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Chris it is claimed that one in four of the population will have mental health problemems at some stage. Personaly I think that is an underestimate

And quoted yesterday that 50% will have a form of cancer.

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Chris F, Andyram, I am meeting at Derby with Richard, the Happy Hippo at Hi Noon, (12 O Clock) on Saturday, at Mick, / Newbryford's  Deadmans Lane, if either of you, or any others going, would just like 5 minutes to say hello and put names to faces, (although I have met Chris and Andy more than once).



Funnily enough ChrisF and I have arranged to meet at the same time by the bar!!!!!

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Chris F, Andyram, I am meeting at Derby with Richard, the Happy Hippo at Hi Noon, (12 O Clock) on Saturday, at Mick, / Newbryford's  Deadmans Lane, if either of you, or any others going, would just like 5 minutes to say hello and put names to faces, (although I have met Chris and Andy more than once).


Good idea, Andrew!  I've not knowingly met Andy yet and look forward to doing so. I shall be wearing a T shirt with a drawing of a morris dancer and cannot seriously imagine that anyone else would do such a thing ...




EDIT - didn't see Andy's post when I was trying to rescue mine from the auto-save.  Andy, shall we join the elite at Deadman's Lane and carry on from there?

Edited by chrisf
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Good idea, Andrew!  I've not knowingly met Andy yet and look forward to doing so. I shall be wearing a T shirt with a drawing of a morris dancer and cannot seriously imagine that anyone else would do such a thing ...




EDIT - didn't see Andy's post when I was trying to rescue mine from the auto-save.  Andy, shall we join the elite at Deadman's Lane and carry on from there?



That sounds like a plan to me.

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Güte Morgë Zssäme*

You better not tell them the German alternative meaning for BMW sometimes used by MB owners. Dom and Robert may know what I'm on about.


What IS it about most BMW drivers worldwide? In Switzerland they also have a similar reputation as elsewhere (puts on scientist's hat). I reckon - given the large number of drivers who succumb - that it is an Autosomal dominant genetic defect that is triggered by something in the BMW environment (paint solvents used? leather finishing chemicals?) that turns people into automotive cockwombles. And only a fortunate few (such as our very own "The Lurker" or Horsetan) being autosomal recessive for this particular gene and are thus resistant to cockwomblelisation....


*that's your actual Swiss German, that is...

...Fortunately it looks as if a French Insurer is willing to take us on even tough the car is still registered in the UK..... 


Regards to all, 



Don't you ever get the impression that for a lot of UK based businesses, "customers" are a regrettable inconvenience on the path towards big bonuses and "trebles all round" [© Private Eye]


Mind you, I suspect that a lot of the problems for UK based businesses is poorly educated staff - especially in comparison with their European and Asian counterparts. Whether in Japan (not particularly known for its' linguistic heterogeneity), Malaysia or closer to home in Germany, France or Switzerland; shop keepers, receptionists and the like parry my (admittedly sometimes apalling attempts at) local language skills with often impeccable English (indeed, recently, I had a Swiss carpenter do some work for us and upon hearing me speak to SWMBO in English, switched from Swiss German to English without missing a beat...). Sadly to say, but many native born Brits are barely coherent in their Mother Tongue...


I wonder how much of this is down to social mores. I remember moving in the early 80s from Italy (where the dearest wish of many a working class parent was for their son/daughter to become a doctor/lawyer/engineer/accountant) to the UK (where I got the impression that the dearest wish of many a working class dad was for his son to go down the mines/work in the shipyards/work in the factory just like he did and his dad did). Interestingly, and it's only anecdotal, back then I was working as a locum and there was a young working class lad at work, a skinhead but nonetheless a nice fellow, who told me and an office colleague that he planned to "go into the Army, learn a trade and not go down the mines like his dad". I, of course was supportive, but my office colleague was horrified, mumbling something about the young lad being "a class traitor".... Go figure.


On another note, my "technology grab" has come to an end, with upgrades for 4 major home electronics components being completed. I am particularly enjoying my new PlayStation 4 (my birthday gift from SWMBO), there's something particularly satisfying - after a day at the computer trying to come up with "training and awareness" concepts [one of my paying jobs] - about entering an imaginary world and - violently and gorily - kill zombies, trolls, ice monsters and criminals... Actually, thinking about it,  I could probably make a fortune by designing a "first person shooter" game whereby the software takes a scanned picture of a person and transforms it into a game character. Can you imagine how much fun it would be to scan in photos of rivals, cockwombles, social and work nemesis, turn them into game characters and spend an evening blowing them into small, bloody gobbets of ripped flesh (take that "Headmaster X"...).


