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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

  Good morning all, 

A sunnyish start with a few white clouds and it should be fine but a bit cooler than the last few days. There was a bit of rain overnight.

I think the car will need its first wash ere long because after yesterday's little trip out "Dusty" the Duster became er.... rather dusty. When the water currently laying on it dries I suspect it may look a little grubby. We went to Brooklands Museum and as IanA suggested earlier I enjoyed it and thought it well worth it. Not so sure about The Boss though.  :scratchhead:

Thursday's bin men chorus has started, one lorry has been with two more to come.

I think some domestic stuff will be done today and possibly gardening. No Sainsbury's visit for us  because we had a £12 off voucher for an online delivery which is coming this evening. We've still got to go tomorrow though as there are certain things that The Boss insists on selecting herself. 

More tea needed now,

Have a good one,



STOP PRESS: Apparently we still "need" to go to Sainsbury's today!   :banghead:

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


The sun is once again shining, but there are still plenty of grey clouds to be seen blocking out said sunshine. However, the ground is wet after last nights heavy rain, still it means there is no need to water the plants today.


Sheila has just set of for her Zumba class and I’m off to the workshop to do some more re-organising of the shelves. But work in the workshop will cease at dinner time, as after dinner we are apparently going to Waitrose to get a few items that we can’t buy locally.


Enjoy whatever you’ve got planned for the day.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is much cooler this morning and it has rained during the night.

Bins and bags have been put out and taken/emptied.

We are off to Basildon later this morning to start the process of rewriting our wills. Everything before was really set up to provide for Matthew but both his passing and our financial situation being somewhat different to 25 years ago means we should organise something more up to date. By coincidence MiL is going to sign her new will today.


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Tempting fate, Horsetan?


Good morning


Sunny and bright today; last night's veg chilli and margaritas were just too good. So much so that G woke with a banging head and is lying-in till midday!


Meanwhile I'm off to Sainsbury's to get then deliver my mum's shopping. Can I get anything for you while I'm there, GDB?


Have a good day



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Went to the Mrs' school last night for an 80s evening - some not so good stuff and some excellent stuff - the parents who were there were singing and clapping along so good fun was had. One of our girls friends was singing and this was her last school do as she is on holiday for the end of term one, so some tears were shed by all and sundry in the friends circle.


An early awakening for a planned photographic trip came to nowt when I noticed it wasn't running and the headcode for "my" train had been reused for a different destination so the expected train (I saw a loco was allocated to it last night) was happily heading off in a different direction. I also noticed another local (25 miles or so) service was on the way but as it normally arrives at it's destination at 06:40, some 75 mins early (the timings are out as NR have reopened the Ely avoider after a point was smashed last year, which means a reversal is no longer required) I decided I'd have a lie in (I was in time to get there for it but decided against it).

Jill gets up at 06:30 and makes me a mugatee (shes a goodun) so I drank that and watched the news including the article on the digital railway by <cough> next year, then I checked if any other trains of interest were around and noticed that the normally very early stone was still sitting on the Ely avoider.and I would easily have made it but by the time I checked it was obviously too late by that time.


Tonight we are going to watch last nights Coronation Street tonight, it's the one were the suicide is found - this will be tricky for me as my mother committed suicide in 1982 and it took a long time to get over (I'm fine now) but demons have to be faced and things have to be let go of so it will probably end up emotional but helpful - these days the steps to conquer are very tiny, there have been some very big ones to climb over the last 36 years though - mainly 20+ years ago.


Yesterday the cap on my tooth split in half - this is driving me mad, third visit to the dentist this year for this, at least now it has to be a new one.


Sun is now just about out after an overcast and drizzly (and grizzly in my case !)  start to the morning


Have a good one all and supportive thoughts to those who need them.

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Lovely start to day, but Pa unfit to attend hospital appointment. Cancelled the transport ambulance in minutes. Now 90 minutes on hold (from 9am opening time) attempting to cancel and rearrange the appointment, no website alternative within 48 hours of appointment time. And 'ping' he should be on front of the consultant NOW!


All the best to others with their health needs...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


We too had some overnight rain - plus some git's car alarm going off at 05,00 and them taking an age to react and get it turned off; with any luck the battery might have been drained sufficiently to avoid further inconvenience (no, there are no nearby Beemers in case anybody asks).  Currently we have passing sunshine/clouds and the temperature is definitely lower than it was at the weekend, fortunately as far as I'm concerned).  The garden bin was emptied at c.07.40 :O , the food bin has just been done, and the recycling bin still awaits attention but at least they seem to have started a bit lot earlier this week - trying to make up the day they lost due to the Bank Holiday perhaps?


