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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


All this talk about 'washing the car' - can somebody please explain this process as mine is done when the car goes in for its annual service and occasionally in between that event if it looks a bit mucky (only costs a tenner for a top notch job) by some friendly eastern Europeans who have a drive through hand wash and polish business.


Not much else to report but herself is out dealing with the veg patch (10 runner bean plants planted out I am now informed)  before the day gets too hot and the sun will allegedly be shining all day, and for much of the coming week.


Havea good day one and all and may those who are ailing continue on a path of improvement, especially Debs

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Listening to a discussion on the BBC news channel about the worrying increase of obesity among schoolchildren, I tutted when the presenter referred to parents "avoiding their children from becoming overweight". Just a case of the speaker failing to marshal her* words properly, of course. It's a pleasure to listen to one such as Clive Myrie*, whose delivery is measured and accurate.


*In both cases, representatives of the opposite gender are, of course, available.

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Talking of cups of tea - Bernard Cribbins video  :rofl:  - I finally took the plunge and have gone over to herbal teas.

The first one, a berries concoction by Lichfields that I tried at the Museum café in Betws-y-Coed, on Tuesday, was quite palatable even when it had cooled down.  So, I went for it and bought two twinings and one Tess Coe packs.  The blackcurrant was much improved with a dash of pressed apple juice!  The ginger had a rather hot twang to it which I dissipated afterwards with a large juicy date.  I think this might be quite a challenge to find one I actually want to drink!  I ruled out chamomile years ago...

Polly, Pukka make some good organic herb teas - their Three Ginger or Three Mint are excellent, but they're pretty pricey at around £2.50 for 20 bags - supermarkets sometimes have special deals on them at £2 per box.


Anyone on this thread in touch with Peter bigwordsmith? He wrote that he was unwell a few months ago and his last post was about 8 weeks ago.


Beautiful spring weather here again - this must be the best for a good few years; mainly warm and sunny in the day with rain at night.


We have workmen in the house replacing our bannisters, handrail and posts today, tomorrow and Wednesday. It's a big job covering 3 staircases, not that we have a big house but a narrow mid-terrace with basement and dormer in the roof.


Thinking of Debs and the industrial-strength chemo.


Hope that your day goes well



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  • RMweb Gold

I cut the front lawn and my neighbour's earlier. Neither lawn is exactly huge. They are in Wales again.

We were going to the supermarket but plans are on hold. MiL is currently on her way to A&E. She returned from bridge and said she had been pushed over and now has a sore shoulder. She has her daughter and SiL with her in the cab to the hospital. Both are doctors but that won't reduce the A&E wait.

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.....All this talk about 'washing the car' - can somebody please explain this process .....

When I had the BMW, I used to take an entire afternoon over washing the car if presenting it at a meet or show. My process usually consisted of:


- initial hose down

- shampoo with Meguiars "Gold Class" general shampoo

- second hose down

- dry off using largest possible chamois leather

- Zymol wax polish (unfeasibly expensive stuff, smells of coconut)

- if Zymol wasn't available, then 3-step Meguiars polish, i.e. Grade 1 cleaner wax, Grade 2 body wax and clay bar, then Grade 3 to finish

- Chrome polish paste on the bumpers / brightwork / outer rims of alloys


This was enough to repel any rain for at least six to eight weeks, as long as you took off the rain drops with a chamois.


Might start doing this again with the CX - so far the automated jetwash/shampoo/wax process at the local BP does a reasonable enough job for four quid.


I cut the front lawn and my neighbour's earlier......


I mowed a lawn on Saturday. About an hour after I'd finished, it rained, and kept on raining for the rest of the afternoon.


Think I got away with it there.....

Edited by Horsetan
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  • RMweb Gold

Back from  'Spoons and a very enjoyable lunch made even better by The Boss choosing a meal deal that came with a beer that she didn't want so I took responsibility for it and looked after it!.  :yes: Pleasantly surprised to find that they had Bishop's Finger on draught which is unusual in this part of the world so Bobby is a happy grandad.

To make things even better when I got home I found a letter on the doormat from my company pension fund informing me of a bigger increase than I thought I was going to get. This coupled with the increase in my State pension is most welcome. Unlike some I never complain if the increase is small, my view is that something is better than buggerall.


Soon be time for tea and cake.  :imsohappy:

Edited by grandadbob
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Moaning all.

Will go back and review/rate the weekend post/activities later.


Variable 3-day weekend;


Cabin pump installation was met with severe deterioration in the cold water line to the bathroom sink <expletive> <expletive> <EXPLETIVE> :butcher:  :rtfm:

From the cabin it's a minimum one hour round trip to the nearest store (Home Depot), so all "expected" requirements purchased, and line replaced, only to show ANOTHER separate problem further along that line :O no remaining time to handle THAT. Fortunately I'd had the presence of mind to get a shut-off valve for the sink line I was repairing so that I could isolate the sink "in future". That, at least, meant I could shut off the sink but there was still a serviceable hot and cold  line to the toilet and shower - much needed by the ladies as they were spending the night and Saturday there. The kitchen sink was/is available for ablutions in lieu of the bathroom - some something of a result... 


Spent some time prepping for Mother's Day and also a few tasks to continue to make the outdoors habitable post winter.

Then some much needed modeling, and a relax with some liquid refreshments :)

Sunday - US Mother's Day;

First a trip to the cemetery with Mrs.

