch on the major equipment for the next 40 minute run..

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


Once again the sun is shining, so, when Sheila has left for her Zumba class, I’m heading into the garden to tie back and dead head a few roses. Then it’s back to the workshop, to continue tidying up. Another couple of mornings should do it I think.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Tomorrow I will be travelling Northwards up the A1 to watch someone take photographs of a mayout with some of my trains on it.


Let me know when the article is due to appear if you can please Baz.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A bit cloudy here but with luck it may brighten up later although there is a possibility of some heavy showers.

Late up this morning as parts of my body are still protesting after yesterday's exertions and a poor night's sleep.

Now moving about a bit and things are gradually easing so I may hobble down to the shed shortly to make a start on the new racking after removing the old shelves first. 

No Sainsbury's visit today as we've booked an online delivery which should be here in about and hour or so.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


 A bit cooler and cloudy today and it is faux Friday once again - but I do need to check if something I ordered at Railex has been despatched as I really ought to be here to take delivery of what will be a large and weighty parcel full of cut plywood.


Andy(ram) apart from acknowledging receipt of your letter of resignation I doubt if you would hear anything else at all from the school as they will be (should be) taking some advice about what to do next and what to say (if anything) as there are possibly grounds fora. claim for constructive dismissal in view of your state of health.  If they've got an ounce of sense they will be 'establishing their legal position' before they go any further and their response to your letter of resignation might even be in the hands of an IR expert rather than a note from the Headteacher - such is the way of the modern world and nothing to get concerned about other than checking they've received it.


The builders next door are currently a bit noisier than normal so perhaps there is a delivery going on or another skip changeover.  That apart they have been remarkably quiet - exactly as promised.


Have a good day everybody.

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Scanner is active again.


With modern scanners it's possible to scan scraps of negatives from old, so the current batch includes 2/3 of a single negative - not possible to print so no hard copy ever seen. On scanning it turns out to be Horton-in-Ribblesdale signal box, looking across the slip connection from the mainline, not fantastic quality but a good rescue. The rest of the current batch are Chester No.2 signals, from a day I wandered around the area (!) - such was the railway, the bobbies let us go "as long as you're careful", of course things are faster, more frequent and quieter these days and the watchful bobbies have long gone (34 years now for Chester - makes me feel old just thinking about it!).

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Another item for my planned micro-layout arrived a few minutes ago, five A2 sheets of 10 mm gator board, hopefully it will suffice for what I need. The usual Thursday bin wagons dawn chorus accompanied by the lesser spotted glass and bottle collector. More poppies are getting ready to flower but still no flowers yet. Best wishes to all ER's that require them, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Dog and I just back from our morning daily. For a Labrador he is still remarkably fit and has no problem with his legs which is quite a common issue in older dogs of this breed. He is quite happy walking a fair distance. It is sunny and warm in sheltered parts but there is still a north easterly off the sea which is quite cool.


Have just had a phone call asking me If I had had an accident that wasn't my fault. I used the old one - I didn't quite manage to reach the toilet last week and it was a really messy affair. There was a little giggle and then she hung up.


Thoughts to all.


P.s. Has anyone tried that Dioralite yet?

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  • RMweb Premium

P.s. Has anyone tried that Dioralite yet?

I do use it from time to time, as does 30747 when we have the runs - it is actually a rehidration preparation, rather than a cure for "the runs", and there a number of cheaper alternaitves.


Afternoon All


Caught up, and as usual, generic greetings are on offer.


Just sold some oak pannelling which we have had sitting around for about fourteen years, and which I've been trying to get rid of for a long time.   I paid about £35 for it and some of it was in our previous home, so I was pleased to get £70 for it.


Back tomorrow


Regards to All


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