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Err, St Andrews bank Holiday 30th November?

Well, yes, all right then. It is a bank holiday (or the first Monday after Nov 30); how could I have forgotten that? Banks, yes, but not the major chains so many people are still working.


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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Jamie mentioning school reports reminded me that I found my old secondary school report book the other day. The classes were formed into four streams, A, B, C and D. I was initially placed in form 1C, however at the end of the year I was top of the class and the following year was 'promoted' to 2B. where I remained in the B stream for the rest of my schooling, usually neither top nor bottom of the class. A bit like the football league, promoted to the championship but never made the premiership. I did manage to leave school with 4 O levels but I was never once asked to show proof of them during my working life. 

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Umpiring completed, the 9 of Leeds defeating the 11 of Lancaster. We all enjoyed the game and the girls women had the odd laugh or three!


Her indoors plus youngest Herbert then went to a couple of pubs for a couple of pints of Leeds Pale then a couple of pints of "Snake Eyes" by Oasis brewery.  Very nice and very calming.


Sleep well all!



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Still 20c at 9pm - this is unheard of on Fraggle Rock!  Great practice this evening, the lad we support, Dean Harrison, was fastest, 131.3 lap from a standing start. Sheesh.


Awesome enough watching the practice for the Manx GP back in 1962 - they were managing about 90mph back then (yes, i realise it's not the same as the TT).


Currently 18 C in our porch

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Good evening everyone


Well it’s been another scorcher here today, with a very slight breeze but not a cloud in the sky.


A fair bit of progress has been made on the new border, I’ve removed a small section of the block paving and replaced it with some Victorian edging tiles. These tiles were salvaged from the front garden and stored behind the shed, when we the drive put in about 12 years ago. So far I’ve fitted 11 of the 16 tiles required, but it got far too hot to work after dinner so I packed up and will continue later in the week. Once it’s done I’ll top up the soil with a half bag of compost that I’ve got lurking somewhere in the shed. I’m hoping that this will improve the soil and therefore the box too!


I won’t get any more work done until at least Wednesday, as tomorrow we have Ava and Evie with us. They should have been with us on Saturday, but we had to postpone it due to my puncture.


According to the app on my phone, it’s still 19C here at the moment, I think it’s going to be an uncomfortable night.


Goodnight all.

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It's the Memorial Day weekend here, originally a remembrance of the Civil War dead, now extended to all fallen US servicemen and women, but largely the unofficial kickoff of the summer barbecuing season.


At around 11:00am I was outside battling the garden (it is still winning in the back) when a flight of small aircraft in formation flew over making a relatively small but safe circle (perhaps a half mile or so in radius) several times. Even though these are very small aircraft there is something about the sound of piston engines overhead.


(My apologies for the dreadful photography courtesy of my mobile phone and it's exceptionally wide angle lens.)


I am pretty sure that this was in honour of a local Memorial Day commemoration, I know there was one at the high school.  The aircraft appeared to be Piper Cherokees (or similar, low winged, single engined aircraft with very square wingtips and fixed landing gear). I was put in mind of a "Flying Circus" from a James Bond movie.


I did hear more aircraft later (i had gone inside to shower) and I wouldn't have been surprised if the Oregon Air National Guard had shown up with an F15. People flying out of PDX terminal C at the right time of the morning are treated to the take off for their daily training sorties.


Early risers is a busy place this weekend and I haven't had a chance to catch up. Here in the NW the weather this weekend has been quite lovely. Unlike people in other parts, we are heading for our second driest May on record. There were flood warnings for the rivers earlier in the month - not due to rain, but rapid snowmelt. It does not bode well for the summer which looks to be hot and dry.


Many people in the UK and in the eastern and southeastern US have had dreadful wet weather and I see at least one RMweb report of a layout room flooded. That would feel quite dreadful, though perhaps not as bad has having one's home consumed by a lava flow - even if that is an extreme comparison. (We do have active volcanoes here, though the threat is not lava, but lahar. It is a very real threat in some of the southern suburbs of the Seattle metropolitan area, and thankfully not imminent or likely right now.)


Hoping everyone is as high and dry as sunny? Oregon in the Springtime.


As a postcript, who's in the market for this livery on a model train? (Hello Kitty Shinkansen)

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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We have apparently set a record for earliest over 30C -- by about 2 weeks.  6 weeks ago about now they were scraping the ice storm off our driveway. Our thermostat's outside sensor at one point today said 99F -- I don't believe it.


Had plumber in today. Both toilet tanks have been reluctant to fill. Large washers at bottom doing odd things -- most times solvable if noticed. One washer quickly replaced; other not in truck. With a few more jobs, they'll come back. 


Tomorrow I get to be stationmaster at Windermere.

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Good morning one and all


This may be heresy but sometimes I think we have too many bank holidays.  On the May Day one I was bored out of my skull but not so this time.  I actually got some m*d*ll*ng done – nothing too demanding but, I hope, an overdue start in dealing with my confidence issues.  Among other things it helped to take my mind off being on my own, for yesterday was one of those days when I did not set eyes on a living soul.  Sometimes I don’t mind that and sometimes I do but it isn’t always a matter of choice.  In late afternoon I took out the vegetable peelings and noticed more ripe strawberries.   They have now been harvested and this morning will be thinly sliced to go with a teaspoon of honey and the rest of the plain yogurt as the first course of breakfast.  I must do the fodder run this morning, making sure that my purchases are checked out by a human and not a machine.


