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The cottonwood trees are releasing their seeds. According to Wikipedia, each tree can release 25 million seeds. There are a lot of cottonwoods around here. These facts, combined with a moderate wind, are making it look as if it's currently snowing outside.


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The van booked for 14 o’clock turned up at 18 o’clock. And then only after five attempts via the web chat and good old telling bone to contact the driver via his business. No-one I spoke to except for one customer service person was remotely interested or apologetic. Despite my sister and then my nephew who was pressed into replacing her at the collection address, then five of us at the delivery address all being seriously inconvenienced and having to cancel evening plans we have been refused any sort of compensation.


To say we are not happy Jan would be a significant understatement. We are now advising that anyone requiring the services of man-and-van avoids the operation known as AnyVan like the plague.


That is awl.

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It's the accepted thing around here that any metal left in view in the drive will be removed PDQ by scrap merchants. (Other descriptions are available)  :whistle: We get two or three vans or small trucks a day trawling the streets. Some occasionally knock and ask, but not many do. Quite handy if you want to get rid of something although I did hear of someone who was doing some work in their kitchen and left their gas cooker outside. That was a mistake. :scratchhead:

Edited by grandadbob
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Usual farce on Thameslink trying to get home. Two services no lo get on the departure board and a third cancelled.


Someone needs to sort this sh1t out very quickly.

The Minister of Transport was on the radio this morning blaming the rail companies; just heard the 4th last Tory party chair (name rhymes with perhaps) say that Govia/Thameslink should be given to TfL, which makes a lot of sense. Odd, though, because I distinctly recall the current Minister of Transport being ideologically opposed giving it to TfL because it puts a Labour mayor in charge of it.


Lots of talk, no action. Plus ça change...



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  • RMweb Gold

The Minister of Transport was on the radio this morning blaming the rail companies; just heard the 4th last Tory party chair (name rhymes with perhaps) say that Govia/Thameslink should be given to TfL, which makes a lot of sense. Odd, though, because I distinctly recall the current Minister of Transport being ideologically opposed giving it to TfL because it puts a Labour mayor in charge of it.


Lots of talk, no action. Plus ça change...



Luckily my other half was working from home so she drove to Whyteleafe station to collect me, then we visited mums new place to see how the builders were getting on.


I am not so hopeful tomorrow as she will be with me to and from work. We may decide to have beers then bus home. The trains have been pretty dire without so many being cancelled today. certainly no sighn of any improvement in this billions of pounds of tax we have all sunk into this scheme only to create so much grief. I am also mindful of the presure that have been placed on those working in NR signalling centres and GTR control etc. Must be horrible for them at the moment.


I can see the plan to clear our spare room for when Mum gets back from HK on Saturday being a mad rush. Luckily she is staying just one night for now before heading to other brother in Devon on Sunday. We did suggest meeting at the 'Stones' to pass her over to brother but now its likely to be the  out of town retail park along the A303.

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The Minister of Transport was on the radio this morning blaming the rail companies; just heard the 4th last Tory party chair (name rhymes with perhaps) say that Govia/Thameslink should be given to TfL, which makes a lot of sense. Odd, though, because I distinctly recall the current Minister of Transport being ideologically opposed giving it to TfL because it puts a Labour mayor in charge of it.


Lots of talk, no action. Plus ça change...




Shakespeare: Much Ado about Nothing? (Lot of fuss about Llareggub)

Edited by JohnDMJ
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The Minister of Transport was on the radio this morning blaming the rail companies; just heard the 4th last Tory party chair (name rhymes with perhaps) say that Govia/Thameslink should be given to TfL, which makes a lot of sense. Odd, though, because I distinctly recall the current Minister of Transport being ideologically opposed giving it to TfL because it puts a Labour mayor in charge of it.


Lots of talk, no action. Plus ça change...



It was reported on local radio this morning that Northern may be planning to close the Lakes Line between Oxenholme and Windermere for 2 months due to lack of train drivers, right over the potentially busiest time of the year for the line. This lack of trained drivers is being blamed on the late electrification of the Blackpool line. It seems that every issue on the whole on the Northern network is being blamed on the Blackpool line. Both Northern and RMT have no idea how to run and staff a railway in the north of England.

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Van update.  


At 21.23 o'clock the van due at 17 o'clock finally arrived with the furniture from the late parental home.  The driver was full of apologies and claims to have been "messed around" by other clients but surely even Thameslink would acknowledge this simply isn't good enough.


The dreaded White Motor railway was mentioned in a private email which I had sight of but cannot copy here.  Suffice to say that a certain Mr. Grayling (whose name happens to rhyme with "failing"), signatory to a letter addressed to the Chairlady (sic) of the Brighton Line Commuters is apparently engaged in blame-shifting and hoping that somehow rabbits will be pulled from hats and more trains will run more punctually tomorrow.  


Who, exactly, signs off on these things?  It's a management contract after all, not even a commercial franchise in the manner of many other operators.  If I continue with this I shall be awled for posting politics potty-licks ;)

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Evening to most.


Match was a bit delayed by drizzle plus a major , but brief, rain shower. It was grey overcast all day with a very, very thin wind. More clothes were added at tea time. Good game was had. (but my colleague can't count!)


A trip down the MR club tonight meant I received a bit more sound fitting/weathering work.


Mugadecaff drunk..tomorrow will be a long day as we have a financial advisor visiting then a friend is coming to stay for the duration of the Test match.


I now have a better idea of why Joe Root opted to bat last week....