Oh well, back to paying work.


Congratulations and Commiserations to all as appropriate. Fingers crossed for ChrisF


Stay Frosty Folks



Edited by iL Dottore
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Morning all from a cool and breezy Cumbria.


CT scan completed this morning in double quick time. The appointment was for 08.40, and I arrived at 08.25, got seen almost straight away and was out of the hospital by 08.40. I then walked down into town, which took 25 minutes, bought a few vegetable seeds, met SWMBO and came home.


Now for a bit of gardening, and I might get to plant some of the seeds.


Thinking of all those under the weather and in distress. Andyram, I hope the new venture proves successful and best of luck with it.

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Morning all from a cool and breezy Cumbria.


CT scan completed this morning in double quick time. The appointment was for 08.40, and I arrived at 08.25, got seen almost straight away and was out of the hospital by 08.40. I then walked down into town, which took 25 minutes, bought a few vegetable seeds, met SWMBO and came home.


Now for a bit of gardening, and I might get to plant some of the seeds.


Thinking of all those under the weather and in distress. Andyram, I hope the new venture proves successful and best of luck with it.



Thanks Simon.

I hope the CT scan went well.

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  • RMweb Gold

On another note, my "technology grab" has come to an end, with upgrades for 4 major home electronics components being completed. I am particularly enjoying my new PlayStation 4 (my birthday gift from SWMBO), there's something particularly satisfying - after a day at the computer trying to come up with "training and awareness" concepts [one of my paying jobs] - about entering an imaginary world and - violently and gorily - kill zombies, trolls, ice monsters and criminals... Actually, thinking about it,  I could probably make a fortune by designing a "first person shooter" game whereby the software takes a scanned picture of a person and transforms it into a game character. Can you imagine how much fun it would be to scan in photos of rivals, cockwombles, social and work nemesis, turn them into game characters and spend an evening blowing them into small, bloody gobbets of ripped flesh (take that "Headmaster X"...).


Skool Daze and Bak 2 Skool on the Spectrum allowed the names of the pupil characters to be changed, it was particularly pleasing when an "enemy" in real life got lines for being late into class because you'd knocked him over on the stairs on the way to geography. "2000 lines *****, Don't be late again" (swap ***** for a name of your choice)


Hog Update - a visit at midnight but then one of the neighbourhood cats ate most of the food around 01:00 so (s)he didn't return - I've got some hog food now so I'll try that tonight and see if the hog(s) will eat it and other animals won't.

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  • RMweb Gold

I had noticed AndyRam's commercial venture via the layout page on Facebook. Hope it all goes well.

Cool with gentle breezes here.

We were going to Chelmsford today but enthusiasm has waned! Perhaps enough enthusiasm for tea will require a trip to a nearby shop for some milk.


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Funnily enough ChrisF and I have arranged to meet at the same time by the bar!!!!!



Good idea, Andrew!  I've not knowingly met Andy yet and look forward to doing so. I shall be wearing a T shirt with a drawing of a morris dancer and cannot seriously imagine that anyone else would do such a thing ...




EDIT - didn't see Andy's post when I was trying to rescue mine from the auto-save.  Andy, shall we join the elite at Deadman's Lane and carry on from there?



That sounds like a plan to me.


I don't do Bar's and Pubs, hahahha :no: 

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Good afternoon one and all.  This cannot wait until tomorrow.


i have just returned from an audience with Professor Oncologist, who tells me that my PSA reading is down to 1.8.  This, I gather, is the irreducible minimum and is a ruddy sight better than the 800+ it was when I was diagnosed nearly three years ago.  Of course, the only way now is up but the Prof has no plans to change my treatment and has plenty of weapons up his sleeve when the present regime no longer works.


After some of what happened during the past two weeks this news has made me feel a whole lot better.  It won't last, I tell you ...



