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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

This must be the ulitmate kitchen set for the Manhater I'm surprised SWMBO hasn't got a set.  :laugh:



I need to get one of these before work and then place it somewhere behind the cab windscreen. Purely by coincidence, of course. :jester:


E‘ning, troops. Attempted at least a backskim and will see to following up more thoroughly. We’ve been out and about frequently, usually leaving me knackered by night! However, we’ll return home tomorrow after breakfast, so maybe I‘ll get a chance then.


Supportive thoughts to Debs, Robert‘s dad and everyone else in need, of course.


Nite-y... :bye:

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  • RMweb Gold

Caught up and great to hear ChrisF's news.


An interesting trip in the laddomobile today - first time I've had a proper drive of a Mini Cooper but alas on the best bit or road for a spot of fun, and with a Jag keeping pace behind me I was stick behind a flippin BMW (yes, a Beemer) which moved as if the handbrake was still on - utterly useless crawling p*llock but at least he indicated when he turned off (far too late for a fun drive alas).  Now a bit about potholes and perhaps a warning for us all as the side road from the east into the village where our current PM lives is in an atrocious state with potholes all over the place.  What hope is there for the rest of us when even she is living in a village with an approach like that?


This afternoon we ventured out to see 'The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society' - a rather good film although quite why the 'Balmoral' (doubling for a Channel islands steamer) was flying the Saltire at the jackstaff was something of a mystery but then we got to the good bit where the passengers were put ashore by boat to 'Guernsey' which was immediately obvious to us as we were put ashore there by boat on one of our trips on 'Patricia' so knew the approach well enough to recognise where it was before you could see much of the place.  But probably not a bad substitute for St Peter Port which nowadays will bear little resemblance to its wartime self.  Lundy also featured in the background of one shot.  But overall a good film with the main plot following the book but some variation in details according to Mrs Stationmaster.   On leaving the cinema the heavens were emptying, my umbrella suffered a fatigue failure in the handle which rendered it near useless so a new one was purchased from Boots but the rain was so bad following a café meal that we got a taxi home - complete with a Liverpudlian taxi driver.


Rain has since abated so hopefully laddo will have a dry walk up the hill from the station where he should be arriving now following his day trip to Hamsterjam and Bruxelles/Brussel

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


It’s been quite a nice sunny day, but a bit cool, but not that cold that I had to wear a long sleeved shirt. It’s also been very quiet here, for some reason the children that live in the houses very close to ours were not playing outside today, not sure why, but the lack of squealing and shouting was quite refreshing. I don’t mind the noise so much, it’s just that I’m forever throwing their errant footballs etc, back, whenever (which is quite often) back.


Most of the day has been spent in the workshop where I’ve been busy making a pair of folding flaps to my painting bench. So far I’ve made and fitted the two support arms and one of the flaps. I’m hoping to get it finished off tomorrow.


It’s just started to rain, strangely enough, it started raining about this time last night too!


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring awl, inner temple here,

A solid night's sleep of 7 hours so solid, i still had a copy of RM on my chest.


BSW01, we used to have problems with them using our garage wall ( previous house) as a goal mouth, And we also backed On to a play area.

There is no legal requirement for you to hand their balls back, nor to allow them in to collect them.


That is until you touch the ball.


So what we started doing was to give them a time several hours later when they could could collect their balls. They soon learned to keep their balls under control and they started using someone else's garage as a goal mouth.


So far yesterday's drizzle turned out to be a damp squib, nothing heavy turned up. Though the forecast a few minutes ago says it should get soggy later.

Here's a picture of a couple of damp squibs.



Plans for today weather permitting, start rebuilding front wall..

Time for breakfast..

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Good morning one and all


May I extend a belated welcome to ERs to 88C who posted on Friday for what I believe was the first time.  As some know, he and I are cousins.


I had a good trip to Derby yesterday.  East Midlands Trains have not quite got the knack of punctuality and displaying seat reservations but my arrival in the City of Derby was not too far adrift and I got home in time to endure Eurovision.  Aren’t I a lucky boy?  It has already been reported that there was quite a gathering of RMwebbers by Mick Newbryford’s Deadman’s Lane and it was good to renew many acquaintances.  I was very pleased to meet Mike Bellamy and Andyram with daughter Amber for the first time.  As Andy has already said, he and I invested a great deal of time in putting the world to rights.  I will reflect on the show later.