Later today I shall be heading northwards in order to be on time (I hope) for the start of a small? (invitation only!!) event in Sheffield tomorrow relating to shiny bits of metal laid in parallel with each other - I'm told it will be an interesting day with all sorts of exciting things and I know that one of them is the very latest incarnation of smallish pretty green thing with a tender behind which has only just arrived from the land of crockery.  There might even be the latest version of something for measuring dynamos or that sort of thing if the trade route from the land of crockery, and its UK end, is working as promised for delivery tomorrow.  I'm told there will be other things as well - hopefully including refreshments.  Mrs Stationmaster is staying at home to look after the cat not withstanding a late invite being extended to her yesterday - I think the bit about the cat is an rather transparent attempt to hide the real reason why she doesn't want to go.


So be good you lot, continue ofn teh path to recovery if you are ailing or fighting the black dog and special thoughts, as ever, for Debs.  Enjoy the rest of the day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. It was pouring down first thing this morning so its a bit cooler, the sun is now shining through the hazy cloud. No binmen until tomorrow due to the bank holiday, unless they have deployed the stealth bin wagons. I think a couple of modelling mags are out today so a trip down to Tescoes soon. Usual C & C's, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a rather sunny but nicely cool village.   Much stuff was removed from the loft yesterday. About 70% of the total and the remaining stuff is now near the ladder. Daughter was very helpful.   This morning Beth and I started sorting through the stuff.  About 50% of it is now in boxes waiting to got to the tip. More is in a pile for the charity shop and the rest is neatly boxed and in the container.   Pallet 3 is now complete and just need wrapping and strapping.    All sorts of things have appeared including valentine cards to Beth from previous boyfriends.   They must be at least 39 years old.   One large box is full of confidential waste that needs burning.  Old chequebooks, bank statements etc. I'll either have to pay ofr it to be disposed of or have an evening in the back garden feeding the firepit while consuming liquid to keep my throat wet with a few beers.   The second option sounds much better.


Must dash as the boss is now still in tidying mode.


Regards to all.



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Morning all from a continuing sunny corner of Derbyshire. The usual round of good wishes and supportive thoughts as appropriate. Good to hear that ChrisF is beginning to enjoy the vast assortment of music he is collecting. Sympathies to "beast" over the broken tooth cap, I hope the dental visit gets it sorted. I hope that your television watching will not be too difficult. I am not one for the soaps, but am aware of this particular storyline. Whilst off work, I keep hearing snippets from daytime television and every programme seems to be mentioning it. I had a friend who did the same thing a few years ago so it also brings back a few memories.


 Sad to say that the black dog has made a reappearance this morning. Today is probably my worst day for sometime. Another night of disturbed sleep - filled with various work related dreams / nightmares has not helped the energy or motivation levels this morning. The impending doctor's phone call is another worry too. I had hoped that I could pop into the church model railway group today. They were having a morning working party and I thought that would be the perfect way to take my mind off things. Unfortunately Sarah is ill, this means I have had to stay at home instead - I don't really want to go out and leave her alone whilst she sleeps. At least it should give me more time to wrestle with the business website builder.


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Premium

Don't confuse Swindon with Crewe - at Swindon they used micrometers, at Crewe the equivalent was a lump hammer.


 Nothing wrong with "rack o' th' eye" or "bob on" to measure stuff..........




Edited by newbryford
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  • RMweb Gold

 I had a friend who did the same thing a few years ago so it also brings back a few memories.



In the late 1970s I used to be play darts, I was pretty good (North West semi finalist), one of the team and I ended up going to Sheffield Uni together, he was in the next hall of residence to me. We duly arrived and the freshers week was an exciting mix of wine, women and song (boy was I ill after one particular night on free sherry - still can't touch the stuff almost 40 years later) so I didn't see him during it. Met him the first week of term - enrollment and all that jazz so running around from faculty to faculty and all seemed well. That night he jumped from the top of his hall with the inevitable conclusion. Very sad and no-one had a clue why, not even a slight inkling, there was no - known - unhappiness in his life and we could only assume that the change of home life to a university one had somehow tipped him over - but we will never know.