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  • RMweb Premium

Chris F, Andyram, I am meeting at Derby with Richard, the Happy Hippo at Hi Noon, (12 O Clock) on Saturday, at Mick, / Newbryford's  Deadmans Lane, if either of you, or any others going, would just like 5 minutes to say hello and put names to faces, (although I have met Chris and Andy more than once).



If I can escape from being locked in the 'Counting House' then I'll try and join you - followed rather quickly with a trip to the bar - there's only so much tea you can drink in a day . . . . . 





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If I can escape from being locked in the 'Counting House' then I'll try and join you - followed rather quickly with a trip to the bar - there's only so much tea you can drink in a day . . . . . 






The bar is my planned destination too.

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Good afternoon one and all.  This cannot wait until tomorrow.


i have just returned from an audience with Professor Oncologist, who tells me that my PSA reading is down to 1.8.  This, I gather, is the irreducible minimum and is a ruddy sight better than the 800+ it was when I was diagnosed nearly three years ago.  Of course, the only way now is up but the Prof has no plans to change my treatment and has plenty of weapons up his sleeve when the present regime no longer works.


After some of what happened during the past two weeks this news has made me feel a whole lot better.  It won't last, I tell you ...



Great news, Chris! Really pleased to hear it.

Have a good day tomorrow, too


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POETS but I'm OFF already :)


Very quick check-in as departure for the lake cabin is imminent. Hoping all goes WELL with the pump installation <har har>


I'm returning later today, and will have tomorrow to myself - modeling on the cards!

Note for anyone looking at some of the Hornby deliveries, I just got a notification that the S15 TTS decoder I order has been billed to my credit card and shipped - YAY!

At 33 quid including delivery it now beats the Sountraxx Econami UK steam decoder (which I STILL think are pretty good buys) by HALF and since I have one of those IN an S15, I can do a swap out and have yet another sound loco - :senile:  :senile:


Only 6 here this AM, cloudy, expected to reach maybe 9 if we're lucky with cloudy and rain all day.


Enjoy the day, POE if you can. Back a LOT later...

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Good afternoon one and all.  This cannot wait until tomorrow.


i have just returned from an audience with Professor Oncologist, who tells me that my PSA reading is down to 1.8.  This, I gather, is the irreducible minimum and is a ruddy sight better than the 800+ it was when I was diagnosed nearly three years ago.  Of course, the only way now is up but the Prof has no plans to change my treatment and has plenty of weapons up his sleeve when the present regime no longer works.


After some of what happened during the past two weeks this news has made me feel a whole lot better.  It won't last, I tell you ...



Good news Chris

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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon one and all.  This cannot wait until tomorrow.


i have just returned from an audience with Professor Oncologist, who tells me that my PSA reading is down to 1.8.  This, I gather, is the irreducible minimum and is a ruddy sight better than the 800+ it was when I was diagnosed nearly three years ago.  Of course, the only way now is up but the Prof has no plans to change my treatment and has plenty of weapons up his sleeve when the present regime no longer works.


After some of what happened during the past two weeks this news has made me feel a whole lot better.  It won't last, I tell you ...



That's great news Chris, really pleased for you.



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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all and particularly Chris - that is splendid news.


We ventured out to a garden centre this morning and various purchases were made. I was going to pretend to The Boss that I'd lost my protective sheet of polythene so we couldn't load the boot up with garden stuff but I'd have come a cropper if I had because they had a roll of free protective boot liner standing by the flippin' checkouts. We were in Esher* so I suppose all the Merc, BMW, Lexi and Rangerover owners expect stuff like that. They've probably got "people" to plant the bloody stuff they buy as well. I haven't and now my back is killing me.


Gardening? Pah!!!  :umbrage:


I.M.H. Urting



* Just to give you an idea of the sort of place it was the woman in front of us at the checkout spent £37 on about 8 little packets of fancy sweets!

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  • RMweb Gold

Further to our visit out earlier the garden centre is approached via a fairly narrow road. A dirty great 44ft Artic was heading slowly towards me so naturally I reversed up into a parking space to let him by. So did the bloke behind me. Henwomble behind him went flying past both of us and stopped in front of said artic. After trying to stare him out she then realised that there was no way he was going to reverse all the way back to let her through so eventually she gave way. Just as well because yours truly was about to get out of the car to "give advice" as was the car driver behind me. Big thumbs up from the artic driver when he went past.

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