Then everyone over for her highness day. We (six of us plus three dogs) went for a delightful walk around one of the lakes areas here, not surprisingly was PACKED as it was such a gorgeous day, but every enjoyably even so.

Then back home to enjoy the company of the family, imbibe and watch as "I" made dinner. Spaghetti Carbonara and fresh fruit salad (chez Trevor) on the me-and-u.

The kids got Mrs a Fitbit -she's been wanting on to track her walking (serious amounts!!) so I get to help set it up later :O


Overall a decent weekend, with everyone tired at the end of it, so must've been good - all given a tick VG by the Mrs.


Working stiff again today, so I'm at it already.

Dog sitting Whitney also as Jemma (her birthday today too!) is presenting another Captain Leadership course today and tomorrow. The first day the company treat all the candidates and presenters to a rather nice restaurant dinner that runs into mid-evening, so we're taking her out tomorrow for her birthday.


16 and overcast this AM, supposed to brighten and reach 25 later.


Hope your week start well.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon awl,

A quite stressful day at work, much more work than is possible today, and probably tomorrow.


Following a learner driver round a round about, some bright spark decided to try to overtake on the left, until the learner then exited onto the left hand lane. I exited into the right hand lane, to overtake the learner. He got blocked and had to drop behind the learner as I and a couple of cars behind me went through..


Got home to find SWMBO watching a cooking wedding special, oh dear the count down begins...there won't be much TV watching by me this week..

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I cut the front lawn and my neighbour's earlier. Neither lawn is exactly huge. They are in Wales again.


The lawns came home just to get cut?

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A very pleasant morning as we met one of Mrs G’s old school friends at Calderbridge and went for a walk up the Calder valley. The walk took 2 hours and was pretty warm in places and we saw loads of very cute lambs. We then went for a pub lunch afterwards and sat in the beer garden in the sun. I was rather annoyed in the pub when they tried to rip us off on the lunch by asking £30.70 for 2 pie and chip and 2 pints, when they had an offer of £12 each for them. We did end up paying the correct price after I politely queried it.


Unfortunately sitting outside in the sun, even with sunglasses on, I got a headache. As a result I sat down in the living room when we got home at 2.30, and the next thing I notice is a train going by at 4pm, then nodded off again until after 4.30. At least the headache has gone though.

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  • RMweb Premium

We were late getting to Steels for lunch. A lorry had self ignited on the A180. Sat on a queue for an hour but enjoyed my haddock, chips and peas when we got to Steels. A gentle stroll along the sea front at Cleethorpes before returning home.


Now for a mugatea


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Afternoon all. Warm greetings to everyone, with particular thoughts for those in need.

Simon - it sounds like you have had a very enjoyable morning, even if it has left you tired. I am glad that the sleep has cleared the headache. 

ChrisF - I hope your black dog is firmly shut in the kennel after your electronic chat earlier. Thank you once again for an enjoyable time at Derby, it was a pleasure to put the world to rights with you.


 Sadly the world seems a less happy place today. I may be still battling with things - including whether to take the plunge and rent the shop straight away, to work alongside the website, or stay simply on the web for a few more months. However that decision fades into insignificance compared to the news that came via a telephone call this morning. An ex-colleague telephoned to tell me that an ex-pupil, and daughter of another former colleague, had passed away over the weekend at the tender age of 16. Such shocking and devastating news. She was a vibrant, happy and bright young lady with a great sense of humour and an infectious giggle. There was no doubt in my mind that she had the capability to go far. This week she was due to start her mock exams but took her own life instead. My thoughts are with the family and her friends - many of which are also ex pupils of mine. 


I will sign off now - there seems to be something in my eye.


My best wishes to you all.



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  • RMweb Premium

I see "natural England" are proposing stupid things again. Having proposed abandoning a large area of Norfolk to the sea in the past. They are now proposing banning people from large areas of the East Anglian coast. To protect nature and save people from natural hazards. Many of these places are those where people campaigned for and got coastal paths at vast expense.


It is difficult to see where they find these people to man natural England, to be paid for out of our money...

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I see "natural England" are proposing stupid things again. Having proposed abandoning a large area of Norfolk to the sea in the past. They are now proposing banning people from large areas of the East Anglian coast. To protect nature and save people from natural hazards. Many of these places are those where people campaigned for and got coastal paths at vast expense....

If you think they're bad, wait 'til you get PETA....

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  • RMweb Gold

That's very sad news Andy. It always upsets me to hear of young people doing that and I have always hoped that those that are near and dear to me could ask for help if they have problems that are so upsetting that they might contemplate suicide.

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Just partaken of a celebratory snack!


Whilst hob, ovens and grill have been serviceable for a while (and used), sink (including waste disposal unit) and dishwasher have only recently come on line. Menu: French toast style roll, grilled dry cured bacon*, dry-fried eggs* and grilled pork with chive sausage*.  (* All from the local traditional butcher, some five minutes' walk from home!)


Aaaaaaahh! Satisfaction!

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I cut the lawn in the pleasant sun we had this afternoon. My lawn wasn't in Wales. Which was nice. Sometimes I wish it was though.


Yesterday I Karchered the gutters, well, one of 4. It had plants growing out of it making it more like the Hanging Gutters of Babylon. I want to Karcher the roof as the moss is all over it like a rash. That will have to wait until SWMBO goes out as she doesnt think I should use a ladder. Who does she think I am, GDB?

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