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  • RMweb Gold

For those interested I have now solved item 1) on my small list of flaws.

I have added an angled tip where the rocking chair leans back to stop it going any further and have also increased the length of the bottom section:




Whilst almost definitely not being serious, my economics teacher said he wanted a full size version and would buy one off me laugh.gif

He did however say that it was an excellent design. Unfortunately my product design teacher was less impressed (but then again I wasn't expecting him to be - the less said about him the better!)


Item 2) on the list might just be a case of making the sides a bit taller so it sits higher.

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  • RMweb Gold

. Unfortunately my product design teacher was less impressed (but then again I wasn't expecting him to be - the less said about him the better!



If the design teacher is a converted artist, put something about how you were influenced by Japanese design concepts in the description or how you wanted the chair occupant to feel at one with the earth. If he is an unreconstructed woodwork (resistant materials!) type he should be grateful you are using wood and not plastic!




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  • RMweb Gold

If the design teacher is a converted artist, put something about how you were influenced by Japanese design concepts in the description or how you wanted the chair occupant to feel at one with the earth. If he is an unreconstructed woodwork (resistant materials!) type he should be grateful you are using wood and not plastic!


Definitely more of the woodwork club than an artist!

He is grateful I'm using wood but that's not enough to win him over unfortunately laugh.gif





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  • RMweb Premium

If you can jam nip to ikes or if not ikea online and have a look at their futon chair bed thing which may give you some slightly different ideas to pinch. Using one of their ideas may give you an adjustable 'chaise longue'. As well as an alternative way of putting your rocker together.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Well I like your ideas, Jam.


Getting later and later home as the hours rack up at work now, and I've got to say that today if I'd not just got back after sick leave, I'd have taken the day off, as I feel a bit rough, as does Mrs 45156. Problem is that she works in a pre-school, and nowadays the kids are sent with just about any illness up to (and possibly including) bubonic plague. Seems that a dose of Calpol down the kid's neck, then it's off to the pre-school where they cough, sneeze, and regurgitate all over the staff and the others, thereby passing everything on. Lovely :angry:


Other than that, not a lot to say here, so I'll nip off and watch The Chase, then Michael Portillo.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Definitely more of the woodwork club than an artist!

He is grateful I'm using wood but that's not enough to win him over unfortunately laugh.gif



I shall try and be tactful but some of the woodwork teachers who had to become technology teachers in the 1980s had some "interesting" attitudes when I had to run courses.

As other subjects started to disappear (Latin) or the teacher's couldn't run about (older PE teachers) they often got converted to teaching IT. I was always amazed how much nicer PE teachers were than when I was at school!






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  • RMweb Premium

I shall try and be tactful but some of the woodwork teachers who had to become technology teachers in the 1980s had some "interesting" attitudes when I had to run courses.

My woodwork teacher was a redundant joiner who started off as an unqualified "teacher" whose idea of discipline was to use the wood that we were working also as a means of corporal punishment! He did qualify eventually, but his unpleasant tendancies never did abate. He never did appreciate that this was a school, and that we were there to learn, and not to turn out at the first opportunity work of a similar quality to his own. He once punished me for not making a joint which was EXACTLY to the dimensions on the board (to within 1/16"). He would never have made the transition to a technology teacher, in fact, he never fully made the transition to a human being. He put me off woodwork for years, and though I can now knock up a baseboard with supports, I still worry that the joins will not be good enough.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for all your kind words. cool.gif

Stewart, thanks too for your positive comments about my layout on another thread smile.gif

I've not often said this, but personally I feel it's my photographic portrayal of my layout that makes it look good, not my modelling skills... laugh.gif



Just replying to the uni offers I got and then I'll post some new photos of my layout I should think.

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  • RMweb Gold

And there I was thinking I was a reasonable Craft, Design and Technology teacher, nobody died even though I had to stop pupils fighting with hot steel bars.


I thought I was going to have to stop an argument before it got physical between the needlework (Textile Technology now) teacher and the new Design and Technology teacher who was getting "her room" as a Technology workshop. The needlework teacher was miffed as she had been asking for a daylight lamp for some time and the room was being completely remodelled and strengthened for small machine tools instead. Actually to be fair I may have had to work with a few "reactionary" CDT teachers but I can't recall any crazy ones. I think they were more likely to be found in my original teaching subject (science). I think the fumes used to affect the biology and chemistry teachers!




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  • RMweb Gold

I think the fumes used to affect the biology and chemistry teachers


I think you might be right Mrs B was a biology teacher!


Probably just my prejudice, I started as a physics teacher but due to lack of opportunity to progress switched to IT. Though to be honest the two nastiest people I came across during my teaching career were not science or technology. One taught RE and the other one taught Sociology! Though I think I wouldn't have liked to work with some of the teachers Matthew had at primary school either. At least in secondary school the students don't have the same teacher all the time!






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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Cold again at almost -5° – I wonder if we'll be getting the same kind of sunshine we had yesterday! But now for some breakfast, first of all...


Have a good day, guys and gals... :)

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Morning All,


Another chilly morning here - That, and one of our servers has crashed overnight.


The school meeting went well yesterday. Nothing too surprising to report. The little guy has his strengths and weaknesses just like every other kid!


On the subject of teachers, we had some real characters. I've probably told this story before - but we had a teacher who was fairly recently out of teacher training college, and had a little trouble controlling some classes. In one class that I was in, we were taking advantage of this fact and caused him to completely and utterly loose it. He picked up a steel ruler from the desk and was swishing it around alarmingly like a sword whilst shouting at us to shut up. A few were starting to take notice as he uttered the immortal words which went something like:


"One more word out of you lot, and this'll happen"


He swished the ruler through the air just at the instant that (coincidentally) a wasp flew past. The wasp was cut clean in two and fell to the desk in two seperate parts.


Stunned silence...


He never had trouble after that. :lol:


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning all.

Another sunny day, although clouds are skudding across the sky, only indicative of wind, not rain.

I'm following the development of your chair with interest, Jam.

My school was purly academic, with absolutely no hand-craft, physical subjects. Sport however was high on the adjenda (Rugby, hockey, cricket, tennis, swimming) so am unable to comment on the disposition of such teachers.

Computers (in the current sense of the word) had not yet been invented!

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Robert, are you sure that wasn't a stunt wasp? ;)


Morning all! Looks damp outside here.


Four out of the seven eBay packages were wrapped last night. I discovered that the lids from 5 ream boxes of paper, cut in two lengthwise, make ideal boxes for old style Hornby and Lima loco boxes. Top tip! Off to the Post Office before work to post those.


Jam - liking the look of the chair, but definitely agree with Dd - Victorian library chairs are a cracking idea and a great source of inspiration. I'm sure with his woodwork skills displayed on Eastwood Town, Gordon could knock up a perfect copy in no time! :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Cold and overcast here.

It would appear that we have no porridge so toast for breakfast today. I think the lack of heating last week affected my shopping ability. I had to go out yesterday evening to buy some onions for the dinner I was cooking. I couldn't find one lurking anywhere in the refrigerator!


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