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Oh, God; is old "Two Brains" Willetts still with us?!

I'd quite happily forgotten him.

The piece doesn't seem to question the relatively recent phenomenon of student debt (Willetts' university education will have been free), nor asking about the contribution to the housing problem of selling off social housing. Apologies for the Social Policy.


Pensioners don't pay NI on their earnings - peanuts for the treasury in most cases, but Martin Sorrell got away with a lot!



A1..pah!  Lorry Drivers..pah!  This morning the A1 had its speed regulated by two lorry drivers who slowed traffic to a standstill for no apparent reason. We moved off and they did it again about 5 miles further on....3.75hrs to a journey which should have taken 2!

Must apologise on behalf of most LGV drivers. Most will try to get by another truck as quickly as they can - course if it's the 1mph limiter difference that may take some time...



Yep, as GDB mentioned yesterday, it was all rather rubbish on Bank Holiday TV. Weather cracking, though. Bright again today but some rain at lunchtime.


Have a good evening



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Got home and was welcomed by a black brown and white, Ben the Border Collie, jumping around with joy.

He's not so happy at the moment the USAF are playing top gun above us, so he's hidding in his cage. I'm staying up a bit longer with the Eurovision on to try to hide the noise.

SWMBO should be back in an hour.


Taxing working pensioners shouldn't affect me,I have no intention of working any longer than i have to, worst case 2036 days, with any luck 1671 days.


There's a woman on Eurovision making chicken noises amongst other noises .. weird..?


It's gone quiet outside.


Good night ...

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Most will try to get by another truck as quickly as they can - course if it's the 1mph limiter difference that may take some time.

Simple solution - put it out of gear going down a hill. (Not a serious suggestion, before anyone gets upset!) However, I did a fair bit of hitching in the 1960s/70s. Twice I was in artics doing more than 70mph, and both were out of gear, going downhill.

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as the pension schemes we are in are "owed" a large part of the National Debt (yes we, the citizens do provide most of the money which is now a debt) I am not sure any further tax would be seen as a wise move.



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Simple solution - put it out of gear going down a hill. (Not a serious suggestion, before anyone gets upset!) However, I did a fair bit of hitching in the 1960s/70s. Twice I was in artics doing more than 70mph, and both were out of gear, going downhill.

perhaps we could link the lorries together and  have one engine and one driver...oh and it could run on steel rails....wonder if that would work..... :jester:



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Simple solution - put it out of gear going down a hill. (Not a serious suggestion, before anyone gets upset!) However, I did a fair bit of hitching in the 1960s/70s. Twice I was in artics doing more than 70mph, and both were out of gear, going downhill.

And a 44-tonne load certainly helps, even in gear...


Funny, but many Irish trucks hurtling up the M6 for Stranraer appeared to have their limiters set to 70mph (112kph) rather than 56mph (90kph).


Only miss it on a beautiful sunny day with a clear road.



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After a weekend of on time trains, this morning our Great White Worm (Thameslink Unit) was delayed then cancelled at Gatwick due to a fault.


So had to board the next service to East Croydon then join a short formation service already wedged and late to London Bridge. People banging on the window telling us to move down but to where I dont know. it departed leaving people behind and at arrival at London Bridge some one had fainted and ambulance called. Oh how wonderful commuting by train has become.


Luckily we got home in time before congestion started causing problems on our route plus a broken down train on the Tonbridge  - Redhill line adding to that.


Fingers crossed that tomorrow is better.

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...I can’t recall to have ever witnessed a t-storm near the Alps, so I wonder if they’re any different here.




Sending best wishes to everyone... :bye:


Liking the photos, Dom.

Hoping to be able to take trip in that direction in 2019. Austria, perhaps. 


As for thunderstorms in the Alps, I once had the pleasure of staying at a nice hotel at Thonon les Bains, overlooking Lac Leman.

On arrival a storm was making it's way down the lake and, with our panoramic view, we were able to see the whole extent of the storm. 

I say "our panoramic view". When a colleague and I checked in I got offered a room facing a close-by wooded hillside and he got the lake view.

5 minutes later he phones my room....

"Hey, Andy, come and see  this amazing view I've got."  :yahoo:

"I'm pleased for you...."  :no:

Come to think of it, I don't know if au bord de lac Leman counts as "the Alps".  :scratchhead:

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A couple of nice photos on Dave F's page tonight. 

One for NHN of his favourite bridge (J6784), if I'm not mistaken.


The other (C1656) appears quite an ordinary shot of Chelmsford station, but has personal significance for me. 