Today I plan to test my powers of concentration by making some progress on the captions which must be written and on some other outstanding tasks.  There is ironing to provide some light relief.  Seriously?  I have also picked up a research task from Jim Smith-Wright which sounds as if it might be a challenge.  Later in the week the Area Group meeting will be held in a member’s garden.  I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to returning to the M1 to get there, probably because I do not normally use that sort of language in polite company.      


Warm thoughts as always to Debs – hang on in there - , Andyram, Robert and his dad, Tony and Aditi, Simon, Mal and all others in distress.



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Morning awl from a very sunny village.   Thoughts are very much with Debs as she endures this final bout of chemo.  


Here the house is gradually getting emptier.   Many boxes are now in the car for an early visit to the tip and the container before church.   Then I have to move all the packing stuff from the dining room as my dear wife has decided to invite her step mum for dinner tonight along with No 2 son and his wife.   This means that the dining room must be tidied so that we can dine.  


In the meantime I will send regards to all.



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After some overnight rain it looks sunny but feels chilly this morning.


I could really do with spending time sorting out my work bench. As yet I have no cricket this week so fingers crossed I can get it sorted.


Stick with it Debs!



After some overnight rain it looks sunny but feels chilly this morning.


I could really do with spending time sorting out my work bench. As yet I have no cricket this week so fingers crossed I can get it sorted.


Stick with it Debs!



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A seond bite if I may:


It's just been announced that the politician Dame Tessa Jowell has succumbed to her brain tumour.  She fought it with exemplary courage and tenacity.  We might spare a thought for her family and friends.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Here's hoping that Debs will soon be brandishing her awl amongst us once again.

A bit dull here at the moment but with some luck and a following wind it should stay dry with some sunny spells.

I had a great but wet time at Nicki's yesterday because whilst I was jet washing everything in sight and getting my lower extremities soaked the heavens opened and I was then saturated on the upper half.  The good thing was that Nicki was over the moon with my efforts and a very nice lunch was provided along with lovely cakes later from Abbie and to cap it all a nice bottle of Rioja was  presented to me. We finished off with a Chinese take away and eventually got home about midnight. I'd taken the car home earlier and SiL Steve picked me up and ran me back so that a few beers could be enjoyed... and they were. :yes:

The final stage of the Eurosong thing was put on while we were there. What a load of old carp that was. It reminded me why I stopped watching it many years ago and it seems to have got worse.

Today, after a hearty breakfast more gardening is planned here and I may give the car its first wash although given my track record that will all either bring on more backache or rain -  or possibly both. That could leave the door open....to the railway room which hasn't been visited for some time. Seeing film of the Stirling Single has reawakened my modelling playing with trains mojo as I have one of these beauties on order along with a Dynamometer car and it would seem that they are not far off in coming.


Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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I certainly would not describe myself as an Early Riser, certainly not since I retired, however I can still manage it when I have to.

It was good to meet some fellow RMWebbers at Derby yesterday, even if just to be introduced and shake hands. I hope that Chris and Andy find their chat mutually beneficial and good luck with your project Andy.



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Morning Awl

I see the dreaded phrase “Damp Squid” - turned up in another thread (Hornby Announcements). Wasn’t it Debs who flayed a member alive (probably not, she is way too nice) for using this on here?


In case anyone is unaware a “Squib” is a form of explosive from yonks ago which could be affected by moisture  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squib_(explosive). On the other hand Squids rather like being at least dampish


Apart from that I have nothing to say but that’s ok etc.,


Best, Pete.

Pete, you have just put your finger on something that drives me up the wall: how people (and native English speakers to boot) mangle common phrases: "on tenterhooks" (not tenDerhooks), one fell swoop (not one foul swoop), averse to (not aDverse to) and so forth. I am firmly of the opinion that English is the most flexible of languages as it isn't too proud or too rigid to take in/on board phrases and word for anywhere (or, as someone inelegantly put it, "English is a strumpet who'll go with any language that'll give her a good time") and as a lover of words, language, history and literature I loathe how corrupted English has become (or, to rephrase for a modern audience: "like I hate, you know, how English is like totally wasted"). I reckon it's a combination of apathy, laziness and ignorance.