Out of curiosity, I checked out a couple of websites which I’m told are ways of meeting like minded people.  It would be wise not to knock such things if one has not tried them but – how can I put this? – I don’t think I fit the intended demographic.  At my age and with my life expectancy they are just not an option, though if studied a bit more carefully they could shed some light on aspects of the culture enjoyed by today’s young.  How on earth did we/they manage before the internet?    


Continuing warm thoughts to Andyram, Debs, Robert and his dad, Tony and Aditi, Simon, Mal and all others in distress.



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Morning All,


We have another scorcher to look forward to today.  The temperature got up to 33°C yesterday afternoon.


Thunderstorms are forecast for later.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning   from central London.


Was a very pleasant evening after checking into the hotel only a few minutes walk form Monument station then a similar distance to the new Brewdog Tower Hill. Food and beers consumed then a quick visit for final beer of the night then back to the hotel.


Having a lay in before breakfast then a stroll over the bridge to work. Certainly beats travelling on Thameslink although at the moment our normal train appears to be running on time. Last night they certainly weren't. Our neighbour was on one form St Pancras which was diverted away form London Bridge which is a very common last minute situation at the moment. Fingers crossed for tonights journey home.

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Morning all from a village that's a bit grey at the moment.   Thanks to Stewart for the tips about the barometer.  I will adjust the packaging on pallet 6 today. Yesterday evening was spent at the club. Today I plan to head for the depths of the garage.   if by the end of the day all the wine rack at the back of the cave is visible, I will have succeeded in my task.   You never know I might find a bottle or two on the lower parts of the rack.   The rack by the way is built out of land drain pipes.   I suspect that at least one tip run will be done.   


This evening we are due to go out for a meal with one of my Brother in laws and his wife.  That should be a good evening.


Thoughts with those in need.  Chrisf, I wish you luck in your search.


Regards to all.



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Mooring awl. Inner Temple Here,

A poor nights sleep, though not through aches and pains but excess heat. our house being single brick walls, looses heat easily but also gains heat easily.

 01:10 downstaitrs to the sofa it's was a lot cooler.


Ben the border collie also had a bad night, at one point he suddenly yelped,  got up, went up stairs into our bedroom (he mush have checked SWMBO was there) Then came down staris and hid in his cage...  


I used the landrover this morning as walking Ben the Border Collie on his patrol, I found all the aches and pains...  I did put my bag in the car, but then spotted SWMO's weaving kit and realised it was Tuesday.


It's noisy this morning, the alarm is going off in the temperature lab, something is too hot or too cold...they won't be in for another hour, I'm glad my lab is throgh two more doors the other end of this room.


One advantage of being on a Norfolk mountain at 19ft, should the ultimate flood occur, we will be above the floods, we would be cut off, as in all directions it goes down to -3ft. as this place was in the 1953 floods..Two houses I looked at in the area when house hunting, would be well under water if that happened.


The boats are starting to arrive outside the sailing club for the 3 Rivers race, https://www.horning-sailing.club/webcams.php, a boat like Zingara, shown in the web cam, which has a very good crew, has a very good chance of winning this year. yesterdays forecast showed 3MPH at start time, this morning its shows 6MPH, either way it's likely to be a slow old race and a long night for everyone.



Time to Go find some peace and quiet..

Edited by TheQ
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Mawnin' awl. Scorchio is the motto of the day. Sound familiar? Well, it oughta… :jester:


Not a lot else to report as of now, so may I post a round of best wishes to those of us suffering from illness or (hopefully) recovering. A pity really that it may not be easily possible to arrange for a (mostly) full ER reunion in real life. I'd certainly like that and I'm sure I would not be alone in this sentiment.


Will try to look in later, provided I haven't melted away until then… :bye:

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Good morning all,

Overcast but quite warm and there is a chance of some thundery showers as well as some sunny spells.

I did eventually go back out into the garden in the late afternoon when it clouded over for a bit and was slightly cooler so I got some more done including cutting the grass.

The Boss is spending the day with Nicki so I am a free agent. Not sure what I'm going to do yet but it won't involve gardening.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning everyone


It’s a bit duller here today, but according to my phone app, it’s currently 16C already!


Breakfast has been consumed and I’m just waiting for Sheila to get ready then it’s off to pick up Ava and Evie then it’s on to the Trafford Centre. No doubt the girls will have a list of shops they want to go to, one will definitely be Hotel Chocolat, mind you, I don’t mind that one myself.


Back later.

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Morning all,


Very quick as I'm off to Mike to prepare the ground for his greenhouse - it's a shuttering and rubble day; between the showers.  Quid pro quo for helping to build 14 baseboards.


I'm sartorially inelegant.  Short, fat hairy legs, bull neck, so no point in dressing up.  I haven't owned a suit in the last 20 years and have never owned an overcoat.  Formal wear is chinos, shirt and pullover; informal (as now) shorts and t-shirt.  But I scrub up for St John duties, even polish the boots!


Baz, so you red carded two girls?  Chris, Bank Holidays are meaningless once you have retired; I hadn't realised until next door fired up the BBQ.  Dom, playing with a Crompton?


Keep well all,  Bill

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