10 years before the shot was taken a 35-year old chap, on his way to work, phoned the local hospital from the station. 

"You've got a son" was the news he received.

And with that news he hopped onto the next train and went to work.

God bless you dad.  :angel:  

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Good evening everyone


The day started out warm and sunny without a cloud in the sky. My first task of the morning was the fodder run, but before I completed the Sainsbury’s Grand Prix, I went and topped up my beer supply by calling at our local discount store, then it was on to Sainsbury’s. Once home I stored all the shopping and made myself a muggertea. It was whilst drink my tea that I decided to go to the workshop and do a bit of wood cutting before the forecasted rain started. So out came my workmate and the wood was cut for a pair of folding extension boards for my painting table. Once cut I then sanded them so that they are ready for fitting. This was all done for dinner and shortly after dinner the forecasted rain turned up, so I was glad I altered my plans.


Ian was once again in hospital overnight for his asthma check up, so I’ve volunteered for tonight’s school run. Vickie walked down to ours mid afternoon and not long after she’d sat down, Charlie turned up too. We don’t see much of him so it was a nice surprise. On my way back from school I dropped Vickie off at the doctors. Tomorrow morning I’m also doing the school run, on my way back I’m dropping Vickie off at the hospital for blood tests and X-rays. She has some sort of swelling on both her knees and wrists.


This evening I made a dozen red velvet cakes which have actually turned out red, previously theyve been anything from dark red to almost black, I’ll ice them all tomorrow after dinner.


Goodnight all.

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I like to con people by serving them Bud in a glass.


"Oooh, this is rather nice. What did you say it was again?"


The other one is tell them I have some special imported beer to try.


It's Kokanee and it is imported. All the way from Creston in Canada - about 200 miles from here :)


(Other members of this forum will be quite familiar with the stuff.)

Edited by AndyID
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It's Kokanee and it is imported. All the way from Creston in Canada - about 200 miles from here :)


(Other members of this forum will be quite familiar with the stuff.)


Sure am! My standard beer when all I want is quick thirst-quencher. (And I have been gently mocked by another member of this forum for saying so before.)

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Good morning one and all


It's not very good when you start the day weary.  Being on my feet for most of yesterday has not helped and neither did a spot of acid reflux just after midnight.  It is difficult to believe that the latter was caused by Horlicks.  Once I am done on RMweb it will be more than time for a long hot wallow.  After 9.30 I will do the fodder run on the bus and then carry on with other tasks.  Given the state of my hand towel they should include laundry. 


Thanks again for all the kind thoughts.  Mike Stationmaster, you have certainly given me something to live up to.  The picture that I was trying to caption when I gave up on it just did not make sense and therefore neither did the words.  Without giving too much away, I find it difficult to believe that one of those useless Cravens dmus with the huge combined destination and headcode box would be passing a milk depot near Ipswich, since Suffolk was noted neither for said dmus nor milk depots.  The likely outcome is that I shall write about something else.


On the subject of keeping the black dog in the kennel, there are one or two topics on which least said is soonest mended but it's not that easy.  When someone claims to be eager to meet again after eight years, only to abruptly rule out the idea for the foreseeable future less than a fortnight later, it can be unsettling to say the least.  What I want to do is to explain to the person concerned the damage he has caused and then draw a line under it but that is fraught with difficulty and risks wrecking the friendship.  No doubt I will think of something.


Warm thoughts to Debs, Robert and his dad, Tony and Aditi, Andyram, Simon, Mal and all others in distress.  What it is to be in good company



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Morning from the sunny North West Leeds Highlands.


My match today starts at 11am so I need to be at the ground at 9:45ish.


Later I have a meeting to attend. Could be the last one for me as I am going to suggest some major changes to the way things are done.


Have as good a day as you can with especial thoughts to Roberts Dad, Mal,Simon, Tony and Aditi, Andyram and of course to Debs.


Chrisf, kick that black dog in the nether regions if you can...



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Morning All,


It is another nice bright morning in this part of the world, but the traffic is horrendous at the moment!  I guess everyone must be going to work before the bank holiday tomorrow.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning from an on time great white worm.

However the pis has just announced that Merstham station has a short platform. Must have had part of it removed overnight!!

It’s baby day so we move further up the train. However today they have moved up aswell and sitting right in front of us. Oh well a noisy Journey to work now. The mother does her best to control him but the little kid is very active to say the least.

At least it’s hump day today and I have a few meetings out of the office to break up the day.

Edited by roundhouse
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