Interestingly, once when I was a wee lad, my English master wrote a sentence on the blackboard, turned round to the class and said to us "not one word of this sentence is English" cue a class of scruffy herberts saying things like "no, Sir!" "It IS English, Sir". Our English master then proceeded to explain the origins of each word in the sentence (one - I recall - was Bungalow).


Well, off to take the Canis lupus familiaris to Dog School. Have a pleasant Sunday


Stay Frosty



Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Thoughts very much with Debs and good vibrations heading her way - my fingers remain crossed.


Nice to be reminded that we missed Eurobore for the umpteenth year in succession last night,  I simply can't believe that it has got any worse than the depths it began to plumb some years (decades?) back. I think the rot started when 'democracy' was introduced to the gerrymandering (sorry, voting).  And well said Pete and iD about the continuing dumbo abuse and misuse our language suffers, we even had a dose of nonsense approving of it in a Hornby thread recently where omission of either a definite or indefinite article is apparently regarded as quite acceptable when a verb is used as a noun.


GDB to take note that said little green engine and accompanying dyno wotsit coach looked extremely nice when I saw them on Friday - both were the latest pre-production versions and the coach literally arrived while the party was in full swing, as promised.  The single runs very sweetly although not too keen on dirty track but a few extra volts seemed to solve that and it had no trouble moving the dyno thingummy coach and about half a dozen wagons - some video will no doubt appear somewhere as Andy Y filmed it.  It will look great once some suitable coaching stock is available to go with it - oops shouldn't have said that.


Have a good day one and all and best wishes to the ailing and recovering.

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Morning Awl

 "on tenterhooks" (not tenDerhooks),



My hooks are often tender but do not require a tent


Morning Awl

 as it isn't too proud or to rigid to take



Take gun, load bullet, aim at foot, pull trigger! OO!

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Afternoon all, and a beautiful one it is here too. Sun is shining so that I can see the sea glittering in the slight breeze. More gardening has been done. Most of the weeds in the veg patch have now either been dug out or, when I ran out of energy, attacked with weedkiller. Next task is mowing of grass, although there is probably more moss than grass!


Very envious of those at the Derby show yesterday. Living where I do, it is a very long trek to any of the larger shows. Maybe one of these days!


Great pics of British India Line from Jamie. Merchant Navy locos are one of my favourite, going back to my childhood not too far from the Waterloo to Southampton main line.

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Curse this damned autocorrect (now changed...)


Having seen tenter hooks in use I wouldn't wish them on anyone.   Apparently the tenter frames used to be in Leeds on the banks of the Aire roughly where the new HS2 station is going to be.



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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all, and a beautiful one it is here too. Sun is shining so that I can see the sea glittering in the slight breeze. More gardening has been done. Most of the weeds in the veg patch have now either been dug out or, when I ran out of energy, attacked with weedkiller. Next task is mowing of grass, although there is probably more moss than grass!


Very envious of those at the Derby show yesterday. Living where I do, it is a very long trek to any of the larger shows. Maybe one of these days!


Great pics of British India Line from Jamie. Merchant Navy locos are one of my favourite, going back to my childhood not too far from the Waterloo to Southampton main line.

Simon calm down dear boy it's only an unclad beef tin.  :sarcastic:

                                                                                                  I.H.Atespam  :biggrin_mini2:

Edited by 81C
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Aditi went shopping today. The trip to Chelmsford yesterday didn't result in the purchases she had wanted but the shops there did identify stock in Basildon. I didn't go. We did buy a new clock for the mantlepiece yesterday. The old one was erratic, fast, slow, and only at its most accurate when stopped. The new one is "radio controlled" so one less clock to adjust.

Aditi's sister phoned yesterday to say she and her husband were going to Newcastle for the day. She just wanted to check that we were available should MiL have any problems. We are but MiL is having a day out with friends playing bridge. As both friends are retired GPs I can't imagine her getting into too much trouble.


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