Hope we hear from Debs soon....Hopefully Tony and Aditi are relaxing on their cruise and best wished to all who ail.



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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Information from an informed source indicates that at least one significant part of the new GTR timetable was passed over to NR on the due date (in excess of 52 weeks before commencement date) but was not returned from NR until 12 weeks before commencing date, i.e. 14 weeks later than it should have been, and with numerous alterations which had not been consulted with the TOC which then needed to be further altered to make things work.  That is just one part of the story but the ball for that one lies firmly in NR's court, the shortage of Drivers lies elsewhere.  Not that any of that helps those suffering the consequences of this monumental c*ck up.


No rain this evening and a bit cooler but we are 'promised' intermittent thunderstorms on the morrow.

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Afternoon all.


Can I pick the collective brain?


We recently had some work done to our roof.  The work all finished a couple of weeks ago but the scaffolder has yet to remove the scafolding.  I get the feeling that he is just using us to store the scaffolding until it is needed elewhere.  I have heard of similar tales in the past with different scafolders at diffrent times. Ive asked nicely a couple of times but haven't really pushed it yet as it is only just coming up to the fortnight (and there was a bank holiday).  However we are expecting a delivery of some furniture and one strut of the scaffolding would make access impossible and so need at least this part of the scaffolding removing.  I have informed the scaffolder of this.  


Has anyone experienced this sort of thing before?  How might I deal with this if the situation continues?

Put a large “Scaffolding For Sale” sign, with the company phone No on it, on the scaffolding, take a photo and email/text it to the scaffoldings owners.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


This morning all went as well as I hoped it would, I was all done for just before 11 o'clock and I was packed up and all tools etc put away and sat in the kitchen having a muggertea before 11:30. Just as I was packing up, it started to rain, so I’ll put in the compost tomorrow, it will give the mortar a chance to set anyway.


This afternoon we have Ava, Evie and Max round for tea, so it was a bit hectic again after dinner. They’ve been entertained by the robins, once again building a nest not far from the kitchen window, but they can also be seen from the dining room french windows too!


The evening was rounded off with a bottle of chilled rosé.


Goodnight all

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We checked a new garage for motorhome service today -- closer and possibly cheaper -- and took the vehicle in right after lunch. It's been sitting since October and had the oil changed about this time last year.

We'll miss hearing the GPS pronounce "Pinebush" with 3 syllables. 


I'm off tomorrow to have my teeth professionally scrubbed.

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Good morning one and all


I had some bad news yesterday.  A former gaffer who was also a friend has passed away.  He was about my age, which is always a sobering thought, and a decent bloke, which is not something I could always say about my gaffers.  RIP Alan and thoughts to your daughters. This news rather took the edge off the simultaneous arrival of an eagerly awaited new CD and a new batch of pics that I have been asked to caption.


Yesterday evening was spent on an interesting study walk around the St Pancras area which took about an hour and three quarters.  Naturally I am weary this morning and when my work on RMweb is done will soak away the aches and pains.  I travelled to London mid afternoon in fear of disruptive nonsense on Thameslink and allowed myself time to buy a concert ticket at Kings Place for Andy Cutting’s solo gig next Wednesday.  The homeward run was by East Midlands Trains and managed to lose two minutes between St Pancras and Bedford thanks to trundling in the Harpenden area.


Today I will cook stir fried pork and suitable vegetation for me and Poorly Pal and get some m*d*ll*ng done in the shed where the layout lives.  I wonder if I will be tired by the end of the day?


Continuing warm thoughts to Andyram, Debs, Robert and his dad, Tony and Aditi, Simon, Mal and all others in distress.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather dull here and dry at the moment but heavy rain, thunderstorms and some some sunny spells are all promised.

Up earlyish as I'm off to the hospital for a blood test when they open at 7.30.

Various domestic tasks need doing today as Nicki and the kids are visiting later. We were planning to have a BBQ but I suspect the weather may scupper that.

Have a good one,


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Fortunately, my garage is quite flexible

I prefer a more rigid structure when entrusting my vehicle to them ;)


Morning all. It could get messy. Pack sandwiches. Bring a good book.

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Morning from a sunny Surrey. I wish that travelling on GTR was as bright. Our service this morning has now been removed from the online and station departure screens. That’s going to catch a lot of passengers out this morning and make other services a lot busier despite it being half term.


Today I hand my official notice in so jut one more month left of this carp commuting. We have had over five years of disruption due to the London Bridge rebuilding and Billions of our tax pounds to only end up with a far worse service let alone mor uncomfortable trains.


I feel another email coming on to our local MP. No response from my recent email but I suspect he does have a rather full in box. Our local users group were mentioned in the BBC news yesterday. I do have a form emailed by GTR to fill in and send to ORR.

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Morning all.


Nursing a crook right knee I limped around to the Health Centre yesterday, walked away with an appointment, three weeks hence.


"Go to A&E" mutters SWMBO.


"And wait 5 to 6 hours and a referal back to the GP.......if I was allowed 5-6 hours out !"


It was a quiet evening hereabouts !


Childminding "Ronnie & Reggie" again today, more limping alongside the South Wales main line methinks


Enjoy what the day brings folks


Brian R

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Morning all from a cloudy village.   Much got done yesterday as previously reported.   Today will be much of the same.   I have several boxes to take to the charity shop  and will do at least one more run to the container to continue stacking a pallet.   Various letters will be written and more boxes packed.   In a week's time we will be living in a local hotel for our last three nights. It's all getting very real.


Good wishes to all in need of them.   I'm off back to finish off the ironing.



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