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  • RMweb Premium

Evening.  I was thrilled to get a prompt reply from Debs last night, when I sent a photo.  Judging by the amount of train photos on here (a Micheline, Bob?) her administrative presence is needed!


Had a BBQ with John and his Mrs today, and ran the garden railway, it was 'one of those days' we both had a loco fail.  I have several more to play with though.  The garden doesn't look anything like a nice as Keith's though!

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  • RMweb Premium

..... African American Bishop Michael Curry of the Episcopalian Church/USA giving a brilliant sermon (compared to the bland C of E types) - at a Royal wedding?....



Best, Pete.


Definitely different from the usual - and from the look of it, somewhat unexpected.  :jester:

I was rather hoping it would provoke her grandfather into one of his famous comments. 

Perhaps he saved if for the reception. 

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  • RMweb Gold

I managed to watch the main events today... the rugby playoffs. A pity Newcastle didn't show up, although credit to Exeter for not letting them. I believe other entertainment was available on TV today.


Now sitting outside, (definitely worth a mention on the north east coast) suffering a glass of red stuff, listening to Classic FM and enjoying the smell of burning Irish peat which brings to mind particularly poignant memories.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Gold

Evening.  I was thrilled to get a prompt reply from Debs last night, when I sent a photo.  Judging by the amount of train photos on here (a Micheline, Bob?) her administrative presence is needed!


Somebody didn't get the message about today being Awl free.


However, the exemption expires at 2359 so you'd better get cracking if you are to take advantage of such graciousness.

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I only saw parts of the Royal Dermot O'Leary show. He seemed to be unable to sit still, couldn't stop interjecting when others were talking and generally attempted to take the main stage just like he tries to take main stage at other shows he presents.


The bride's Mum was left on her own initially. I bet she wished she had her mobile & Facebook opened.


The old queen appeared as usual, but Elton gets in almost everywhere as does that ex England footballer who let down a generation of England fans once by trying to kick Simeone into touch. I guess his missus had an urgent funeral after the wedding.


Her Maj had a face like Phil the Greek had dropped one.

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Edit nearly forgot to post a photo it's something French answers on a postcard..




And it seems to be sitting on double-mushroom rail in France too. Is that the Alps or the Pyrenees in the distance?

Edited by AndyID
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  • RMweb Gold

The only downside was the miserable, unsmiling bitch that David Beckham took....


They say he keeps her in his wardrobe.

Well everyone has a skeleton in the cupboard, don't, they.

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  • RMweb Premium



I’m a big fan of the F15E but you have to admit that the visibility from the F16 cockpit is amazing (I don’t like canards, fans of the Typhoon) 




 I am a fan of the Typhoon (my nephew works on them) and the RAF singleton display is quite impressive, but this non-Typhoon display is stunning. Especially at 6.35....





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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Certain nuptials were avoided today, the nearest we got was a superb looking 1955 Cadillac sporting wedding ribbons going the other way on the A130. We had decided to go to the Battlesbridge Antiques Centre because my friend Richard wanted to visit the model railway emporium and I wanted to visit the motorcycle museum. Unfortunately they were both closed, the first because the owner is on holiday and the second apparently only opens on Sundays. All was not lost however as the centre is enormous with a great number of specialist traders. In fact we only intended to spend an hour or two there we ended up spending four hours there. Afterwards we nipped into Chelmsford to dispose of a few modelling tokens at John Dutfields before heading home.


The old queen appeared as usual, but Elton gets in almost everywhere as does that ex England footballer who let down a generation of England fans once by trying to kick Simeone into touch. I guess his missus had an urgent funeral after the wedding.

Her Maj had a face like Phil the Greek had dropped one.

I've just spluttered tea all over my keyboard. :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


I hope you’ve all had a good day in what has been a glorious sunny day here.


Well we both had a good day at the show, Max had some money with him that was burning a hole in his pocket. But he wisely walked round all the stalls first before parting with his cash and ended up buying 2 Hornby Mk II coaches for £10.00, he was very pleased and excited with his buy! I on the other hand managed to pick up a brace of Hornby TTS S15 sound chips for £70.00, so guess what I’m planning on doing tomorrow morning?