My mum took alcohol and tablets and  I am thankful that she didn't choose a variety of other ways out which can have devastating consequences for others. I happened to be driving passed the location when the police found her, she'd been reported by a member of the public. For those who knew the general area of where I lived at the time it was an obvious area to go with a woods and a long road with fields either side, with open access in lots of places into fields. We (the family) knew she was depressed due to a variety of different things which had taken a turn for the worst. My guilt - for many years - was not stopping her, it was just me and her in the house, my brother had his own family, but eventually I accepted that you cannot watch someone 24x7. Outwardly she seemed Ok so only close family knew that inside she wasn't, but we couldn't help her and professional help (at least in my area) in those days was as near as zero as makes no odds. Today the family would more than likely be offered (some degree of) counselling after a suicide, in those days you had to get on with it, and as a early 20s year old kid (I was really fully cooked at that stage)  who'd lost both parents within 18 months, had major - and very bitter - family rows to deal with and was suddenly responsible for a house and all it's associated costs it wasn't a very good time - but we get through it.

Marks and Spencer - where my mum worked - were fantastic, they invited me to the shop where she worked (she was the staff canteen assistant cook) and they told me how much they valued her, how much the staff liked her etc. they gave me a cheque "because there are bills to pay and you shouldn't be worrying about money now" (this was in addition to the salary etc.) - a fantastic company and the local manager was a credit to them.

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  • RMweb Premium

 Nothing wrong with "rack o' th' eye" or "bob on" to measure stuff..........





Let alone one that involves follicles on the nether regions of a gnat.



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  • RMweb Gold

Bargain Hunt on BBC1 - which I've just caught as I turned the TV on for a news update - has a K's LNWR Coal tank as one of the items to be sold if anyone is interested.

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greetings all from lbg where the blue sky is breaking through the clouds.


I noticed a couple of swifts flying around yesterday evening on my way home from work; I missed them when sitting out in the early evening at the weekend - it didn't seem like summer.


I am watching with interest the efforts of SGN to remove water from the gas pipes in Sidcup. Over 3000 homes affected since Sunday, about 10% have their gas back although more and more houses where the water has gone beyond the meter and into the gas appliances are being discovered, and well over 200,000 litres of water pumped out. Fortunately we have not been affected directly though they were going to replace the gas pipes in our road beginning this week and I assume that this has been postponed.


I have had a succession of BMWs but I always get the SE model, which means the indicators work.....


we had a strop from Elder Lurker yesterday; he feels he should be on study leave but we keep sending him to school where a full timetable is being run. The school haven't formally granted study leave although it is due to begin at "some stage during this week". I'd be more inclined to listen to his claims that he would do more work at home if it were not for the fact that he was pausing FIFA to tell me all this! He's done a French oral test but the rest of the GCSEs start next Tuesday. Where did those years go.....?


Best wishes to those who are ill and/or suffering with the black dog or who are going through chemo at the moment

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  • RMweb Premium

Bargain Hunt on BBC1 - which I've just caught as I turned the TV on for a news update - has a K's LNWR Coal tank as one of the items to be sold if anyone is interested.


Where's Gosturde when you need him?




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  • RMweb Premium



I have had a succession of BMWs but I always get the SE model, which means the indicators work.....




Have you been looking at the driving standards thread.....?

(One BMW owner has got into a strop)




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  • RMweb Gold

Don't confuse Swindon with Crewe - at Swindon they used micrometers, at Crewe the equivalent was a lump hammer.

I don't think my Dad would have approved of people using micrometers to hammer things. If I misuse any tool I still feel somewhat guilty!

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  • RMweb Gold

We have arrived back from the solicitors. Very nice solicitor. It is the same firm we used before for our previous will and house purchases but they no longer have an office in Benfleet. I suspect our solicitor today would have been a very young child at that time.


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Well that could have been worse....... last mo change of plan saw me go for a Bell lid as opposed to the Shoei I did fancy..... but it's peripheral vision is much better.....bonus as it's £250 cheaper as well.


The shop knocked £25 off of the Scala intercom and fitted both Mrs BR's and mine with all the set up.


So intercom and lid for the same as the Shoei. Job done.


This afternoon has seen me walking about the cul de sac nattering ( apparently) to myself!


Linked to sat nag and phone, I can now listen to my favourite Tirolean schlager channel whilst out...appropriate for a BMW!


I've lost about 10 work colleagues to suicide, none of us had a clue which is often the way. I always think tho that's of course there's no coming back, and if only they had said something, but as is common they only one who knew was themselves.

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BIN day.


Quick check in as I've another training session to run soon.


Uneventful yesterday.


Today POETF for me as I'm taking the day off tomorrow.

Weather pattern changed slightly here and looks like it'll be cold and rainy tomorrow putting the pump in at the cabin, expected 8 to start with 12 for a high, and rain all day :(


8 now and sunny with 17 for a high.


Carry on, I'll probably check back later to make sure everyone is behaving (not likely!!!)

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