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I have a BMW.  It has indicators, and all sorts of odd things - footpegs, grabrail.....and only two wheels.


attachicon.gifP1040926 (Large).JPG


But I don't get stroppy when people take the, er, stuff because they prefer sports bikes.  Or get quoted.  :jester:


If you go to "That Thread" and mention motorbike AND BMW, gawd help us all..........


:no:  :no:




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I see your indicators aren't working

Yes they are! . . no they're not, . . Yes they are! . . no they're not . . .Yes they are! . . no they're not . . . .Yes they are! . . no they're not.



Goodnight all, sleep well.




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In retrospect I'm glad I didn't end up as an engineer at a car company. Something that seems like a reasonable trade-off at the time can rapidly escalate into a gigantic disaster with huge liability exposure. And it's always the engineers that take the fall.


My cork-ups probably only cost IBM etc a few million quid.

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We had temps up near 30 C the other day; tonight we have a frost warning. I think the Yanks are dumping all their surplus weather on us before the NAFTA talks fail.


This is our 44th anniversary. We had a lunch out and even had dessert!

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Lorna has taken a liking to listening to audio-books while she's driving into town. She picks them up cheap in thrift/charity shops. Recently she acquired a book that consisted of 12 CDs. It was a real cliff-hanger. When she inserted CD number 12 it turned out to be nothing to do with the story.


Shades of Tony Hancock's "The Last Page" :)

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Lorna has taken a liking to listening to audio-books while she's driving into town. She picks them up cheap in thrift/charity shops. Recently she acquired a book that consisted of 12 CDs. It was a real cliff-hanger. When she inserted CD number 12 it turned out to be nothing to do with the story.


Shades of Tony Hancock's "The Last Page" :)


You live so far out of town that you can get through 12 CDs on the drive in?

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Good morning one and all


I have decided to treat myself to a day out on Saturday, heading north before a complete mess is made of the MML timetable in a couple of weeks.  My destination is the Derby show.  The proximity of the Brunswick to Derby station is very tempting but I must concentrate on the job in hand.  Andyram, after yesterday’s episode you could do with a day out among kindred spirits.


If we learn nothing else from the current flurry of interest in mental health issues on TV it should be that they are more widespread than is commonly imagined.  No-one is immune and no-one should suffer in silence.  Granted, if everyone with issues realises it and seeks treatment the NHS will be overwhelmed but I’m sure the organisers of the campaign have thought of that.  The disorder which bites me from time to time has struck some of the highest in the land: perhaps the most well-known victim was Winston Churchill.  Let no-one feel shame in having something in common with Churchill.


Once again there is nothing to report on my own black dog.  I felt a bit weary for much of yesterday but I am reading nothing into it.  Part of it was down to being awakened at 1 am by cramp in my left calf.  Neil Blackrat, your advice has merit and echoes that of another but I am reluctant to cast my e-friend adrift just yet because we are not done talking.  Today I need to focus on my appointment with Professor Oncologist at 12.30.  Fear of the unknown?  You bet.


Warm thoughts to Debs, Andyram, Robert and his dad, Tony and Aditi, Simon, Mal and all others in distress.  You are not alone.



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I have decided to treat myself to a day out on Saturday, heading north before a complete mess is made of the MML timetable in a couple of weeks.  My destination is the Derby show.  The proximity of the Brunswick to Derby station is very tempting but I must concentrate on the job in hand.  Andyram, after yesterday’s episode you could do with a day out among kindred spirits.





Many thanks Chris - I hope our team make you feel welcome and that you enjoy the show - plus of course the Brunswick nearby although we do have a bar and food available at the show as well.


I was out until late last night putting up direction signs and to help Mr NB find the Roundhouse, they are all YELLOW (except the black writing and the red arrow !!)





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Morning to most!

Chrisf And Simon hope the appointments go well today.

Hope Debs is ok with her super chemo, hope the rest of our poorly Ers have a steady, pain free days.


We are missing a lot of our ER team, Smiffy I need whelks asap please.

Any one heard from Polly

Hope shudders and Ashers are keeping well

As well as all who lurk on Ers.


Mugatea then off to Ampleforth....



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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A slightly better nights sleep maybe 6 hours. brightness was just beginning to appear from the east as I arose.


Going home last night a small nissan had a 59!!? mph speed limit sticker in it's back window, it never made 39 for mile after mile after mile...yes it's approaching grockle season, where the emmets think it's good, to hold up miles of traffic as the dawdle around looking at anything but the road.


Funny how they cause huge traffic jams on the road, but then go out in the day boats on the rivers, speeding, trying to get from pub to pub.


Another forum I'm on has gone of the deep end between the royalists and the republicans. Both sides are often quoting highly improbable "facts" that would do Donald the duck Trump proud. Meanwhile on another forum, the fishing / motor boat debate has quietend, but the fisherman has started another thread about a fishing group that has been formed to protect their "rights".


Well I have a load of Shunt's to measure, so that the main system they are used on, can go into overdrive for the next month from Monday, as they've received a huge order from just one purchaser.