Whilst we were there Max and I had a walk round the transport museum itself, Max says that he enjoyed that the most. Although he also said enjoyed the ride on the vintage buses and the metro too!


NB. Sorry I missed you Mick!


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all. Or perhaps good morning


Despite intentions to the contrary events in a nearby part of Berkshire were watched. The lip-readers might be having a field day but if the expressions on certain faces were anything to go by then :-


Her Majesty - “One needs ones indigestion pills”

Phil the Greek - “Oh my. I smiled. What ever came over me?”

Harry of Sussex - “Ones fly might be undone. Can one have a discreet fiddle and make it look like one is just nervous?”

Harry of Sussex - “Don’t ask about my hair”

Harry of Sussex - “Meg - are you sure this is the Uber?”

Meghan - “If I keep smiling will I get enough Facebook likes?”

Sir Elton John - “My rose-tinted specs don’t seem to be working”


A strange resurfacing ritual was witnessed in stages through the day as the victims of last night’s student Spring Ball slowly emerged - not necessarily from their own rooms and not necessarily even dressed. Let’s just say I am now much better informed as to the benefits of the lad next door’s squeeze.


The afternoon was spent, for the most part, sunning onesself on the lawn accompanied by some of St. Austell’s finest ales and several neighbours. Watched Blue Juice tonight. Not because it is good (it isn’t) but because it features surfing friends from back home in Hayle, because it also features a suit of armour which I once wore and because when it was being filmed I was introduced to one Catherine Zeta Jones.


Excellent news from Camp Debs and would those in contact please pass on my best wishes for a continuing recovery.


And now goodnight. Sun Day promises to live up to its name. We are meeting friends from Australia for dinner in Richmond. But first - sleep

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Our travel trailer (caravan) has been a bit neglected of late. As we plan to use it this Summer I thought I better get some new plastic bits and pieces that have been destroyed by the the Sun. I think I've found the bits I need and will order them next week.


Then I tried the electrics. Totally banjaxed! The battery is completely open circuit (never had that happen before) and the regulator/charger is shot. It had tripped the line-in circuit breaker and when I reset the breaker the regulator promptly blew it's 15A line-in fuse. Once-upon-a-time I might have tried to fix it, but not anymore. Replacement unit now on order. It wasn't very expensive.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Awake early as usual.


Not even looked outside yet as there's grumblings along the lines of "Get back to sleep" from next to me and I daren't open the curtains.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring awl, inner temple here,

6 hours solid sleep, however when nature called, my back was extremely painfull as soon as I moved and still is 3 hours later.

A shufty outside informs me it is very misty, a pair of brown eyes has already visited me at the sofa, when they return I'll have to let him inspect the mist...


My first view of the wedding was also 3hours ago on the news, all the "experts," discussing it are pretty boring...quite why various " celebrities" got invited I'm not sure.


I see Gwiwer is going to be a busy man tomorrow, the news reports a complete rewrite of London timetables. I can guarrentee many passengers won't have read notices about it and I suspect somewhere the planners will get it wrong..


We bought some bacon yesterday, so for breakfast I'm going to treat myself to a BLTI and coffee.

Bacon lettuce tomato and ibuprofen.


Those brown eyes are getting closer,


time to go....

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  • RMweb Premium

Still nice and sunny here glad to say.

I have been informed that, after returning from my umpiring duties we are going to watch the game at Headingley. This should mean I get a beer or three. Good!


Nice to hear the chemo is over for Debs..well escaped as well - after so long in a bed just getting fresh air must be great.


C up all later


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

My car was collected from the repairers in Chelmsford yesterday afternoon. The car had been cleaned too. I almost didn't recognise it.

We then went to John Lewis so that Aditi could return some items.

MiL had another fall yesterday and banged her head again. On Friday when we visited she was being very stubborn and refusing help, insisting that she needed to be independent. However yesterday's accident has convinced her that perhaps one of those pendant or bracelet emergency call devices would be sensible. Last night nephew Josh and his partner, Bianca, stayed with MiL.

Not sure what we are doing today.


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