Time to... go warm up the lab with a 100 Amp current shunt measurement... 

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Morning all from a somewhat cloudy village.


Thoughts are with all those that need them, unfortunately the list is getting rather long.  


Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon sorting things to do with the move.   Booking secure storage for the trailer when we have a week in Bournemouth whilst en route, took nearly 2 hours by the time I'd found and scanned the documents that they wanted.   There is much else going on in the background.   My car insurer cancelled my insurance from the day we move out of the house as they are going to class us as having no fixed abode in the UK.  Fortunately it looks as if a French Insurer is willing to take us on even tough the car is still registered in the UK.


An evening was spent taking a rather large black things with wheels apart to extract a gearbox.  It turns out that 3 teeth are missing from an idler gear so I sent an hour sorting out getting a replacement.  A very pleasant way to spend an evening. I've only got two small screws to find a home for.


This morning a friend is coming over to sort some tram society stuff out then this afternoon I've got to help Beth's step mum to get a scooter host removed from the boot of her car.   Hopefully my own car will have had it's ABS fault mended and I'll be able to use it to get to the club tonight. 


Regards to all, 



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Good luck with the new venture Andyram

Chris it is claimed that one in four of the population will have mental health problemems at some stage. Personaly I think that is an underestimate

Thoughts with those in need

Mornin awl

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Good morning all,

It's another sunny start here and should be fine all day.

Today we'll be heading out to a garden centre and farm shop as apparently there is a dire "need" for this. I can hear my wallet protesting already. My back is also protesting, firstly after an uncomfortable night and also at the thought of what purchases will be made today and who has got to deal with the planting thereof.  My argument that I couldn't possible put dirty things like plants in trays and pots etc in the new car has been met with scorn and I've been reminded that I always carry a sheet of polythene in the boot anyway, "just in case."     Hrrrrmph!  Thwarted again.

Have a good one,


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Morning all.


Awake at 04:00 watching for some local trains, the one I was after was 85 late at that stage and was going to put the kibosh on the second (not enough time to get between the two places) so alarm reset for 06:10, up, mugatee for me and the Mrs (= 1 brownee point scored) then off out. The shunter who looks after the train is a friendly chat so I always get to the station early and we muse about life, the universe and today we were discussing erecting RAF marquee tents and how to stop the centre pole slipping on the grass as it's designed for a rough surface - the arrival of the train put that conversation to roost but we had a good laugh as he told me of his exploits last night - sounded like a Goodies sketch. It's good to chat about bullshoot with someone whos just friendly and has no edge.

The first half of the train was safely dispatched (by, and with, him of course) to the unloading point so I headed home - stopping on the way to watch a heron flap lazily across the road and into the distance, I then greeted the piggies - of varying sizes - with my usual thoughts, mainly connected with brown sauce with toast. No birds of prey around this morning but - for them - I was late, the sun had long been up and they'd probably already caught their breakfasts.

A pleasant morning, sunny but not too hot.


Off to feed the birds - they are eating for England at the moment - as they've already emptied their feeders (they have 3 sunflower, 1 peanut, 1 fat ball tower and 1 mixed seed and mealworms to chose from - and they are all down to nearly empty even though they were only filled yesterday afternoon. Squirrels used to be a problem but a prolonged defence of the nuts with a water pistol has kept them off the food. (I don't really mind them eating the food but they destroy the feeders in the process). I also need to check HogCam from last night to see what visited the dog snacks.


The suicide on Coronation Street was well handled, not graphic but enough depth to make people think, and it passed without too many unhappy memories being dragged out of my hidden depths.


Have a good one all.

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Chris F, Andyram, I am meeting at Derby with Richard, the Happy Hippo at Hi Noon, (12 O Clock) on Saturday, at Mick, / Newbryford's  Deadmans Lane, if either of you, or any others going, would just like 5 minutes to say hello and put names to faces, (although I have met Chris and Andy more than once).

Edited by Andrew P
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Chris F, Andyram, I am meeting at Derby with Richard, the Happy Hippo at Hi Noon, (12 O Clock) at Micks Deadmans Lane, if either of you, or any others going, would just like 5 minutes to say hello and put names to faces, (although I have met Chris and Andy more than once).


No pressure then.....




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Shouldn't take long. Just shove 100 amps through it and measure the current.

I did, it measures 8.00514 milli Ohms against a predicted 8.00515 milli Ohms (that's 1.9 Parts per million difference) with an uncertainty of 17 ppm.

 Since my last post I've also measured the 50Amp and 200mA shunts. I await the 500 mA shunt being released for me to measure...

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Que?   :scratchhead:

No I'm Q not Que :no:


 Oh and I missed a bit the standard deviation was less than 0.7ppm... :no:

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. The bin lorry dawn chorus is in full swing this morning including the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon. Baz mentioned Smiffy, its his birthday today so in case he's looking in, happy birthday Smiffy. We were reminded of the upcoming royal nuptials this morning (19th May) so I will have to take avoiding action and as I'm not a great fan of football either it won't be the FA cup. I think there's a couple of exhibitions within a reasonable distance or perhaps a visit to a preserved railway?

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